12,155 research outputs found

    Galaxy chemical evolution models: The role of molecular gas formation

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    In our classical grid of multiphase chemical evolution models, star formation in the disc occurs in two steps: first, molecular gas forms, and then stars are created by cloud-cloud collisions or interactions of massive stars with the surrounding molecular clouds. The formation of both molecular clouds and stars are treated through the use of free parameters we refer to as efficiencies. In this work, we modify the formation of molecular clouds based on several new prescriptions existing in the literature, and we compare the results obtained for a chemical evolution model of theMilkyWay Galaxy regarding the evolution of the Solar region, the radial structure of the Galactic disc and the ratio between the diffuse and molecular components, H I /H 2 . Our results show that the six prescriptions we have tested reproduce fairly consistent most of the observed trends, differing mostly in their predictions for the (poorly constrained) outskirts of the Milky Way and the evolution in time of its radial structure. Among them, the model proposed by Ascasibar et al. (in preparation), where the conversion of diffuse gas into molecular clouds depends on the local stellar and gas densities as well as on the gas metallicity, seems to provide the best overall match to the observed data

    Spin-dependent THz oscillator based on hybrid graphene superlattices

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    We theoretically study the occurrence of Bloch oscillations in biased hybrid graphene systems with spin-dependent superlattices. The spin-dependent potential is realized by a set of ferromagnetic insulator strips deposited on top of a gapped graphene nanoribbon, which induce a proximity exchange splitting of the electronic states in the graphene monolayer. We numerically solve the Dirac equation and study Bloch oscillations in the lowest conduction band of the spin-dependent superlattice. While the Bloch frequency is the same for both spins, we find the Bloch amplitude to be spin dependent. This difference results in a spin-polarized ac electric current in the THz range.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Saturation properties of helium drops from a Leading Order description

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    Saturation properties are directly linked to the short-range scale of the two-body interaction of the particles. The case of helium is particular, from one hand the two-body potential has a strong repulsion at short distances. On the other hand, the extremely weak binding of the helium dimer locates this system very close to the unitary limit allowing for a description based on an effective theory. At leading order of this theory a two- and a three-body term appear, each one characterized by a low energy constant. In a potential model this description corresponds to a soft potential model with a two-body term purely attractive plus a three-body term purely repulsive constructed to describe the dimer and trimer binding energies. Here we analyse the capability of this model to describe the saturation properties making a direct link between the low energy scale and the short-range correlations. We will show that the energy per particle, EN/NE_N/N, can be obtained with reasonable accuracy at leading order extending the validity of this approximation, characterizing universal behavior in few-boson systems close to the unitary limit, to the many-body system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Analysis and test of the central-blue-spot infall hallmark

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    The infall of material onto a protostar, in the case of optically thick line emission, produces an asymmetry in the blue- and red-wing line emission. For an angularly resolved emission, this translates in a blue central spot in the first-order moment (intensity weighted velocity) map. An analytical expression for the first-order moment intensity as a function of the projected distance was derived, for the cases of infinite and finite infall radius. The effect of a finite angular resolution, which requires the numerical convolution with the beam, was also studied. This method was applied to existing data of several star-forming regions, namely G31.41+0.31 HMC, B335, and LDN 1287, obtaining good fits to the first-order moment intensity maps, and deriving values of the central masses onto which the infall is taking place (G31.41+0.31 HMC: 70-120 MM_\odot; B335: 0.1 MM_\odot; Guitar Core of LDN 1287: 4.8 MM_\odot). The central-blue-spot infall hallmark appears to be a robust and reliable indicator of infall.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Observational evidence for a correlation between macroturbulent broadening and line-profile variations in OB Supergiants

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    The spectra of O and B supergiants are known to be affected by a significant form of extra line broadening (usually referred to as macroturbulence) in addition to that produced by stellar rotation. Recent analyses of high resolution spectra have shown that the interpretation of this line broadening as a consequence of large scale turbulent motions would imply highly supersonic velocity fields in photospheric regions, making this scenario quite improbable. Stellar oscillations have been proposed as a likely alternative explanation. As part of a long term observational project, we are investigating the macroturbulent broadening in O and B supergiants and its possible connection with spectroscopic variability phenomena and stellar oscillations. In this letter, we present the first encouraging results of our project, namely firm observational evidence for a strong correlation between the extra broadening and photospheric line-profile variations in a sample of 13 supergiants with spectral types ranging from O9.5 to B8.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    On Self-Organized Criticality and Synchronization in Lattice Models of Coupled Dynamical Systems

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    Lattice models of coupled dynamical systems lead to a variety of complex behaviors. Between the individual motion of independent units and the collective behavior of members of a population evolving synchronously, there exist more complicated attractors. In some cases, these states are identified with self-organized critical phenomena. In other situations, with clusterization or phase-locking. The conditions leading to such different behaviors in models of integrate-and-fire oscillators and stick-slip processes are reviewed.Comment: 41 pages. Plain LaTeX. Style included in main file. To appear as an invited review in Int. J. Modern Physics B. Needs eps