28 research outputs found

    A proposal to support the development of the Cinque Valli Bolognesi

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    The action research described in this article has produced a first integrated set of actions to lay the foundations for local development cooperative. In particular, we sought to broaden and strengthen the network of actors (institutions, associations, businesses, education, training institutions) operating in the territory for the exchange of skills, knowledge and experiences (tools, best practices) between operators, and to provide public employees tools and information to define for themselves the project guidelines for educational intervention and the appropriate method of financinglocal development; training and education; sectorial training needs; public administration

    Piani formativi di settore: la formazione per lo sviluppo locale

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    This article falls within the scope of research on social capital, and describes the practices for the analysis of training needs and implementing sectorial training plans through the Comunità Montana 5 Valli Bolognesi, near Bologna, in northern Italy. Analysis of scenario emerges meta-managerial need for a role for the government of the territory, which defines objectives of local development towards which to direct the training activities

    Piani formativi di settore: la formazione per lo sviluppo locale

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    This article falls within the scope of research on social capital, and describes the practices for the analysis of training needs and implementing sectorial training plans through the Comunità Montana 5 Valli Bolognesi, near Bologna, in northern Italy. Analysis of scenario emerges meta-managerial need for a role for the government of the territory, which defines objectives of local development towards which to direct the training activities

    Una proposta a sostegno dello sviluppo delle Cinque Valli Bolognesi

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    The action research described in this article has produced a first integrated set of actions to lay the foundations for local development cooperative. In particular, we sought to broaden and strengthen the network of actors (institutions, associations, businesses, education, training institutions) operating in the territory for the exchange of skills, knowledge and experiences (tools, best practices) between operators, and to provide public employees tools and information to define for themselves the project guidelines for educational intervention and the appropriate method of financin

    Sentimento de discriminação em estudantes: prevalência e fatores associados

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of and factors associated with feelings of discrimination among students. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with a representative sample of 1,170 students from a total of 2,282 students enrolled in the 7th grade of an elementary school of the city of Gravataí, Southern Brazil, in 2005. Participants were selected by conglomerate random sampling. Data were obtained from self-applied instruments (Global School-based Student Health Survey, Body Shape Questionnaire, socioeconomic classification) that were completed in the classroom. Cox regression, modified for cross-sectional studies, was employed, according to a four-stage hierarchical model. RESULTS: Prevalence of feelings of discrimination was 21.0%. These feelings were more prevalent among: girls (PR=1.93, 95% CI 1.51;2.46); those showing school absenteeism (PR=1.54, 95% CI 1.21;1.97); those who had used tobacco in their lives (PR=1.53, 95% CI 1.18;1.98); those concerned about their body image (PR=1.42, 95% CI 1.07;1.88); those with feelings of loneliness (PR=2.50, 95% CI 1.80;3.46) and sadness (PR=1.29, 95% CI 1.02;1.62); those with sleep difficulties (PR:1.41, 95% CI 1.08;1.83); those with suicidal ideation (PR=1.45, 95% CI 1.13;1.85) and those who had suffered some type of accidental (PR=1.56, 95% CI 1.23;1.97) or intentional injury (PR=2.04, 95% CI 1.51;2.76). CONCLUSIONS: Feelings of discrimination were associated with sex and experience with tobacco. Its association with psychosocial factors indicates the coexistence of adverse situations, such as dissatisfaction with body image, depressive symptoms and presence of insults. These findings show the importance of health professionals and teachers acting together to identify these feelings early on, and guide and follow adolescents facing such situations.OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia y factores asociados al sentimiento de discriminación entre estudiantes. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con muestra representativa de 1.170 escolares de un total de 2.282 matriculados en la séptima serie de la enseñanza fundamental en escuelas municipales de Gravataí (Sur de Brasil), en 2005. Los participantes fueron seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio por conglomerado. Los datos fueron obtenidos con instrumentos auto-aplicados (Global School-based Student Health Survey, body shape questionnaire, clasificación socioeconómica) llenados en sala de aula. Fue utilizada la regresión de Cox modificada para estudios transversales, según modelo jerarquizado en cuatro etapas. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de sentimiento de discriminación fue de 21,0%, más prevalente entre: las niñas (RP= 1,93, IC 95% 1,51; 2,46); los que presentaron ausentismo escolar (RP= 1,54, IC 95% 1,21; 1,97); los que hicieron uso de tabaco en la vida (RP= 1,53, IC 95% 1,18; 1,98); los preocupados con su imagen corporal (RP=1,42, IC 95% 1,07;1,88); aquellos con sentimiento de soledad (RP=2,50, IC 95% 1,80;3,46); y tristeza (RP=1,29, IC 95% 1,02;1,62); aquellos con dificultad para dormir (RP:1,41, IC 95% 1,08;1,83); los que presentaron ideación suicida (RP=1,45, IC 95% 1,13;1,85) y los que sufrieron algún tipo de injuria accidental (RP=1,56, IC 95% 1,23;1,97) o intencional (RP=2,04, IC 95% 1,51;2,76). CONCLUSIONES: El sentimiento de discriminación estuvo asociado al sexo y a la experiencia con tabaco. Su asociación con factores psicosociales indica la coexistencia de situaciones adversas, como la insatisfacción con la imagen corporal, síntomas depresivos y presencia de injurias. Estos resultados muestran la importancia de la actuación conjunta de profesores y profesionales de salud en la identificación precoz de ese sentimiento, orientación y acompañamiento de jóvenes enfrentando esas situaciones.OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e fatores associados ao sentimento de discriminação entre estudantes. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de 1.170 escolares de um total de 2.282 matriculados na sétima série do ensino fundamental em escolas municipais de Gravataí (RS), em 2005. Os participantes foram selecionados por amostragem aleatória por conglomerado. Os dados foram obtidos com instrumentos auto-aplicados (Global School-based Student Health Survey, body shape questionnaire, classificação socioeconômica) preenchidos em sala de aula. Foi utilizada a regressão de Cox modificada para estudos transversais, segundo modelo hierarquizado em quatro etapas. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de sentimento de discriminação foi de 21,0%, mais prevalente entre: as meninas (RP=1,93, IC 95% 1,51;2,46); os que apresentaram absenteísmo escolar (RP=1,54, IC 95% 1,21;1,97); os que fizeram uso na vida de tabaco (RP=1,53, IC 95% 1,18;1,98); os preocupados com sua imagem corporal (RP=1,42, IC 95% 1,07;1,88); os com sentimento de solidão (RP=2,50, IC 95% 1,80;3,46) e tristeza (RP=1,29, IC 95% 1,02;1,62); os com dificuldade para dormir (RP:1,41, IC 95% 1,08;1,83); os com ideação suicida (RP=1,45, IC 95% 1,13;1,85) e os que sofreram algum tipo de injúria acidental (RP=1,56, IC 95% 1,23;1,97) ou intencional (RP=2,04, IC 95% 1,51;2,76). CONCLUSÕES: O sentimento de discriminação esteve associado ao sexo e à experiência com tabaco. Sua associação com fatores psicossociais indica a coexistência de situações adversas, como a insatisfação com a imagem corporal, sintomas depressivos e presença de injúrias. Esses resultados mostram a importância da atuação conjunta de professores e profissionais de saúde na identificação precoce desse sentimento, orientação e acompanhamento de jovens enfrentando essas situações

    Exclusão da capacidade sucessória: deserdação e indignidade no direito civil brasileiro

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    O direito das sucessões consiste no conjunto de regras que disciplinam a transferência de patrimônio para alguém, após a sua morte, aos seus sucessores em virtude de lei ou de disposição testamentária. Contudo podem os herdeiros serem excluídos da sucessão, ao agirem de forma contrária a lei e a moral, através dos institutos da deserdação e da indignidade disciplinados nos art. 1.814; 1.962 e 1.963 do CC. A presente monografia objetiva analisar a aplicação destes institutos no direito sucessório brasileiro à luz de casos reais analisados pelos Tribunais de Justiça brasileiros. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, realizada por meio de método dedutivo e de procedimento técnico bibliográfico e documental. Dessa forma, as reflexões começam pela abordagem geral da origem, fundamento e conceito do direito das sucessões. Em seguida, discorre sobre a legitimidade e/ou capacidade para suceder. Passando a apresentar a ordem da vocação hereditária legítima e testamentária para então abordar a temática da exclusão da sucessão pela deserdação e pela indignidade. Finalizando com o exame dos julgados dos Tribunais de Justiça brasileiros no que diz respeito a aplicação taxativa da exclusão da sucessão. Nesse sentido conclui que os Tribunais vêm aplicando de forma restritiva a lei em contraponto da necessidade de alteração desta por não acompanhar as mudanças sociais e culturais

    Edge Functionalized Graphene Layers for (Ultra) High Exfoliation in Carbon Papers and Aerogels in the Presence of Chitosan

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    Ultra-high exfoliation in water of a nanosized graphite (HSAG) was obtained thanks to the synergy between a graphene layer edge functionalized with hydroxy groups and a polymer such as chitosan (CS). The edge functionalization of graphene layers was performed with a serinol derivative containing a pyrrole ring, serinol pyrrole (SP). The adduct between CS and HSAG functionalized with SP was formed simply with a mortar and pestle, then preparing water dispersions stable for months in the presence of acetic acid. Simple casting of such dispersions on a glass support led to carbon papers. Aerogels were prepared through the freeze-dry procedure. Exfoliation was observed in both these families of composites and ultra-high exfoliation was documented in aerogels swollen in water. Carbon papers and aerogels were stable for months in solvents in a wide range of solubility parameter and in a pretty wide range of pH. By considering that a moderately functionalized nanographite was straightforwardly exfoliated in water in the presence of one of the most abundant biobased polymers, the obtained results pave the way for the simple and sustainable preparation of graphene-based nanocomposites. HSAG-SP/CS adducts were characterized by wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM and HRTEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy. Thermal stability of the composites was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and their direct electrical conductivity with the four-point probe method