1,909 research outputs found

    A microprocessor based high speed packet switch for satellite communications, executive summary

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    The feasibility of using microprocessors to control satellite-borne packet switching was investigated by designing a packet switch architecture suitable for microprocessor control, using 2900 series components to design the processor(s), and evaluating the packet switch in terms of system throughput, delay, and queue sizes without the packet switch. System architecture for one, three, and multiple processors was designed and evaluated. The production cost of the single processor packet switch is estimated at 500,000,excludingcostofdevelopment.Thethreeprocessorversionwhichcansupportamaximumthroughputof500,000packets/secisestimatedtohaveaproductioncostofunder500,000, excluding cost of development. The three processor version which can support a maximum throughput of 500,000 packets/sec is estimated to have a production cost of under 100,000. For the multiple processor system, cost is believed to be proportional to throughput, with $1,000,000 for 500,000 packets/sec being the proportionality factor

    Development, implementation and evaluation of satellite-aided agricultural monitoring systems

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    Research supporting the use of remote sensing for inventory and assessment of agricultural commodities is summarized. Three task areas are described: (1) corn and soybean crop spectral/temporal signature characterization; (2) efficient area estimation technology development; and (3) advanced satellite and sensor system definition. Studies include an assessment of alternative green measures from MSS variables; the evaluation of alternative methods for identifying, labeling or classification targets in an automobile procedural context; a comparison of MSS, the advanced very high resolution radiometer and the coastal zone color scanner, as well as a critical assessment of thematic mapper dimensionally and spectral structure

    Development, implementation and evaluation of satellite-aided agricultural monitoring systems

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    Research activities in support of AgRISTARS Inventory Technology Development Project in the use of aerospace remote sensing for agricultural inventory described include: (1) corn and soybean crop spectral temporal signature characterization; (2) efficient area estimation techniques development; and (3) advanced satellite and sensor system definition. Studies include a statistical evaluation of the impact of cultural and environmental factors on crop spectral profiles, the development and evaluation of an automatic crop area estimation procedure, and the joint use of SEASAT-SAR and LANDSAT MSS for crop inventory

    Golden Fleece Sheath Dress

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    In designing the Golden Fleece Sheath Dress, my main goal was to move out of my “comfort zone” of using actual fabrics. I desired to create something extremely dissimilar to other pieces I had created before

    A microprocessor based high speed packet switch for satellite communications

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    The architectures of a single processor, a three processor, and a multiple processor system are described. The hardware circuits, and software routines required for implementing the three and multiple processor designs are presented. A bit-slice microprocessor was designed and microprogrammed. Maximum throughput was calculated for all three designs. Queue theoretic models for these three designs were developed and utilized to obtain analytical expressions for the average waiting times, overall average response times and average queue sizes. From these expressions, graphs were obtained showing the effect on the system performance of a number of design parameters

    Understanding and utilization of Thematic Mapper and other remotely sensed data for vegetation monitoring

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    The TM Tasseled Cap transformation, which provides both a 50% reduction in data volume with little or no loss of important information and spectral features with direct physical association, is presented and discussed. Using both simulated and actual TM data, some important characteristics of vegetation and soils in this feature space are described, as are the effects of solar elevation angle and atmospheric haze. A preliminary spectral haze diagnostic feature, based on only simulated data, is also examined. The characteristics of the TM thermal band are discussed, as is a demonstration of the use of TM data in energy balance studies. Some characteristics of AVHRR data are described, as are the sensitivities to scene content of several LANDSAT-MSS preprocessing techniques

    Comparison of Five Methods for the Determination of Rubella Immunity

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy of commonly used methods for the detection of rubella immunity, especially the fully automated IMx assay

    Revisiting the Figure of Merit of Concentrated Solar Power Receivers

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    The figure of merit (FOM) is a widely used metric to characterize the performance of concentrated solar power (CSP) receivers by comparing the amount of solar thermal energy retained by the receiver to the incident concentrated solar radiation. However, the FOM is a strong function of the concentration factor and receiver temperature, thus direct comparison of FOM values measured under disparate operating conditions is inappropriate. To remedy this problem, the present study proposes a new metric called the receiver effectiveness calculated by normalizing the actual FOM with its theoretical maximum. The receiver effectiveness can be employed for comparing receiver performances regardless of their operating conditions, and can be treated as more-like the second law efficiency of thermodynamics. In addition, a theoretical limit of the CSP plant efficiency is also examined by combining the maximum FOM and the Carnot efficiency for different concentration factors and receiver temperatures. The calculated maximum CSP plant efficiency clearly indicate that optimizing FOM does not always lead to a better CSP plant performance. Along with the FOM, the proposed receiver effectiveness and maximum CSP system efficiency should be considered as complementary metrics to evaluate the performance of the CSP system