397 research outputs found

    Quantifying Eulerian Eddy Leakiness in an Idealized Model

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    An idealized eddy‐resolving ocean basin, closely resembling the North Pacific Ocean, is simulated using MITgcm. We identify rotationally coherent Lagrangian vortices (RCLVs) and sea surface height (SSH) eddies based on the Lagrangian and Eulerian framework, respectively. General statistical results show that RCLVs have a much smaller coherent core than SSH eddies with the ratio of radius is about 0.5. RCLVs are often enclosed by SSH anomaly contours, but SSH eddy identification method fails to detect more than half of RCLVs. Based on their locations, two types of eddies are classified into three categories: overlapping RCLVs and SSH eddies, nonoverlapping SSH eddies, and nonoverlapping RCLVs. Using Lagrangian particles, we examine the processes of leakage and intrusion around SSH eddies. For overlapping SSH eddies, over the lifetime, the material coherent core only accounts for about 25% and about 50% of initial water leak from eddy interior. The remaining 25% of water can still remain inside the boundary, but only in the form of filaments outside the coherent core. For nonoverlapping SSH eddies, more water leakage (about 60%) occurs at a faster rate. Guided by the number and radius of SSH eddies, fixed circles and moving circles are randomly selected to diagnose the material flux around these circles. We find that the leakage and intrusion trends of moving circles are quite similar to that of nonoverlapping SSH eddies, suggesting that the material coherence properties of nonoverlapping SSH eddies are not significantly different from random pieces of ocean with the same size

    Simulating the time-variable coastal upwelling during CODE 2

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    The time-variable coastal upwelling during CODE 2 is simulated using a mixing-advection coupled model. The agreement between model results and observations is generally good. During periods of strong equatorward wind stress, shelf water is cold and weakly stratified, and a front moves offshore; during periods of wind relaxation, surface temperature rises markedly, but the subsurface front usually does not go back toward the coast. At the onset of each wind event, a quick cooling of the surface layer is first caused by wind mixing followed closely by offshore advection of upwelled cold water. Due to the combined effect of mixing and advection, convergence occurs at the shoreward side and divergence occurs at the seaward side of the front. Consequently, a double-cell circulation is formed

    Quantifying Eulerian Eddy Leakiness in an Idealized Model

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    An idealized eddy‐resolving ocean basin, closely resembling the North Pacific Ocean, is simulated using MITgcm. We identify rotationally coherent Lagrangian vortices (RCLVs) and sea surface height (SSH) eddies based on the Lagrangian and Eulerian framework, respectively. General statistical results show that RCLVs have a much smaller coherent core than SSH eddies with the ratio of radius is about 0.5. RCLVs are often enclosed by SSH anomaly contours, but SSH eddy identification method fails to detect more than half of RCLVs. Based on their locations, two types of eddies are classified into three categories: overlapping RCLVs and SSH eddies, nonoverlapping SSH eddies, and nonoverlapping RCLVs. Using Lagrangian particles, we examine the processes of leakage and intrusion around SSH eddies. For overlapping SSH eddies, over the lifetime, the material coherent core only accounts for about 25% and about 50% of initial water leak from eddy interior. The remaining 25% of water can still remain inside the boundary, but only in the form of filaments outside the coherent core. For nonoverlapping SSH eddies, more water leakage (about 60%) occurs at a faster rate. Guided by the number and radius of SSH eddies, fixed circles and moving circles are randomly selected to diagnose the material flux around these circles. We find that the leakage and intrusion trends of moving circles are quite similar to that of nonoverlapping SSH eddies, suggesting that the material coherence properties of nonoverlapping SSH eddies are not significantly different from random pieces of ocean with the same size

    The Annual Cycle of SST in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, Diagnosed in an Ocean GCM*

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    The Annual Cycle of SST in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, Diagnosed in an Ocean GCM

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    The annual onset of the east Pacific cold tongue is diagnosed in an ocean GCM simulation of the tropical Pacific. The model uses a mixed-layer scheme that explicitly simulates the processes of vertical exchange of heat and momentum with the deeper layers of the ocean; comparison with observations of temperature and currents shows that many important aspects of the model fields are realistic. As previous studies have found, the heat balance in the eastern tropical Pacific is notoriously complicated, and virtually every term in the balance plays a significant role at one time or another. However, despite many complications, the three-dimensional ocean advection terms in the cold tongue region tend to cancel each other in the annual cycle and, to first order, the variation of SST can be described as simply following the variation of net solar radiation at the sea surface (sun minus clouds). The cancellation is primarily between cooling due to equatorial upwelling and warming due to tropical instability waves, both of which are strongest in the second half of the year (when the winds are stronger). Even near the equator, where the ocean advection is relatively intense, the terms associated with cloudiness variations are among the largest contributions to the SST balance. The annual cycle of cloudiness transforms the semiannual solar cycle at the top of the atmosphere into a largely 1 cycle yr−1 variation of insolation at the sea surface. However, the annual cycle of cloudiness appears closely tied to SST in coupled feedbacks (positive for low stratus decks and negative for deep cumulus convection), so the annual cycle of SST cannot be fully diagnosed in an ocean-only modeling context as in the present study. Zonal advection was found to be a relatively small influence on annual equatorial cold tongue variations; in particular, there was little direct (oceanic) connection between the Peru coastal upwelling and equatorial annual cycles. Meridional advection driven by cross-equatorial winds has been conjectured as a key factor leading to the onset of the cold tongue. The results suggest that the SST changes due to this mechanism are modest, and if meridional advection is in fact a major influence, then it must be through interaction with another process (such as a coupled feedback with stratus cloudiness). At present, it is not possible to evaluate this feedback quantitatively

    The late summer vertical nutrient mixing in Long Island Sound

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    The occurrence of vertical nutrient mixing in central Long Island Sound was simulated for the period from July 23 to August 29, 1986 using a one-dimensional mixed-layer model based on Mellor and Yamada (1974)\u27s level 2 turbulence closure scheme. During most of the study period, the water column was stratified and the nutrient fluxes through the thermocline were driven by the combined effect of the wind and the tidal mixing. The nutrient entrainment at the bottom of the thermocline was tidally induced, while that at the top of the thermocline had a pulsating character resulting from the interaction of the wind stress and wind-generated inertial currents. Near the end of the summer, the combination of strong wind stress, surface cooling and spring tide completely broke down the stratification. The relieved upward nutrient transport was an order of magnitude larger than during the stratified period, which could result in the observed phytoplankton bloom. Model results agreed well with observations, suggesting that the mixed-layer model can be used for prediction of vertical fluxes of nutrients and other dissolved materials in Long Island Sound

    Mitigate Replication and Copying in Diffusion Models with Generalized Caption and Dual Fusion Enhancement

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    While diffusion models demonstrate a remarkable capability for generating high-quality images, their tendency to `replicate' training data raises privacy concerns. Although recent research suggests that this replication may stem from the insufficient generalization of training data captions and duplication of training images, effective mitigation strategies remain elusive. To address this gap, our paper first introduces a generality score that measures the caption generality and employ large language model (LLM) to generalize training captions. Subsequently, we leverage generalized captions and propose a novel dual fusion enhancement approach to mitigate the replication of diffusion models. Our empirical results demonstrate that our proposed methods can significantly reduce replication by 43.5% compared to the original diffusion model while maintaining the diversity and quality of generations

    The effects of thermohaline circulation on wind-driven circulation in the South China Sea

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 42 (2012): 2283–2296, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-11-0227.1.The dynamic influence of thermohaline circulation on wind-driven circulation in the South China Sea (SCS) is studied using a simple reduced gravity model, in which the upwelling driven by mixing in the abyssal ocean is treated in terms of an upward pumping distributed at the base of the upper layer. Because of the strong upwelling of deep water, the cyclonic gyre in the northern SCS is weakened, but the anticyclonic gyre in the southern SCS is intensified in summer, while cyclonic gyres in both the southern and northern SCS are weakened in winter. For all seasons, the dynamic influence of thermohaline circulation on wind-driven circulation is larger in the northern SCS than in the southern SCS. Analysis suggests that the upwelling associated with the thermohaline circulation in the deep ocean plays a crucial role in regulating the wind-driven circulation in the upper ocean.G. Wang is supported by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grants 41125019, 40725017, and 40976017).D.Chen is supported by grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology (2010DFA21012), the State Oceanic Administration (201105018), and the NSFC (91128204).2013-06-0
