52 research outputs found

    Obrada otpadnih voda nakon poboljŔanih pranja sirove vune

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    Textile industry processes need high amounts of water for wet treatment of textiles. Therefore, high amounts of wastewater also appear containing different inorganic and organic substances depending on the used materials and processes. Raw wool is contaminated with wool wax, suint, skin flakes, dirt, sand, vegetable matter, urine and various microorganisms. The methods for raw wool scouring and cleaning today often in use are: scouring in the suint, scouring with soaps or tenside in alkaline, extraction by organic solvents and freezing. The different methods for wastewater purification after scouring in use are: settling/floculation, biological treatment, adsorption and catalytic oxidation. In this work, wastewater treatments after improved raw wool scouring with enzymes and EDTA have been investigated. Isothermal adsorption on zeolite A, active carbon and a natural and H+ type of bentonite for removal of the obtained wastewater impurities was used. The results were determined by means of different physical-chemical test methods.U tekstilnoj industriji troÅ”e se velike količine vode za mokre obrade tekstila. Stoga nastaju i velike količine otpadnih voda, koje sadrže različite anorganske i organske tvari ovisno o uporabljenim materijalima i procesima. Sirova vuna je onečiŔćena vunenim voskom, znojem, komadićima kože, pijeskom, vegetabilnim tvarima, urinom i različitim mikroorganizmima. NajčeŔće se primijenjuju metode pranja i čiŔćenja vune: pranje u znoju, u sapunima ili tenzidima u alkalnoj sredini, ekstrakcija u organskim otapalima i zamrzavanje. Također su poznate različite metode pročiŔćavanja otpadnih voda poslije pranja vune: taloženje/flokulacija, bioloÅ”ka obrada, adsorpcija i katalitička oksidacija. U ovom radu je ispitivana obrada otpadnih voda nakon poboljÅ”anih pranja sirove vune s enzimima i EDTA. Za uklanjanje onečiŔćenja otpadnih voda upotrijebljena je izotermna adsorpcija na zeolitu A, aktivnom ugljenu, prirodnom i H+ tipu bentonita. Rezultati su određivani upotrebom različitih fizikalno-kemijskih metoda ispitivanj

    Obrada otpadnih voda nakon poboljŔanih pranja sirove vune

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    Textile industry processes need high amounts of water for wet treatment of textiles. Therefore, high amounts of wastewater also appear containing different inorganic and organic substances depending on the used materials and processes. Raw wool is contaminated with wool wax, suint, skin flakes, dirt, sand, vegetable matter, urine and various microorganisms. The methods for raw wool scouring and cleaning today often in use are: scouring in the suint, scouring with soaps or tenside in alkaline, extraction by organic solvents and freezing. The different methods for wastewater purification after scouring in use are: settling/floculation, biological treatment, adsorption and catalytic oxidation. In this work, wastewater treatments after improved raw wool scouring with enzymes and EDTA have been investigated. Isothermal adsorption on zeolite A, active carbon and a natural and H+ type of bentonite for removal of the obtained wastewater impurities was used. The results were determined by means of different physical-chemical test methods.U tekstilnoj industriji troÅ”e se velike količine vode za mokre obrade tekstila. Stoga nastaju i velike količine otpadnih voda, koje sadrže različite anorganske i organske tvari ovisno o uporabljenim materijalima i procesima. Sirova vuna je onečiŔćena vunenim voskom, znojem, komadićima kože, pijeskom, vegetabilnim tvarima, urinom i različitim mikroorganizmima. NajčeŔće se primijenjuju metode pranja i čiŔćenja vune: pranje u znoju, u sapunima ili tenzidima u alkalnoj sredini, ekstrakcija u organskim otapalima i zamrzavanje. Također su poznate različite metode pročiŔćavanja otpadnih voda poslije pranja vune: taloženje/flokulacija, bioloÅ”ka obrada, adsorpcija i katalitička oksidacija. U ovom radu je ispitivana obrada otpadnih voda nakon poboljÅ”anih pranja sirove vune s enzimima i EDTA. Za uklanjanje onečiŔćenja otpadnih voda upotrijebljena je izotermna adsorpcija na zeolitu A, aktivnom ugljenu, prirodnom i H+ tipu bentonita. Rezultati su određivani upotrebom različitih fizikalno-kemijskih metoda ispitivanj

    Optimizovana sinteza značajnog farmaceutskog intermedijera metil 4-[(1-oksopropil)fenilamino]piperidin-4-karboksilata

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    An efficient synthesis of methyl 4-[(1-oxopropyl)phenylamino]piperidine-4-carboxylate (7) has been developed starting from 1-benzylpiperidin-4-one (1). The compound is a key intermediate in the synthesis of new generation, highly active narcotic analgesics, such as remifintanil, as well as the novel classes of fentanyl analogues. An optimized Strecker-type condensation of piperidone 1 with aniline and HCN yielded the anilino-nitrile 2(ā‰ˆ90%) which, upon selective hydrolysis with conc. H2SO4, gave the anilino-amide 3.After vigorous basic hydrolysis of 3, followed by acidification and successive treatment with SOCl2 and MeOH, the anilino-ester 5 was obtained (40ā€“45%, in 3 steps). N-Acylation of 5 with propionyl chloride yielded the anilido-ester 6(70ā€“80%) In the final step, the catalytic N-debenzylation of 6 was examined under various conditions and optimized to yield 7 in near quantitative yields.U ovom radu razvijena je efikasna sinteza metil 4-[(1-oksopropil)fenilamino]piperidin-4-karboksilata (7), prolazeći od 1-benzil piperidin-4-on-1 (1). Jedinjenje 7 je ključni intermedijer u sintezi nove generacije visoko aktivnih narkotičkih analgetika, kao Å”to je remifentanil a takođe i novih klasa analoga fentanyla. U optimizovanoj Strecker-ovoj kondenzaciji priperidona 1 sa anilinom i HCN, dobijen je anilino-nitril 2 (ā‰ˆ90%) prinos čijom je selektivnom hidrolizom pomoću konc. H2SO4 postao anilino-amid 3. Intenzivnom baznom hidrolizom ovog intermedijera, zakiÅ”eljavanjem a zatim sukcesivno reakcijom sa SOCl2 i MeOH sintetisan je anilino-estar 5 (ā‰ˆ40ā€“45% prinos u 3 faze). N-acelovanjem anilino-estra 5 sa propionil hloridom postao je anilido-estar 6 (ā‰ˆ70ā€“80% prinos). U poslednjom fazi sinteze izvrÅ”ena je optimizacija katalitičkog N-debenzilovanja anilido-estra 6 do finalnog proizvoda 7, u približno kvantitativnom prinosu

    Sinteza i preliminarni farmakoloŔki testovi recemskih cis i trans 3-alkilanaloga fentanila

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    A general five step method for the synthesis of 3-alkylfentanyl analogues (i.e. cis and trans 3-alkyl-4-anilidopiperidines 6.1-6.6) has been developed, The starting N-phenethyl-4-piperidone 1 was first converted into the cyclohexylimine derivative 2. alpha-deprotonated with butyllithium and die resulting imine anion efficiently monoalkylated with primary, and secondary alkyl halides. After mild acid hydrolysis. the obtained 3-alkyl-4-piperidones 3.1-3.6 were isolated in good yields (79-85%), then condensed with aniline to form imines 4.1-4.6. Subsequent reduction of the imines (LiAlH4/THF) yielded cis/trans mixtures of 3-alkyl-4-anilinopiperidines 5.1-5.6. Quantitative separation of the diastereoisomers by column chromatography of Al2O3 gave pure cis 5.1-5.6 (29-51% yield) and trans 5.1-5.6 (19-27% yield), with the cis/trans ratio in the range 7/3-6/4 . The synthesis was concluded by N-acylation of the purified 5.1-5.6, with propionyl chloride, to afford cis and trans 3-alkyl-4-anilidopiperidines 6.1-6.6 (approximate to 95% yield, as monooxalate salts). No enatioseparation was attempted at any stage. The relative cis/trans stereochemistry was provisionally assigned from the H-1-NMR spectra. Of the twelve synthesized 3-alkylfentanyls. ten compounds (two known and eight novel derivatives, all as the monooxalate salts) were preliminarily tested as analgesics in rats, comparing the potency to fentanyl. Except for the known (+/-)-cis-3-Me fentanyl 6.1cis. (8 x fentanyl), and the novel (+/-)-cis-3-Et fentanyl 6.2cis. (1.5 x fentanyl), all of the others were less active than fentanyl or inactive. Some tentative conclusions on the structure-activity relationship (SAR) in this series of derivatives have been made.Razvijen je opÅ”ti metod za sintezu 3-alkil analoga fentanila (tj. cis i trans 3-alkil-4-anilidopiperidina 6.1ā€“6.6) u pet faza. Polazni N-fenetil-4-piperidon 1 prvo je preveden u cikloheksiliminski derivat 2, Ī±-deprotonovan butillitijumom, a postali iminski anjon efikasno monoalkilovan primarnim i sekundarnim alkilhalogenidima. Posle blage kisele hidrolize, nastali 3-alkil-4-piperidoni 3.1ā€“3.6 izolovani su u dobrim prinosima (79ā€“85 %), zatim kondenzovani sa anilinom do imina 4.1ā€“4.6. Redukcijom ovih imina (LiAlH4/THF) dobijene su cis/trans smese 3-alkil-4-anilinopiperidina 5.1ā€“5.6. Kvantitativnim hromatografskim razdvajanjem dijastereoizomera na stubu Al2O3 izolovani su čisti cis 5.1ā€“5.6 (prinos 29ā€“51 %) i trans 5.1ā€“5.6 (prinos 19ā€“27 %), gde je cis/trans odnos bio u opsegu 7/3ā€“6/4. Sinteza je zavrÅ”ena N-acilovanjem prečiŔćenih intermedijera 5.1ā€“5.6 pomoću propionil-hlorida, pri čemu su postali cis i trans 3-alkil-4-anilidopiperidini 6.1ā€“6.6 (prinos _ 95 %, kao monooksalatne soli). Ni u jednoj fazi nije pokuÅ”ano razdvajanje enantiomera. Relativna, cis/trans, stereohemija preliminarno je određena iz 1H-NMRspektra. Od dvanaest sintetisanih 3-alkil-fentanila, deset jedinjenja (dva poznata i osam novih, sva u obliku monookasalatnih soli) preliminarno su testirana kao analgetici na pacovima, poredeći aktivnost sa fentanilom.Osim poznatog (Ā±)-cis-3-Me fentanila 6.1 cis, (8 x fentanil), i novog (Ā±)-cis-3-Et fentanila 6.2 cis, (1,5 x fentanil), svi ostali bili su manje aktivni ili neaktivni. Izvedeni su određeni, preliminarni zaključci u vezi odnosa strukture i aktivnosti u ovoj seriji derivata

    Cognitive vision system for control of dexterous prosthetic hands: Experimental evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dexterous prosthetic hands that were developed recently, such as SmartHand and i-LIMB, are highly sophisticated; they have individually controllable fingers and the thumb that is able to abduct/adduct. This flexibility allows implementation of many different grasping strategies, but also requires new control algorithms that can exploit the many degrees of freedom available. The current study presents and tests the operation of a new control method for dexterous prosthetic hands.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The central component of the proposed method is an autonomous controller comprising a vision system with rule-based reasoning mounted on a dexterous hand (CyberHand). The controller, termed cognitive vision system (CVS), mimics biological control and generates commands for prehension. The CVS was integrated into a hierarchical control structure: 1) the user triggers the system and controls the orientation of the hand; 2) a high-level controller automatically selects the grasp type and size; and 3) an embedded hand controller implements the selected grasp using closed-loop position/force control. The operation of the control system was tested in 13 healthy subjects who used Cyberhand, attached to the forearm, to grasp and transport 18 objects placed at two different distances.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The system correctly estimated grasp type and size (nine commands in total) in about 84% of the trials. In an additional 6% of the trials, the grasp type and/or size were different from the optimal ones, but they were still good enough for the grasp to be successful. If the control task was simplified by decreasing the number of possible commands, the classification accuracy increased (e.g., 93% for guessing the grasp type only).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The original outcome of this research is a novel controller empowered by vision and reasoning and capable of high-level analysis (i.e., determining object properties) and autonomous decision making (i.e., selecting the grasp type and size). The automatic control eases the burden from the user and, as a result, the user can concentrate on what he/she does, not on how he/she should do it. The tests showed that the performance of the controller was satisfactory and that the users were able to operate the system with minimal prior training.</p

    Parenting Stress in CHARGE Syndrome and the Relationship with Child Characteristics

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    This study investigates the parental perception of stress related to the upbringing of children with CHARGE syndrome and its association with behavioral and physical child characteristics. Parents of 22 children completed the Nijmegen Parenting Stress Index-Short, Developmental Behavior Checklist, and Dutch Vineland Screener 0-12 and reported their childā€™s problems with hearing, vision and ability to speak. Parenting stress was high in 59% of the subjects. Behavioral problems on the depression, autism, self-absorbed and disruptive behavior scales correlated positively with parenting stress. A non-significant trend was found, namely higher stress among the parents of non-speaking children. No associations were found with other child characteristics, i.e. level of adaptive functioning and intellectual disability, auditory and visual problems, deafblindness, gender, and age. Raising a child with CHARGE syndrome is stressful; professional support is therefore essential for this population. More research into other possible influencing characteristics is needed to improve family-oriented interventions. Since CHARGE is a rare syndrome, closer international collaboration is needed, not only to expand the group of study subjects to increase statistical power, but also to harmonize research designs and measurement methods to improve the validity, the reliability, and the generalization of the findings
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