159 research outputs found

    Spatial econometrics of innovation: Recent contributions and research perspectives

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    Preliminary introduced by Anselin, Varga and Acs (1997) spatial econometric tools are widely used in economic geography of innovation. Taking into account spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity of regional innovation, this paper analyzes how these techniques have improved the ability to quantify knowledge spillovers, to measure their spatial extent, and to explore the underlying mechanisms and especially the interactions between geographical and social distance. It is also argued that the recent developments of spatio-dynamic models opens new research lines to investigate the temporal dimension of both spatial knowledge flows and innovation networks, two issues that should rank high in the research agenda of the geography of innovation.Geography of innovation; spatial correlation; spatio-dynamic panels; innovation

    Que savons-nous de l’impact Ă©conomique des parcs scientifiques ? Une revue de la littĂ©rature

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    Dans un contexte oĂč les initiatives cherchant Ă  regrouper gĂ©ographiquement les acteurs de la recherche se dĂ©veloppent, cette revue de littĂ©rature synthĂ©tise les principaux rĂ©sultats des travaux de recherche sur l’impact des parcs scientifiques. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, il s’agit d’évaluer dans quelle mesure les regroupements d’activitĂ©s de nature scientifique autour d’universitĂ©s permettent des transferts formels des rĂ©sultats de la recherche, mais aussi des externalitĂ©s de connaissance et des effets d’entrainement sur les dynamiques Ă©conomiques rĂ©gionales et nationales.Un premier rĂ©sultat de cette revue de littĂ©rature est qu’une Ă©valuation prĂ©cise des retombĂ©es issues des parcs scientifiques fait aujourd’hui dĂ©faut. Les mĂ©thodes d’évaluation utilisĂ©es restent extrĂȘmement partielles et ne proposent pas de mise en parallĂšle des bĂ©nĂ©fices estimĂ©s avec les coĂ»ts de mise en oeuvre de telles politiques. Or ce n’est qu’à cette condition que des orientations pertinentes de politiques publiques peuvent ĂȘtre vĂ©ritablement formulĂ©es.En dĂ©pit de ce manque d’outils d’évaluation prĂ©cis, cette revue de littĂ©rature tente de fournir un Ă©tat des lieux des rĂ©sultats empiriques disponibles Ă  l’heure actuelle. Cela contribue Ă  Ă©clairer la pertinence de la mise en place de parcs scientifiques, mais aussi Ă  identifier un certain nombre de conditions d’efficacitĂ© des politiques de parcs scientifiques

    R&D lab location. Evidence from the French case

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    The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate how regional advantages and firms characteristics influence the location of R&D. Looking at 2024 decisions of R&D lab location in France, we implement an extended conditional logit with spatially lagged explanatory variables to evaluate the importance of each factor and to test the spatial dimension of knowledge spillovers. The results indicate that large market size, large amount of ideas, and low level of competition in the target region increases the probability of setting up R&D labs while the diffusion of knowledge across regions induces a significant spatial dependenc

    Knowledge diffusion and innovation policies within the European regions: Challenges based on recent empirical evidence

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    This article builds upon empirical results concerning localised knowledge spillovers to highlight some policy implications within European regions. The analysis emphasises the role of regional innovation policies in supporting the institutions that generate knowledge and learning. However, the variety of regional features presented in the empirical literature suggests that the search for universal policy tools is unrealistic. From this perspective, we argue that original strategies must be generated to cope with the various dilemmas faced by regional innovation policies. Such specific strategies require accurate knowledge of local features. Improving data and indicators to diagnose and monitor regional innovation is therefore presented as a key issue for policy makersinnovation policy ; localised knowledge flows ; European regions ; knowledge-based economy

    Scientific Interactions, Geographic Spillovers And Innovationan Empirical Study On The French Case

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    The determinants of innovation adoption

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    Using a sample of 46 000 EU firms from the Community Innovation Survey, this paper analyses the drivers of innovation adoption. In contrast to most empirical studies on innovation diffusion in which a specific technology is analyzed, this study covers several countries and industries in the European Union. Following Van de Ven and Van Praag (1981), Heckman's method is applied in a context of binary endogenous variable to explain the choices made by firms regarding innovation. Distinctions are made between the internal generation of innovation and the adoption of innovation produced by others, as well as between different types of adoption (product vs. process and cooperation-based adoption vs. isolated adoption). The study is focused on the impact of users' features and their cooperation with suppliers on the adoption choices. The results point out that cooperation is a key driver of adoption choices. Usual determinants such as firm size, absorptive capability or exports would foster generation of innovation instead of adoption.Innovation adoption; Innovation diffusion; Community Innovation Survey; Process adoption; Product adoption

    L'influence de l'environnement régional sur la création et la croissance des PME de biotechnologie

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    http://media.education.gouv.fr/file/76/7/2767.pdfNational audienceLes auteurs analysent les déterminants de la création et de la croissance des P.M.E. de biotechnologie au niveau régional. Ils montrent que les firmes sont créées dans les régions qui présentent un fort potentiel scientifique et technologique. La diversité des compétences scientifiques et techniques, la taille des marchés et la concentration des industries reliées (entreprises dont l'activité a trait aux sciences de la vie) jouent un effet positif sur l'attractivité de la région en terme de création.En revanche, les profils scientifiques et technologiques régionaux ne constituent pas un déterminant-clé de la croissance des entreprises. L'influence de l'environnement régional sur la création et la croissance des P.M.

    Knowledge diffusion and innovation policies within the European regions: Challenges based on recent empirical evidence

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    Working Paper GATE 2010-10This article builds upon empirical results concerning localised knowledge spillovers to highlight some policy implications within European regions. The analysis emphasises the role of regional innovation policies in supporting the institutions that generate knowledge and learning. However, the variety of regional features presented in the empirical literature suggests that the search for universal policy tools is unrealistic. From this perspective, we argue that original strategies must be generated to cope with the various dilemmas faced by regional innovation policies. Such specific strategies require accurate knowledge of local features. Improving data and indicators to diagnose and monitor regional innovation is therefore presented as a key issue for policy maker


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    Working Paper GATE 2010-05This paper investigates the effect of inter-firm and intra-firm spillovers on the productivity of firms, using French data. The Luenberger Productivity Indicator (LPI) is used to estimate the productivity and to break it down into several components (e.g. efficiency, biased technical progress, scale effects, etc.). Using this approach, negative productivity changes are found due to the unfavourable economic situation over 2000-2002. Intangible assets underlying productivity change are then investigated through a Maximum Likelihood Random Effect (MLRE) model. Spillover effects – influencing Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and its correspondent components, technological and efficiency changes – are found
