15 research outputs found

    Effect of population origin on seed germination, plant survival and fecundity at the four introduction sites in the year of planting.

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    <p>Bars represent mean values (±SE). Likelihood ratio tests were used to compare the fit of the full model including effects of plant origin and block to the reduced model with block effect only. Test deviance values are provided with the significance level. *** p < 0.001, * p < 0.05, ns not significant.</p

    The broad-sense trait heritability (<i>H</i><sup>2</sup>) and among population and between micro-habitat structuring of genetic variation (<i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub>) for 11 quantitative traits.

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    <p>Trait abbreviations: TH tiller height, DAW days to awning, DMT days to maturation, NSP number of spikelet/spike, SWT individual spikelet weight, AWL awn length, FLL flag leaf length, FLW flag leaf width, PLL penultimate leaf length, PLW penultimate leaf width.</p><p>The broad-sense trait heritability (<i>H</i><sup>2</sup>) and among population and between micro-habitat structuring of genetic variation (<i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub>) for 11 quantitative traits.</p

    A map of Israel showing isohyets of multiyear averages of annual rainfall amount (mm), distribution of <i>T</i>. <i>diccocoides</i> and the four study populations (a); and proportions of seeds of different origin four years after planting in each of the four locations in the reciprocal transplant experiment (b).

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    <p>Dots mark known populations of <i>T</i>. <i>diccocoides</i> based on data of the Institute for Cereal Improvement (Israel). Grey bars denote experimental populations that got extinct. Total number of seeds per experimental population is shown above the bar.</p

    Estimates of growth rate of experimental populations of different origin per introduction site one and four years after introduction.

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    <p>Estimates of growth rate of experimental populations of different origin per introduction site one and four years after introduction.</p

    Frequency distribution of locus/trait estimates of population differentiation in pairwise comparisons of the three populations and two habitats.

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    <p>Frequency distribution of locus/trait estimates of population differentiation in pairwise comparisons of the three populations and two habitats.</p