50 research outputs found

    Lipids behaviour in aqueous solution of disrupted microalgae cultivated under nitrogen starving conditions: molecular simulation compared to experimental study of representative synthetic mixtures

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    International audienceThis work deals with the microalgae culture and biorefinery for biofuel production. Microalgae transform CO 2 into biomass and valuable molecules, including lipids. The downstream processing to valorise intracellular compounds necessitates innovative, efficient and clean processes for biomass harvesting, concentration, cell disruption and fractionation. Membrane filtration is a promising process for the concentration and the purification of lipids in a wet pathway to produce biofuel. The behaviour of the biomolecules and particles during the filtration processes is unknown. Yet it drives their performances. For example, strong interactions between lipids and polar molecules released during the cell disruption may prevent an efficient separation and valorisation of both compounds because of the water-oil interface stabilisation. Consequently, to achieve oil droplets coalescence, the interface must be disturbed during filtration. The understanding of the local organisation on the target molecules is a necessary step to develop innovative fractionation strategies and optimize the coupling of different processes. To bring understanding, a multiscale approach is proposed. The use of synthetic mixtures drives the link between the different scales. These synthetic mixtures are simplified emulsions that mimic a supernatant of a real grinded biomass, centrifugated to get rid of cell fragments. The composition is based on the characterisation of disrupted cells samples, from a P. kessleri culture, under nitrogen starving conditions. The synthetic mixtures contain water, triglycerides and polar lipids. On the one hand, coarse-grained molecular simulations were carried out, to study the behaviour of lipids in the solution. Interfacial tension of the water-lipids interface was calculated for several compositions and validated with experiments. On the other hand, the interfacial properties of complex mixtures were related to molecular organisation deduced from molecular simulation. The perspective of this project is at first the characterization of water-lipid interfaces with real products, to compare to the results with synthetic solutions. This necessitates a large-scale culture in starving conditions to recover enough lipids in the supernatant. The acquired knowledge on the behaviour and organisation of lipids at the interfaces will help the optimization of membrane processes for the concentration and coalescence of lipids before valorisation into biofuels

    Shear-enhanced membrane filtration of model and real microalgae extracts for lipids recovery in biorefinery context

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    International audienceIn this work, the hydrodynamic effects of rotating disk filtration (with maximum shear rates of 16 000 s −1 and 66 000 s −1) were evaluated and compared with the crossflow filtration (16 000 s −1) in the recovery of lipids from a model solution that simulates the characteristics of Parachlorella kessleri aqueous extracts. Four polymeric membranes were tested. The PAN 500 kDa membrane along with the rotating disk filtration presented the best performances for lipid concentration and coalescence. The rotating disk filtration was tested with real microalgae extracts, confirming the total lipid retention and the limited membrane fouling

    Concentration des lipides issus de Parachlorella kessleri en voie humide : effet de la destruction cellulaire sur la performance du procédé de fractionnement par membrane

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    International audienceLe bioraffinage de microalgues a pour but de produire des biomolĂ©cules (lipides, protĂ©ines, polysaccharides, pigments, etc.) pour divers secteurs industriels tels que l'alimentation, la cosmĂ©tique, la pharmacie, l'Ă©nergie ou la chimie verte. Le dĂ©fi dans ce domaine consiste Ă  dĂ©velopper une cascade de procĂ©dĂ©s doux et efficaces afin de garantir l'intĂ©gritĂ© des molĂ©cules fragiles ainsi qu'une production Ă©conome en Ă©nergie et respectueuse de l'environnement. Pour la production Ă  grande Ă©chelle, un bioraffinage en voie humide a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© afin de limiter les coĂ»ts de sĂ©chage, la dĂ©gradation de molĂ©cules thermolabiles et l'utilisation de solvant. Les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes proposĂ©es sont : la rĂ©colte de la biomasse, le broyage des cellules pour libĂ©rer les composĂ©s intracellulaires d'intĂ©rĂȘts dans la phase aqueuse, puis leur fractionnement par procĂ©dĂ© membranaire et leur purification. Le verrou au dĂ©veloppement de ce procĂ©dĂ© est le manque de maĂźtrise de l'impact des procĂ©dĂ©s de dĂ©construction cellulaire sur les procĂ©dĂ©s de fractionnement. Les travaux prĂ©sentĂ©s ici ont pour but d'Ă©tudier l'impact du broyage Ă  billes sur les performances du procĂ©dĂ© de filtration membranaire, pour sĂ©parer les lipides (triglycĂ©rides, phospholipides et glycolipides) des composĂ©s hydrosolubles (protĂ©ines et sucres) produits lors d'une culture carencĂ©e de Parachlorella kessleri. La quantitĂ© de molĂ©cules cibles libĂ©rĂ©es (lipides, protĂ©ines, sucres) dans la phase aqueuse, l'Ă©tat de ces molĂ©cules (possible dĂ©gradation des composĂ©s cibles en raison de l'activitĂ© enzymatique ou de l'oxydation) et leur organisation dans le mĂ©lange complexe dĂ©pendent fortement des conditions de broyage et de clarification de la suspension. Ces paramĂštres dĂ©terminent Ă©galement la qualitĂ© de la sĂ©paration. Des filtrations membranaires de surnageants issus de suspensions obtenues dans diverses conditions de broyage de Parachlorella kessleri sont rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l'aide d'une membrane prĂ©alablement sĂ©lectionnĂ©e. Les performances (flux, taux de rĂ©tention) sont comparĂ©es. Les conditions opĂ©ratoires optimales sont enfin choisies, permettant le couplage entre le procĂ©dĂ© de destruction cellulaire et le procĂ©dĂ© de fractionnement par membrane, et la sĂ©paration des lipides et des composĂ©s hydrosolubles

    Cross-flow filtration for the recovery of lipids from microalgae aqueous extracts: membrane selection and performances

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    International audienceThe biorefinery of microalgae necessitates innovative choices of soft and energy-efficient processes to guarantee the integrity of fragile molecules and develop eco-friendly production. A wet processing of biomass is proposed, which avoids expensive drying steps. It includes harvesting, cell disruption, and fractionation of the target compounds. Membrane filtration is a promising clean fractionation step. In this paper, the recovery of lipids from starving Parachlorella kessleri aqueous extracts by cross-flow filtration was studied. A model solution was formulated to test four membranes of different materials (PVDF, PES, PAN) and cut-offs (200 kDa - 1.5 ”m). The hydrophilic PAN 500kDa membrane presented the best performance (flux stability, permeate flux, lipid retention, and cleanability) and was therfore selected for filtrating real aqueous extracts. Similar permeation fluxes were obtained with model and real products: 34 -41Lh-1m-2 respectively. The coalescence of lipid droplets was observed with model solutions but not with real products, less concentrated. The lipids from the real products were wholly retained by the PAN membrane, whereas some of the polysaccharides and proteins were able to permeate. An optimization of the coupling between culture, cell disruption, clarification, and filtration would allow a good concentration and purification of the lipids from microalgae