3 research outputs found

    Identificación de clusters industriales en Colombia basados en la teoría de grafos

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    Este artículo presenta una nueva forma de identificar y entender los clusters industriales en la economía colombiana. El análisis se basa en una metodología propuesta recientemente por Duque y Rey (2008), en la cual se aplica la teoría de redes para simplificar los complejos vínculos comerciales entre las industrias presentes en una matriz insumo-producto. En comparación con otras técnicas existentes en la literatura, esta novedosa técnica permite no sólo clasificar cada industria en un cluster, sino también entender cómo las industrias están relacionadas dentro de su cluster. Esta metodología ofrece una aproximación conciliadora entre dos puntos de vista radicalmente diferentes con respecto a la unidad económica sobre la que deben diseñarse las estrategias para la asignación de recursos: la visión de Porter basada en el apoyo a los clusters, en contraste con la perspectiva de Hausmann, quien apoya las industrias seleccionadas estratégicamente.This paper presents a new way to identify and understand the industry clusters in the Colombian economy. The analysis relies on a recent methodology proposed by Duque and Rey (2008) where intricate input-output linkages between industries are simplified using network analysis. In addition to other techniques for cluster identification available in the literature, this novel methodology allows us not only to classify each industry in a given cluster, but also to understand how industries are related to each other within their clusters. This methodology offers a conciliatory approach to two radically different views about the economic unit from which policy makers should design their strategies for resource allocation: Porter´s cluster strategy versus Hausmann’s industrial targeting

    Identifying Industry Clusters in Colombia Based on Graph Theory

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    This paper presents a new way to identify and understand the industry clusters in the Colombianeconomy. The analysis relies on a recent methodology proposed by Duque and Rey (2008) whereintricate input-output linkages between industries are simplified using network analysis. In addition to other techniques for cluster identification available in the literature, this novel methodology allows us not only to classify each industry in a given cluster, but also to understand how industries are related to each other within their clusters. This methodology offers a conciliatory approach to two radically different views about the economic unit from which policy makers should design their strategies for resource allocation: Porter´s cluster strategyversus Hausmann´s industrial targeting.industry clusters, graph theory, inputoutput, impact analysis.

    Dextran causes aggregation of mitochondria and influences their oxidoreductase activities and light scattering

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    It has been reported that dextrans diminish the intermembrane space of mitochondria, increase the number of contact sites between the inner and the outer mitochondrial membranes, decrease the outer membrane permeability to adenosine 5(')-diphosphate, an