497 research outputs found

    The absorption spectrum of the QSO PKS 2126-158 (z_em = 3.27) at high resolution

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    Spectra of the z_em = 3.268 quasar PKS 2126-158 have been obtained in the range lambda lambda 4300-6620 A with a resolution R = 27000 and an average signal-to-noise ratio s/n = 25 per resolution element. The list of the identified absorption lines is given together with their fitted column densities and Doppler widths. The modal value of the Doppler parameter distribution for the Ly-alpha lines is = 25 km/s. The column density distribution can be described by a power-law dn/dN \propto N^{-beta} with beta = 1.5. 12 metal systems have been identified, two of which were previously unknown. In order to make the column densities of the intervening systems compatible with realistic assumptions about the cloud sizes and the silicon to carbon overabundance, it is necessary to assume a jump beyond the He II edge in the spectrum of the UV ionizing background at z = 3 a factor 10 larger than the standard predictions for the integrated quasar contribution. An enlarged sample of C IV absorptions (71 doublets) has been used to analyze the statistical properties of this class of absorbers strictly related to galaxies. The column density distribution is well described by a single power-law, with beta=1.64 and the Doppler parameter distribution shows a modal value b = 14 km/s. The two point correlation function has been computed in the velocity space for the individual components of C IV features. A significant signal is obtained for scales smaller than 200-300 km/s, xi(30< Delta v < 90 km/s) = 32.71 +- 2.89. A trend of decreasing clustering amplitude with decreasing column density is apparent, analogously to what has been observed for Ly-alpha lines.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX (l-aa.sty), 13 ps figures, included in text with epsf, Fig. 1 can be retrieved at http://www.sissa.it/~dodorico/paper.html, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    VLT/UVES shows no cosmological variability of alpha

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    The cosmological variability of alpha is probed from individual observations of pairs of FeII lines. This procedure allows a better control of the systematics and avoids the influence of the spectral shifts due to ionization inhomogeneities in the absorbers and/or non-zero offsets between different exposures. Applied to the FeII lines of the metal absorption systems at zabs = 1.839 in Q1101--264 and at zabs = 1.15 in HE0515--4414 observed by means of UVES at the ESO-VLT, it provides da/a = 0.4 (+/- 1.5 stat)x10^{-6}. The result is shifted with respect to the Keck/HIRES mean da/a = -5.7(+/- 1.1 stat})x10^{-6} (Murphy et al. 2004) at a high confidence level (95%). Full details of this work are given in Levshakov et al (2005)Comment: 3 pages, 1 postscript figur

    Simulating cosmic metal enrichment by the first galaxies

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    We study cosmic metal enrichment via AMR hydrodynamical simulations in a (10 Mpc/h)3^3 volume following the Pop III-Pop II transition and for different Pop III IMFs. We have analyzed the joint evolution of metal enrichment on galactic and intergalactic scales at z=6 and z=4. Galaxies account for <9% of the baryonic mass; the remaining gas resides in the diffuse phases: (a) voids, i.e. regions with extremely low density (Δ\Delta<1), (b) the true intergalactic medium (IGM, 1<Δ\Delta<10) and (c) the circumgalactic medium (CGM, 10<Δ<102.5\Delta<10^{2.5}), the interface between the IGM and galaxies. By z=6 a galactic mass-metallicity relation is established. At z=4, galaxies with a stellar mass M∗=108.5M⊙M_*=10^{8.5}M_\odot show log(O/H)+12=8.19, consistent with observations. The total amount of heavy elements rises from ΩZSFH=1.52 10−6\Omega^{SFH}_Z=1.52\, 10^{-6} at z=6 to 8.05 10−610^{-6} at z=4. Metals in galaxies make up to ~0.89 of such budget at z=6; this fraction increases to ~0.95 at z=4. At z=6 (z=4) the remaining metals are distributed in CGM/IGM/voids with the following mass fractions: 0.06/0.04/0.01 (0.03/0.02/0.01). Analogously to galaxies, at z=4 a density-metallicity (Δ\Delta-Z) relation is in place for the diffuse phases: the IGM/voids have a spatially uniform metallicity, Z~10−3.510^{-3.5}Zsun; in the CGM Z steeply rises with density up to ~10−210^{-2}Zsun. In all diffuse phases a considerable fraction of metals is in a warm/hot (T>104.510^{4.5}K) state. Due to these physical conditions, CIV absorption line experiments can probe only ~2% of the total carbon present in the IGM/CGM; however, metal absorption line spectra are very effective tools to study reionization. Finally, the Pop III star formation history is almost insensitive to the chosen Pop III IMF. Pop III stars are preferentially formed in truly pristine (Z=0) gas pockets, well outside polluted regions created by previous star formation episodes.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The lithium isotope ratio in the metal-poor halo star G271-162 from VLT/UVES observations

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    A high resolution (R = 110.000), very high S/N (>600) spectrum of the metal-poor turnoff star G271-162 has been obtained in connection with the commissioning of UVES at VLT/Kueyen. Using both 1D hydrostatic and 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres, the lithium isotope ratio has been estimated from the LiI 670.8 nm line by means of spectral synthesis. The necessary stellar line broadening (1D: macroturbulence + rotation, 3D: rotation) has been determined from unblended KI, CaI and FeI lines. The 3D line profiles agree very well with the observed profiles, including the characteristic line asymmetries. Both the 1D and 3D analyses reveal a possible detection of 6Li in G271-162, 6Li/7Li = 0.02 +-0.01 (one sigma). It is discussed if the smaller amount of 6Li in G271-162 than in the similar halo star HD84937 could be due to differences in stellar mass and/or metallicity or whether it may reflect an intrinsic scatter of the Li isotope ratio in the ISM at a given metallicity.Comment: 5 pages with 6 figures. Accepted as a letter in A&
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