220 research outputs found

    The presence of bone marrow cytokeratin-immunoreactive cells does not predict outcome in gastric cancer patients

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    The independent prognostic significance of isolated tumour cells in bone marrow is still a matter of debate. This study evaluated the possible association of bone marrow micrometastases with tumour progression and prognosis in patients affected by gastric cancer. Bone marrow aspirates from both iliac crests were obtained from 114 consecutive patients operated on for gastric cancer. The specimens were stained with monoclonal antibody CAM 5.2 which reacts predominantly with cytokeratin filaments 8 and 19. Among 114 cases analysed, 33 cases (29%) had cytokeratine-positive cells in the bone marrow. There was no significant relationship between the presence of bone marrow micrometastases and site, depth of tumour invasion, lymph node metastases, presence of metastases. Patients with cytokeratine-positive cells had a trend towards a diffuse type histology (P=0.06). Among the 88 curatively resected patients, median survivals were 40 months and 36 months for cytokeratine-negative and cytokeratine-positive subsets respectively (P=0.9). Recurrence of the disease was observed in 39 cases (44.3%); 11 of 24 (45.8%) in the cytokeratine-positive subset and 28 of 64 (43.7%) in the cytokeratine-negative subset. In conclusion in our experience the presence of cytokeratine-positive cells in the bone marrow of curatively resected gastric cancer patients did not affect outcome and its independent prognostic significance remains to be proven before its official acceptance in the TNM classification

    Stainless steel weld metal designed to mitigate residual stresses

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    There have been considerable efforts to create welding consumables which on solid state phase transformation partly compensate for the stresses which develop when a constrained weld cools to ambient temperatures. All of these efforts have focused on structural steels which are ferritic. In the present work, alloy design methods have been used to create a stainless steel welding consumable which solidifies as δ ferrite, transforms almost entirely into austenite which then undergoes martensitic transformation at a low temperature of about 220◦C. At the same time, the carbon concentration has been kept to a minimum to avoid phenomena such as sensitisation. The measured mechanical properties, especially toughness, seem to be significantly better than commercially available martensitic stainless steel welding consumables, and it has been demonstrated that the use of the new alloy reduces distortion in the final joint

    Metauros: da centro emporico a sub-colonia locrese ?

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    All'interno della politica dei Locresi Epizefiri tesa a fondare 'sub-colonie' lungo il versante tirrenico dell'odierna Calabria, è da collocare, alla luce della documentazione archeologica, anche la probabile conquista di Metauros e sua rifondazione, osteggiata dai vicini Greci di Rhegio

    Chirurgia epatica

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    Questa pubblicazione, scritta da alcuni tra i pi\uf9 importanti esperti del settore, \ue8 indirizzata ai chirurghi in formazione e agli specialisti come aggiornamento sulla maggior parte delle tecniche chirurgiche mininvasive oggi a disposizione. Suddiviso in tre sezioni - tecniche di base, chirurgia generale, chirurgia specialistica - \ue8 organizzato in una struttura comune che facilita la lettura: introduzione-indicazioni, preparazioni del paziente, accorgimenti anestesiologici, tecnica e fasi dell'intervento, indicazioni post-operatorie, analisi dei risultati ed infine conclusioni. Le appendici finali trattano argomenti di grande attualit\ue0: la chirurgia robotica e la formazione ed educazione continua. Oltre 400 immagini e disegni che illustrano ed esemplificano i diversi tempi delle procedure trattate

    Biliary LithiasisBasic Science, Current Diagnosis and Management

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