591 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Diabetes among Adults and Risk Factors Associated With High Diabetes Prevalence in the United Arab Emirates: A Systematic Review

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    Abstract: Introduction: The widespread presence or prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 is increasing rapidly in the United Arab Emirates. An individual person with diabetes mellitus may get greater exposure for the complications in later life. It is known as the non-communicable modern epidemic which has become a global threat .The aim is to understand the high prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 and the effect of its risk factors among adults in the United Arab Emirates. Research design and methodology: We searched four electronic databases such as Medline Complete, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and suggested literature from experts also assessed. The searching keywords are prevalence, epidemiology, diabetes mellitus type 2, risk factors, modifiable risk factors, non-modifiable risk factors, population at risk, UAE, United Arab Emirates. One hundred fifty six articles found after primary search and eight articles were selected for the final review. Results: This research results revealed the prevalence varied in different parts of the UAE such as in the Northern Emirates (19.1%-25.1%), in Dubai (12.4%-14.7%) and (19.0%-19.3%) among adult residents and citizens, in Al Ain the (18.8%-40.7%) among residents. The factors such as aging >35 years among citizens and (41-60, 61 plus) among residents, obesity (BMI >30 for Arabs and Europeans and >27 for Asians), central obesity (>102 cm in men and >88 cm in women for Arabs and Europeans, > 90 cm in men and >80 cm in women for Asians), positive family history of diabetes mellitus type 2, ethnicity, suffering from dyslipidemia and hypertension, less physical activity, duration of staying in the UAE more than 10 years, unhealthy diet, being single (widow, separated, divorced) and stress were positively associated with high prevalence. Conclusion: The results considered planning for early screening, intervention, health resources allocation to pursue specific approaches to reduce high prevalence. Keywords: Diabetes mellitus type 2, epidemiology, prevalence, population at risk, risk factors, Systematic review, United Arab Emirates. Title: Prevalence of Diabetes among Adults and Risk Factors Associated With High Diabetes Prevalence in the United Arab Emirates: A Systematic Review Author: Dr. Tarana Bashar, Dr. Diana Lúcia Moura Pinho International Journal of Recent Research in Life Sciences (IJRRLS) ISSN 2349-7823 Vol. 10, Issue 3, July 2023 - September 2023 Page No: 29-39 Paper Publications Website: www.paperpublications.org Published Date: 21-September-2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8365814 Paper Download Link (Source) https://www.paperpublications.org/upload/book/Prevalence%20of%20Diabetes%20among%20Adults-21092023-1.pdfInternational Journal of Recent Research in Life Sciences (IJRRLS), ISSN 2349-7823, Paper Publications, Website: www.paperpublications.or


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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la metodología (TEACCH) utilizado por los maestros contribuye Atelier estructurado en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del estudiante/ adulto con TEA-Trastorno del Espectro Autista, llevado a cabo desde marzo 2013 a diciembre 2013. La metodología fue el enfoque cualitativo, del tipo descriptivo, para la recolección de datos de la encuesta se utilizó la técnica de observación de Atelier y la entrevista con el profesor y la madre del alumno autista. En la discusión de los resultados las dificultades desarrolladas por el autismo de aprendizaje son relevantes para todos, sin embargo, el método utilizado en el proceso ha contribuido de manera constructiva hacia la metodología utilisada por el profesor, se señaló que "el diagnóstico tardío" de la portabilidad del Síndrome de Asperger, es uno de los factores que interfieren con el aprendizaje ya que el retraso para averiguar los efectos hay un tratamiento específico. Conclusión contribución relevante fue el método TEACCH, a las actividades cotidianas, tales como la higiene personal y la ayuda en la preparación de las comidas, incluso para adultos y necesitan estas habilidades para ser cada vez más independiente

    Hundreds of genetic barcodes of the species-rich hydroid superfamily Plumularioidea (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) provide a guide toward more reliable taxonomy

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    Marine hydroids are important benthic components of shallow and deep waters worldwide, but their taxonomy is controversial because diagnostic morphological characters to categorize taxa are limited. Their genetic relationships are also little investigated. We tested taxonomic hypotheses within the highly speciose superfamily Plumularioidea by integrating a classical morphological approach with DNA barcoding of the 16S and COI mitochondrial markers for 659 and 196 specimens of Plumularioidea, respectively. Adding Genbank sequences, we inferred systematic relationships among 1,114 plumularioids, corresponding to 123 nominal species and 17 novel morphospecies in five families of Plumularioidea. We found considerable inconsistencies in the systematics of nominal families, genera and species. The families Kirchenpaueriidae and Plumulariidae were polyphyletic and the Halopterididae paraphyletic. Most genera of Plumularioidea are not monophyletic. Species diversity is considerably underestimated. Within our study, at least 10% of the morphologically-distinctive morphospecies are undescribed, and about 40% of the overall species richness is represented by cryptic species. Convergent evolution and morphological plasticity therefore blur systematic relationships. Additionally, cryptic taxa occur frequently in sympatry or parapatry, complicating correspondence with type material of described species. Sometimes conspecificity of different morphotypes was found. The taxonomy of hydroids requires continued comprehensive revision.This work relied on several hydrozoan samples collected from various sites, with the aid of many people. Supplementary Table S1 refers many of the people involved in the collection and/or preservation of the samples. C.J.M. acknowledges his great buddy-divers Jaime N.-Ruiz (CIMAR, Univ. Costa Rica), Axel Calderon, Nathaniel Chu, Eleni Petrou (STRI, Smiths. Inst.), Hanae Spathias, Karen Koltes (at the Belize station, Smith. Inst.), Freya Sommer (Hopkins Marine Station), Remilson Ferreira ('Costa Norte', Sao Tome), Frederico Cardigos (DOP, Univ. Azores) and others that assisted the dives. C.J.M. also acknowledges Rita Castillo (CIMAR, Univ. Costa Rica), Plinio Gondola, Ligia Calderon, Laura Geyer, Maria Castillo (STRI, Smiths. Inst.), Gregory Ruiz (SERC, Smiths. Inst.), Paul Greenhall, William Keel (MSC, Smith. Inst.), Manuel Enes, Valentina Matos (IMAR/DOP, Univ. Azores), Filipe Porteiro, Joao Goncalves (OKEANOS/IMAR, Univ. Azores), Marina Cunha, Ascensao Ravara (CESAM, Univ. Aveiro), Shirley Pomponi (Harbor Branch, Florida Atlantic Univ.), Estrela Matilde (Fundacao Principe Trust), Monica Albuquerque, Ines Tojeira (EMEPC), Diana Carvalho (Nat. Mus. Nat. Hist., Lisbon) and many others colleagues that facilitated the morphologic classifications and deposition of the samples. Peter Schuchert (Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Geneve) kindly provided some DNA extractes. Todd Kincaid and his team of GUE divers (Project Baseline - Azores) collected valuable samples from unusual depths. Joana Boavida (CIIMAR, Univ. Algarve) facilitated some samples of the 'DeepReefs' project. Jim Drewery (Marine Scotland Science Inst.) also provided few samples. Dale Calder (Royal Ontario Museum) provided some bibliography to C.J.M. and discussed/resolved some dubios taxonomic classifications. Colleagues at the L.A.B. (NMNH, Smith. Inst.) were very supportive. The APC fees for open access publication were supported by a program of the Regional Government of the Azores ("Apoio ao funcionamento e gestao dos centros de I&D regionais: 2018 - DRCT-medida 1

    Internações por diabetes mellitus nas Regiões e Unidades Federativas do Brasil: tendência temporal entre 2011 e 2019.

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    Objetivo: Analisar a tendência temporal das internações ocorridas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), nas Regiões e Unidades Federativas no Brasil, com o diagnóstico principal de diabetes mellitus (DM), entre 2011 e 2019. Método: Estudo ecológico com análise de séries temporais dos dados secundários provenientes do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), referentes a população brasileira. Foram incluídas os residentes no Brasil que foram internados por DM (CID10 - E10 ao E14). A tendência temporal foi analisada por regressão linear generalizada de Prais-Winstern, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: De 2011 a 2019, foram registradas 1.239.574 de internações por motivo de Diabetes mellitus no Brasil, representando 1,2% do número de internações por todas as afecções de saúde (103.051.010) para o período no país. A Taxa de Internações (TI) por DM no SUS foi de 6,77/10 mil habitantes com tendência decrescente (IC95%=6,44-7,10; valor p=0,01; r²=0,97; CoefB= -0,13). A TI por Região (Gráfico 1) foi maior nas Regiões Nordeste (TI=7,97; valor p=0,01; r²=0,64; CoefB= -0,15) e Sul (TI=7,60; valor p=0,01; r²=0,76; CoefB= -0,41). A tendência da TI apresentou-se decrescente para a maioria das Regiões, sendo estacionária na Região Norte (valor p=0,80). A TI por Unidade Federativa (UF), nos estados do Piauí e Maranhão, na Região Nordeste, e Rondônia e Roraima, na Região Norte foram acima de 10,00/10mil habitantes, com tendência crescente no Maranhão (TI=11,83; valor pConclusão: A tendência temporal foi decrescente, com diferenças segundo Região/UF