4,036 research outputs found

    Second harmonic generation confocal microscopy of collagen type I from rat tendon cryosections

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    We performed second harmonic generation (SHG) imaging of collagen in rat-tendon cryosections, using femtosecond laser scanning confocal microscopy, both in backscattering and transmission geometries. SHG transmission images of collagen fibers were spatially resolved due to a coherent, directional SHG component. This effect was enhanced with the use of an index-matching fluid (n(l) 1.52). The average SHG intensity oscillated with wavelength in the backscattered geometry (isotropic SHG component), whereas the spectral profile was consistent with quasi-phase-matching conditions in transmission geometry (forward propagating, coherent SHG component) around 440 nm (lambda(p) 880 nm). Collagen type I from bovine Achilles tendon was imaged for SHG in the backscattered geometry and its first-order effective nonlinear coefficient was determined (vertical bar d(eff)vertical bar approximate to 0.085(+/- 0.025) x 10-(12)mV(-1)) by comparison to samples of inorganic materials with known effective nonlinear coefficients (LiNbO3 and LiIO3). The SHG spectral response of collagen type I from bovine Achilles tendon matched that of the rat-tendon cryosections in backscattered geometry. Collagen types I, II, and VI powders (nonfibrous) did not show any detectable SHG, indicating a lack of noncentrosymmetric crystalline structure at the molecular level. The various stages of collagen thermal denaturation were investigated in rat-tendon cryosections using SHG and bright-field imaging. Thermal denaturation resulted in the gradual destruction of the SHG signal

    The action of mimetic peptides on connexins protects fibroblasts from the negative effects of ischemia reperfusion

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    Connexins have been proposed as a target for therapeutic treatment of a variety of conditions. The main approaches have been by antisense or small peptides specific against connexins. Some of these peptides enhance communication while others interfere with connexin binding partners or bind to the intracellular and extracellular loops of connexins. Here, we explored the mechanism of action of a connexin mimetic peptide by evaluating its effect on gap junction channels, connexin protein levels and hemichannel activity in fibroblast cells under normal conditions and following ischemia reperfusion injury which elevates Cx43 levels, increases hemichannel activity and causes cell death. Our results showed that the effects of the mimetic peptide were concentration-dependent. High concentrations (100-300 μM) significantly reduced Cx43 protein levels and GJIC within 2 h, while these effects did not appear until 6 h when using lower concentrations (10-30 μM). Cell death can be reduced when hemichannel opening and GJIC were minimised

    Cx43 regulates mechanotransduction mechanisms in human preterm amniotic membrane defects

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    Objective: The effects of mechanical stimulation in preterm amniotic membrane (AM) defects were explored. Methods: Preterm AM was collected from women undergoing planned preterm caesarean section (CS) due to fetal growth restriction or emergency CS after spontaneous preterm prelabour rupture of the membranes (sPPROM). AM explants near the cervix or placenta were subjected to trauma and/or mechanical stimulation with the Cx43 antisense. Markers for nuclear morphology (DAPI), myofibroblasts (αSMA), migration (Cx43), inflammation (PGE2) and repair (collagen, elastin and transforming growth factor β [TGFβ1]) were examined by confocal microscopy, second harmonic generation, qPCR and biochemical assays. Results: In preterm AM defects, myofibroblast nuclei were highly deformed and contractile and expressed αSMA and Cx43. Mechanical stimulation increased collagen fibre polarisation and the effects on matrix markers were dependent on tissue region, disease state, gestational age and the number of fetuses. PGE2 levels were broadly similar but reduced after co-treatment with Cx43 antisense in late sPPROM AM defects. TGFβ1 and Cx43 gene expression were significantly increased after trauma and mechanical stimulation but this response dependent on gestational age. Conclusion: Mechanical stimulation affects Cx43 signalling and cell/collagen mechanics in preterm AM defects. Establishing how Cx43 regulates mechanosignalling could be an approach to repair tissue integrity after trauma

    Cx43 regulates mechanotransduction mechanisms in human preterm amniotic membrane defects.

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    OBJECTIVE: The effects of mechanical stimulation in preterm amniotic membrane (AM) defects were explored. METHODS: Preterm AM was collected from women undergoing planned preterm caesarean section (CS) due to fetal growth restriction or emergency CS after spontaneous preterm prelabour rupture of the membranes (sPPROM). AM explants near the cervix or placenta were subjected to trauma and/or mechanical stimulation with the Cx43 antisense. Markers for nuclear morphology (DAPI), myofibroblasts (αSMA), migration (Cx43), inflammation (PGE2 ) and repair (collagen, elastin and transforming growth factor β [TGFβ1 ]) were examined by confocal microscopy, second harmonic generation, qPCR and biochemical assays. RESULTS: In preterm AM defects, myofibroblast nuclei were highly deformed and contractile and expressed αSMA and Cx43. Mechanical stimulation increased collagen fibre polarisation and the effects on matrix markers were dependent on tissue region, disease state, gestational age and the number of fetuses. PGE2 levels were broadly similar but reduced after co-treatment with Cx43 antisense in late sPPROM AM defects. TGFβ1 and Cx43 gene expression were significantly increased after trauma and mechanical stimulation but this response dependent on gestational age. CONCLUSION: Mechanical stimulation affects Cx43 signalling and cell/collagen mechanics in preterm AM defects. Establishing how Cx43 regulates mechanosignalling could be an approach to repair tissue integrity after trauma

    Connexins in wound healing; perspectives in diabetic patients.

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    Skin lesions are common events and we have evolved to rapidly heal them in order to maintain homeostasis and prevent infection and sepsis. Most acute wounds heal without issue, but as we get older our bodies become compromised by poor blood circulation and conditions such as diabetes, leading to slower healing. This can result in stalled or hard-to-heal chronic wounds. Currently about 2% of the Western population develop a chronic wound and this figure will rise as the population ages and diabetes becomes more prevalent [1]. Patient morbidity and quality of life are profoundly altered by chronic wounds [2]. Unfortunately a significant proportion of these chronic wounds fail to respond to conventional treatment and can result in amputation of the lower limb. Life quality and expectancy following amputation is severely reduced. These hard to heal wounds also represent a growing economic burden on Western society with published estimates of costs to healthcare services in the region of $25B annually [3]. There exists a growing need for specific and effective therapeutic agents to improve healing in these wounds. In recent years the gap junction protein Cx43 has been shown to play a pivotal role early on in the acute wound healing process at a number of different levels [4-7]. Conversely, abnormal expression of Cx43 in wound edge keratinocytes was shown to underlie the poor rate of healing in diabetic rats, and targeting its expression with an antisense gel restored normal healing rates [8]. The presence of Cx43 in the wound edge keratinocytes of human chronic wounds has also been reported [9]. Abnormal Cx43 biology may underlie the poor healing of human chronic wounds and be amenable therapeutic intervention [7]. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: The Communicating junctions, composition, structure and characteristics

    Identification of Therapeutic Targets of Inflammatory Monocyte Recruitment to Modulate the Allogeneic Injury to Donor Cornea

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    Purpose: We sought to test the hypothesis that monocytes contribute to the immunopathogenesis of corneal allograft rejection and identify therapeutic targets to inhibit monocyte recruitment. Methods: Monocytes and proinflammatory mediators within anterior chamber samples during corneal graft rejection were quantified by flow cytometry and multiplex protein assays. Lipopolysaccharide or IFN-γ stimulation of monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) was used to generate inflammatory conditioned media (CoM). Corneal endothelial viability was tested by nuclear counting, connexin 43, and propidium iodide staining. Chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in monocytes and MDMs was assessed in microarray transcriptomic data. The role of chemokine pathways in monocyte migration across microvascular endothelium was tested in vitro by chemokine depletion or chemokine receptor inhibitors. Results: Inflammatory monocytes were significantly enriched in anterior chamber samples within 1 week of the onset of symptoms of corneal graft rejection. The MDM inflammatory CoM was cytopathic to transformed human corneal endothelia. This effect was also evident in endothelium of excised human cornea and increased in the presence of monocytes. Gene expression microarrays identified monocyte chemokine receptors and cognate chemokines in MDM inflammatory responses, which were also enriched in anterior chamber samples. Depletion of selected chemokines in MDM inflammatory CoM had no effect on monocyte transmigration across an endothelial blood–eye barrier, but selective chemokine receptor inhibition reduced monocyte recruitment significantly. Conclusions: We propose a role for inflammatory monocytes in endothelial cytotoxicity in corneal graft rejection. Therefore, targeting monocyte recruitment offers a putative novel strategy to reduce donor endothelial cell injury in survival of human corneal allografts

    Connexin 43 is overexpressed in human fetal membrane defects after fetoscopic surgery

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    This project was funded by the RoseTrees Trust (M400, TTC), the QMUL Life Sciences Initiative, Institutional Strategic Support Fund from the Wellcome Trust (105626/Z/14/Z, TTC) and supported by researchers at the National Institute for Health Research, University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre (ALD)

    Epidermal grafting for wound healing: a review on the harvesting systems, the ultrastructure of the graft and the mechanism of wound healing

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    Epidermal grafting for wound healing involves the transfer of the epidermis from a healthy location to cover a wound. The structural difference of the epidermal graft in comparison to the split-thickness skin graft and full-thickness skin graft contributes to the mechanism of effect. While skin grafting is an epidermal transfer, little is known about the precise mechanism of wound healing by epidermal graft. This paper aims to explore the evolution of the epidermal graft harvesting system over the last five decades, the structural advantages of epidermal graft for wound healing and the current hypotheses on the mechanism of wound healing by epidermal graft. Three mechanisms are proposed: keratinocyte activation, growth factor secretion and reepithelialisation from the wound edge. We evaluate and explain how these processes work and integrate to promote wound healing based on the current in vivo and in vitro evidence. We also review the ongoing clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of epidermal graft for wound healing. The epidermal graft is a promising alternative to the more invasive conventional surgical techniques as it is simple, less expensive and reduces the surgical burden for patients in need of wound coverage

    5-Fluorouracil-induced cardiotoxicity mimicking myocardial infarction: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Severe cardiotoxicity is a documented, but very unusual side-effect of intravenous 5-fluorouracil therapy. The mechanism producing cardiotoxicity is poorly understood. CASE PRESENTATION: A case of 5-fluorouracil-induced cardiotoxicity, possibly due to coronary artery spasm, and mimicking acute anterolateral myocardial infarction is presented and discussed. Electrocardiographs highlighting the severity of the presentation are included in the report along with coronary angiograms demonstrating the absence of significant coronary atherosclerosis. CONCLUSION: Severe 5-fluorouracil-induced cardiotoxicity is rare, but can be severe and may mimic acute myocardial infarction, leading to diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas. Readministration of 5-fluorouracil is not advised following an episode of cardiotoxicity

    Potential sealing and repair of human FM defects after trauma with peptide amphiphiles and Cx43 antisense

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    OBJECTIVE: We examined whether peptide amphiphiles functionalised with adhesive, migratory or regenerative sequences could be combined with amniotic fluid (AF) to form plugs that repair fetal membrane (FM) defects after trauma and co-culture with connexin 43 (Cx43) antisense. METHODS: We assessed interactions between peptide amphiphiles and AF and examined the plugs in FM defects after trauma and co-culture with the Cx43antisense. RESULTS: Confocal microscopy confirmed directed self-assembly of peptide amphiphiles with AF to form a plug within minutes, with good mechanical properties. SEM of the plug revealed a multi-layered, nanofibrous network that sealed the FM defect after trauma. Co-culture of the FM defect with Cx43 antisense and plug increased collagen levels but reduced GAG. Culture of the FM defect with peptide amphiphiles incorporating regenerative sequences for 5 days, increased F-actin and nuclear cell contraction, migration and polarization of collagen fibers across the FM defect when compared to control specimens with minimal repair. CONCLUSIONS: Whilst the nanoarchitecture revealed promising conditions to seal iatrogenic FM defects, the peptide amphiphiles need to be designed to maximize repair mechanisms and promote structural compliance with high mechanical tolerance that maintains tissue remodeling with Cx43 antisense for future treatment