70 research outputs found

    A methodology in choosing a new compatible function in the recovery project of disused religious buildings. Research study in Italy

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    [EN] The phenomenon of abandoned religious buildings is today felt in many countries of the world and particularly in Europe, where the problem has taken on such dimensions as to worry the ecclesiastical institutions, which are encouraging to work with particular caution in order to avoid improper use and to consider each case according to its historical peculiarities. The topic involves many actors (clergy, population, associations, tourists, traders, etc.) since it has several meanings: Social, because religious buildings have held together many generations; Economic, because these places fascinate foreign visitors; Environmental, because their physical presence in the urban or rural landscape revives contexts and traditions; Cultural, because sacred buildings represent the largest portfolio of European historical heritage. From 2018, the Holy See encouraged to produce recommendations especially oriented towards new functional, social and architectural choices able to preserve both the material and spiritual value of the artefacts over time.By starting from an analysis of the theme, the contribution provides a methodological approach in searching for a new compatible function, in accordance with the new programmatic guidelines and the principles of the discipline of architectural conservation and recovery, applying it to the case of the old abandoned convents in the historical centre of Salerno in Italy.Ribera, F.; Cucco, P. (2020). A methodology in choosing a new compatible function in the recovery project of disused religious buildings. Research study in Italy. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 5(1):1-15. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2020.13452OJS11551Bullen, P.A. (2011) Love P.E.D. «Factors influencing the adaptive re-use of buildings. Journal of Engineering Design and Technology, 2011, 32-46. https://doi.org/10.1108/17260531111121459Carbonara, G. (1997) Avvicinamento al Restauro, Teoria, storia, monumenti. Liguori, Napoli.Cavana, P. (2009) Il problema degli edifici di culto dismessi". Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, 4.Cavana, P. (2016) Chiese dismesse: una risorsa per il futuro". Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, 10.Cellucci, C. and Di Sivo, M. (2015) The Flexible Housing: Criteria and Strategies for Implementation of the Flexibility. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 9, 845-852. https://doi.org/10.17265/1934-7359/2015.07.011Charte sur l'utilisation des anciens bâtiments ecclésiastiques, 26 ottobre 1987, Roma 1987 (cf. «Arte cristiana», 75, 1987, pp. 410-412).Crisci, G. and Campagna, A. (1967) Salerno sacra: ricerche storiche. Edizioni della Curia Arcivescovile, Salerno.Cucco, P., Torsiello, I., Giuditta, S. and Aurino E. (2017) Il convento di Santa Maria della Consolazione a Salerno, ipotesi di restauro e recupero. Una sintesi armonica tra passato, presente e future. Scienza e Beni Culturali 1, 287-297.Dimodugno, D. (2017) Il riuso degli edifici di culto: profili problematici tra diritto canonico, civile e amministrativo". Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale, 23.Gulli, R. (2014) Recupero e conservazione degli edifice. EdicomEdizioni, Monfalcone.Gullo, C. (1997) Brevi note sulla gravità della «causa» necessaria per ridurre la chiesa a uso profane. Il diritto ecclesiastico, 108, 7-11.Longhi, A. (2016) Il ruolo contemporaneo delle chiese storiche, tra processi di appropriazione, patrimonializzazione e abbandono. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l'architettura, 10.Montini, G. P. (2000) La cessazione degli edifici di culto". Quaderni di diritto ecclesiale, 13, 281-299.Pasca, M. (ed.) (2000). Il Centro Storico di Salerno: chiese, conventi, palazzi, musei e fontane pubbliche. BetaGamma, Viterbo.Ribera, F. and Cucco, P. (2019) La storia che (r)esiste. Approcci alla conservazione e valorizzazione dei ruderi. FrancoAngeli, Milano.Ribera, F., Nesticò, A., Cucco, P. and Maselli G. (2020) A multicriteria approach to identify the highest and best use for historical buildings. Journal of Cultural Heritage 41, 166-177. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2019.06.004Schmidt, R., Toru E. et al. (2010) What is the meaning of adaptability in the building?. Tecnalia, 1, 233-242.Secchi, B. (1999) Progetti per il centro antico di Salerno: Chipperfield, de las Casas, Monestiroli, Sejma, Venezia. Casabella, 667.Serra Raspi, J. (1981) L'architettura degli Ordini Mendicanti nel Principato salernitano. Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age, Temps Modernes 93, 605-681. https://doi.org/10.3406/mefr.1981.2620Sgarbi, C. (2016) Dissacrare la memoria del sacro: il caso Mignon. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l'architettura, 7/10. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-1602/6351Tomatis, P. (2016) Gli edifici ecclesiali, tra culto liturgico e cultura Cristiana. Patrimonio Architettonico Religioso. Gangemi Editore, Roma

    A handy model for the dynamic thermal response of the building-plant system

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    This paper presents a novel approach for predicting the unsteady indoor room temperature as resulting from the interrelation among the characteristics of the thermal plant, the temperature regulation system, and the envelope, allowing an easy-to-handle but meaningful description. A finite element model is built by dividing the analysis domain into two separate sub-systems suitably coupled. The former represents the 1D unsteady composite wall, the latter describes the inner ambient regarded as a lumped thermal system. The development of optimal thermal regulation strategies in terms of comfort and energy savings is made easier. Simulation results revealed that a good level of comfort can be ensured by adopting different thermal regulation strategies for 'light' and 'massive' envelopes


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    Rural villages and centres are a fundamental source of traditional and local knowledge connected to social, environmental and economic needs over the centuries. In order to effectively preserve this cultural heritage, as well as prevent abandonment and degradation, it is crucial to undertake a knowledge project that involves comprehensive information gathering and site-specific understanding. The growing complexity of urban systems necessitates a holistic approach to knowledge management, which can mitigate risks while enhancing operational effectiveness. This study aims to systematise knowledge acquisition process in an organic manner for defining recovery, enhancement and protection strategies for small centres. A methodological framework is then proposed, which can serve as a reference for the definition of a specific action plan replicable in similar territorial contexts, accounting local peculiarities and specificities. The methodological approach is applied to the case study of Castelnuovo Cilento, Southern Italy, with many vernacular heritage examples to maintain, conserve and pass on to future generations


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    Southern Italy is rich in examples of “industrial archaeology”, which contributes to the creation of the industrial urban landscape that emerged from the eighteenth century and that testifies the process of transformation of both environment and society. The transition from industry to industrial heritage represents a cultural breakpoint in appreciating the potential of these architectures, in the awareness of achieving sustainable development goals and reducing the consumption of resources. Recovery of abandoned factories represents a unique opportunity to rethink new and improved urban, social, economic, and cultural strategies. Certainly, it is not possible to pay the same attention to all the former industries of the Twentieth century, but there is a need for a primary selection by starting from a value comprehensive reflection. This paper intends to propose a methodology of analysis and action in any architectural and urban recovery and regeneration programs, evaluating all the aspects involved in recovery projects. This approach includes qualitative parameters of protection and development, in order to obtain more efficient and sustainable solutions. In this context, every project for the recovery and reuse of former factories allows both to rediscover the dynamic vocation of cities and to understand the historical-artistic value of such buildings crystallized in the not-too-distant past

    La scoperta della cultura neoclassica sulla scena europea del XVIII secolo. Nuove prospettive per gli interventi di restauro architettonico

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    The debate, which began in the 18th-century, is around the question: ‘What is monument?’. For the neoclassicists, monuments are material ruins of the Greek and Roman civilizations: triumphal arches, theatres, bridges, aqueducts and all that remained in Europe from the classical period. The neoclassical restoration season built the foundations of a new discipline, attributing monumental value to ancient ruins in a non-episodic but systematic way. The next restoration is only about extending the concept of monument. This essay discusses the domain of application of the restoration: from this period onwards medieval, baroque and, more recently, the nineteenth century and early twentieth century factories are considered monuments

    Dalla Conservazione Integrata di Amsterdam (1975) all’Integrated Approach to Cultural Heritage (2020). Nuove prospettive nello scenario di cambiamenti globali

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    The expression “Integrated Conservation”, coined at the Amsterdam Congress in 1975, is a real watershed in the discipline of conservation, enhancement and management of monuments, cities and historic centers, expanding the domain of application of the meaning "integration" and strengthening the intrinsic value of Cultural Heritage in a global scenario. However, current contemporary challenges, sudden changes, natural and anthropogenic pressures lead to broadening the Amsterdam Declaration assumptions towards new policies and doctrinal instruments capable of protecting heritage in critical contexts, promoting both cultural diversity and dialogue, enhancing the economy potential of cultural heritage as a catalyst for creativity and economic growth and, finally, supporting any actions on the heritage, considered in its material and cultural totality. Architectures and historical sites, recognized for their extraordinary nature, require more prudent tools and operational practices, shared by scholars, institutions and technicians, in order to guide each intervention on Cultural Heritage, conceived "as a whole" with repercussions on a global and choral level

    Architettura moderna a rischio. Questioni aperte tra processi di patrimonializzazione e azioni di trasformazione.

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    Il naturale scorrere del tempo è spesso, ferocemente e improvvisamente, interrotto e perturbato da eventi disastrosi che si sovrappongono al suo fisiologico passaggio sul patrimonio costruito che oggi si presenta come «un antico testo poetico dal quale sono andati perduti parole e versi», come scrive Simmel in Die Ruine nel 1911. Nel corso della storia, edifici e siti sono stati costantemente minacciati di distruzione da calamità naturali, conflitti umani o eventi sociali spesso imprevedibili. I diversi avvenimenti disastrosi hanno scritto la storia di paesi e popolazioni e sovente hanno dettato il modo di operare sulle preesistenze, consentendo l’elaborazione di nuovi metodi per risolvere i nodi problematici, le mutazioni improvvise o le difficoltà tecniche, anche incentivando a esplorare nuove possibilità di trasformazione. Il volume intende approfondire il tema del patrimonio culturale a rischio, declinato secondo i suoi diversi aspetti, confrontandosi con le implicazioni artistiche, culturali, sociali, economiche e tecniche a esso sottes


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    Southern Italy is rich in examples of industrial archaeology, that contribute to the creation of the industrial urban landscape emerged from the Eighteenth century and testify the process of transformation of both environment and society. The transition from industry to industrial heritage represents a breakpoint in appreciating the potential of these works, in the awareness of achieving sustainable development goals and reducing the consumption of resources. The recovery of abandoned factories represents a unique opportunity to rethink new and improved urban, social, economic, and cultural strategies. Certainly, it is not possible to pay the same attention to all the former industries of the Twentieth century, but there is a need for a primary selection by starting from a more comprehensive reflection. This paper intends to propose a methodology of analysis and action in any architectural and urban recovery and regeneration programs, evaluating all the aspects involved in recovery projects. This approach includes qualitative parameters of protection and development, to obtain more efficient and sustainable solutions. In this context, every project on the former factories allows both to rediscover the dynamic vocation of cities and to understand the historical-artistic value of such buildings crystallized in the not-too-distant past