18 research outputs found

    Abordagem analítica e sequencial para a classificação de ortofotos para o mapeamento de mosaico de Floresta e Campo no Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão

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    Maps of the Araucaria Forest and Grassland mosaics, a typical landscape of Ombrophilous Mixed Forests in Brazilian south and southeastern regions are fundamental to understand its spatial and temporal dynamics. This work describes a reproducible analytical method for imaging processing and classification for the production of land cover map in such landscape for comparisons among different sites and dates. The work was conducted in Campos do Jordão State Park, São Paulo State, Brazil, which was created in 1941 to protect remnants of Araucaria Forest in the southeastern region of the country. The classification method comprises of nested region based classifications of orthorectified digital aerial photographs applied sequentially on band ratio and simple spectral bands. Classes that presented ambiguities in the classification of the band ratio were refined with further classifications of simple spectral band. The results showed that the methodology generated a good representation of the vegetation cover in a representative sample of the Campos do Jordão State Park landscape. The comparison of the Land Cover Map produced in this work with a previous one produced in 1975 showed consistence in the representation of landscape features that demonstrated stability in vegetation cover which emphasizes the role of this conservation unit for Araucaria Forest preservation. Evidences of forest encroachment over grassland were identified as well as forest degradation.Pages: 2905-291

    Transgressão do Código Florestal no Município de Piquete – SP

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    A Mata Atlântica possui uma taxa anual de desmatamento de 5,76, acarretando inúmeras conseqüências como prejuízos sociais e problemas ambientais. Entretanto, o país possui uma legislação específica para a proteção da cobertura vegetal, o Código Florestal Brasileiro, cujo objetivo é o de prevenir e corrigir danos causados pelo desmatamento. Esta legislação determina a preservação permanente de áreas específicas, levando em conta a participação da cobertura vegetal na proteção do solo e de recursos hídricos. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar a aplicabilidade de métodos de Sensoriamento Remoto e Geoprocessamento para detecção de transgressão do Código Florestal. Demostra-se para o município de Piquete, SP, que é possível o mapeamento de áreas de preservação permanente conforme critérios do Código Florestal e a detecção de áreas com cobertura vegetal em desacordo com a referida legislação ABSTRACT: The Atlantic Forest has an annual deforestation rate of 5.76 which leads to many environmental end social deleterious consequences. The country has a specific legislation for the protection of the vegetation cover, the Brazilian Forest Protection Act, which has the objective of control and mitigate damages caused by deforestation. The Act establishes the permanent preservation of specific areas taking into account the role of the vegetation cover in the protection of soils and water resources. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the applicability of Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing techniques for the detection of transgressions of the Forest Protection Act. It is demonstrated for the municipality of Piquete, São Paulo State, that it is possible to map the permanent protection areas as stated in the Act and to detect areas where the vegetation cover is in disagreement with the referred legislation.Pages: 611-61

    Fitossociologia e condições ambientais na Mata Atlântica: proposta de elaboração de um banco de dados geográficos

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    O entendimento de padrões de distribuição espacial das espécies é fundamental para a conservação da diversidade biológica. Técnicas de Geoprocessamento e de Sensoriamento Remoto podem ser aplicadas na busca deste entendimento pois permitem a integração e análise de dados de diversas fontes e com diversos formatos. Dados tabulares como inventários fitossociológicos podem ser integrados e analisados em conjunto com dados geográficos descritos por campos discretos ou grades em diversas resoluções espaciais. O objetivo deste trabalho é elaborar um banco de dados geográfico contendo informações florísticas publicadas em levantamento fitossociológicos realizados na Mata Atlântica e informações ambientais disponíveis como normais climáticas, mapas pedológicos e grades topográficas. O banco de dados será utilizado análises de classificação e ordenação de comunidades vegetais na Mata Atlântica, considerando o contexto espacial e ambiental da informação florística. Espera-se desta análise, a determinação de áreas de maior diversidade, áreas com falta de informação florística, bem como a análise de correlações entre a distribuição de certas espécies florestais e condicionantes ambientais. ABSTRACT: The understanding of the spatial pattern of species distribution is a basic requirement for the conservation of biological diversity. Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing techniques can be applied in the search of such understating for they allow the integration and analysis of data from different sources and presented in different formats. Tabular data such as fitossociological inventories can be integrated and analyzed together with geographical data presented as discrete fields or regular grids of different spatial resolution. The objective of this work is to construct a geographical data base with floristic information from published fitossociological inventories of the Atlantic Forest and available environmental information such as climatic and soil maps and topographic grid. The data base will be used in the classification and ordination analysis of plant communities in the Atlantic Forest, considering the spatial and environmental context of the floristic information. It is expected from this analysis the determination of high diversity sites, the determination of areas where floristic information is scarce as well as the evaluation of the correlation between the spatial distribution of certain plant species and the environmental constraints.Pages: 409-41

    Modelagem da distribuição potencial do palmiteiro (Euterpe edulis martius) a partir de variáveis topográficas

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    Este trabalho tem o objetivo de construir um modelo espacial da distribuição potencial da palmeira produtora do palmito juçara (Euterpe edulis Martius), também conhecida como palmiteiro. Duas premissas foram consideradas: (1)a distribuição da E. edulis é condicionada por um conjunto de variáveis ambientais; (2)dada como verdadeira a condição anterior, é possível estabelecer um modelo espacial preditivo dessas relações para mapear a distribuição potencial da espécie. A primeira premissa foi investigada com base em informações publicadas sobre o comportamento ecológico da espécie em relação às variáveis consideradas e levantamentos exploratórios de campo. Variáveis topográficas e a cobertura da terra foram consideradas como condicionantes da distribuição de E. edulis. Na investigação da segunda premissa foram utilizadas técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistema de Informação Geográfica na representação da paisagem e para a modelagem das variáveis topográficas em valores favorabilidade ordenados no intervalo contínuo [0,1]. Na modelagem da favorabilidade do terreno à E. edulis, foram utilizadas funções de primeiro grau, estabelecidas segundo as premissas, para o mapeamento do modelo conceitual em um modelo ordinal de favorabilidade, através do uso de Álgebra de Mapas. Para a obtenção dos pesos globais de favorabilidade de cada variável topográfica foi também utilizada a técnica de suporte à decisão AHP (Processo Analítico Hierárquico). Com esses pesos, a Álgebra de Mapas foi novamente utilizada para gerar um Gradiente de Favorabilidade Topográfica (GFT)à ocorrência do Palmiteiro, que não considera a cobertura da terra, e para produzir o Mapa de Distribuição Potencial da espécie (MDP), que é o GFT restrito às áreas florestadas. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work is to produce a potential distribution model for the palm tree Euterpe edulis Martius. Two assumptions were considered: (1)the distribution of E. edulis is conditioned by a set of environmental variables; (2)given that the previous condition is true, it is possible to establish a predictive spatial model of these relationships in order to map the potential distribution of the species. The first assumption was investigated with the use of published information on the ecological preferences of the species in relation to the variables2 under consideration and exploratory field surveys. Topgraphical variables and land cover were considered as drivers of the spatial distribution of E. edulis. In the investigation of the second hypothesis, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System techniques were applied to the representation of the landscape and to the modeling of the environmental variables into values of favorability for E. edulis ranked into the interval [0,1]. In the modeling of terrain favorability to E. edulis, first order functions were established according to the assumptions in order to map the conceptual model into an ordinal model of favorability through the use of Map Algebra. The global favorability weight for each topographic variable was attained with the use of decision support technique Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). With these weights, Map Algebra was again utilized to construct a Topographic Favorability Gradient (TFG)for the E. edulis, which does not consider the land cover, and to produce the Potential Distribution Map(PDM)which is the TFG restricted to forested areas.Pages: 459-47

    Separação espectral de alvos do dossel florestal a partir das bandas de uma câmera portátil com bandas Azul, Verde & IVP

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    This study examines the usefulness of a portable camera for monitoring the seasonal leaf phenology of a Central Amazon forest canopy as seen in oblique downward view from a tower. A Canon model SD780i was modified to provide Blue, Green and Near-Infrared bands, but the latter is centered on the red-edge of a typical green leaf spectrum (670-770 nm), not on the plateau of high NIR reflectance. Despite a less-than-ideal spectral position, the nominal NIR band contributed useful information for unambiguous separation of two classes of bare wood from three classes of live green leaves. Dead dry leaves, however, were not completely separated from live leaves, even in three-band space. The NIR band also contributed to the unambiguous separation of recently flushed new green leaves from older leaves. This is useful for detecting seasonal greening up. Spectral separation was examined in two-band scatter plots and by Linear Discriminant Analysis of all band combinations, associated with a leave-one-out jackknife validation.Pages: 3157-316

    Uso de dados da câmera HRC/CBERS-2B para estudos em áreas de exploração madeireira por corte seletivo

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    This study aims at the analysis of high resolution images to characterize the geometry and radiometric contrast of the most conspicuous feature of the logging activity which are the waiting sites. Size, form of the waiting sites, the distance among them and the radiometric contrast between the sites and the surrounding forest were characterized in order to base the development of a target detection algorithm through image processing techniques applied to medium resolution data. An exploratory analysis of high resolution HRC/CBERS-2B images was conducted to characterize radiometrically and geometrically the waiting sites and to evaluate its utility as a source of ground truth for studies related to logging monitoring. The results showed that the waiting sites have HRC brightness values 57% higher than the surrounding forest, they present in average area of 380 m 2 and are distributed at the average distance of 460 m. As such, in 20 to 30 m resolution images (400 900 m 2 ) the waiting sites are point objects which justifies the proposal of the used of vicinity context for their detection.Pages: 2700-270

    Extrapolação de elementos climáticos para regiões montanhosas tipo de trabalho

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    Este trabalho avalia o uso do modelo MTCLIM (Mountain Climate Simulator) para extrapolação de elementos climáticos em regiões montanhosas. Foram utilizados dados das PCD (Plataforma de coleta de dados) e do posto meteorológico de Taubaté/SP (altitude, 577m) para simular as temperaturas médias diárias, mínimas e máximas e a umidade relativa do ar da em Campos do Jordão/SP (altitude, 1800m), para o ano de 2001. Foram feitas comparações entre os resultados simulados e dados registrados por uma PCD localizada em Campos do Jordão por meio da análise de regressão linear. Os resultados do modelo também foram comparados com dados da PCD de Queluz/SP (altitude, 520m) e do posto meteorológico de Taubaté (altitude, 577m). Os resultados obtidos no caso da PCD de Campos do Jordão mostraram que o modelo MTCLIM superestimou os valores das temperaturas médias diárias (erros 3,7°C a 5,4°C) e mínimas (3,5°C a 5,4°C). Além disso, o modelo subestimou a temperatura máxima (2,0°C a 3,4°C). Observou-se, ainda, que a elevação e a distância influenciam a exatidão do modelo. As comparações realizadas com a PCD de Queluz e com o posto de Taubaté mostraram que o modelo MTCLIM pode ser utilizado em locais com a mesma elevação. Percebe-se, ainda, que os ciclos sazonais de temperatura e de umidade relativa do ar apresentaram comportamentos similares a variabilidade sazonal típica da região. ABSTRACT: This work evaluates the application of the model MTCLIM (Mountain Climate Simulator) in the extrapolation of climatic variables in mountains regions. Data from a DCP (Automatic Data Collection Platform) and from the weather station in Taubate/SP (altitude, 577m) were used to simulate average, minimum and maximum daily temperatures and relative air humidity in Campos do Jordao/SP (altitude, 1800m) for the year of 2001. Comparison between simulated results and data registered at a DCP placed in Campos do Jordao were conducted though linear regression analysis. Model results were also compared with data from a DCP from Queluz/SP (altitude, 520m) and from a Weather Station from Taubate/SP (altitude, 577m). The results obtained for Campos do Jordao showed that MTCLIM overestimated mean temperature (MSE = 3,7°C to 5,4°C) and daily minimum temperature (MSE = 3,5°C to 5,4°C). Besides the model underestimated daily maximum temperature (MSE = 2,0°C to 3,4°C). I was also observed that differences in elevation and distance between stations affect model accuracy. The comparisons made with DCP from Queluz wilth the Taubate station showed that the model can be applied to station at the same altitude. It is also noticed that seasonal cycles of temperature and relative air humidity present similar regimes to the regional seasonal variability

    Processamento digital de imagens de dupla-polarização ALOS/PALSAR para a detecção de áreas desmatadas na floresta Amazônica

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    This paper presents a computational framework for radar image processing based on open software for deforestation classification in Brazilian Amazonia. Using the GIS library TerraLIB, a system was developed, using C++ language, to classify radar dual polarization image. Amplitude images are speckle filtered, using either Lee or Kuan filters, and then classified based on decision rules for the spectral signatures of interested features. Apart from the number of filter iteration, the filter window size, and the interested features that have to be set by the user, the procedure is mainly automatic. As an example of application, an ALOS/PALSAR FDB image (HH/HV polarization) was used to classify deforestation. The study site referers to an area of about 14,750km2, located at the southwest part of Lábrea municipality in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. For the example of application, the classification maps generated from the proposed system showed to be compatible to PRODES deforestation mapping. The system is already working and available, however, it still demands improvements and exhaustive tests to bring forth a final version. This system can be useful to generate data for Amazonian Deforestation Program, providing deforestation maps derived from radar images, which are not as sensible to cloud cover as optical images.Pages: 7525-753

    Avaliação de dados dos Sistemas de Alerta da Amazônia: DETER e SAD

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    This paper presents an analysis comparing two deforestation monitoring system data, DETER and SAD, for the period of August 2008 to July 2009 for Amazônia Legal region. This study uses as reference clear cut deforestation data from PRODES, and forest degradation data from DEGRAD (INPE). DETER is a deforestation Alert System developed by INPE, and SAD is a non governmental Alert System developed by IMAZON. Both systems use low spatial resolution (250m) data from MODIS image, but different techniques to detect and map deforestation areas. In the period of analysis, DETER detected larger clear cut deforestation area than SAD, 2.705 km 2 against 1.510 km 2 , showing better capacity to support law-enforcement. However, the proportion of clear cut areas non-detected by these systems was high, 78% for DETER and 81% for SAD. The worse result obtained was for deforestation polygons size equal or smaller than 0,25 km 2 (25 ha), with ~4% of confirmation for both systems, despite the fact that SAD minimum mapping area is 6,25 ha and DETER minimum area is 25 ha. This result reinforce that 25 ha is the limit size area of MODIS detection capacity. The analysis of PRODES data showed a tendency of increasing the proportion of clear cut areas smaller than 25 ha, from 22% of the total area in 2002 to 60% in 2009. To improve the Alert Systems detection capacity, considering this scenario, is necessary to investigate the possibility of incorporating other sensors data with higher spatial resolution, maintaining high temporal resolution.Pages: 2934-294