15,276 research outputs found

    Household liquidity and incremental financing decisions:theory and evidence

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    In this paper we develop a stochastic model for household liquidity. In the model, the optimal liquidity policy takes the form of a liquidity range. Subsequently, we use the model to calibrate the upper bound of the predicted liquidity range. Equipped with knowledge about the relevant control barriers, we run a series of empirical tests on a panel data set of Dutch households covering the period 1992-2007. The results broadly validate our theoretical predictions that households (i) exhaust most of their short-term liquid assets prior to increasing net debt, and (ii) reduce outstanding net debt at the optimally selected upper liquidity barrier. However, a small minority of households appear to act sub-optimally. Poor and vulnerable households rely too frequently on expensive forms of credit (such as overdrafts) hereby incurring substantial amounts of fees and fixed borrowing costs. Elderly households and people on social benefits tend to accumulate too much liquidity. Finally, some households take on expensive short-term credit while having substantial amounts of low-yielding liquid assets

    Asteroseismology and Magnetic Cycles

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    Small cyclic variations in the frequencies of acoustic modes are expected to be a common phenomenon in solar-like pulsators, as a result of stellar magnetic activity cycles. The frequency variations observed throughout the solar and stellar cycles contain information about structural changes that take place inside the stars as well as about variations in magnetic field structure and intensity. The task of inferring and disentangling that information is, however, not a trivial one. In the sun and solar-like pulsators, the direct effect of the magnetic field on the oscillations might be significantly important in regions of strong magnetic field (such as solar- / stellar-spots), where the Lorentz force can be comparable to the gas-pressure gradient. Our aim is to determine the sun- / stellar-spots effect on the oscillation frequencies and attempt to understand if this effect contributes strongly to the frequency changes observed along the magnetic cycle. The total contribution of the spots to the frequency shifts results from a combination of direct and indirect effects of the magnetic field on the oscillations. In this first work we considered only the indirect effect associated with changes in the stratification within the starspot. Based on the solution of the wave equation and the variational principle we estimated the impact of these stratification changes on the oscillation frequencies of global modes in the sun and found that the induced frequency shifts are about two orders of magnitude smaller than the frequency shifts observed over the solar cycle.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, ESF Conference: The Modern Era of Helio- and Asteroseismology, to be published on 3 December 2012 at Astronomische Nachrichten 333, No. 10, 1032-103

    On Effective Spacetime Dimension in the Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz Gravity

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    In this manuscript we explicitly compute the effective dimension of spacetime in some backgrounds of Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz (H-L) gravity. For all the cases considered, the results are compatible with a dimensional reduction of the spacetime to d+1=2d+1=2, at high energies (ultraviolet limit), which is confirmed by other quantum gravity approaches, as well as to d+1=4d+1=4, at low energies (infrared limit). This is obtained by computing the free energy of massless scalar and gauge fields. We find that the only effect of the background is to change the proportionality constant between the internal energy and temperature. Firstly, we consider both the non-perturbative and perturbative models involving the matter action, without gravitational sources but with manifest time and space symmetry breaking, in order to calculate modifications in the Stephan-Boltzmann law. When gravity is taken into account, we assume a scenario in which there is a spherical source with mass MM and radius RR in thermal equilibrium with radiation, and consider the static and spherically symmetric solution of the H-L theory found by Kehagias-Sfetsos (K-S), in the weak and strong field approximations. As byproducts, for the weak field regime, we used the current uncertainty of the solar radiance measurements to establish a constraint on the ω\omega free parameter of the K-S solution. We also calculate the corrections, due to gravity, to the recently predicted attractive force that black bodies exert on nearby neutral atoms and molecules.Comment: references adde

    Complete high-precision entropic sampling

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    Monte Carlo simulations using entropic sampling to estimate the number of configurations of a given energy are a valuable alternative to traditional methods. We introduce {\it tomographic} entropic sampling, a scheme which uses multiple studies, starting from different regions of configuration space, to yield precise estimates of the number of configurations over the {\it full range} of energies, {\it without} dividing the latter into subsets or windows. Applied to the Ising model on the square lattice, the method yields the critical temperature to an accuracy of about 0.01%, and critical exponents to 1% or better. Predictions for systems sizes L=10 - 160, for the temperature of the specific heat maximum, and of the specific heat at the critical temperature, are in very close agreement with exact results. For the Ising model on the simple cubic lattice the critical temperature is given to within 0.003% of the best available estimate; the exponent ratios β/ν\beta/\nu and γ/ν\gamma/\nu are given to within about 0.4% and 1%, respectively, of the literature values. In both two and three dimensions, results for the {\it antiferromagnetic} critical point are fully consistent with those of the ferromagnetic transition. Application to the lattice gas with nearest-neighbor exclusion on the square lattice again yields the critical chemical potential and exponent ratios β/ν\beta/\nu and γ/ν\gamma/\nu to good precision.Comment: For a version with figures go to http://www.fisica.ufmg.br/~dickman/transfers/preprints/entsamp2.pd