26 research outputs found

    Dimensions of knowledge capital

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    The paper deals with the context in which the basis of competitive advantage and the functions of management have been fundamentally altered. These changes include a decrease in the cost of information flows, an increase in the number of markets and deregulation of international financial flows. Now, the new core business is development and deployment of intangible assets (knowledge). The traditional bases for competitive advantage, such as access to natural resources, access to skilled labor and ownership of plants and equipment, are being stripped away and superseded by the science and art of making the most from the organizational knowledge capital, seen as a strategic resource.knowledge, competitive advantage.

    Stairway to Excellence. Country Report: Romania

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    In the frame of the Stairway to Excellence project, complex country analysis was performed for the EU MS that joined the EU since 2004, with the objective to assess and corroborate all the qualitative and quantitative data in drawing national/regional FP7 participation patterns, understand the push–pull factors for FP7/H2020 participation and the factors affecting the capacity to absorb cohesion policy funds. This report articulates analysis on selected aspects and country-tailored policy suggestions aiming to tackle the weaknesses identified in the analysis. The report complements the complex qualitative/ quantitative analysis performed by the IPTS/KfG/S2E team. In order to avoid duplication and cover all the elements required for a sound analysis, the report builds on analytical framework developed by IPTS.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    Modular Walking Robots

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    Sumberdaya Nabati Asia Tenggara 6 Rotan

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    Jaminan Fidusia

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    Manajemen Strategis Public Relations

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