13 research outputs found

    Mekanisme Proses Alignment Poros Mesin Rotasi Berbantuan Perangkat Lunak

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    The expected lifespan of the machine is very reliable and can be operated in order as long as possible without damage. Even systems "Maintenance Management" sophisticated yet become meaningless if the machines are not done properly alignment process. Approximately 70% of the causes of damage to machinery rotation due to misalignment. Based on these conditions, the need for a method that is reliable and quick to make the process of alignment so that the production process does not experience the delay or shutdown process. In order to do that then one way that can be done is by measuring alignment aided by using software. Alignment Quest is a mechanical device used to help straighten out the connection between one machine to another. Misalignment unnecessary, since misalignment is a major cause engine damage. By using the software can save money if the machines do not happen misalignment. Preventive maintenance of the machine will make the life of the engine becomes long. Results of this study, the conclusion that the use of the software is technically Alignment Quest accelerate work in the process of rotation of the machine shaft alignment, the software will give you the results carefully if all measurement results dail indicator has high accuracy and the adjustment shim to add to the position of the machine directly viewable from the train folder

    Optimasi Parameter Pemotongan Mesin Bubut Cnc Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Dengan Response Surface Methodology (Rsm) Pada Material Al-6061

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    Research lathe machining process, carried out on workpiece material T-6061 aluminum and the HSS. The problem is that a large beaker radiuschip, spindle rotation and eat optimum motion to produce lathe Al-6061 with a surface that is smooth, safe and capable of producing a high production capacity with a cutting depth (depth of cut) is constant.Optimized cutting parameters selection is very important to control the quality of the product surface cylindrical form of Al-6061 is to optimize for spindle rotation, movements meal and corner radius (Chip) furious breaker using two measures of performance, metal removal rate and the surface roughness.Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Alleged best regression model to speed snarled income (MRR) at a rate of 95% at n = 900 rpm, f = 115 mm / put and RCB = 1.25 mm is = . While allegations of the best regression model for surface roughness (SR) at a rate of 95% at n = 900 rpm, f = 115 mm / put and RCB = 1.25 mm adalah: +0,14x2x3. A regression model be able to describe the relationship between the combination of cutting parameters and radius chip breaker produced maximum metal removal rate and minimum surface roughness. Spindle rotation is the dominant influence on the surface roughness, whereas eating motion and spindle rotation is very influential on the metal removal rate, followed by radius chip breaker. Results obtained by iterative optimization using Response Optimizer for surface roughness (SR) at n = 950 rpm, f = 90 mm / put and RCB = 1.44 mm resulted SR 0.360 μm, while the Response Optimizer on MRR at n = 950 rpm, f = 90 mm / put and RCB generate MRR = 1.44 mm 39.55 mm 3 / sec

    Pengaruh Radius Pojok Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Pada Produksi Silinderis Aa-6061 Menggunakan Proses Bubut

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    Research machining with turning process, carried out in 6061 AA- workpiece material, using the HSS has a standard geometry. The problem is the corner radius (RCB), spindle rotation (n), the motion eat (f) and the cutting depth (a) constant to produce lathe AA-6061 with the desired surface and is capable of producing a high production capacity. The regression model can describe the relationship between the combination of cutting parameters and corner radius produces minimum surface roughness. Round spindle is a dominant effect on the surface roughness, followed by motion meal, corner radius (RCB). By using Response Surface Methodology (RSM), the alleged best regression model for surface roughness (SR) at 95% confidence level at 900 rpm spindle rotation, motion eat 115 mm / put and corner radius 1.25 mm is : 0,14x2x3. Results obtained by iterating the main influence on the conditions of rotation of 950 rpm, 90 mm motion eat / put and corner radius 1.50 mm produces the value of surface roughness( SR) 0,360 µm

    Faktor Risiko Kejang Demam Berulang pada Anak

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    Risk factors of recurrent febrile seizures in childrenBackground: Febrile seizures (FS) are the most common seizure disorder in childhood. Recurrent febrile seizures (RFS) occur in one third of children who experience a first FS. About nine percent had three or more recurrence. Little is known about predictors of recurrence. The aim of this study is to determine the incidence and the risk factors of RFS in children with FS at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya.Method: This is a cohort prospective study. Data was taken from all children with first FS aged 6 month-old to 5 year-old who were admitted at pediatric ward Dr. Soetomo Hospital from August 2009 to November 2010. They were observed for one year period to ascertain wether FS recurred. Logistic regression statistic was used to analyze those variables including sex, age, body temperature during the fever episode, family history of seizures, diagnosis at the first onset, maternal illness, abnormal delivery and recurrence ofFS.Results: Recurrent FS occured in 65% of the 100 children at one year observation, and 26% of them had further attack. Male to female ratio was 2:1. Thirty-one (77.5%) of subjects were less than 12 months-old. Body temperature ≤38.5OC (OR=5.50, 95%CI, p=0.019) and complex FS (OR 5.03, 95%CI, p=0.025) were related to increase risk of reccurence.Conclusions: The risk of RFS increased with body temperature ≤38.5OC and diagnosed as complex FS at the first FS

    Perhitungan Penurunan Umur Transformator Akibat Pengaruh Suhu Lingkungan

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    The normal transformer lifespan can not be ascertained due to various causes, among others, the operating / different loading and ambient temperature factors. The life expectation of transformer will be achieved if distribution transformer is operated with continuously loaded at room temperature 20 °C and winding temperature 98 °C. The transformer which is operated in Indonesia with 30 °C room temperature will decrease thecapacity of the normal lifespan to 91%. From the calculation of loading, in accordance with the characteristics of thermal obtained from the transformer type test, although the transformer is designed to operate at an ambient temperature of 20 °C but operated at a temperature of about 30 °C, it turns out there are several types of transformers that do not decrease the capacity of the lifetime. Transformer number 2, 3, 4, and 5 despite decrease the capacity can still be operated above 91%. So in order to obtain optimal loading, we must know the thermal characteristics of each transformer that is obtained from the results of thetype test.Umur normal transformator tidak dapat dipastikan karena bemacam-macam penyebab antara lain pada faktor operasi/pembebanan yang berbeda dan kondisi suhu sekitar. Umur harap transformator akan tercapai bila transformator distribusi dioperasikan dengan pembebanan yang kontinu pada suhu ruang 20 °C dan kenaikan suhu belitan 98 °C, tetapitransformator yang dioperasikan di Indonesia yang mempunyai suhu ruang sekitar 30 °C akan mengalami penurunan kapasitas menjadi 91% dari umur normalnya. Dari hasil perhitungan pembebanan, sesuai dengan karakteristik termal yang didapat dari hasil uji jenis transformator, walaupun transformator tersebut dirancang untuk beroperasi pada suhu sekitar 20 °C tetapi dioperasikan pada suhu sekitar 30 °C, ternyata ada beberapa jenis transformator yang tidak mengalami penurunan kapasitas umur. Transformator nomor 2, 3, 4 dan 5 walaupun mengalami penurunan kapasitas masih dapat dioperasikan di atas 91%.Jadi untuk mendapatkan pembebanan yang optimal, harus mengetahui karakteristik termal masing–masing transformator yang didapat dari hasil uji jenis

    Penerapan Model Deep Dialogue/Critical Thinking (Dd/Ct) dalam Pembelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika pada Materi Rangkaian Listrik Arus Searah di Kelas X Toi 1 Smk Negeri 1 Jamblang

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    Masalah yang dihadapi guru adalah masih kurangnya kemampuan siswa dalam memahami materi pembelajaran yang disampaikan oleh guru. Permasalahan tersebut mencakup kemampuan siswa dalam menjelaskan Rangkaian Listrik Arus Searah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa kelas X TOI 1 SMK  Negeri 1 Jamblang Kabupaten Cirebon dalam memahami Penjelasan Narasumber pada mata pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika tentang “Rangkaian Listrik Arus Searah” dengan penerapan Model Pembelajaran Deep Dialogue/Critical Thinking (DD/CT), sehingga pembelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan menimbulkan kreatifitas. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini dilaksanakan di Kelas X TOI 1 SMK Negeri 1 Jamblang . Kegiatan dilakukan sebanyak dua siklus tindakan. Secara umum prosedur dalam setiap tindakan adalah: (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan, (3) observasi, (4) refleksi hasil penelitian tindakan dan hasilnya menunjukkan: berdasarkan analisis data selama siklus I dan siklus II dapat disimpulkan terjadi Perubahan kemampuan siswa yang meningkat baik secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Kinerja siswa dan belajar secara aktif menunjukkan peningkatan. Pada siklus I mencapai rata-rata  2,6 (cukup). Pada skilus II mencapai rata-rata  3,8 (baik). Kinerja guru dalam kegiatan pembelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika pada materi “ Rangkaian Listrik Arus Searah ” ,  menunjukkan peningkatan. Pada siklus I menunjukkan rata-rata 3 , berarti:  cukup. Pada siklus II naik, dan menunjukkan rata –rata 4 berarti baik. Hasil belajar pembelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika siswa pada setiap siklusnya mengalami peningkatan. Hasil awal (Pra test) menunjukkan skor rata-rata 56,57. Hasil pada siklus I naik menjadi skor rata-rata: 72,57. Hasil pada siklus II naik menjadi skor rata-rata: 84,14. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan adanya keberhasilan dalam penelitian tindakan kelas

    The Effect of Liquidity, Profitability and Size Ratios on Capital Structure and Implications for the Value of Manufacturing Industry Companies Listed on the IDX

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the company's Liquidity, Profitability, Size Ratio on Capital Structure and its implications on the value of the company in Manufacturing companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The study population was 8 manufacturing companies in LQ45 registered in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). Determination of the sample using nonprobability sampling technique that is purposive sampling obtained as many as 5 companies registered in the period 2012-2016. The analytical method used is path analysis with the trimming model. The results showed that current ratio (CR) has a direct effect on debt to equaty ratio (DER), return on asset (ROA) has a direct effect on debt to equaty ratio (DER), Size does not affect debt to equaty ratio (DER), current ratio (CR) does not directly affect earning per share, return on asset (ROA) directly affects earning per share (EPS), debt to equaty ratio (DER) direct effect on earning per share (EPS), current ratio (CR) indirect effect on earning per share (EPS) through debt to equaty ratio (DER) and return on asset(ROA)in direct effect on earning per share(EPS)through debt to equity ratio(DER)

    Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat BLSM) di Karangpawitan Garut

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    Program BLSM merupakan langkah penanggulangan kekurangan daya beli masyarakat miskin ketika menghadapi kenaikan BBM bersubsidi, Namun demikian, pelaksanaan di lapangan tidaklah mudah seperti diteorikan. Di Karangpawitan, sejumlah orang miskin justru tidak menerimanya sehingga aparat desa, RT dan RW mengantisipasinya dengan menarik bantuan oleh aparat untuk didistribusikan kepada penerima yang terdafatr sebagian, sebagianlagi diberikan kepada orang miskin yang tidak menerima. Dengan demikian, efektivitas BLSM tidak dapat dicapainya