4,281 research outputs found

    Molecular gas and star formation in M81

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    We present IRAM 30m observations of the central 1.6 kpc of the spiral M81 galaxy. The molecular gas appears weak and with an unusual excitation physics. We discuss a possible link between low CO emission and weak FUV surface brightness.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Pathways through an eclectic Universe", J. H. Knapen, T. J. Mahoney, and A. Vazdekis (Eds.), ASP Conf. Ser., 200

    Hidden interaction in SBO galaxies

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    Galaxies, like plants, show a large variety of grafts: an individual of some type connects physically with a neighborhood of same or different type. The effects of these interactions between galaxies have a broad range of morphologies depending, among other quantities, on the distance of the closest approach between systems and the relative size of the two galaxies. A sketch of the possible situations is shown in tabular form. This botanical classification is just indicative, because the effects of interactions can be notable also at relatively large separations, when additional conditions are met, as for example low density of the interacting systems or the presence of intra-cluster gas. In spite of the large variety of encounters and effects, in the literature the same terms are often used to refer to different types of interactions. Analysis indicates that only few of the situations show evident signs of interaction. They appear to be most relevant when the size of the two galaxies is comparable. Bridges and tails, like the well known case of NGC 4038/39, the Antennae, are only observed for a very low percentage of all galaxies (approx. 0.38 percent, Arp and Madore 1977). In most cases of gravitational bond between two galaxies, the effects of interactions are not relevant or evident. For instance, the detection of stellar shells (Malin and Carter 1983), which have been attributed to the accretion of gas stripped from another galaxy or to the capture and disruption of a small stellar system (Quinn 1984), requires particular observing and reduction techniques. Besides these difficulties of detection, time plays an important role in erasing, within a massive galaxy, the effects of interactions with smaller objects. This can happen on a timescale shorter than the Hubble time, so the number of systems now showing signs of interaction suggests lower limits to the true frequency of interactions in the life-time of a stellar system

    Low redshift quasars in the SDSS Stripe 82. The local environments

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    We study the environments of low redshift (z < 0.5) quasars based on a large and homogeneous dataset from the Stripe 82 region of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We have compared the < 1 Mpc scale envi- ronments of 302 quasars that were resolved in our recent study to those of 288 inactive galaxies with closely matched redshifts. Crucially, the lu- minosities of the inactive galaxies and the quasar host galaxies are also closely matched, unlike in most previous studies. The environmental overdensities were studied by measuring the num- ber density of galaxies within a projected distance of 200 kpc to 1 Mpc. The galaxy number density of the quasar environments is comparable to that of the inactive galaxies with similar luminosities, both classes of ob- jects showing significant excess compared to the background galaxy density for distances < 400 kpc. There is no significant dependence of the galaxy number density on redshift, quasar or host galaxy luminosity, black hole mass or radio loudness. This suggests that the fueling and triggering of the nuclear activity is only weakly dependent on the local environment of quasars, and the quasar phase may be a short-lived common phase in the life cycle of all massive galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 page

    Study of ISM tracers in galaxies

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    We collected data for two samples of normal and interacting galaxies for a total of 2953 galaxies having fluxes in one or more of the following wavebands: FIR, 21 cm line, CO(1-0) lines and soft X-ray. The large set of data obtained allowed us to revisit some of the already known relations between the different tracers of the interstellar medium (ISM), such as the link between the FIR flux and the CO line emission, the relation between X-ray emission and the blue or FIR luminosity. The relation lacking from observations for early-type galaxies has been discussed and explained in detail in the frame of a suitable theoretical model, obtained by coupling chemo-dynamical N-body simulations with a dusty spectrophotometric code of population synthesis.Comment: 2 pages, o appear in the Proceedings of the Conf. "From Stars to Galaxies: Building the Pieces to Build Up the Universe", Vallenari et al. eds., ASP Conf. Serie

    Catching Spiral - S0 transition in groups. Insights from SPH simulations with chemo-photometric implementation

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    We are investigating the co-evolution of galaxies within groups combining multi-wavelength photometric and 2D kinematical observations. Here we focus on S0s showing star formation in ring/arm-like structures. We use smooth particle hydrodynamical simulations (SPH) with chemo-photometric implementation which provide dynamical and morphological information together with the spectral energy distribution (SED) at each evolutionary stage. As test cases, we simulate the evolution of two such S0s: NGC 1533 and NGC 3626. The merging of two halos with mass ratio 2:1, initially just composed of dark matter (DM) and gas, well match their observed SEDs, their surface brightness profiles and their overall kinematics. The residual star formation today "rejuvenating" the ring/arm like structures in these S0s is then a mere consequence of a major merger, i.e. this is a phase during the merger episode. The peculiar kinematical features, e.g. gas-stars counter rotation in NGC 3626, depends on the halos initial impact parameters. Furthermore, our simulations allow to follow, in a fully consistent way, the transition of these S0s through the green valley in the NUV-r vs. Mr colour magnitude diagram, which they cross in about 3-5 Gyr, before reaching their current position in the red sequence. We conclude that a viable mechanism driving the evolution of S0s in groups is of gravitational origin.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research, Special Issue: Ultraviolet Astrophysic

    Galaxy Evolution in Local Group Analogs. I. A GALEX study of nearby groups

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    Understanding the astrophysical processes acting within galaxy groups and their effects on the evolution of the galaxy population is one of the crucial topic of modern cosmology, as almost 60% of galaxies in the Local Universe are found in groups. We imaged in the far (FUV 1539 A) and near ultraviolet (NUV 2316 A) with GALEX three nearby groups, namely LGG93, LGG127 and LGG225. We obtained the UV galaxy surface photometry and, for LGG225, the only group covered by the SDSS, the photometry in u, g, r, i, z bands. We discuss galaxy morphologies looking for interaction signatures and we analyze the SED of galaxies to infer their luminosity-weighted ages. The UV and optical photometry was also used to perform a kinematical and dynamical analysis of each group and to evaluate the stellar mass. A few member galaxies in LGG225 show a distorted UV morphology due to ongoing interactions. (FUV-NUV) colors suggest that spirals in LGG93 and LGG225 host stellar populations in their outskirts younger than that of M31 and M33 in the LG or with less extinction. The irregular interacting galaxy NGC3447A has a significantly younger stellar population (few Myr old) than the average of the other irregular galaxies in LGG225 suggesting that the encounter triggered star formation. The early-type members of LGG225, NGC3457 and NGC3522, have masses of the order of a few 10^9 Mo, comparable to the Local Group ellipticals. For the most massive spiral in LGG225, we estimate a stellar mass of ~4x1010^{10} Mo, comparable to M33 in the LG. Ages of stellar populations range from a few to ~7 Gyr for the galaxies in LGG225. The kinematical and dynamical analysis indicates that LGG127 and LGG225 are in a pre-virial collapse phase, i.e. still undergoing dynamical relaxation, while LGG93 is likely virialized. (Abridged)Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Low redshift quasars in the SDSS Stripe 82. Host galaxy colors and close environment

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    We present a photometrical and morphological multicolor study of the properties of low redshift (z<0.3) quasar hosts based on a large and homogeneous dataset of quasars derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (DR7). We used quasars that were imaged in the SDSS Stripe82 that is up to 2 mag deeper than standard Sloan images. This sample is part of a larger dataset of ~400 quasars at z<0.5 for which both the host galaxies and their galaxy environments were studied (Falomo et al. 2014,Karhunen et al. 2014). For 52 quasars we undertake a study of the color of the host galaxies and of their close environments in u,g,r,i and z bands. We are able to resolve almost all the quasars in the sample in the filters g,r,i and z and also in uu for about 50% of the targets. We found that the mean colors of the QSO host galaxy (g-i=0.82+-0.26; r-i=0.26+-0.16 and u-g=1.32+-0.25) are very similar to the values of a sample of inactive galaxies matched in terms of redshift and galaxy luminosity with the quasar sample. There is a suggestion that the most massive QSO hosts have bluer colors.Both quasar hosts and the comparison sample of inactive galaxies have candidates of close (<< 50 kpc) companion galaxies for ~30% of the sources with no significant difference between active and inactive galaxies. We do not find significant correlation between the central black hole (BH) mass and the quasar host luminosity that appears to be extra luminous at a given BH mass with respect to the local relation (M_BH -- M_host) for inactive galaxies. This confirms previous suggestion that a substantial disc component, not correlated to the BH mass, is present in the galaxies hosting low z quasars. These results support a scenario where the activation of the nucleus has negligible effects on the global structural and photometrical properties of the hosting galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 13 page
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