23 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Effects of Emerging Grazing Policies on Land Degradation in Nigeria

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    This study examines the effects of the emerging grazing policies on land degradation in Nigeria using soil, vegetation and sustainability as variables for the assessment. Data was acquired and analyzed and the results show that conflicts between farmers and herders occur all over Nigeria. The consequences of these affect lives, properties and the environment. The country now has approximately 210 persons and 180 grazing animals per kilometer square of land and 15,000 persons and 12,500 grazing animals per kilometer square of water. With the population of both man and grazing animals increasing at very high rates, the need for both food and fodder is becoming more desperate. This impact negatively on the soil, vegetation and water when there is intensive grazing without proper conservation plans in place. This study therefore, suggests the adoption of the emerging grazing policies, but with the modification that will build in agroforestry system of agriculture to suit each ecological zone. This is with a view to solving socio-economic problems of farmers and herders, and also to protect the environment from degradation. Key words: Grazing reserve, Land degradation, Livestock production, Ranching, Sustainability

    Awareness of occupational hazards and use of safety measures amongst welders in northern Nigeria.

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    Background: Welders are exposed to a variety of occupational hazards with untoward health effects. However, little is known of welders’ awareness of health hazards and their adherence to safety precautions in developing countries. This study assessed the awareness of occupational hazards andadherence to safety measures among welders in Kaduna metropolis in northern Nigeria. Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered on a cross-section of 330 welders in Kaduna metropolis in northern Nigeria. Information was sought on their socio-demographic characteristics,their awareness of occupational hazards and adherence to safety measures. Results: All welders were males with a mean age of 35.7 ± 8.4 years. The illiteracy rate was 7.6%. Overall, 257 (77.9%) of the welders were aware of one or more workplace hazards. This was positivelyinfluenced by educational attainment, age, nature of training and work experience. Of the 330 respondents, 282 (85.3%) had experienced one or more work-related accidents in the preceding year. The most common injuries sustained were cut/injuries to the hands and fingers (38.0%), back/waist pain (19%), arc eye injuries/foreign bodies (17.0%), burns (14.0%), hearing impairment (7.0%), fractures (4.0%) and amputation (1.0%). Only 113 (34.2%) welders used one or more types of protective device with eye goggles (60.9%), hand gloves (50.3%) and boots (34.5%) being more frequently used. Regular use of safety device, shorter working hours and increasing experience were protective of occupational accidents.Conclusions: The level of awareness of occupational hazards was high with sub optimal utilization of protective measures against the hazards. There is therefore need for health and safety education of these workers for health and increased productivity

    Sustainable conversion of agro-wastes into useful adsorbents

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    Preparation and characterization of raw andactivated carbon derived from three different selectedagricultural wastes: kola nut pod raw and activated (KNPRand KNPA), bean husk raw and activated (BHR and BHA)and coconut husk raw and activated (CHR and CHA) wereinvestigated, respectively. Influences of carbonization andacid activation on the activated carbon were investigatedusing SEM, FTIR, EDX, pHpzcand Boehm titration tech-niques, respectively. Carbonization was done at 350°C for2 h followed by activation with 0.3 M H3PO4(ortho-phosphoric acid). Results obtained from SEM, FTIR, andEDX revealed that, carbonization followed by acid acti-vation had a significant influence on morphology and ele-mental composition of the samples. SEM showed well-developed pores on the surface of the precursors after acidtreatment, FTIR spectra revealed reduction, broadening,disappearance or appearance of new peaks after acid acti-vation. EDX results showed highest percentage of carbonby atom respectively in the order BHA[KNPA[CHArespectively. The pHpzcwas found to be 5.32, 4.57 and 3.69for KNPA, BHA and CHA, respectively. Boehm titrationresult compliments that of pHpzc, indicating that the sur-faces of the prepared adsorbents are predominantly acidic.This study promotes a sustainable innovative use of agro-wastes in the production of cheap and readily availableactivated carbons, thereby ensuring more affordable waterand effluent treatment adsorbents

    Images in clinical Practice: Giant femoral hernia in a male

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    No Abstract Available Annals of African Medicine Vol.3(4) 2004: 197-19

    Assessment of the Effects of Emerging Grazing Policies on Land Degradation in Nigeria

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    This study examines the effects of the emerging grazing policies on land degradation in Nigeria using soil, vegetation and sustainability as variables for the assessment. Data was acquired and analyzed and the results show that conflicts between farmers and herders occur all over Nigeria. The consequences of these affect lives, properties and the environment. The country now has approximately 210 persons and 180 grazing animals per kilometer square of land and 15,000 persons and 12,500 grazing animals per kilometer square of water. With the population of both man and grazing animals increasing at very high rates, the need for both food and fodder is becoming more desperate. This impact negatively on the soil, vegetation and water when there is intensive grazing without proper conservation plans in place. This study therefore, suggests the adoption of the emerging grazing policies, but with the modification that will build in agroforestry system of agriculture to suit each ecological zone. This is with a view to solving socio-economic problems of farmers and herders, and also to protect the environment from degradation. Key words: Grazing reserve, Land degradation, Livestock production, Ranching, Sustainability

    Paediatric surgical research and publications in a developing countyr setting

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    Tracheostomy – an update on management

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    In recent years, the indications for emergency tracheostomy are declining, however, elective tracheotomies are still performed in certain clinical conditions especially those requiring long term – assisted ventilation. This life saving procedure is now rarely performed. So many young residents find it a serious challenge when first confronted with the necessity to perform one, especially under emergency situations. This article aims at elucidating practical and clinical aspects of management of patients with tracheostomy. Keywords: tracheostomy, complications, management Annals of Nigerian Medicine Vol. 1(2) 2005: 6-

    Parasitic Contamination of Fruits and Vegetables Sold at Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria

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    The safety of fruits and vegetables sold in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria for consumption was assessed with respect to their contamination by Ova and Cysts of parasites. Out of 320 samples of seven (7) varieties of vegetables and fruits examined from three different markets in Kaduna metropolis, 45 (14.00%) were positive and their percentage of occurrence were: Hookworm (32.00%), Ascaris lumbricoides (24.00%), Entamoeba coli (18.00%) E. histolytica, (10.00%), Balantidium coli (6.00%), Strongyloides stercoralis (4.00%), Giardia lamblia (4.00%), and Trichuris (2.00%). The most infected vegetable was Lactuca sativa (lettuce) (30.00%), while Solanum melongena (Garden egg) had the least percentage contamination (4.00%). The public health importance of these findings and the need to promote health education on sanitation and eating habits were discussed as part of measures to control the increasing outbreak of gastro enteritis in Nigeria, through washing of all vegetables prior to consumption.Keywords: Cyst, Fruits, Ova, Parasitic Contamination; VegetablesNigerian Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 32 [2] September 2011, pp. 309-31