14 research outputs found

    Contribution to chromosome numbers and phylogeny of Turkish Vincetoxicum Wolf (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae)

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    WOS: 000508350500001We report chromosome counts for ten taxa of Vincetoxicum sensu stricto (s. str.) (Apocynaceae) from Turkey (of which two are endemic), including the first chromosome counts for V. canescens subsp. pedunculata, V. funebre, V. fuscatum subsp. boissieri, V. parviflorum and V. tmoleum. Two taxa of V. fuscatum proved to be tetraploid (2n=44) and the remaining eight taxa diploid (2n=22). Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on nrDNA (ITS) and cpDNA (trnT-trnL) (including 31 newly generated sequences) confirm the position of the Turkish Vincetoxicum in the Vincetoxicum s. str. clade. Vincetoxicum fuscatum, V. parviflorum, V. speciosum, as well as the Turkish endemic V. fuscatum subsp. boissieri, were clearly resolved as species-level clades, whereas the delimitation of the rest of the Turkish taxa was less clear based on molecular data.Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Scientific Research Projects Coordination UnitRecep Tayyip Erdogan University [2015.53007.102.03.06]The authors extend their thanks to Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (Project number 2015.53007.102.03.06) for the financial support

    Contribution to infra-specific taxonomy of Primula vulgaris Huds. (Primulaceae) along an altitudinal gradient in Turkey

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    Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628WOS: 000487295800007This study was performed to explore the relationship between morphological characters and nrDNA ITS data belonging to two subspecies of Primula vulgaris Huds. (Primulaceae) along the altitudinal gradient over NE Anatolia. There were no significant molecular differences between P. vulgaris subsp. vulgaris and P. vulgaris subsp. sibthorpii (Hoffmanns) W.W.Sm. & Forrest related to the flower colour and altitudinal gradient. However, Maximum parsimony (MP) analysis showed that all the examined populations fall in two distinct clusters confirming that the analyzed sample corresponds to two subspecies. It was also determined that the presence or absence of leaf pubescence does not vary along the altitudinal gradient within each subspecies.[TBAG-HD/356-107T918]The authors would like to express their thanks to TBAG-HD/356-107T918 for the financial supports

    Studies on the achene morphology of Turkish species of Scorzonera L. (Asteraceae) using light and scanning electron microscopy

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    Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628WOS: 000377278600001Macro- and micromorphological features of achenes belonging to 59 taxa from Turkey were observed via light and scanning electron microscopy. the findings agree with the traditional subdivision of Scorzonera into S. subg. Scorzonera, S. subg. Podospermum and S. subg. Pseudopodospermum. Members of S. subg. Podospermum were distinguished by achenes with a distinct carpopodium and horizontally striped epidermal cell surface; members of S. subg. Pseudopodospermum were distinguished by achenes with a conspicuous carpopodium and often ruminate and sometimes rugose-granulate or smooth epidermal surface, and members of Scorzonera s.str were distinguished by achenes without a carpopodium and with various combinations of surface patterns. the results also showed that the length, pubescence and surface pattern of achenes, as well as the carpopodium and anticlinal and periclinal walls of the epidermal cells are valuable for delimiting the examined species within the genus.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [109T972]The authors would like to express their thanks to the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, Project number: 109T972) for financial support

    Rediscovery of Tragopogon dshimilensis (Asteraceae), endemic to Turkey

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    Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628WOS: 000406759900004Tragopogon dshimilensis K. Koch is endemic to Turkey. This neglected species had been known from the original collection and was not included in the Flora of Turkey. Recently it was recollected from its type locality (A8 Rize: Cimil) and several adjacent localities. Based on two authentic specimens deposited at P and B, as well as new collections from Eastern Anatolia, an emended description and typification of T. dshimilensis are presented here, and its conservation status is also indicated

    Seed morphology of Epilobium and Chamaenerion (Onagraceae) in Turkey

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    Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628WOS: 000417750200002Macro- and micro-morphological features of seeds belonging to 26 taxa from Turkey were observed under the light and scanning electron microscopy. Present findings partly agree with segregation of Epilobium and Chamaenerion at generic level. the members of the genus Epilobium were distinguished by seeds with conical, semispherical, cylindrical or crest-like papillae or without papillae, granulate periclinal surfaces, papillae with parallel, radial, irregular or spirally furrow and the members of Chamaenerion were distinguished by seeds with crest-like papillae or without papillae and without granulate periclinal surfaces and without furrow. the results also showed that seed shape, presence/absence of papillae and beak, papillae shape and ornamentation, and periclinal wall features are valuable for delimiting the examined taxa on specific level within both genera. A key to Turkish Epilobium and Chamaenerion taxa based on seed morphology is presented for the first time.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [113Z782]The authors would like to express their thanks to the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, Project number: 113Z782) for financial support

    Comparison of Foliar Anatomy of Scorzonera L. (Asteraceae) Taxa from North East Anatolia

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    Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628;WOS: 000288090700015In the present study, the leaves of 18 Scorzonera L. (Asteraceae) taxa were studied by LM in order to assess anatomical variations that may serve as distinguishing characters and to evaluate their significance for the genus by numerical analysis. All the investigated species can be divided into distinct groups according to mesophyll and midrib structure. Firstly they can be divided in two groups based on presence/absence of cavity on midrib. Secondarily two main vascular bundle types can be identified in transverse sections according to the presence or absence of secretory cells in phloem. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that width of the palisade tissue beneath the upper epidermis, rate of spongy to the mesophyll (w/w), average number of epidermal cells for both sides and average number of stomata on upper side are the most important characters in explaining the total variations

    Contribution to the pollen morphology of Tragopogon (Asteraceae) in Turkey

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    Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628WOS: 000440992600003The pollen morphology of 25 Tragopogon L. taxa (including four subspecies and four varieties) distributed in Turkey was studied under light and scanning electron microscopy. It was observed that pollen grains of the examined Tragopogon taxa are suboblate and oblate-spheroidal in shape, and 3-zonocolpororate with fifteen lacunae. The lenghts of the polar axes and equatorial axes range from 31.57 to 40.35 nm and 35.32 to 44.65 nm, respectively. Numerical analyses show that the length of equatorial axis and the pore length are the most valuable characters among nineteen palynological traits for separating the examined taxa. The general palynological characteristics of the examined taxa allow some taxonomical evaluations for the genus. However, the results of cluster and principal component analyses did not support the division of the genus at any subgeneric level; neither did the ligule colour, as reported in the literature.TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [TBAG-110T954]The authors express their thanks to the TUBITAK (TBAG-110T954) for financial support. Two anonymous reviewers made constructive criticism that improved the final text. Manuel B. Crespo is thanked for his suggestions and accurate editing work

    Anatomical and Pollen Characters in the Genus Epilobium L. (Onagraceae) from Northeast Anatolia

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    Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628;WOS: 000260391700006Anatomical and palynological features of E. algidum Bieb., E. palustre L., E. ponticum Hausskn., E. confusum Hausskn., E. hirsutum L. and E. montanum L. collected from NE Anatolia were examined and evaluated by numerical analysis in order to determine the taxonomic value of the observed internal peculiarities. Features related to pollen shape and ornamentation, idioblast distribution, number of palisade parenchyma rows and the presence and distribution of sclerenchyma fibers were found to be important in separating the examined taxa. Principal component analysis showed that the anatomical characters are more important than the palynological ones in explaining the total variation among the examined taxa

    Contribution to the taxonomy of Turkish Scorzonera (Asteraceae) taxa based on vegetative anatomy

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    Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628; Makbul, Serdar/0000-0001-8798-0926WOS: 000389306500004In the present study, the general stem, root and leaf anatomical features of 59 Scorzonera L. s.l. (Asteraceae) taxa collected from Turkey are presented and evaluated by cluster and principal coordinate analysis. Numerical analyses based on 26 anatomical traits showed that arrangement of tracheal elements in the root, presence of cortical bundles, latex canals, secretory cells and aerenchyma in the stem and mesophyll are valuable for grouping Scorzonera taxa. Dendograms inferred from anatomical data were generally congruent with the traditional subgeneric classification of Scorzonera (Scorzonera L., Podospermum DC., Pseudopodospermum (Lipsch. et Krasch.) Lipsch.). However, the present study also show that the examined species may not be identified only based on the internal morphology of root, stem and leaf. In addition, the results support to treat Podospermum as a distinct genus.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [109T972]The authors would like to express their thanks to the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, project no. 109T972) for financial support

    Pollinarium morphology of Vincetoxicum (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) in Turkey

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    Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628; Pinar, Nur Munevver/0000-0001-5466-795XWOS: 000366458500002In this study, the pollen morphology of 20 representatives of ten taxa of Vincetoxicum from Turkey was observed under a scanning electron microscope and light microscope. Observations showed that each flower contained five pollinaria, including a pair of pollinia and caudicles attached to a central corpusculum. in the investigated taxa, the shape of the pollinium varied from ovate, elliptical, and obovate, to clavate, pollen cell surfaces exhibited gemmate or rugulate ornamentation, and the shape of the corpuscula was ovate or oblong. Numerical analysis showed that the shape of pollinia and corpuscula, size and surface ornamentation of pollen cells, and size of corpuscula and caudicles are valuable traits in delimiting the examined taxa. A key to Turkish Vincetoxicum based on pollinarium morphology is presented.RTEUBAPRecep Tayyip Erdogan University [2013.102.03.1]The authors extend their thanks to RTEUBAP (Project number 2013.102.03.1) for the financial support and two anonymous reviewers for comments on a prior version of the manuscript