31 research outputs found

    Household Reparing

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    “A stick in time saves nine” is as applicable to household repairs as it is to the tear in Carl’s trousers. Broken things are often neglected because of the inconvenience of taking them somewhere to be repaired. Responses to the question “what things about your home need repair” show that there is much furniture, chairs especially, which need repair. Money is saved by the family which does its own household repairing

    Furniture: Renovation, Repair, Refinish

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    Daily care of furniture, the regular removal of dust and gritty particles which scratch the polished surfaces, the immediate attention to spots and stains and occasional thorough renovating will postpone the need of refinishing indefinitely

    Simplifying Ironing

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    Some of the factors which will help to simplify the hot, tedious job of ironing are: Selection of easily ironed fabrics, styles and finishes; careful removal of clothes from the line; correct dampening; well-arranged and adjusted equipment and the elimination of unnecessary movements

    Accessories: Their Selection, Making and Placing

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    Accessories are those supplementary things which go with or belong to the major furnishings of the home. Carefully selected, correctly placed and well cared for accessories add much to its comfort, convenience and charm

    Making Cleaning Easy

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    Is it possible to find pleasure in bringing beauty, comfort and cleanliness out of disorder and dirt? Cleaning cannot be made easy while considered as drudgery. Factors Which Make Cleaning Easy Some of the factors which help to make cleaning easy are: Simple standard of living; a cooperative effort of family members to exclude dirt from the home and prevent disorder; adequate places to keep things; a well-planned cleaning program; right methods, equipment and working postures

    Sharing Work and Responsibility

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    The efficient home is the product of cooperative family effort to secure with minimum expenditures of time, energy, and money, a home atmosphere where each member can achieve a well-balanced physical, mental, and spiritual development. Every family has had such a goal consciously recognized by its members. If it has been repressed by discouragement, misunderstanding or the autocratic dominance of some member, it should be brought into use again. The seemingly least interested member loves his home and is happiest when giving freely of his best to help make it a success. Whether the reason why he is not giving his best be real or fancied, the results are the same and the situation needs careful study. Family life has been a center of study for a number of y0ars. There are those who have been as devoted in giving their time to the discovery of the elements of successful family life as others have been in giving themselves to the discovery of new planets, new combinations of chemical elements or the production of new types of plants and animals

    Enjoyable Jobs for Leisure Hours

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    Leisure in the home is not so much a matter of wealth or time as it is a matter of attitudes. It must be recognized as one of the essentials of homemaking if it is to share a place of relative importance in the home program. All work and no play does more than make one dull. It robs one of physical poise and beauty. It impoverishes the soul. Time spent in playing and doing interesting things outside of essential work recreates both soul and body. It gives a feeling of personal growth which is essential to contentment. It builds a storehouse of memories which lightens routine tasks and makes home life colorful, alluring and happy. It binds family ties through multiplied possibilities of comradeship· between parents and children. The family members never have time in which to play together or ride hobbies unless they deliberately cooperate in planning leisure hours for each member in the home program. Leisure time like money must be saved before it is spent and its use must be planned if its spending brings permanent pleasure

    Opportunities for Better Family Living Through Conserving Your Health

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    The ability of your family to be happy and successful depends largely upon the personal efficiency and cooperation of each member. Authorities place attitude and ideals as first requisites to efficiency, and health as a close second. Someone defined health as that condition of the body that makes possible the highest enjoyment of life, and the greatest constructive work. Another adds that positive health makes one welcome the new day and the new task with assurance. Health is possible for you but you cannot attain it \u27by mere wishing. It is built up through knowledge and persistent following of a way of living which makes it possible and conserves it. If you want to be healthy and live long: avoid accidents; eat the right kind and quantity of foods; avoid overweight in early and middle life; and keep living quarters clean, well-lighted and ventilated. In addition, breathe correctly; spend some time out-of-doors daily; secure sufficient sleep; live moderately, avoid continuous excessive physical or nervous strain; and see your physician when symptoms of illness appear

    Better Home Bedding

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    If you do not sleep well o\u27nights , the cause may be found in the bed or the bedding. When one changes to a certain position, either erect or reclining, numerous changes begin to take place within the body. The fluids tend to settle in the lowest part of the glands. The large organs change their relative positions. They press upon each other and pull upon the ligaments which fasten them to body walls. The weight of the body presses upon large areas of skin and muscles. The skin under pressure is in such close contact with the bedding that ventilation is prevented and it becomes over-heated. If it were possible to lie still, one would soon create a tropical climate about oneself, even on the coldest night

    Making Wash Day Less Hectic

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    Many homemakers look upon washing as drudgery. The family, reacting to this attitude, and to the conditions which produce it, have come to dislike wash day. What are the things which make wash day unpleasant? Disorder of house and person; interference with personal activities; poorly planned and served meals; excessive heat, moisture and odors; fatigue and self-pity