74 research outputs found

    Factores que influyen en la calidad de las reinas de abejas (A. mellifera) criadas artificialmente

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    During the period 2003-2007 three experimental assays were carried out in order to evaluate the influence of some factors like number of cup cells introduced, the season and the substrate used, on the quality of queen bees produced in the queen bees breeding place of Provincial Foundation of Apiculture of Camagüey, located at the northeastern of the city. The quality of the queen bees was determined starting from the standards of weight, phenotypic characteristics and level of acceptation according to the strain used. In the case of the number of cells introduced, it was concluded that the best variant is using 30 cup cells/ breeding hive which gave the greatest weights taken after the starting of the oviposition (236 mg/animal). The period of the year influenced on the quality of queen bees, with significant differences at favor of March to May and after that in October, while the substrates used during the transfer, in the case honey, honey + royal jelly (50-50) and royal jelly, the last one showed better results in relation to the weight, phenotypic characteristics and acceptation of the animals. It was concluded that there is a remarkable influence of studied factors on the quality of queen bees obtained in the breeding place. It is recommended that the best found variants be applied at the level of foundation.Durante el período de 2003 a 2007 se realizaron tres ensayos experimentales para evaluar la influencia de algunos factores, como el número de copas celdas introducidas, la época del año y el sustrato utilizado, en la calidad de las reinas obtenidas en el criadero de reinas del Establecimiento Provincial de Apicultura de Camagüey, situado al noreste de esta ciudad. La calidad de las reinas se determinó a partir de los patrones de peso, características fenotípicas y nivel de aceptación, de acuerdo con la raza utilizada. En el caso del número de celdas introducidas, se obtuvo que la mejor variante es la de 30 copas celdas/colmena criadora, que logró los mayores pesos tomados luego de comenzada la ovoposición (236 mg/animal). El período del año influyó en la calidad de las reinas, con diferencias significativas a favor de los meses de marzo hasta mayo y posteriormente en octubre, mientras que de los sustratos utilizados en el trasvase, en este caso la miel, miel con jalea real (50-50) y jalea real, está última mostró resultados superiores en cuanto al peso de los animales, sus características fenotípicas y aceptación. Se concluye que existe una marcada influencia de los factores estudiados en la calidad de las reinas obtenidas en el criadero, y se recomienda que se apliquen a nivel del establecimiento las mejores variantes encontradas

    Forage production and bromatological composition of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp

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    Forage production and bromatologic composition of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp were evaluated on cattle raising serpentine soils from the Livestock Center Noel Fernández in Camagüey, Cuba. Data were processed by the statistical package SPSS, and mean and standard deviation were determined. G. sepium foliage levels were significant (3,68 kg/a/cut for green matter and 1,33 kg/a/cut for dry matter) and raw protein levels were satisfactory (13,2 %)

    Integración de la producción cañera con la ganadería en una cooperativa

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    Likelihood of productive integration of sugar cane production and livestock raising was assessed at an agricultural producers’ cooperative in Esmeralda municipality, Camagüey province, Cuba. To this end, a forage balance was performed taking into account grazing grounds capacity and herd feeding needs. Grassland deficit due to low rainfall levels was also considered and sugar cane needed as an alternative diet was estimated. Besides, availability of cattle manure to be used as a fertilizer for sugar cane crop was determined. Results showed that remnant sugar cane after its harvest is a suitable diet for cattle when grazing grounds are depleted, and that cattle manure positively contributes to nitrogen supply to the soil which could enhance a two-fold increase of current sugar cane yield.En una cooperativa de producción agropecuaria del municipio Esmeralda, Camagüey, Cuba, se valoraron las posibilidades de la integración productiva de las actividades cañera y ganadera. Para ello se realizó el balance forrajero a partir de la producción primaria de los pastizales y las necesidades de alimentos del rebaño. Considerando el déficit de alimentos para el ganado en el período poco lluvioso, se calculó la cantidad de caña necesaria para suplirlo y se determinó las cantidades de estiércol disponible para abonar la gramínea. Se estimó un efecto positivo en la alimentación del ganado con el uso de la caña que queda sin cortar anualmente en la entidad, que permitiría subsanar la carencia de pastos; por otro lado, el estiércol generado puede contribuir positivamente al aporte de nitrógeno, que posibilitaría aumentar los rendimientos de la caña al doble de los actuales

    Evaluation of dead leaf and soil creatures associated to Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp, used as live fences in savannahs

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    The contribution of decayed dry leaves and edaphic fauna to soil by using Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp as living fences on savannas  with a predominant  serpentine  stratum was determined  in Camagüey  municipality, Cuba. Results showed G. sepium beneficial environmental impact due to its high contribution of decayed dry leaves to soil, i.e., 332 kg/ha per month equivalent of 3,98 t/ha per year. Development of edaphic fauna earthworms and beetles mostly was enhanced, showing the benefits of this ecosystem environment, as well

    Introduction of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú for Milk Production, and Economic Results of a Buffalo Dairy

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    The effect of introducing Brachiaria brizanta cv. Marandú for forage upon milk production and economic results was evaluated on Tayabito buffalo dairy farm affiliated to Maraguán Livestock Center in Camagüey municipality, Cuba. To this purpose, a two-hectare B. brizanta grazing ground was introduced and its effect on milk production and quality was estimated by a Switch Back design with two treatments and six replicas each. Initially, female buffaloes lactation span was 122 ± 5,7 days. Forage balances were performed on native pastures and half the area with B. brizanta  grassland.  This new species  proved its suitability  by spreading  over 80 % of the 2 ha area after being planted. Concerning milk production during dry and rainy seasons, a significant increase was registered for B. brizanta compared to native pastures (over 0,54 and 0,83 l/animal/day for each season, respectively). Milk quality was not affected in either case. This farm forage production could supply current herd feeding needs by introducing 50 % grazing grounds of B. brizanta; besides, productive indexes could significantly improve

    Caracterización de Sistemas Productivos Lecheros en Condiciones de Montaña, Parroquia Químiag, Provincia Chimborazo, Ecuador.

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    Este estudio caracteriza y tipifica explotaciones lecheras presentes en la parroquia Químiag de Ecuador, utilizando simultáneamente información cuantitativa y cualitativa referente a indicadores productivos, nivel tecnológico presente, manejo de vacas lecheras, y recurso humano empleado. Un total de 291 explotaciones lecheras, para la zona estudiada, fueron analizadas mediante tres técnicas de análisis estadístico multivariable:  análisis  de  componentes principales (ACP), análisis  de  correspondencias múltiples (ACM) y  análisis  de  conglomerados  (AC). Tres grupos o tipos de sistemas productivos lecheros fueron identificados con diferentes niveles de eficiencia productiva. El sistema productivo tres se caracterizó por tener en promedio sistemas productivos más intensivos, junto con un desarrollo tecnológico más avanzado que el sistema productivo uno y dos.Characterization of Dairy Production Systems in Terms of Mountain Químiag Parish, Chimbora-zo Province, Ecuador.ABSTRACTThis study characterizes and defines the present in dairy farms of Ecuador parish Químiag simultaneously using quantitative and qualitative indicators concerning production, this level of technology, management of dairy cows, and human resources employee. A total of 291 dairy farms for the study area were analyzed using three multivariate statistical analysis techniques: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) and Cluster Analysis (CA). Three groups or types of dairy production systems were identified with different levels of production efficiency. The production system was characterized by three average more intensive production systems, along with technological development more advanced than the production system one and two

    Acciones para la recuperación y mejoramiento de pastizales nativos en las sabanas serpentiníticas del norte de Camagüey

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    In the basic cooperative unit “Finca Habana” of Mina’s cattle company, during raining and low raining seasons of 2006-2008, grassland areas were sampled in order to determine their botanic composition and primary productivity. Starting from this information actions were projected for improving cattle activity, giving priority to the preservation and recuperation of populations of native legumes and other valuable species. The actions brought about a diminution in complementary foods for cattle stabilizing the milk production according with the actual possibility of grasslands given that improved their dry matter availability and its nutritive quality, because of an increasing in the legumes presence what had positive repercussion on the economy of the cooperative basic unit giving greater incomes because of sold milk to the lactic products company, compared with years before the application of the measures. The expenses for veterinary attention and animal deceases were also diminished. This represented 2.5 million pesos saved at the level of company during the three years of work.En la UBPC “Finca Habana” de la empresa pecuaria Minas, se muestrearon en el período lluvioso y poco lluvioso del 2006 al 2008, las áreas de pastizales para determinar su composición botánica y productividad primaria de los mismos. A partir de esta información se proyectaron acciones de mejoramiento de la actividad ganadera que priorizan la conservación y recuperación de las poblaciones de leguminosas nativas y otras especies valiosas en los pastizales. Las acciones permitieron disminuir las necesidades de alimentos complementarios para el ganado, y estabilizar la producción de leche de acuerdo a la posibilidad real de los pastizales al mejorar su disponibilidad de materia seca y su calidad nutritiva, por el incremento de la presencia de leguminosas, lo que repercutió favorablemente en la economía de la UBPC, con ingresos superiores por concepto de leche vendida al EMPLAC, en comparación con los resultados de años anteriores a la aplicación de las medidas. También se lograron reducir los gastos por concepto de atención veterinaria y muertes de animales en los períodos de sequía. Todo esto representó un monto de 2,5 millones de pesos ahorrados a nivel de la empresa en los tres años de trabajo

    Annual Behavior of Milk Production Bio economic Indicators in Dairies of Ruta InvasoraCattle Raising Enterprise, Ciego de Ávila. II. Case Study Dairy.

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    Previous research of ten dairies at Ruta Invasora Cattle Raising Enterprise, in Ciego de Ávila, about the annual behavior of bioeconomic indicators of milk production singled out Dairy No. 1 as the most outstanding. It was then used as a comparison model in a case study, with the remaining nine units, based on the average reproductive, productive and economic indicators for the five-year period studied. Decomposition of seasonal time series to determine birth behavior was performed, using a multiplication model, considering 10 % above or below 100 %. Dairy No. 1 had birth peaks in the April-July period, with the highest values in May, which seemed to have determined a better behavior, especially in its best year, in relation with reproductive efficiency (78 % birth rate); productive, (1 393 kg/ha); and economic (0.86 CUP/kg of milk), in comparison with the rest of the units and the means from the years studied. These results corroborate the feasibility of improving milk production efficiency when the birth peaks occur within the rainy season

    Producción de forraje y composición bromatológica de Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp

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    Forage production and bromatologic composition of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp were evaluated on cattle raising serpentine soils from the Livestock Center Noel Fernández in Camagüey, Cuba. Data were processed by the statistical package SPSS, and mean and standard deviation were determined. G. sepium foliage levels were significant (3,68 kg/a/cut for green matter and 1,33 kg/a/cut for dry matter) and raw protein levels were satisfactory (13,2 %).Se evaluó la producción de forraje y composición bromatológica de Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp en áreas ganaderas sobre suelos serpentiníticos de la Empresa Agropecuaria Noel Fernández, Camagüey, Cuba. Se utilizó el paquete estadístico SPSS y se determinaron la media y el error estándar. Los niveles de follaje de la planta fueron apreciables (3,68 kg/a/corte de MV y 1,33 kg MS/a/corte) y los niveles de proteína bruta resultaron satisfactorios (13,2 %)

    Evaluación del aporte de hojarasca y la fauna edáfica asociada a Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp como cercas vivas en sabanas ultramáficas

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    The contribution of decayed dry leaves and edaphic fauna to soil by using Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp as living fences on savannas  with a predominant  serpentine  stratum was determined  in Camagüey  municipality, Cuba. Results showed G. sepium beneficial environmental impact due to its high contribution of decayed dry leaves to soil, i.e., 332 kg/ha per month equivalent of 3,98 t/ha per year. Development of edaphic fauna —earthworms and beetles mostly— was enhanced, showing the benefits of this ecosystem environment, as well.Se determinó el aporte de hojarasca y la fauna edáfica asociada a Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp como cercas vivas en sabanas ultramáficas  de Camagüey, Cuba. Los resultados indicaron su efecto ambiental positivo, pues aporta altos niveles de hojarasca al suelo (332 kg/ha, mensualmente), equivalentes a 3,98 t/ha anuales. Además, se creó un ambiente propicio para el desarrollo de la fauna edáfica: lombrices y coleópteros fueron los principales grupos hallados, beneficiosos para este ecosistema