256 research outputs found

    Atomistic investigation of hybrid plasmonic systems

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    By using time-dependent density functional theory, we investigate in a fully quantum mechanical framework the interactions, in an ultra-near-field regime, between a localized surface plasmon excitable in a silver tetrahedral cluster and a molecular exciton with excitation energy in the same range. We show that, for metal–molecule distances below 5 Å, the optical response of the system results characterized by the appearance of a double peak structure. We analyze the transition densities for the resonant energies and propose a plasmon–exciton electromagnetic interaction model to explain the emerging of a lower energy resonance in the spectra of such kind of hybrid systems of interest for molecular plasmonics

    Diagnostics and insights on PECVD for gas-barrier coatings

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    Multifactorial analysis of mesenchymal stem cell properties for storage and transportation

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    Eng D ThesisUsing living cells to treat disease is known as cell therapy and holds the potential to revolutionize healthcare. An increasing number of cell-based products are approaching the late clinical development phase, with human mesenchymal stem cells, which have chondrogenic, osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation capacity, being one of the most widely studied. For these new medicinal products, preserving their therapeutic potential throughout the supply chain is challenging. Current approaches are based on cryopreservation, where cells are cooled to -80 °C or lower, on hypothermic preservation, where cells are cooled to 2-8 °C, and on controlled room temperatures, with cells at 15-25 °C. However, these methods suffer from limitations and alternative approaches are required. The aim of this thesis was to investigate a novel temperature range (26-37 °C) for storage and transportation and, for the first time, to combine temperature with a variable oxygen tension (3-20 %) over a simulated shelf life of 5 or 7 days. Two models were investigated: undifferentiated human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells and cartilage discs derived from these cells. The investigation was based on the use of a statistical design of experiment where temperature, oxygen and storage duration are the input factors while viability, metabolite concentrations and gene expression are the output factors. The results showed that temperature and oxygen modulate metabolic activity and subsequent differentiation potential, with interaction effects between temperature and oxygen being readily identifiable. Predictive models were subsequently developed, with case studies demonstrating how such models can be used as a decision support tool for the design of a transportation device for mesenchymal stem cells and their differentiated products. 3 Overall, this thesis demonstrates the need for a multifactorial approach for the development of a storage and transportation solution of cell-based medicinal products and offers guidance as to how this may be possible.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Tower Cold Chain for funding

    Eco-innovazione dei processi produttivi: analisi e azioni di intervento per l'efficentamento energetico

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    La crisi congiunturale ha notevolmente appesantito la situazione del Settore della Pesca già strutturalmente difficile. Nel “Rapporto Annuale sulla Pesca e sull’Acquacoltura in Sicilia”, redatto dall’Osservatorio della Pesca, si afferma che “in un contesto prospettico così difficile la quantità di energia specifica, ossia energia consumata per kg di prodotto (kWh/kg di prodotto), necessaria a fornire il prodotto ittico sul mercato deve diventare un indicatore guida per le politiche di ammodernamento ed innovazione. Pertanto è necessaria un’opportuna conoscenza di tutti i consumi energetici necessari per la produzione che, grazie all’utilizzo di pochi e significativi indicatori (quali l’energia per unità di prodotto, la quantità d’acqua per unità di prodotto e le emissioni ed i rilasci inquinanti per unità di prodotto), consenta di descrivere dinamicamente lo stato e la tendenza della filiera ittica”. In tale quadro, è evidente che il fattore energetico rappresenta una componente che ha una rilevante incidenza sulla competitività della Filiera e che, spesso, i vari anelli produttivi “pagano” costi di gestione elevati a causa dell’inefficienza energetica. In un contesto di consumatori sempre più attenti al rispetto ambientale e alla sostenibilità dei prodotti, l’impatto che i sistemi produttivi non efficienti hanno sull’ambiente ha un ritorno negativo anche rispetto all’immagine complessiva della Filiera e dei prodotti: in tal senso, la mancanza di sistemi di gestione ambientale efficaci ed adeguati può risultare, nel lungo periodo, un elemento di penalizzazione sui mercati. Nel progetto “Centro di certificazione e prova del Distretto”, Piani di sviluppo di filiera, linea di intervento: – piano integrato dei servizi comuni, l’attività svolta da questo laboratorio, ECO-INNOVAZIONE DEI PROCESSI PRODUTTIVI, ha lo scopo di calcolare i consumi energetici delle aziende del distretto, prese in esame come campione di studio, e studiare le possibili azioni per ottimizzare, mitigare i consumi e/o l’impatto ambientale come minore emissione di CO2 in atmosfera. Tali attività consentiranno al Distretto, alle sue aziende e tutte le altre aziende del settore di poter conoscere l'energia consumata e quella potenzialmente risparmiata dalle eventuali azioni di efficientamento che saranno proposte da questo gruppo di lavoro

    Bioadhesive Matrix Tablets Loaded with Lipophilic Nanoparticles as Vehicles for Drugs for Periodontitis Treatment: Development and Characterization

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    Periodontitis treatment is usually focused on the reduction or eradication of periodontal pathogens using antibiotics against anaerobic bacteria, such as metronidazole (MTR). Moreover, recently the correlation between periodontal diseases and overexpression of reactive oxygen species (ROS) led to the introduction of antioxidant biomolecules in therapy. In this work, bioadhesive buccal tablets, consisting of a hydrophilic matrix loaded with metronidazole and lipophilic nanoparticles as a vehicle of curcumin, were developed. Curcumin (CUR)-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) were prepared using glycyrrhetic acid, hexadecanol, isopropyl palmitate and Tween®80 as a surfactant. As method, homogenization followed by high-frequency sonication was used. After dialysis, CUR-NLC dispersion was evaluated in terms of drug loading (DL, 2.2% w/w) and drug recovery (DR, 88% w/w). NLC, characterized by dynamic light scattering and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), exhibited a spherical shape, an average particle size of 121.6 nm and PDI and PZ values considered optimal for a colloidal nanoparticle dispersion indicating good stability of the system. Subsequently, a hydrophilic sponge was obtained by lyophilization of a gel based on trehalose, Natrosol and PVP-K90, loaded with CUR-NLC and MTR. By compression of the sponge, matrix tablets were obtained and characterized in term of porosity, swelling index, mucoadhesion and drugs release. The ability of the matrix tablets to release CUR and MTR when applied on buccal mucosa and the aptitude of actives to penetrate and/or permeate the tissue were evaluated. The data demonstrate the ability of NLC to promote the penetration of CUR into the lipophilic domains of the mucosal membrane, while MTR can penetrate and permeate the mucosal tissue, where it can perform a loco-regional antibacterial activity. These results strongly support the possibility of using this novel matrix tablet for delivering MTR together with CUR for topical treatment of periodontal diseases

    An introduction to the early Holocene eolian deposits of Grotta Romanelli, Apulia, Southern Italy

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    Due to its geographic position and geomorphological configuration, Grotta Romanelli acted as a sediment trap since at least MIS 5. The so-called 'terre brune' sequence is a deposit mainly of eolian origin bearing upper Palaeolithic artefacts and fossil re-mains of vertebrate fauna; it was deposited during the Glacial-Interglacial transition and the Holocene. Sedimentology and mineralogy of this deposit are investigated. The stratigraphic sequence provides a promising archive within which both human and climatic impacts can be studied

    An Efficiency-Based Power Management Strategy for an Isolated Microgrid Project

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    The microgrids design for remote locations represents one of the most important and critical applications of the microgrid concept. It requires the correct sizing and the proper utilization of the different sources to guarantee the economical feasibility and the reliability of the supply. This study illustrates an efficiency-based power management strategy, designed for an undergoing microgrid project, where the sizing process of the resources (diesel generators, battery energy storage system, and PV plant) is obtained using a mixed-integer optimization algorithm. The proposed power management strategy guarantees the efficient exploitation of the power sources, which is one of the key elements of the optimal sizing process, being naturally included in the definition of the energy cost functions. The effectiveness of the power control strategy is validated by means of quasi-dynamic simulations on the complete microgrid model, where sources are defined by the optimal problem solution, while the cabling (size and length) and the main switchboards location reflect the expected system layout. Results obtained from the simulation of the microgrid electrical system include losses, and allow to verify and to highlight the desired quantities, such as the quality of supply at each busbar (voltage magnitude), and the state of charge of the energy storage system

    Buccal Thin Films as Potent Permeation Enhancers for Cytisine Transbuccal Delivery

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    Cytisine (CYT) is a powerful anti-smoking compound which could greatly benefit from transbuccal delivery because of both its unfavorable pharmacokinetics after oral administration and its intrinsic ability to permeate the buccal mucosa. This work aims to design CYT-loaded buccal thin films suitable for transbuccal drug delivery due to its capability of promoting the interaction between CYT and the buccal membrane. The solvent casting method was employed to prepare several thin films combining various excipients such as matrixing polymers, mucoadhesion agents, plasticizers and other compounds as humectants and sweeteners, component ratios and solvents. A total of 36 compositions was prepared and four of them emerged as the most promising in terms of aspect and flexibility. They all demonstrated homogeneity, thinness, low swelling degree, and controlled drug release according to the Power Law and Peppas-Sahlin mathematical models. Mainly, they proved able to interact with the ex vivo porcine buccal mucosa producing mucoadhesive effects, and act as potent permeation enhancers. In particular, Film B emerged as suitable as it produced a 10.6-fold Kp enhancement and a great Js value (52.33 μg/cm2·h-1), even when compared to highly concentrated CYT solutions
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