703 research outputs found

    Budget impact of adding ivabradine to standard of care in patients with chronic systolic heart failure in the United States

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    BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) costs 21billionannuallyindirecthealthcarecosts,80OBJECTIVE:ToestimatethebudgetimpactofivabradinefromaU.S.commercialpayerperspective.METHODS:Abudgetimpactmodelestimatedthepermemberpermonth(PMPM)impactofintroducingivabradinetoexistingformulariesbycomparingareferencescenario(SoC)andanewdrugscenario(ivabradine+SoC)inhypothetical1millionmembercommercialandMedicareAdvantageplans.Inbothscenarios,U.S.claimsdatawereusedforthereferencecumulativeannualratesofhospitalizations(HF,nonHFcardiovascular[CV],andnonCV),andhospitalizationrateswereadjustedusingSHIFTdata.ThemodelcontrolledformortalityriskusingSHIFTandU.S.lifetabledata,andhospitalizationcostswereobtainedfromU.S.claimsdata:HFrelated=21 billion annually in direct health care costs, 80% of which is directly attributable to hospitalizations. The SHIFT clinical study demonstrated that ivabradine plus standard of care (SoC) reduced HF-related and all-cause hospitalizations compared with SoC alone. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the budget impact of ivabradine from a U.S. commercial payer perspective. METHODS: A budget impact model estimated the per-member-per month (PMPM) impact of introducing ivabradine to existing formularies by comparing a reference scenario (SoC) and a new drug scenario (ivabradine + SoC) in hypothetical 1 million-member commercial and Medicare Advantage plans. In both scenarios, U.S. claims data were used for the reference cumulative annual rates of hospitalizations (HF, non-HF cardiovascular [CV], and non-CV), and hospitalization rates were adjusted using SHIFT data. The model controlled for mortality risk using SHIFT and U.S. life table data, and hospitalization costs were obtained from U.S. claims data: HF-related = 37,507; non-HF CV = 28,951;andnonCV=28,951; and non-CV = 17,904. The annualized wholesale acquisition cost of ivabradine was 4,500,withbaselineuseforthisnewdrugat2RESULTS:BasedontheapprovedU.S.indication,approximately2,000commerciallyinsuredpatientsfroma1millionmembercommercialplanwereeligibletoreceiveivabradine.IvabradineresultedinaPMPMcostsavingsof4,500, with baseline use for this new drug at 2%, increasing 2% per year. RESULTS: Based on the approved U.S. indication, approximately 2,000 commercially insured patients from a 1 million-member commercial plan were eligible to receive ivabradine. Ivabradine resulted in a PMPM cost savings of 0.01 and 0.04inyears1and3ofthecoremodel,respectively.Afterincludingtheacquisitionpriceforivabradine,themodelshowedadecreaseintotalcostsinthecommercial(0.04 in years 1 and 3 of the core model, respectively. After including the acquisition price for ivabradine, the model showed a decrease in total costs in the commercial (991,256 and 474,499,respectively)andMedicarepopulations(474,499, respectively) and Medicare populations (13,849,262 and 4,280,291,respectively)inyear1.Thisdecreasewasdrivenbyivabradinesreductioninhospitalizationrates.Forthecoremodel,theestimatedpharmacyonlyPMPMinyear1was4,280,291, respectively) in year 1. This decrease was driven by ivabradine’s reduction in hospitalization rates. For the core model, the estimated pharmacy-only PMPM in year 1 was 0.01 for the commercial population and $0.24 for the Medicare Advantage population. CONCLUSIONS: Adding ivabradine to SoC led to lower average annual treatment costs. The negative PMPM budget impact indicates that ivabradine is an affordable option for U.S. payers

    MDA, oxypurines, and nucleosides relate to reperfusion in short-term incomplete cerebral ischemia in the rat

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    Short-term incomplete cerebral ischemia (5 min) was induced in the rat by the bilateral clamping of the common carotid arteries. Reperfusion was obtained by removing carotid clamping and was carried out for the following 10 min. Animals were sacrificed either at the end of ischemia or reperfusion. Controls were represented by a group of sham-operated rats. Peripheral venous blood samples were withdrawn from the femoral vein from rats subjected to cerebral reperfusion 5 min before ischemia, at the end of ischemia, and 10 min after reperfusion. Neutralized perchloric acid extracts of brain tissue were analyzed by a highly sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the direct determination of malondialdehyde, oxypurines, nucleosides, nicotinic coenzymes, and high-energy phosphates. In addition, plasma concentrations of malondialdehyde, hypoxanthine, xanthine, inosine, uric acid, and adenosine were determined by the same HPLC technique. Incomplete cerebral ischemia induced the appearance of a significant amount (8.05 nmol/g w.w.; SD = 2.82) of cerebral malondialdehyde (which was undetectable in control animals) and a decrease of ascorbic acid. A further 6.6-fold increase of malondialdehyde (53.30 nmol/g w.w.; SD = 17.77) and a 18.5% decrease of ascorbic acid occurred after 10 min of reperfusion. Plasma malondialdehyde, which was present in minimal amount before ischemia (0.050 mumol/L; SD = 0.015), significantly increased after 5 min of ischemia (0.277 mumol/L; SD = 0.056) and was strikingly augmented after 10 min of reperfusion (0.682 mumol/L; SD = 0.094). A similar trend was observed for xanthine, uric acid, inosine, and adenosine, while hypoxanthine reached its maximal concentration after 5 min of incomplete ischemia, being significantly decreased after reperfusion. From the data obtained, it can be concluded that tissue concentrations of malondialdehyde and ascorbic acid, and plasma levels of malondialdehyde, oxypurines, and nucleosides, reflect both the oxygen radical-mediated tissue injury and the depression of energy metabolism, thus representing early biochemical markers of short-term incomplete brain ischemia and reperfusion in the rat. In particular, these results suggest the possibility of using the variation of malondialdehyde, oxypurines, and nucleosides in peripheral blood as a potential biochemical indicator of reperfusion damage occurring to postischemic tissues

    Comparison of diuretic strategies in diuretic-resistant acute heart failure: A systematic review and network meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: Up to 50% of patients hospitalized for acute heart failure (AHF) show resistance to diuretics. This condition contributes to a prolonged hospital length of stay and a higher risk of death. This review aimed to investigate whether a diuretic therapeutic approach more effective than furosemide alone exists for patients with diuretic-resistant AHF. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We identified all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating diuretic therapy in patients with diuretic-resistant AHF. We searched Pubmed, BioMed Central, and Cochrane CENTRAL databases. RESULTS: Six RCTs were identified, involving a total of 845 patients. The P-score ranges from 0.6663 for furosemide to 0.2294 for the tolvaptan-furosemide. We found no significant differences in efficacy for any drug comparison. CONCLUSIONS: None of the diuretics considered in RCTs performed to date (tolvaptan, metolazone, hydrochlorothiazide, indapamide) appear to be more effective than furosemide therapy alone for the treatment of patients with diuretic-resistant AHF

    Patient factors associated with titration of medical therapy in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: data from the QUALIFY international registry

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    Aims: Failure to prescribe key medicines at evidence-based doses is associated with increased mortality and hospitalization forpatients with Heart Failure with reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF). We assessed titration patterns of guideline-recommendedHFrEF medicines internationally and explored associations with patient characteristics in the global, prospective, observational,longitudinal registry. Methods and results: Data were collected from September 2013 through December 2014, with 7095 patients from 36 coun-tries [>18 years, previous HF hospitalization within 1–15 months, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)≤40%] enrolled, withdosage data at baseline and up to 18 months from 4368 patients. In 4368 patients (mean age 63 ± 17 years, 75% male)≥100%target doses at baseline: 30.6% (ACEIs), 2.9% (ARBs), 13.9% (BBs), 53.8% (MRAs), 26.2% (ivabradine). Atfinal follow-up,≥100%target doses achieved in more patients for ACEI (34.8%), BB (18.0%), and ivabradine (30.5%) but unchanged for ARBs (3.2%)and MRAs (53.7%). Adjusting for baseline dosage, uptitration during follow-up was more likely with younger age, highersystolic blood pressure, and in absence of chronic kidney disease or diabetes for ACEIs/ARBs; younger age, higher body massindex, higher heart rate, lower LVEF, and absence of coronary artery disease for BBs. For ivabradine, uptitration was morelikely with higher resting heart rate. Conclusions: The international QUALIFY Registry suggests that few patients with HFrEF achieve target doses ofdisease-modifying medication, especially older patients and those with co-morbidity. Quality improvement initiatives are ur-gently required

    Budget impact of adding ivabradine to standard of care in patients with chronic systolic heart failure in the United States

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    BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) costs 21billionannuallyindirecthealthcarecosts,80OBJECTIVE:ToestimatethebudgetimpactofivabradinefromaU.S.commercialpayerperspective.METHODS:Abudgetimpactmodelestimatedthepermemberpermonth(PMPM)impactofintroducingivabradinetoexistingformulariesbycomparingareferencescenario(SoC)andanewdrugscenario(ivabradine+SoC)inhypothetical1millionmembercommercialandMedicareAdvantageplans.Inbothscenarios,U.S.claimsdatawereusedforthereferencecumulativeannualratesofhospitalizations(HF,nonHFcardiovascular[CV],andnonCV),andhospitalizationrateswereadjustedusingSHIFTdata.ThemodelcontrolledformortalityriskusingSHIFTandU.S.lifetabledata,andhospitalizationcostswereobtainedfromU.S.claimsdata:HFrelated=21 billion annually in direct health care costs, 80% of which is directly attributable to hospitalizations. The SHIFT clinical study demonstrated that ivabradine plus standard of care (SoC) reduced HF-related and all-cause hospitalizations compared with SoC alone. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the budget impact of ivabradine from a U.S. commercial payer perspective. METHODS: A budget impact model estimated the per-member-per month (PMPM) impact of introducing ivabradine to existing formularies by comparing a reference scenario (SoC) and a new drug scenario (ivabradine + SoC) in hypothetical 1 million-member commercial and Medicare Advantage plans. In both scenarios, U.S. claims data were used for the reference cumulative annual rates of hospitalizations (HF, non-HF cardiovascular [CV], and non-CV), and hospitalization rates were adjusted using SHIFT data. The model controlled for mortality risk using SHIFT and U.S. life table data, and hospitalization costs were obtained from U.S. claims data: HF-related = 37,507; non-HF CV = 28,951;andnonCV=28,951; and non-CV = 17,904. The annualized wholesale acquisition cost of ivabradine was 4,500,withbaselineuseforthisnewdrugat2RESULTS:BasedontheapprovedU.S.indication,approximately2,000commerciallyinsuredpatientsfroma1millionmembercommercialplanwereeligibletoreceiveivabradine.IvabradineresultedinaPMPMcostsavingsof4,500, with baseline use for this new drug at 2%, increasing 2% per year. RESULTS: Based on the approved U.S. indication, approximately 2,000 commercially insured patients from a 1 million-member commercial plan were eligible to receive ivabradine. Ivabradine resulted in a PMPM cost savings of 0.01 and 0.04inyears1and3ofthecoremodel,respectively.Afterincludingtheacquisitionpriceforivabradine,themodelshowedadecreaseintotalcostsinthecommercial(0.04 in years 1 and 3 of the core model, respectively. After including the acquisition price for ivabradine, the model showed a decrease in total costs in the commercial (991,256 and 474,499,respectively)andMedicarepopulations(474,499, respectively) and Medicare populations (13,849,262 and 4,280,291,respectively)inyear1.Thisdecreasewasdrivenbyivabradinesreductioninhospitalizationrates.Forthecoremodel,theestimatedpharmacyonlyPMPMinyear1was4,280,291, respectively) in year 1. This decrease was driven by ivabradine’s reduction in hospitalization rates. For the core model, the estimated pharmacy-only PMPM in year 1 was 0.01 for the commercial population and $0.24 for the Medicare Advantage population. CONCLUSIONS: Adding ivabradine to SoC led to lower average annual treatment costs. The negative PMPM budget impact indicates that ivabradine is an affordable option for U.S. payers

    Prognostic impact of in-hospital hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients with acute heart failure: Results of the IN-HF (Italian Network on Heart Failure) Outcome registry

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    Objectives: Although diabetes mellitus is frequently associated with heart failure (HF), the association between elevated admission glucose levels and adverse outcomes has not been well established in hospitalized patients with acute HF. Methods: We prospectively evaluated in-hospital mortality, post-discharge 1-year mortality and 1-year re-hospitalization rates in the Italian Network on Heart Failure (IN-HF) Outcome registry cohort of 1776 patients hospitalized with acute HF and stratified by their admission glucose levels (i.e., known diabetes, newly diagnosed hyperglycemia, no diabetes). Results: Compared with those without diabetes (n = 586), patients with either known diabetes (n = 749) (unadjusted-odds ratio [OR] 1.64, 95%CI 0.99\u20132.70) or newly diagnosed hyperglycemia (n = 441) (unadjusted-OR 2.34, 95%CI 1.39\u20133.94) had higher in-hospital mortality, but comparable post-discharge 1-year mortality rates. After adjustment for age, sex, systolic blood pressure, estimated glomerular filtration rate, left ventricular ejection fraction, HF etiology and HF worsening/de novo presentation, the results remained unchanged in patients with known diabetes (adjusted-OR 1.86, 95%CI 1.01\u20133.42), while achieved borderline significance in those with newly diagnosed hyperglycemia (adjusted-OR 1.81, 95%CI 0.95\u20133.45). One-year re-hospitalization rates were lower in patients with newly diagnosed hyperglycemia (adjusted-hazard ratio 0.74, 95%CI 0.56\u20130.96) than in other groups. Conclusions: Elevated admission blood glucose levels are associated with poorer in-hospital survival outcomes in patients with acute HF, especially in those with previously known diabetes. This finding further highlights the importance of tight glycemic control during hospital stay and address the need of dedicated intervention studies to identify customized clinical protocols to improve in-hospital survival of these high-risk patients

    Impact of centre volume on atrial fibrillation ablation outcomes in Europe: a report from the ESC EHRA EORP Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Long-Term (AFA LT) Registry

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    Abstract Aims  The aim of the study was to investigate differences in clinical outcomes and complication rates among European atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation centres related to the volume of AF ablations performed. Methods and results  Data for this analysis were extracted from the ESC EHRA EORP European AF Ablation Long-Term Study Registry. Based on 33rd and 67th percentiles of number of AF ablations performed, the participating centres were classified into high volume (HV) (≥ 180 procedures/year), medium volume (MV) (<180 and ≥74/year), and low volume (LV) (<74/year). A total of 91 centres in 26 European countries enrolled in 3368 patients. There was a significantly higher reporting of cardiovascular complications and stroke incidence in LV centres compared with HV and MV (P = 0.039 and 0.008, respectively) and a lower success rate after AF ablation (55.3% in HV vs. 57.2% in LV vs. 67.4% in MV centres, P < 0.001), despite lower CHA2DS2-VASc score of patients, enrolled in LVs and less complex ablation techniques used. Adjustments of confounding factors (including type of AF ablation) led to elimination of these differences. Conclusion  Low-volume centres tended to present slightly higher cardiovascular complications' and stroke incidence and a lower unadjusted success rate after AF ablation, despite the fact that ablation procedures and patients were of lower risk compared with MV and HV centres. On the other hand, adjusted overall complication and recurrence rates were non-significantly different among different volume centres, a fact reflecting the heterogeneity of patient and procedural profiles, and a counterbalance between expertise and risk level among participating centres

    Operative and middle-term results of cardiac surgery in nonagenarians: A bridge toward routine practice

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    Background: Age >90 years represents in many centers an absolute contraindication to cardiac surgery. Nonagenarians are a rapidly growing subset of the population posing an expanding clinical problem. To provide helpful information in regard to this complex decision, we analyzed the operative and 5-year results of coronary and valvular surgical procedures in these patients. Methods and Results: We retrospectively reviewed 127 patients aged ≥90 years who underwent cardiac surgery within our hospital group in the period 1998 to 2008. Kaplan-Meier and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed. A longer follow-up than most published studies and the largest series published thus far are presented. Mean age was 92 years (range, 90 to 103 years). Mean logistic EuroSCORE was 21.3±6.1. Sixty patients had valvular surgery (including 11 valve repairs), 49 patients had coronary artery bypass grafting, and 18 had valvular plus coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (55 left mammary artery grafts implanted). Forty-five patients (35.4%) were operated on nonelectively. Operative mortality was 13.4% (17 cases). Fifty-four patients (42.5%) had a complicated postoperative course. There were no statistically significant differences in the rate and type of complications between patient strata on the basis of type of surgery performed. Nonelective priority predicted a complicated postoperative course. Predictors of operative mortality were nonelective priority and previous myocardial infarction. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates at 5 years were comparable between patient groups on the basis of procedure performed. Conclusions: Although the rate of postoperative complications remains high, cardiac surgery in nonagenarians can achieve functional improvement at the price of considerable operative and follow-up mortality rates. Cardiac operations in these very elderly subjects are supported if appropriate selection is made and if the operation is performed earlier and electively. Our results should contribute to the development of guidelines for cardiac operations in nonagenarians. © 2010 American Heart Association. All rights reserved