6,586 research outputs found

    ReDecay: A novel approach to speed up the simulation at LHCb

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    With the steady increase in the precision of flavour physics measurements collected during LHC Run 2, the LHCb experiment requires simulated data samples of larger and larger sizes to study the detector response in detail. The simulation of the detector response is the main contribution to the time needed to simulate full events. This time scales linearly with the particle multiplicity. Of the dozens of particles present in the simulation only the few participating in the signal decay under study are of interest, while all remaining particles mainly affect the resolutions and efficiencies of the detector. This paper presents a novel development for the LHCb simulation software which re-uses the rest of the event from previously simulated events. This approach achieves an order of magnitude increase in speed and the same quality compared to the nominal simulation

    Podarcis siculus latastei (Bedriaga, 1879) of the western pontine islands (italy) raised to the species rank, and a brief taxonomic overview of podarcis lizards

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    In recent years, great attention has been paid to many Podarcis species for which the observed intra-specific variability often revealed species complexes still characterized by an unresolved relationship. When compared to other species, P. siculus underwent fewer revisions and the number of species hidden within this taxon may have been, therefore, underestimated. However, recent studies based on genetic and morphological data highlighted a marked differentiation of the populations inhabiting the Western Pontine Archipelago. In the present work we used published genetic data (three mitochondrial and three nuclear gene fragments) from 25 Podarcis species to provide a multilocus phylogeny of the genus in order to understand the degree of differentiation of the Western Pontine populations. In addition, we analyzed new morphometric traits (scale counts) of 151 specimens from the main islands of the Pontine Archipelago. The phylogenetic analysis revealed five principal Podarcis groups with biogeographic consistency. The genetic distinctiveness of the Podarcis populations of the Western Pontine Islands is similar or even more ancient than those observed in numerous other pairs of Podarcis sister species. In the light of these evidences we raise the Western Pontine lizards to specific rank; thus they should be referred to as Podarcis latastei

    A deep and wide-field view at the IC 2944 / 2948 complex in Centaurus

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    We employed the ESO MPI wide-field camera and obtained deep images in the VIc pass-bands in the region of the IC 2944/2948 complex (l ~ 294; b ~ -1), and complemented them with literature and archival data. We used this material to derive the photometric, spectroscopic and kinematic properties of the brightest (V < 16) stars in the region. The VI deep photometry on the other end, helped us to unravel the lower main sequence of a few, possibly physical, star groups in the area. Our analysis confirmed previous suggestions that the extinction toward this line of sight follows the normal law (Rv = 3.1). We could recognize B-type stars spread in distance from a few hundred pc to at least 2 kpc. We found two young groups (age ~ 3 Myr) located respectively at about 2.3 and 3.2 kpc from the Sun. They are characterized by a significant variable extinction (E(B-V) ranging from 0.28 to 0.45 mag), and host a significant pre-main sequence population. We computed the initial mass functions for these groups and obtained slopes Gamma from -0.94 to -1.02 (e_Gamma = 0.3), in a scale where the classical Salpeter law is -1.35. We estimated the total mass of both main stellar groups in ~ 1100and 500 and ~ 500 Mo, respectively. Our kinematic analysis indicated that both groups of stars deviate from the standard rotation curve of the Milky Way, in line with literature results for this specific Galactic direction. Finally, along the same line of sight we identified a third group of early-type stars located at ~ 8 kpc from the Sun. This group might be located in the far side of the Sagittarius-Carina spiral arm.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Pressure-induced transformations in LiCl–H2O at 77 K

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    A systematic study of the properties of high-density amorphous ice (HDA) in the presence of increasing amounts of salt is missing, especially because it is challenging to avoid ice crystallization upon cooling the pressurized liquid. In order to be able to study HDA also in the presence of small amounts of salt, we have investigated the transformation behaviour of quenched aqueous LiCl solutions (mole fraction x 1 GPa. The observed densification is consistent with the idea that a freeze concentrated LiCl solution of x = 0.14 (R = 6) segregates, which transforms to the glassy state upon cooling, and that the densification is only due to the Ih → HDA transition. Also the XRD patterns and DSC scans are almost unaffected by the presence of the segregated glassy LiCl solution. Upon heating at ambient pressure HDA experiences the polyamorphic transition to low-density amorphous ice (LDA) at ∼120 K, even at x ∼ 0.10. Based on the latent heat evolved in the transition we suggest that almost all water in the sample transforms to an LDA-like state, even the water in the vicinity of the ions. The glassy LiCl solution acts as a spectator that does not shift the transformation temperature significantly and experiences a glass-to-liquid transition at ∼140 K prior to the crystallization to cubic ice. By contrast, at x > 0.12 the phenomenology completely changes and is now dominated by the salt. Hexagonal ice no longer forms upon quenching the LiCl solution, but instead LDA forms. A broad pressure-induced transformation at >0.6 GPa can be attributed to the densification of LDA, the glassy LiCl solution and/or glassy hydrates.Fil: Ruiz, G. N.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; Argentina. Universidad de Innsbruck; AustriaFil: Bove, L. E.. Universite Pierre et Marie Curie; Francia. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne; SuizaFil: Corti, Horacio Roberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; Argentina. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; ArgentinaFil: Loerting, T.. Universidad de Innsbruck; Austri

    Photofrin II as an efficient radiosensitizing agent in an experimental tumor

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    Background and Objective: The use of ionizing irradiation as radiation therapy (RT) for tumor treatment represents a well-established method. The use of photodynamic therapy (PDT), especially with Photofrin II, for tumor treatment is also known. Chemical modifiers enhancing the action of radiation therapy are well known and widely used in medicine. None of these compounds, however, is a selective radiosensitizer. Materials and Methods: Several series of animal experiments were performed, The highly differentiated human bladder cancer cell line RT4 was implanted subcutaneously in nude mice. The mice were injected 10 mg/kg Photofrin II and irradiated with 5 Gy. Results: Photofrin II has proved to be a chemical modifier of ionizing irradiation, enhancing the tumor doubling time (tumor growth) from 6.2 to 10.9 days in the control group with the use of irradiation and injection of porphyrin. Conclusion: Photofrin II shows a high activity as radiosensitizer and, in the future, can be used as a selective radiosensitizer for tumor treatment with ionizing radiation

    The Architecture of MEG Simulation and Analysis Software

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    MEG (Mu to Electron Gamma) is an experiment dedicated to search for the μ+→e+γ\mu^+ \rightarrow e^+\gamma decay that is strongly suppressed in the Standard Model but predicted in several Super Symmetric extensions of it at an accessible rate. MEG is a small-size experiment (≈50−60\approx 50-60 physicists at any time) with a life span of about 10 years. The limited human resource available, in particular in the core offline group, emphasized the importance of reusing software and exploiting existing expertise. Great care has been devoted to provide a simple system that hides implementation details to the average programmer. That allowed many members of the collaboration to contribute to the development of the software of the experiment with limited programming skill. The offline software is based on two frameworks: {\bf REM} in FORTRAN 77 used for the event generation and detector simulation package {\bf GEM}, based on GEANT 3, and {\bf ROME} in C++ used in the readout simulation {\bf Bartender} and in the reconstruction and analysis program {\bf Analyzer}. Event display in the simulation is based on GEANT 3 graphic libraries and in the reconstruction on ROOT graphic libraries. Data are stored in different formats in various stage of the processing. The frameworks include utilities for input/output, database handling and format conversion transparent to the user.Comment: Presented at the IEEE NSS Knoxville, 2010 Revised according to referee's remarks Accepted by European Physical Journal Plu

    Near-infrared spectroscopy study of tourniquet-induced forearm ischaemia in patients with coronary artery disease

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    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) can be employed to monitor local changes in haemodynamics and oxygenation of human tissues. A preliminary study has been performed in order to evaluate the NIRS transmittance response to induced forearm ischaemia in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). The population consists in 40 patients with cardiovascular risk factors and angiographically documented CAD, compared to a group of 13 normal subjects. By inflating and subsequently deflating a cuff placed around the patient arm, an ischaemia has been induced and released, and the patients have been observed until recovery of the basal conditions. A custom LAIRS spectrometer (IRIS) has been used to collect the backscattered light intensities from the patient forearm throughout the ischaemic and the recovery phase. The time dependence of the near-infrared transmittance on the control group is consistent with the available literature. On the contrary, the magnitude and dynamics of the NIRS signal on the CAD patients show deviations from the documented normal behavior, which can be tentatively attributed to abnormal vessel stiffness. These preliminary results, while validating the performance of the IRIS spectrometer, are strongly conducive towards the applicability of the NIRS technique to ischaemia analysis and to endothelial dysfunction characterization in CAD patients with cardiovascular risk factors.Publisher PD

    Photometric and spectroscopic variations of the Be star HD 112999

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    Be objects are stars of B spectral type showing lines of the Balmer series in emission. The presence of these lines is attributed to the existence of an extended envelope, disk type, around them. Some stars are observed in both the Be and normal B-type spectroscopic states and they are known as transient Be stars. In this paper we show the analysis carried out on a new possible transient Be star, labelled HD 112999, using spectroscopic optical observations and photometric data.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in IBV

    Summary of pre-2008 Machine Induced Background Estimates for the LHCb Experiment

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    This document summarizes the pre-2008 estimates of particle flux arriving at the LHCb experiment from machine (LHC) related background sources. These particles arrive in the form of showers from both beam-gas interactions in the dispersion suppression and long straight section of IR8 and from proton losses on the IR8 tertiary collimators due to betatron cleaning inefficiencies, momentum cleaning inefficiencies and elastic beam-gas interactions along the LHC beam orbit
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