11 research outputs found

    Development of galactomannan-based films from Cassia grandis for the immobilization of biomolecules: physicochemical characterization

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    Galactomannans are polysaccharides formed by a β(1 4)-D-mannan backbone attached to α(1 6)- D-galactose units. They are commonly extracted from leguminous seeds and used as alternative sources for the production of films. Lactoferrin (Lf), bioactive peptides (BAPs), and phytosterols are biomolecules with functional properties and potential immobilization into films. The use of galactomannan films as immobilization systems is unexplored and emerges as an alternative for the incorporation of biomolecules for several biotechnological applications. This work aims evaluating the effect of different concentrations of LF, BAPs and phytosterols on the properties of galactomannan films obtained from Cassia grandis seeds. Colour parameters (L*, a* and b*) and opacity were determined using a digital colorimeter. Solubility in water was expressed as percentage of the film dry matter solubilized after 24 h immersion in distilled water and water vapour permeability (WVP) was determined gravimetrically based on ASTM E96-92 method. Contact angle (CA) was measured by the sessile drop method and mechanical properties were measured using a texture analyzer following the guidelines of ASTM D882-02. All the studied films had a strong whiteness tendency. The presence of Lf increased (p<0.05) the redness appearance of the films, even considering their evident yellowness tendency. All the studied films presented low opacity values (ranged between 11.53±0.15 and 12.37±0.16), however the films with immobilized phytosterols were more opaque than the other films. Solubility values decreased with the addition of Lf, while the incorporation of BAPs and phytosterols did not lead to statistical differences (p>0.05) between the films. The presence of Lf and phytosterols significantly increased the WVP values, leading to values 3.9 and 1.7-fold higher than the control film, respectively. Lf and BAPs increased (p<0.05) the CA values when compared to the results of the control film. Young′s modulus and tensile strength increased with the addition of biomolecules, improving the stiffness of the films, while the control films were more flexible due to the highest values of elongation at break. Galactomannan-based films from C. grandis showed to be a promising structure for the immobilization of biomolecules foreseeing a great number of possible applications in food and pharmaceutical industries

    Biodegradable synthetic polymers in biomedical application: A review: Polímeros sintéticos biodegradáveis em aplicação biomédica: Uma revisão

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    Biotechnology associated with medical technology has allowed biodegradable synthetic polymers to have versatile and diversified biomedical applications due to interesting properties such as good cell adhesion, in vivo proliferation, and degradation without harmful effects to the human body. Thus, they are suitable for a variety of applications, especially those related to therapeutics or pharmaceutics, for example, tissue engineering and drug delivery. This work aimed to revise the broad applications of the term biodegradation in different areas of science. We focused on the most recent biomedical applications of biodegradable synthetic polymers, revising the characteristics which have contributed to solving health-related problems. Actual, efficient, and consistent results have been introduced in the market as a result of the growing search for new technologies. They have been applied both at macro and nanometer scales, in isolated and conjugated forms, or even as encapsulating matrices. Biodegradable synthetic polymers present longer degradation periods when compared to natural polymers, they stand out in tissue engineering since they can be adjusted according to their composition, reaching various degrees of selectivity for specific clinical applications

    Purification of a lectin from Cratylia mollis crude extract seed by a single step PEG/phosphate aqueous two-phase system

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    The partitioning and purification of lectins from the crude extract of Cratylia mollis seeds (Cramoll 1,4) was investigated in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS). A factorial design model (24) was used to evaluate the influence of polyethylene glycol (PEG) molar mass (15008000g/mol), PEG concentration (12.517.5% w/w), phosphate (1015% w/w) concentration, and pH (68) on the differential partitioning, purification factor, and yield of the lectin. Polymer and salt concentration were the most important variables affecting partition of lectin and used to find optimum purification factor by experimental BoxBehnken design together with the response surface methodology (RSM). ATPS showed best conditions composed by 13.9% PEG1500, 15.3% phosphate buffer at pH 6, which ensured purification factor of 4.70. Sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed a single band of protein with 26.1kDa. Furthermore, results demonstrated a thermostable lectin presenting activity until 60°C and lost hemagglutinating activity at 80°C. According to the obtained data it can be inferred that the ATPS optimization using RSM approach can be applied for recovery and purification of lectins.We are grateful to the following bodies for the grants awarded: CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Level Personnel Superior); FACEPE (Pernambuco Science and Technology Foundation): Researcher's scholarship grant: BFP-0017-5.05/18 CNPq (National Council for Scientific Development and Technological) process: 427153/2016-6 and we also thank the reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions as these helped us to improve the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação do efeito do revestimento à base de quitosana na conservação pós-colheita do Umbu / Evaluation of the effect of chitosan-based coating on the post-harvest conservation of Umbu

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    Para manter a qualidade e estender o tempo de prateleira das frutas, as indústrias têm buscado novas técnicas de aprimoramento, como o uso de revestimentos comestíveis. A quitosana é um biopolímero promissor nessa área, por apresentar atividade antimicrobiana, características físico-químicas e biodegradáveis pertinentes para a utilização como revestimento comestível. O umbu é um fruto da região semiárida brasileira que tem importância econômica e nutricional contribuindo para a geração de renda da região Nordeste do Brasil. Neste estudo foi realizada a avaliação do efeito do revestimento comestível à base de quitosana sobre o tempo de prateleira dos umbus. Para tal, os frutos foram imersos numa solução de quitosana 1% (p/v) em ácido acético 1% (v/v) por 2 min à 25°C. Grupos com e sem revestimento foram estocados à 8 °C por 15 dias e as análises de perda de massa, acidez total titulável, pH, sólidos solúveis totais e parâmetros de cor (L e ºH) foram realizados. Os resultados revelaram que durante o período de armazenamento houve redução da perda de massa, aumento da acidez titulável e diminuição do pH nos frutos revestidos em comparação com o grupo sem revestimento (controle). Contudo, nenhuma diferença foi encontrada nas análises colorimétricas, nem nos sólidos solúveis totais. O estudo sugere que o revestimento de quitosana pode ser um candidato promissor para aumentar a vida de prateleira dos umbus.

    Protoplast formation and regeneration from Streptomyces clavuligerus NRRL 3585 and clavulanic acid production Formação e regeneração de protoplastos de Streptomyces clavuligerus NRRL 3585 e produção de ácido clavulânico

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    Protoplasts of the wild type Streptomyces clavuligerus NRRL 3585 (ATCC 27064) were formed from spores cultures obtained in the lag, exponential and stationary growth phases by using 0.5% glycine in the culture medium. The protoplasts were obtained by treatment of the cells with lysozyme (EC- 40,000 U (1mg/mL), in an osmotic solution for 90 min at 28ºC. The frequency of regenerated protoplasts in the lag phase was 1.7x10³ CFU/mL (28.97%), in the beginning of the exponential phase 0.4x10² CFU/mL (31.67%), in the exponential growth phase 2.5x10³ CFU/mL (46.30%) and 1.0x10(5) CFU/mL in stationary phase (48.45%). Antibiotic production and activity of regenerated protoplasts were observed in all phases, except in the lag phase. The protoplast formation and regeneration techniques resulted in a new isolate strain of Streptomyces clavuligerus that produced approximately 2.5 fold more clavulanic acid.<br>Protoplastos foram formados a partir de esporos da amostra selvagem de Streptomyces clavuligerus durante a fase lag, exponencial e estacionária de crescimento, utilizando glicina a 0.5% como meio de cultura. Os protoplastos foram obtidos pelo tratamento das células com lisozima (EC- 40.000 U (1mg/mL) em solução osmótica de sorbitol e TES, por 90 min a 28ºC. A freqüência de protoplastos regenerados na fase lag foi de 1,7x10³ UFC/mL (28,97%), no início da fase exponencial correspondeu a 0,4x10² UFC/mL (31,67%), no final da fase exponencial observou-se 2,5x10³ UFC/mL (46,30%) e para a fase estacionária de crescimento apresentou 1,0x10(5) UFC/mL (48,45%). A produção do antibiótico e a atividade antibiótica dos protoplastos regenerados foram observadas em todas as fases de crescimento, exceto na fase lag. As técnicas de formação de protoplastos e regeneração resultaram em uma nova linhagem de Streptomyces clavuligerus produzindo 2,5 vezes mais ácido clavulânico

    Sub-chronic effects of a Phthirusa pyrifolia aqueous extract on reproductive function and comparative hormone levels in male rats

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    Objective: To explore the effects of aqueous extract from Phthirusa pyrifolia leaves (67 mg/kg body weight for 12 days) on the reproductive function of male Wistar rats through oral administration. Methods: Animals (n = 30), aged 13 weeks and weighing (378.5 ± 5.0) g, were housed in a vivarium under controlled environmental conditions [photoperiod of 12 h light/dark, temperature of (23 ± 1) °C] and were fed standard rations ad libitum. The experiment ran for 12 days, wherein animals were divided into three groups: negative control (n = 6) received water, positive control (n = 12) with finasteride at a concentration of 1.0 mg/kg; and a test group (n = 12) submitted to aqueous extract. At the end of the experiment, the animals were sacrificed and submitted to analyses. Results: The morphological results of the testes showed that the aqueous extract induced significant changes in the diameter and cross-sectional area of the seminiferous tubules as well as the thickness of the seminiferous epithelium. Furthermore, the extract was able to abruptly decrease testosterone concentrations by about 81.88% in the treated group when compared with the negative control, (47.0 ± 4.8) ng/dL and (255.0 ± 2.0) ng/dL, respectively, and 76.8%, (211.0 ± 8.7) ng/dL, when compared with finasteride. However, the extract causes neither liver damage nor impairment of renal function. Conclusions: These results suggest that the high amounts of flavonoids shown to be in the extract may be responsible for its hepato-protective effects and suggest a possible decrease in the libido and reproduction of rats

    Effect of the Aqueous Extract of <i>Chrysobalanus icaco</i> Leaves on Maternal Reproductive Outcomes and Fetal Development in Wistar Rats

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    Toxicological studies on medicinal plants are essential to ensure their safety and effectiveness in treating various diseases. Despite the species Chrysobalanus icaco L. being popularly used in the treatment of several diseases due to the pharmacological properties of its bioactive compounds, there are few studies in the literature regarding its toxicity regarding reproduction. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the potential embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of the aqueous extract of C. icaco leaves (AECi) on Wistar rats. Animals were given AECi at doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg during the pre-implantation and organogenesis periods. Data were analyzed using ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test and Kruskal–Wallis. Pregnant rats treated during the pre-implantation period showed no signs of reproductive toxicity. Rats that received AECi at 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg during organogenesis did not exhibit any signs of maternal systemic toxicity or significant differences in gestational and embryotoxic parameters. Some skeletal changes were observed in the treated groups. Therefore, it can be suggested that AECi at doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg is safe for treated animals and does not induce reproductive toxicity under the experimental conditions applied, but it also caused low systemic toxicity

    Screening of Caatinga plants as sources of lectins and trypsin inhibitors

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    <div><p>Although it is one of the most threatened areas in the Earth, there are few studies on the biotechnological potential of the Caatinga. This work evaluated 36 extracts from 27 Caatinga plants for lectin and trypsin inhibitor activities. The presence of lectin was detected in 77.7% of samples by haemagglutinating assay. The highest values of specific haemagglutinating activity were found in extracts of leaves from <i>Mimosa lewesii</i>, <i>Bauhinia acuruana</i> and <i>Manilkara rufula</i> and in branches from <i>Myracrodruon urundeuva</i>. Trypsin inhibitor activity was detected in 63.9% of the tested extracts, strong inhibitory effect (>70%) being found in 11 samples. This work demonstrates that Caatinga is a potential source of bioactive plant proteins that can be isolated and studied for several applications. The biochemical prospecting of Caatinga is essential for collection of bioactive principles so as to add conservation value to the region.</p></div