139 research outputs found

    On the Structure of Sequentially Generalized Cohen-Macaulay Modules

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    A finitely generated module MM over a local ring is called a sequentially generalized Cohen-Macaulay module if there is a filtration of submodules of MM: M0βŠ‚M1βŠ‚...βŠ‚Mt=MM_0\subset M_1\subset ... \subset M_t=M such that dim⁑M0<dim⁑M1<>...<dim⁑Mt\dim M_0<\dim M_1< >... <\dim M_t and each Mi/Miβˆ’1M_i/M_{i-1} is generalized Cohen-Macaulay. The aim of this paper is to study the structure of this class of modules. Many basic properties of these modules are presented and various characterizations of sequentially generalized Cohen-Macaulay property by using local cohomology modules, theory of multiplicity and in terms of systems of parameters are given. We also show that the notion of dd-sequences defined in \cite{cc} is an important tool for studying this class of modules.Comment: 28 page

    On the finiteness and stability of certain sets of associated primes ideals of local cohomology modules

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    Let (R,m)(R,\frak{m}) be a Noetherian local ring, II an ideal of RR and NN a finitely generated RR-module. Let kβ‰₯βˆ’1k{\ge}-1 be an integer and r=\depth_k(I,N) the length of a maximal NN-sequence in dimension >k>k in II defined by M. Brodmann and L. T. Nhan ({Comm. Algebra, 36 (2008), 1527-1536). For a subset S\subseteq \Spec R we set S_{{\ge}k}={\p\in S\mid\dim(R/\p){\ge}k}. We first prove in this paper that \Ass_R(H^j_I(N))_{\ge k} is a finite set for all j≀rj{\le}r}. Let \fN=\oplus_{n\ge 0}N_n be a finitely generated graded \fR-module, where \fR is a finitely generated standard graded algebra over R0=RR_0=R. Let rr be the eventual value of \depth_k(I,N_n). Then our second result says that for all l≀rl{\le}r the sets \bigcup_{j{\le}l}\Ass_R(H^j_I(N_n))_{{\ge}k} are stable for large nn.Comment: To appear in Communication in Algebr

    A local homology theory for linearly compact modules

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    We introduce a local homology theory for linearly compact modules which is in some sense dual to the local cohomology theory of A. Grothendieck. Some basic properties such as the noetherianness, the vanishing and non-vanishing of local homology modules of linearly compact modules are proved. A duality theory between local homology and local cohomology modules of linearly compact modules is developed by using Matlis duality and Macdonald duality. As consequences of the duality theorem we obtain some generalizations of well-known results in the theory of local cohomology for semi-discrete linearly compact modules.Comment: 24 page

    A Splitting Theorem for Local Cohomology and its Applications

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    Let RR be a commutative Noetherian ring and MM a finitely generated RR-module. We show in this paper that, for an integer tt, if the local cohomology module Hai(M)H^{i}_\mathfrak{a}(M) with respect to an ideal a\frak a is finitely generated for all i<ti<t, then H^{i}_\mathfrak{a}(M/xM)\cong H^{i}_\mathfrak{a}(M)\oplus H^{i+1}_\mathfrak{a}(M)forall for all \frak aβˆ’filterregularelements-filter regular elements xcontaininginaenoughlargepowerof containing in a enough large power of \frak aandall and all i<t-1$. As consequences we obtain generalizations, by very short proofs, of the main results of M. Brodmann and A.L. Faghani (A finiteness result for associated primes of local cohomology modules, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 128(2000), 2851-2853) and of H.L. Truong and the first author (Asymptotic behavior of parameter ideals in generalized Cohen-Macaulay module, J. Algebra, 320(2008),158-168).Comment: to appear in J. Algebr
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