81 research outputs found

    Changements saisonniers et altitudinaux des concentrations foliaires en nutriments de Hedera helix L. (Araliaceae)

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    La résorption est l’une des plus importantes stratégies d’utilisation des nutriments développées par les plantes. Le ratio de la surface foliaire à la masse sèche (SLA) est lié aux nutriments foliaires. Dans la présente étude, les changements de concentration en SLA, N et P, le rapport N/P et la teneur en C des feuilles de lumière et d’ombre de la liane sempervirente Hedera helix L. ont été étudiés au long de l’année sur un gradient altitudinal. L’efficience (RE) et l’efficacité (RP) de la résorption foliaire ont également été calculées dans les feuilles de lumière et celles d’ombre. Les traits foliaires ont montré des changements significatifs entre les localités et au cours de l’année. Des différences significatives sont apparues entre les feuilles de lumière et celles d’ombre pour ce qui concerne le SLA, la concentration en N et la teneur en C, mais se sont avérées dépendantes des différences d’altitude. Toutefois, aucune différence significative de concentration en P n’a été trouvée entre les feuilles de lumière et celles d’ombre. Dans les feuilles, tant de lumière que d’ombre, le SLA augmentait à la fin du printemps et baissait après l’automne. D’une manière générale, la teneur en C augmentait en janvier. La concentration en N des feuilles, tant de lumière que d’ombre, était habituellement la plus faible en début d’été et croissait en octobre. Les plus fortes teneurs en P ont été observées entre décembre et janvier dans toutes les localités. N/P différait significativement selon les localités. L’interaction localité x temps était aussi significative sauf pour les concentrations en P foliaire et N/P. Des corrélations positives ont été notées entre les traits foliaires et ceux du sol comme le SLA, les N, P et C foliaires, l’humidité du sol, et les teneurs en N, P et C. La PRE (efficience de la résorption du phosphore) et la NRP (efficacité de la résorption de l’azote) différaient de manère significative entre les localités mais pas entre les feuilles de lumière ou d’ombre. Cependant, la NRE (efficience de la résorption de l’azote) et la PRP (efficacité de la résorption du phosphore) n’étaient pas significativement différentes. Les feuilles de lumière et celles d’ombre ont montré une resorption incomplète car, dans toutes les localités, les valeurs de NRP et de PRP étaient supérieures aux niveaux de référence.Nutrient resorption is one of the most important nutrient use strategies developed by plants. The ratio of leaf area to dry mass (SLA) is related to leaf nutrients. In this study, the changes in SLA, N, P concentrations, N/P ratio and C content of sun and shade leaves of the evergreen liana Hedera helix L. were investigated over the year in an altitudinal gradient. Foliar resorption efficiency (RE) and proficiency (RP) were also calculated in sun and shade leaves. Leaf traits significantly changed among studied localities and over the year. There were statistically significant differences between sun and shade leaves regarding SLA, N concentration and C content, but these were dependent on the differences of altitude. However, no significant differences were found for P concentrations between sun and shade leaves. SLA increased in sun and shade leaves at the end of the spring and decreased after the fall. Leaf C content generally increased in January. Leaf N concentration in sun and shade leaves was usually lowest in early summer and increased in October. The highest leaf P content was found between December and January in all localities. N/P significantly differed between localities. Locality × time interaction was also significant except leaf P concentrations and N/P. Positive correlations were seen between leaf and soil traits such as SLA, leaf N, P and C, soil moisture, N, P and C. PRE (Phosphorus resorption efficiency) and NRP (Nitrogen resorption proficiency) were significantly different among the localities, but not among sun and shade leaves. However, NRE (Nitrogen resorption efficiency) and PRP (Phosphorus resorption proficiency) were not significantly different. Sun and shade leaves of H. helix showed incomplete resorption, because, in all localities, NRP and PRP values were above the benchmark levels

    Comparison of thoracotomy and thoracoscopy in patients with esophageal atresia - tracheoesophageal fistula

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the patients who underwent EA-TEF repair with both classical and thoracoscopic methods, and thus to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of both techniques. Materials and methods: In this study, the files of 45 patients who underwent surgery for EA-TEF at the Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine (EUFM) Pediatric Surgery Clinic between August 2005 and July 2012 were retrospectively examined. Patients were divided into two groups based on the surgical method applied. Results: A total of 45 patients who presented with EA-TEF and underwent surgical procedures were evaluated. Thirty-one (70%) patients underwent thoracotomy (Group I), and 14 (30%) patients underwent surgery using the thoracoscopic method (Group II). The average gestational age was 37.5 weeks, and the birth weight was 2600 grams. Nineteen (42%) of the patients were female, and 26 (58%) were male. Group I was 39 weeks and 38 weeks in Group II. There was no significant difference in gestational age between the two groups (p>0.05). There was no significant difference between the groups regarding accompanying system anomalies (p>0.05). The time to surgery for patients in both groups was 2 days (p>0.05). The operation time in Group I (95 minutes) was shorter than in Group II (105 minutes) (p<0.05). The time to start gavage feeding after surgery in Group II was shorter compared to Group I (p<0.05). No difference was detected between the groups concerning the time to start oral feeding (p>0.05). No difference was detected between the groups concerning the length of hospital stay (p>0.05). There was no significant difference between the groups regarding the rate of complications (p>0.05). No patient died during surgery. Eleven (35%) of the 31 patients in Group I and 2 (14%) of the 14 patients in Group II died between postoperative days 1 and 25. There was no difference in mortality rates between the groups (p>0.05). Conclusions: Postoperative complications were detected at similar rates in both groups

    Optic Neuropathy and Macular Ischemia Associated with Neurosarcoidosis: A Case Report

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    In this study, we present a case of bilateral optic neuropathy and macular ischemia in the right eye associated with neurosarcoidosis. A 26-year-old woman presented to our clinic with complaints of bilateral blurred vision. Bilateral granulomatous anterior uveitis, vitritis, optic neuropathy, and macular ischemia were detected in the right eye in slit-lamp examination. She also reported complaints of fever, weakness, sweating, arthralgia, and headache for 2 months. She was referred to the pulmonary diseases unit of our hospital due to hilar lymphadenopathy seen in her chest x-ray, and biopsies were taken for diagnostic purposes. Histological analysis of the mediastinal lymph node biopsies revealed chronic, non-caseating, granulomatous inflammation. Furthermore, the patient was referred to a neurologist due to concomitant complaint of intense headaches. She was diagnosed with neurosarcoidosis supported by findings on cranial magnetic resonance imaging and lumbar puncture. She received a 3-day course of high-dose (1 g/day) intravenous steroid treatment (methylprednisolone) followed by a tapering dose of oral prednisone. The patient began receiving oral methotrexate 15 mg/week as a steroid-sparing agent. Significant improvement in neurological and ophthalmological symptoms occurred in the first week of treatment. In this case report, we emphasized that neurosarcoidosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients with both bilateral optic neuropathy and macular ischemia. Furthermore, early diagnosis and timely treatment of neurosarcoidosis are important for favorable visual outcomes

    Bankacılık akıllı teknoloji uygulamalarında kullanıcı adaptasyonu üzerine bir çalışma

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    Yök tez no: 745725Bu tez çalışması, bankacılıkta kullanılan veya yeni çıkan akıllı teknoloji uygulamalarının kullanıcı adaptasyonu çerçevesinde araştırılmasını ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında hem literatür hem de saha araştırılması yapılmıştır. Literatür araştırması aşamasında bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri çerçevesinde dijital bankacılığın gelişimi ile yeni teknolojiyi kabul etme noktasında oluşturulan teori ve modeller incelenmiştir. Araştırmamızda varyans esaslı yapısal model türü olan "Kısmi En Küçük Karelerle Yapısal Eşitlik Modelleme" (Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling) kullanılmıştır. Saha araştırılması kapsamında algılanan fayda, algılanan kullanım kolaylığı, sosyal etkiler, güven ve entegrasyon değişkenleri literatüre uygun ölçeklendirilerek beşli likert ölçeği kullanılarak anket sistemine dahil edilmiştir. Anketimiz çevrimiçi olarak katılımcılara paylaşılmış ve toplam 229 katılımcıdan başarılı veri sağlanmıştır. Modelimizdeki faktör ve ölçeklere ait istatistiki değer ayrıca incelenmiştir. Analiz için faktör yükleri, cronbach's alpha, birleşik güvenirlik, açıklanan ortalama varyans değerleri incelenmiştir. Bu göstergelerle geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik test edilmiştir. Geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik analizinden sonra hipotezlerin p, t ve f2 istatistikleri incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre altı adet öne sürülen hipotezden beş adet hipotez kabul görmüş, bir adet hipotez kabul görmemiştir. Yapısal eşitlik modeli (YEM) analizi sonucunda sonuçlanan bulgulara göre algılanan kullanım kolaylığı, sosyal etkiler, güven ve entegrasyon değişkenleri ile kullanıcı tutumu arasında anlamlı bir ilişkisinin olduğu, kullanıcı tutumunun davranışsal niyet arasında anlamlı bir ilişkinin olduğu ve algılanan fayda ile kullanıcı tutumu arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olmadığı saptanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda bankalara yönelik ve gelecek dönemde araştırma sürecine yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.This thesis study reveals the research of smart technology applications used or newly released in banking within the framework of user adaptation. Within the scope of the study, both literature and field research were carried out. In the literature research phase, the theories and models created at the point of accepting new technology with the development of digital banking within the framework of information and communication technologies were examined. In our research, "Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling", which is a type of variance-based structural model, was used. Within the scope of the field research, the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social effects, trust and integration variables were scaled in accordance with the literature and included in the questionnaire using a five-point Likert scale. Our survey was shared with the participants online and successful data were obtained from a total of 229 participants. The statistical value of the factors and scales in our model was also examined. Factor loadings, Cronbach's alpha, combined reliability, and average variance explained were analyzed for analysis. Validity and reliability have been tested with these indicators. After the validity and reliability analysis, the p, t and f2 statistics of the hypotheses were examined. According to the results obtained, five hypotheses out of six proposed hypotheses were accepted and one hypothesis was not accepted. According to the results of the structural equation model (SEM) analysis, there is a significant relationship between perceived ease of use, social effects, trust and integration variables and user attitude, there is a significant relationship between user attitude and behavioral intention, and there is a significant relationship between perceived usefulness and user attitude. was found not to exist. As a result of the study, suggestions for banks and the research process in the future were presented

    Rare Diseases in Children

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    The Efficacy of Quadratus Lumborum Block in Children with Laparoscopy-assisted Pyeloplasty

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    Objective: The quadratus lumborum block (QLB) is a new and effective truncal block used for postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing upper and lower abdominal surgeries. We aimed to evaluate and compare the efficacy of QLB and wound infiltration (WI) using postoperative Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, and Consolability (FLACC) pain scores and total 24-h analgesic consumption in pediatric patients who underwent laparoscopic-assisted pyeloplasty (LAP)