8 research outputs found

    Phosphorylase activity and its inhibition with glucose-6-phosphate of the mussel’s adductor muscle

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    The quantity of phosphorylase-a during the relaxation of the mussel’s adductor muscle decreases, and increases during the contraction. No difference can be shown between the activity of the darker and lighter muscle bundles. The activity of phosphorylase-a in the adductor muscle of mussel could be markedly inhibited by G-6-P. This inhibition is to great extent suspended by AMP. We may conclude that the high allosteric sensitivity of phosphorylase- a plays a rather significant role in the allosteric regulation of glycogenolysis in the adductor muscle of mussels, and mcst probably, in the muscle of other lower animals too

    Könyvismertetések = Book Reviews

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    1. Csépány Tünde és Illés Zsolt: Klinikai neuroimmunológia 2. Karasszon Dénes: A Magyar Állatorvoslás Kultúrtörténete I–II. 3. Gaál Csaba: Szakírás – Bevezetés a tudományos munkák értékeléséhez, írásáho