91 research outputs found

    Comparaison des caractéristiques nutritionnelles et rhéologiques des bouillies infantiles préparées par les techniques de germination et de fermentation

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    Le sevrage est une étape importante dans l’alimentation du nourrisson. Aussi, les techniques de germination et de fermentation ont été utilisées pour améliorer les propriétés des farines composées à base de maïs, de sorgho et de soja. Les caractéristiques physicochimiques et rhéologiques, la composition nutritionnelle et la valeur énergétique des bouillies préparées à partir de ces farines ont été déterminées. Les résultats ont révélé, respectivement pour la farine composée germée et la farine composée fermentée, une teneur en glucides de 69,20% et 67,80%, un taux de lipides de 7,5% et 4,5% et une teneur en protéines de 15,80% et 15,25%. La valeur énergétique de la farine composée germée est de 402,3 kcal/100 g de matière sèche et celle de la farine composée fermentée est de 361,39 kcal/100 g de matière sèche. La bouillie issue de la farine composée germée a une matière sèche de 30,60%, une densité énergétique de 122,4 kcal/100 g de matière sèche et une fluidité de 120 mm/30 sec. La bouillie issue de la farine composée fermentée a une matière sèche de 30,05%, une densité énergétique de 120,20 kcal/10 ml et une fluidité de 100 mm/30 sec. Ces farines composées fermentées et germées ont permis de préparer des bouillies infantiles conformes aux normes de l’OMS, pourraient contribuer à lutter contre la malnutrition infantile.Mots clés : Aliment de complément, nourrisson, malnutrition infantile, germination, fermentatio

    Between a rock and a hard place: stigma and the desire to have children among people living with HIV in northern Uganda

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    Abstract Background: HIV-related stigma, among other factors, has been shown to have an impact on the desire to have children amongpeople living with HIV (PLHIV). Our objective was to explore the experiences of HIV-related stigma among PLHIV in post-conflictnorthern Uganda, a region of high HIV prevalence, high infant and child mortality and low contraception use, and to describehow stigma affected the desires of PLHIV to have children in the future.Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 PLHIV in Gulu district, northern Uganda. The interviews,conducted in Luo, the local language, were audio recorded, transcribed and then translated into English. Thematic data analysiswas undertaken using NVivo8 and was underpinned by the ‘‘Conceptual Model of HIV/AIDS Stigma’’.Results: HIV-related stigma continues to affect the quality of life of PLHIV in Gulu district, northern Uganda, and also influencesPLHIV’s desire to have children. PLHIV in northern Uganda continue to experience stigma in various forms, including internalstigma and verbal abuse from community members. While many PLHIV desire to have children and are strongly influenced byseveral factors including societal and cultural obligations, stigma and discrimination also affect this desire. Several dimensionsof stigma, such as types of stigma (received, internal and associated stigma), stigmatizing behaviours (abusing and desertion)and agents of stigmatization (families, communities and health systems), either directly, or indirectly, enhanced or reducedPLHIV’s desire to have more children.Conclusions: The social-cultural context within which PLHIV continue to desire to have children must be better understoodby all health professionals who hope to improve the quality of PLHIV’s lives. By delineating the stigma process, the paperproposes interventions for reducing stigmatization of PLHIV in northern Uganda in order to improve the quality of life and healthoutcomes for PLHIV and their children

    Synthesis of Monochlorosilyl Derivatives of Dialkyloligothiophenes for Self-Assembling Mono layer Field-Effect Transistors

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    Unsymmetrical dimethylchlorosilyl-substituted α,α'-dialkylquater-, quinque-, and sexithiophenes were designed and successfully synthesized by a combination of Kumada and Suzuki cross-coupling reactions followed by hydrosilylation. Optimization possibilities of the hydrosilylation of low-soluble linear oligothiophenes by dimethylchlorosilane as well as the nonreactive byproducts formed are described. The molecular structures of the obtained dimethylchlorosilyl-functionalized oligothiophenes were proven by NMR and DCI MS techniques. These compounds were found to be stable and reactive enough, even in the presence of the nonreactive byproducts, to form semiconducting monolayers on dielectric hydroxylated SiO2 surfaces by self-assembly from solution. The semiconducting properties of these oligothiophene SAMs were as good as those of bulk oligothiophenes. This allowed the production of stable, even under ambient conditions, SAMFETs with a mobility of up to 0.04 cm2/(V s) and an on/off ratio up to 1 × 10^8.

    Sampling circulating tumor cells for clinical benefits: how frequent?

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    Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are cells shed from tumors or metastatic sites and are a potential biomarker for cancer diagnosis, management, and prognostication. The majority of current studies use single or infrequent CTC sampling points. This strategy assumes that changes in CTC number, as well as phenotypic and molecular characteristics, are gradual with time. In reality, little is known today about the actual kinetics of CTC dissemination and phenotypic and molecular changes in the blood of cancer patients. Herein, we show, using clinical case studies and hypothetical simulation models, how sub-optimal CTC sampling may result in misleading observations with clinical consequences, by missing out on significant CTC spikes that occur in between sampling times. Initial studies using highly frequent CTC sampling are necessary to understand the dynamics of CTC dissemination and phenotypic and molecular changes in the blood of cancer patients. Such an improved understanding will enable an optimal, study-specific sampling frequency to be assigned to individual research studies and clinical trials and better inform practical clinical decisions on cancer management strategies for patient benefits