83 research outputs found
Inherited glomerulopathies of children: a Croatian experience
Bolesti iz spektra Alportovog sindroma (AS-a) nastaju kao posljedica mutacija gena za kolagen tip IV (COL43, COL4A4 i COL4A5). Spektar bolesti obuhvaÄa sve od tzv. benigne obiteljske hematurije na jednom kraju do klasiÄnog AS-a s ranom progresijom bolesti i izvanbubrežnim manifestacijama na drugom kraju spektra. IstraživaÄko iskustvo naÅ”e skupine poÄelo je 2003. godine, kada se prof. dr. sc. Danica GaleÅ”iÄ LjubanoviÄ vratila s edukacije iz nefropatologije od 18 mjeseci u Denveru, SAD i otvorila nefropatoloÅ”ki laboratorij u KB Dubrava. DugogodiÅ”nji rad rezultirao je projektom Hrvatske zaklade za znanost āāGenotip-fenotip korelacija u AS-u i nefropatiji tankih glomerularnih bazalnih membrana (TBMN)āā provedenom u periodu od 2015. do 2019. godine kojeg je profesorica bila voditelj. Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi prevalenciju AS-a i TBMN-a u Hrvatskoj i razjasniti AS i TBMN histoloÅ”ki, genetski i kliniÄki s krajnjim ciljem stvaranja registra pacijenta s ovim bolestima. DijagnostiÄki proces poremeÄaja iz spektra AS-a je Äesto zahtijevan. Postoji velika varijabilnost u kliniÄkoj prezentaciji bolesti, ali i u histoloÅ”koj slici. NajtoÄniji test za otkrivanje uzroÄnih patogenih varijanti u genima kolagena tipa IV je opsežno paralelno genetsko testiranje Äitavih kodirajuÄih sekvenci sva tri gena COL4A5, COL4A3 i COL4A4. Biopsija
bubrega je od posebne koristi ako su kliniÄki i podaci o Älanovima obitelji negativni i ne postoji moguÄnost genetskog testiranja. Biopsija daje uvid u stupanj oÅ”teÄenja parenhima bubrega te je u nekim sluÄajevima neizbježna dijagnostiÄka metoda, osobito u pacijenata s neobiÄnim kliniÄkim tijekom bolesti (npr. neoÄekivano poveÄanje proteinurije). Tanke glomerularne bazalne membrane (GBM) su morfoloÅ”ki entitet utvrÄen mjerenjem na elektronskoj mikroskopiji (EM) te su za razumijevanje njihovog znaÄaja neophodni kliniÄki i genetski podaci.Alport spectrum disorders are result of mutations in the type IV collagen genes (COL43, COL4A4 and COL4A5). The spectrum of diseases includes the so-called benign familial hematuria at one end to classic Alport syndrome (AS) with early progression and extrarenal manifestations at the other end of the spectrum. The research experience of our group started in 2003 when professor Danica GaleÅ”iÄ LjubanoviÄ returned to Zagreb after 18 months education in renal pathology (Denver, USA) and started a renal pathology laboratory at Dubrava University Hospital. This long-term work resulted in a project of the Croatian Science Foundation āGenotypephenotype correlations in Alportās syndrome and thin glomerular basement membrane nephropathyā conducted in the period from 2015 to 2019 under the leadership of professor GaleÅ”iÄ LjubanoviÄ. The main goal of the study was to determine the prevalence of AS and thin glomerular basement membrane nephropathy (TBMN) in Croatia and to clarify AS and TBMN histologically, genetically and clinically with the ultimate goal of creating a registry of patients with AS and TBMN. The diagnostic process of AS spectrum disorders is often challenging. There is great variability in the clinical presentation of the disease, but also in the histological findings. The most accurate test for
detecting causative pathogenic variants in type IV collagen genes is extensive parallel genetic testing of the entire coding sequences of all three COL4A5, COL4A3, and COL4A4 genes. A kidney biopsy is especially helpful if there are negative clinical and pedigree data and there is no possibility of genetic testing. The biopsy provides insight into the degree of kidney parenchymal injury and is in some cases an unavoidable diagnostic method, especially in patients with type IV collagen mutations with an unusual clinical course of the disease (such as an unexpected increase in proteinuria). Thin glomerular basement membranes are a morphological entity determined by measurement on electron microscopy, and clinical and genetic data are necessary to understand their significance
Tiopronin i/ili NSAR? Nefrotski sindrom i akutni intersticijski nefritis u mlade žene s cistinurijom - prikaz sluÄaja
Cystinuria is an autosomal recessive disease that leads to recurrent stone formation.
Tiopronin, a glycine derivative with a free thiol similar to penicillamine, prevents stone formation
and facilitates their dissolution. Nephrotic-range proteinuria is a serious and relatively uncommon
adverse effect, reported in 6-10% of patients, most frequently during the first year of tiopronin use.
Various patterns of morphologic kidney injury have been associated with tiopronin use, including
MCD, MN, and MPGN. Acute interstitial nephritis can be caused virtually by any drug. Non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID s) may cause AIN , with or without nephrotic syndrome due to
minimal change disease or membranous nephropathy.Cistinurija je autosomno recesivna bolest koja dovodi do recidivirajuÄeg stvaranja kamenaca. Tiopronin, derivat glicina sa
slobodnim tiolom, sliÄan penicilaminu, sprjeÄava stvaranje kamenaca i Äini ih topljivima. Proteinurija nefrotskog raspona
ozbiljan je i relativno rijedak neželjeni uÄinak, zabilježen u 6-10% bolesnika, najÄeÅ”Äe tijekom prve godine upotrebe tiopronina.
Razni obrasci morfoloÅ”ke ozljede bubrega povezani su s upotrebom tiopronina, ukljuÄujuÄi MCD, MN i MPGN.
Akutni intersticijski nefritis može biti uzrokovan gotovo bilo kojim lijekom. Nesteroidni protuupalni lijekovi (NSAR) mogu
uzrokovati AIN , s nefrotskim sindormom ili bez njega uzrokovanog boleÅ”Äu minimalnih promjena ili membranskom nefropatijom
Marcel Kornfeld ā Forgotten Pathologist and Respected Teacher
Autori su u radu prikazali život i rad Marcela Kornfelda (1886. ā 1937.), patologa i sveuÄiliÅ”nog nastavnika. U radu je kronoloÅ”ki prikazan Kornfeldov život, od njegovih poÄetaka u Donjoj Tuzli do njegove smrti u Zagrebu. Istaknuti su najvažniji detalji iz njegova života i bogate karijere koju je prekinula smrt u 51. godini života. Uz literaturu, pri nastanku rada veliku važnost su imali arhivski izvori pohranjeni na Medicinskom fakultetu SveuÄiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu i u Državnom arhivu u Zagrebu.The authors present the life and work of Marcel Kornfeld (1886 ā 1937), a pathologist and a university teacher. The paper chronologically describes Kornfeldās life, from his beginnings in Donja Tuzla to his death in Zagreb. The most important details from his life and rich career, which was interrupted by his death at the age of 51, are highlighted. The paper was written based on extensive literature and archival research
The Banff classification of renal allograft pathology
Do ranih 1990-ih nije postojala standardizirana meÄunarodna klasifikacija biopsija bubrežnih presadaka. To je rezultiralo znaÄajnom heterogenoÅ”Äu patohistoloÅ”kih nalaza izmeÄu razliÄitih centara. Skupina nefropatologa, nefrologa i transplantacijskih kirurga napravila je u Banffu (Alberta, Kanada) 1991. prvi klasifikacijski sustav histoloÅ”kih promjena u transplantiranom bubregu koji je pružio smjernice za patohistoloÅ”ku i kliniÄku dijagnozu te omoguÄio usporedbu izmeÄu istraživaÄkih i kliniÄkih studija za dijagnozu, lijeÄenje i ishod transplantiranih bubrega. Bio je to poÄetak danas opÄeprihvaÄene Banff klasifikacije. Navedeni eksperti nastavili su se sastajati svakih nekoliko godina te su Banff klasifikaciju prilagoÄavali i mijenjali u skladu s najnovijim spoznajama. Cilj rada je prikazati Banff klasifikaciju bubrežnih presadaka kroz njenu povijest od poÄetaka do posljednjeg izvjeÅ”taja. DijagnostiÄka procjena patologije bubrežnih presadaka uvelike je poboljÅ”ana, kvantificirana i kliniÄki dokazana, ali mnoga pitanja joÅ” treba prouÄiti. Trenutne preporuke se i dalje kliniÄki vrednuju, a izvjeÅ”taj o tome i nove teme bit Äe raspravljeni na jubilarnom sastanku o tridesetoj godiÅ”njici Banff susreta 2021. godine u gradu Banffu iz kojega je klasifikacija i potekla.Until the early 1990s, there was no standardized international classification of the renal allograft biopsies resulting in significant heterogeneity of biopsy findings between different centres. A group of nephropathologists, nephrologists and surgeons developed in Banff (Alberta, Canada) in 1991 the first classification system (the so-called Banff classification) which provided guidelines for the pathohistological and clinical diagnosis and enabled meaningful comparisons between research and clinical studies for diagnosis, treatment and outcome of the renal allograft pathology. The aim of this article is to present the Banff classification through its history from the beginnings to the recent reports. The diagnostic assessment of the kidney allograft pathology has been greatly improved, quantified, and clinically proven but many issues remain to be studied. Current recommendations are further clinically validated and the report and new topics will be discussed at the jubilee meeting in 2021 in Banff, the city from which the Banff classification originates
PluÄno krvarenje i glomerulonefritis s polumjesecima u pacijentu sa seropozitivnom antiglomerularnom bolesti bazne membrane i anti-neutrofilnim citoplazmiÄnim antitijelima
Anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) disease is an acute and
life-threatening systemic autoimmune disorder. The coexistence of circulating anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic
antibodies (ANCA) and anti-GBM disease, the so-called double-positive disease (DPD), is
exceptionally rare. We report a unique case of DPD manifesting as pulmonary-renal syndrome (PRS)
in a 46-year-old woman who first presented with clinical and radiological suspicion of pneumonia.
Chest computed tomography scan later revealed bilateral alveolar hemorrhage. Kidney biopsy showed
necrotizing crescentic (100% glomeruli) glomerulonephritis. On immunofluorescence microscopy,
glomeruli were global linear positive for IgG, confirming anti-GBM disease. Double positivity was
detected for circulating anti-myeloperoxidase ANCA (p-ANCA) and anti-GBM antibodies. Acute
renal failure evolved rapidly. Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) and hemodialysis (HD) were initiated
early in combination with intravenous pulse corticosteroid therapy followed by oral methylprednisolone
and cyclophosphamide. Pulmonary hemorrhage resolved, but renal function could not be
preserved. The patient remains HD dependent. This case report highlights that pulmonary symptomatology
may be the leading clinical presentation of PRS, with initially normal renal function at DPD
onset. Early recognition and diagnosis are therefore crucial to timely clinical intervention. The role of
prompt kidney biopsy and initiation of TPE and HD in PRS must not be underestimated.Bolest protiv glomerularne bazalne membrane (anti-GBM) je akutna i po život opasna sistemska autoimuna bolest.
Pojava cirkulirajuÄih antitijela na citoplazmu granulocita (engl. anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, ANCA) u bolesnika sa
anti-GBM glomerulonefritisom, tako zvana dvostruko pozitivna bolest (engl. double-positive disease, DPD), je vrlo rijetka.
Prikazujemo 46 godiÅ”nju bolesnicu u koje je prvo kliniÄki i radioloÅ”ki postavljena sumnja na upalu pluÄa, a koja se kasnije
manifestirala sa pulmo-renalnim sindromom (PRS) odnosno DPD. Kompjutorskom tomografijom pluÄa dokazano je alveolarno
krvarenje. Biopsijom bubrega dokazan je nekrotizirajuÄi glomerulonefritis (100 % glomerula). Imunoflorescencija je
pokazala pozitivne linearne IgG depozite, Ŕto odgovara anti-GBM glomerulonefritisu. U bolesnice su dokazana antitijela
na mijeloperoksidazu p-ANCA i antitijela na glomerularnu bazalnu membranu. LijeÄena je terapijskom izmjenom plazme
(engl. therapeutic plasma exchange, TPE), hemodijalizom te kombinacijom parenteralne pulsne terapije kortikosteroidima,
kasnije oralnom primjenom metilprednisolona i ciklofosfamida. DoÅ”lo je do regresije krvarenja u pluÄima ali se bubrežna
funkcija nije oporavila, zbog Äega smo nastavili s redovitim hemodijalizama. Ovaj prikaz bolesnice pokazuje kako u DPD,
pluÄna simptomatologija može biti vodeÄi simptom PRS sa urednom bubrežnom funkcijom u poÄetku. Rano prepoznavanja
i dijagnoza su znaÄajni za pravovremeni poÄetak lijeÄenja. Potrebno je naglasiti znaÄaj rane biopsije bubrega, ranog poÄetka
TPE te po potrebi i nadomjeŔtanje bubrežne funkcije hemodijalizom
Diabetic Nephropathy with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
Udruženost dijabetiÄne nefropatije s primarnim glomerulonefritisom rijetka je kod Å”eÄerne bolesti tip 1. Nekoliko izvjeÅ”Äa pokazuje da se primarni glomerulonefritis može razviti na osnovi dijabetiÄne nefropatije. Ovi glomerulonefritisi obuhvaÄaju idiopatski membranski glomerulonefritis, IgA glomerulonefritis, Henoch-Schƶnleinov nefritis, membranoproliferacijski glomerulonefritis, lupus nefritis, bolest minimalne promjene, postinfekcijski glomerulonefritis i brzo progredirajuÄi glomerulonefritis. Kako neke od ovih bolesti mogu promijeniti lijeÄenje i prognozu bubrežne bolesti kod dijabetiÄnih bolesnika, patoloÅ”ki nalaz u mokraÄi ili pogorÅ”anje bubrežne funkcije koji nisu u skladu s naravom dijabetiÄne nefropatije ukazuju na moguÄnost nedijabetiÄne bubrežne bolesti i zahtijevaju podrobniju procjenu. Opisuje se bolesnik sa Å”eÄernom boleÅ”Äu tip 1 kod kojega je napravljena biopsija bubrega zbog teÅ”ke proteinurije i nefrotskog sindroma. Biopsija bubrega je pokazala dijabetiÄnu nefropatiju, ali i fokalnu segmentnu glomerulosklerozu. Prema naÅ”im saznanjima, ovo je prvi objavljeni sluÄaj primarne žariÅ”ne segmentne glomeruloskleroze udružene s dijabetiÄnom nefropatijom i dijabetiÄnom retinopatijom, s izvrsnim odgovorom na terapiju.The association of diabetic nephropathy with primary glomerulonephritis in type 1 diabetes is rare. Several reports have shown that primary glomerulonephritis can be superimposed on diabetic nephropathy. These glomerulonephritides include idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis, IgA glomerulonephritis, Henoch-Schƶnlein nephritis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, minimal change disease, postinfectious glomerulonephritis and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Because some of these disorders can alter the management and prognosis of renal disease in diabetic patients, the appearance of urinary abnormalities or deterioration in renal function inconsistent with the natural history of diabetic nephropathy raises the possibility of a nondiabetic renal disease and should lead to a more detailed evaluation. We report on a patient with type 1 diabetes that underwent renal biopsy because of heavy proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome. Renal biopsy showed diabetic nephropathy coexistent with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis associated with diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy, with excellent therapeutic response
Nefrotski sindrom u starijih osoba
The incidence of certain types of glomerular diseases is different in the elderly as compared with younger patients. Many different histologic appearances can be identified; however, membranous nephropathy is the most common type. Underlying malignancy has been thought to be responsible for 5 to 10 percent of cases of membranous nephropathy in adults, with the highest risk in patients over age 60. A solid tumor such as carcinoma of the lung or colon is most frequently involved. It is presumed that tumor antigens are being deposited in the glomeruli, which is followed by antibody deposition and complement activation, leading to epithelial cell and basement membrane injury and proteinuria due to the associated increase in glomerular permeability. In the present study, 33 patients aged over 60 with nephrotic syndrome were analyzed. Fourteen (42%) patients had membranous nephropathy, three of them with underlying malignancy.Incidencija pojedinih tipova glomerulonefritisa u starijih osoba razlikuje se u usporedbi s mlaÄim bolesnicima. U starijih osoba mogu se dijagnosticirati razliÄiti oblici glomerulonefritisa, no najÄeÅ”Äa je membranska nefropatija. Ovaj oblik glomerulonefritisa je u 5% do 10% bolesnika povezan s malignim tumorom. NajÄeÅ”Äi oblici malignih tumora udruženih s membranskom nefropatijom su karcinomi pluÄa i kolona. Pretpostavlja se da se tumorski antigen odlaže u glomerulima, Å”to izaziva taloženje protutijela i aktiviranje komplementa. To pak izaziva oÅ”teÄenje epitelnih stanica i bazalne membrane glomerula te proteinuriju. U radu je analizirano 33 bolesnika s nefrotskim sindromom. Svi su bolesnici bili stariji od 60 godina. Membranska nefropatija je dijagnosticirana u 14 (42%) bolesnika, a kod troje bolesnika je ovaj oblik glomerulonefritisa bio udružen s malignom boleÅ”Äu
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