270 research outputs found

    growth patterns of italian local chicken populations

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    ABSTRACT Predictions of growth are important factors that contribute to the profitability of an operation in poultry production. Modern commercial hybrids have a higher body growth in comparison with the local purebreds. However a niche market for meat and egg poultry production needs to be established using local purebreds to promote biodiversity. The aim of this study was to model the growth response of male and female chickens belonging to 5 local Italian populations: a commercial slow-growing hybrid (Berlanda, B), the Padovana pure breed [2 plumage varieties: silver, argentata (PA) and chamois, camosciata (PC)], and their crosses PC×B and PC×PA. A total of 398 one-day-old birds were reared until 180 d of age under indoor conditions. The linear and 3 nonlinear models (logistic, Gompertz, and Richards) were compared to study the growth patterns of these chicken populations. Significant (

    Assessment of Left Atrial Deformation and Function by 2-Dimensional Speckle Tracking Echocardiography in Healthy Dogs and Dogs With Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease

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    open7noBackground: The assessment of left atrial (LA) function by 2-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) holds important clinical implications in human medicine. Few similar data are available in dogs. Objectives: To assess LA function by STE in dogs with and without myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD), analyzing LA areas, systolic function, and strain. Animals: One hundred and fifty dogs were divided according to the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine classification of heart failure: 23 dogs in class A, 52 in class B1, 36 in class B2, and 39 in class C + D. Methods: Prospective observational study. Conventional morphologic and Doppler variables, LA areas, and STE-based LA strain analysis were performed in all dogs and results were compared among groups. Correlation analysis was carried out between LA STE variables and other echocardiographic variables. Results: Variability study showed good reproducibility for all the tested variables (coefficient of variation <16%). Left atrial areas, fractional area change, peak atrial longitudinal strain (PALS), peak atrial contraction strain, and contraction strain index (CSI) differed significantly between groups B2 and C + D and all the other groups (overall P < .001), whereas only PALS differed between groups B1 and A (P = .01). Left atrial areas increased with progression of the disease, whereas LA functional parameters decreased. Only CSI increased nonsignificantly from group A to group B1 and then progressively decreased. Thirty-one significant correlations (P < .001, r > .3) were found between conventional left heart echocardiographic variables and LA areas and strain variables. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Left atrial STE analysis provides useful information on atrial function in the dog, highlighting a progressive decline in atrial function with worsening of MMVD.openBaron Toaldo, M; Romito, G.; Guglielmini, C.; Diana, A.; Pelle, N.G.; Contiero, B.; Cipone, M.Baron Toaldo, M; Romito, G.; Guglielmini, C.; Diana, A.; Pelle, N.G.; Contiero, B.; Cipone, M

    Microbial Glycosidases for Nondigestible Oligosaccharides Production

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    There is much interest in the study and production of nondigestible oligosaccharides (NDOs), due to their bioactivities and beneficial effects to the human health. The main approach in the production of NDOs relies on the action of glycosidases performing hydrolysis or transglycosylation of polysaccharides and sugars. In this chapter, a description of the main microbial glycosidases used for NDOs production, their sources, their principal properties, and a description of the production processes with the better results obtained are discussed

    Deviation of behavioural and productive parameters in dairy cows due to a lameness event: a synthesis of reviews

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    Lameness is a widespread multifactorial condition affecting the health and performance of dairy cows. Despite the growing support by precision farming technologies, farmers still lack reliable data-driven tools to early identify lame cows. This study used a synthesis of reviews to identify cow’s behavioural and productive parameters most related to lameness and estimate their deviation due to a lameness event. The methodological approach used reviews as starting point to identify the most pertinent studies with the intention of extracting and analysing data from these primary studies. The final dataset used information collected from 31 research papers, cited in 15 reviews, and involved more than 25,000 dairy cows. Five parameters were suitable for the meta-analysis: one about eating behaviour (eating time), three regarding activity and resting behaviour (lying bouts, lying bout duration and lying time) and milk yield. The meta-analysis revealed that all parameters had a significant deviation in cows affected by lameness. The calculation of the pooled means allowed to quantify a mean value for the deviation imposed by a severe lameness event from the value recorded on nonlame cows. Compared to a nonlame animal, a lame cow had a significant negative deviation for eating time (−39 min/day), number of lying bouts (−0.5/day), and milk yield (−3 kg/day). Lame cows had positive deviations for lying bout duration (+12 min/bout) and daily lying time (+42 min/day). The individual or combined use of these mean deviation values as alarm reference thresholds could improve the accuracy of the current automated lameness detection systems

    Primjena metode odzivnih povrơina radi optimiranja proizvodnje mliječne kiseline: obogaćivanje podloge, kontrola temperature i pH-vrijednosti

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    Two response surface methodologies involving central composite designs have been successfully applied to evaluate the effect of cheese whey, corn steep liquor, ammonium sulphate, temperature and pH control on lactic acid fermentation by Lactobacillus sp. LMI8 isolated from cassava flour wastewater. In the first central composite design, corn steep liquor and ammonium sulphate were investigated as low-cost nitrogen sources in combination with other components to substitute yeast extract for economical production. The best results were obtained with 55 g/L of lactose, 15 g/L of corn steep liquor and 5.625 g/L of ammonium sulphate. At the maximum point, the lactic acid concentration reached 18.68 g/L. After defining the optimal nutritional conditions for lactic acid production, a second central composite design was performed to determine the extent to which temperature and pH influence the lactic acid production with the aim of improving the fermentation process. The second-order polynomial regression model determined that the maximum lactic acid production of 52.37 g/L would be obtained when the optimum temperature and pH were 39.6 °C and 5.9, respectively. Comparing the lactic acid production in shake flask fermentation, there was an increase of 180 % after 30 h of processing, with a conversion efficiency of about 86.12 % of the initial lactose. In addition, lactic acid produced from whey lactose by Lactobacillus sp. LMI8 was optically almost pure D-lactic acid (over 98 % of total lactic acid produced).U radu su uspjeĆĄno primijenjene dvije metode odzivnih povrĆĄina, uključujući centralno sloĆŸeni dizajn, za procjenu učinka koncentracije sirutke, ekstrakta kukuruza, amonijeva sulfata, temperature i pH-vrijednosti na mliječno-kiselu fermentaciju uz pomoć bakterije Lactobacillus sp. LMI8, izolirane iz otpadnih voda nakon proizvodnje braĆĄna kasave. U prvom centralno sloĆŸenom dizajnu ispitani su ekstrakt kukuruza i amonijev sulfat kao jeftini izvori duĆĄika. Utvrđeno je da se u kombinaciji s ostalim sastojcima mogu upotrijebiti kao ekonomični nadomjestak za kvaơčev ekstrakt. Najbolji su rezultati postignuti uporabom 55 g/L laktoze, 15 g/L ekstrakta kukuruza i 5,625 g/L amonijeva sulfata, pri čemu je proizvedeno 18,68 g/L mliječne kiseline. Nakon ĆĄto je određen optimalni sastav hranjiva, proveden je drugi sloĆŸeno centralno sloĆŸeni dizajn kako bi se ispitao utjecaj temperature i pH-vrijednosti na proizvodnju mliječne kiseline i poboljĆĄao proces fermentacije. Polinomskim regresijskim modelom drugoga reda određeno je da se maksimalna proizvodnja mliječne kiseline od 52,37 g/L moĆŸe postići pri temperaturi od 39,6 °C i pH-vrijednosti od 5,9. U usporedbi s fermentacijom na tresilici, koncentracija mliječne kiseline nakon 30 h bila je 180 % veća, a uspjeĆĄnost konverzije laktoze iznosila 86,12 %. Također je viĆĄe od 98 % mliječne kiseline proizvedene iz laktoze sirutke s pomoću Lactobacillus sp. LMI8 bila skoro optički čista D-mliječna kiselina

    1H NMR metabolic profile to discriminate pasture based alpine asiago PDO cheeses

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    The study was carried out in an alpine area of North-Eastern Italy to assess the reliability of proton nuclear magnetic resonance 1H NMR to fingerprint and discriminate Asiago PDO cheeses processed in the same dairy plant from upland pasture-based milk or from upland hay-based milk. Six experimental types of Asiago cheese were made from raw milk considering 2 cows’ feeding systems (pasture- vs. hay-based milk) and 3 ripening times (2 months, Pressato vs. 4 months, Allevo_4 vs. 6 months, Allevo_6). Samples (n = 55) were submitted to chemical analysis and to 1HNMRcoupled with multivariate canonical discriminant analysis. Choline, 2,3-butanediol, lysine, tyrosine, and some signals of sugar-like compounds were suggested as the main water-soluble metabolites useful to discriminate cheese according to cows’ feeding system. A wider pool of polar biomarkers explained the variation due to ripening time. The validation procedure based on a predictive set suggested that 1H NMR based metabolomics was an effective fingerprinting tool to identify pasture-based cheese samples with the shortest ripening period (Pressato). The classification to the actual feeding system of more aged cheese samples was less accurate likely due to their chemical and biochemical changes induced by a prolonged maturation process

    Short communication: Reference limits for blood analytes in Holstein late-pregnant heifers and dry cows: Effects of parity, days relative to calving, and season.

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    Abstract Reference limits for metabolic profiles in Holstein late-pregnant heifers and dry cows were determined considering the effects of parity, days relative to calving, and season. Blood samples were collected from 104 pregnant heifers and 186 dry cows (68 primiparous and 118 pluriparous) from 60 to 10 d before the expected calving date in 31 dairy farms in northeastern Italy. Sampling was performed during summer (182 samples) and the following winter (108 samples). All the animals were judged as clinically healthy at a veterinary visit before sampling. Outliers were removed from data of each blood analyte, and variables that were not normally distributed were log transformed. A mixed model was used to test the fixed effects of parity (late-pregnant heifers, primiparous or pluriparous dry cows), class of days relative to calving (60–41 d, 40–21 d, 20–10 d), season (summer or winter), and the interactions between parity and class of days relative to calving and between parity and season, with farm as random effect. Single general reference limits and 95% confidence intervals were generated for analytes that did not vary according to fixed effects. Whenever a fixed effect included in the model significantly affected a given analyte, specific reference limits and 95% confidence intervals were generated for each of its levels. Albumin, urea, triglycerides, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, creatinine kinase, conjugated bilirubin, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, chloride, zinc, copper, and iron concentrations were not influenced by any of the fixed effects. Total protein, globulins, creatinine, glucose, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyltransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, and sodium plasma concentrations were affected by parity. The class of days relative to calving had a significant effect on the concentrations of total protein, globulins, fatty acids, cholesterol, total bilirubin, and sodium. Season affected plasma concentrations of creatinine, glucose, fatty acids, lactate dehydrogenase, and sodium. Interactions between parity and class of days relative to calving and between parity and season did not significantly affect any of the blood analytes tested. The reference limits and the 95% confidence intervals for blood analytes determined in the study could help dairy practitioners to improve the accuracy of metabolic profile interpretation in Holstein late-pregnant cattle

    Red Blood Cell Distribution Width, Hematology, and Serum Biochemistry in Dogs with Echocardiographically Estimated Precapillary and Postcapillary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

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    Background: Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is a quantitative measurement of anisocytosis. RDW has prognostic value in humans with different cardiovascular and systemic disorders, but few studies have investigated this biomarker in dogs. Objectives: To compare the RDW in dogs with precapillary and postcapillary pulmonary hypertension (PH) and a control population of dogs and to correlate RDW with demographic, echocardiographic, and laboratory variables. Animals: One hundred and twenty-seven client-owned dogs including 19 healthy dogs, 82 dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease (50 dogs without PH and 32 dogs with postcapillary PH), and 26 dogs with precapillary PH. Methods: Prospective study. Dogs were allocated to groups according to clinical and echocardiographic evaluation. RDW and selected laboratory and echocardiographic variables were compared among dog groups. Associations between RDW and demographic, laboratory, and echocardiographic variables were analyzed using correlation and multiple regression analysis. Results: Median RDW in dogs with precapillary PH (13.8%, interquartile range 13.2\ue2\u80\u9314.9%) and postcapillary PH (13.7, 13.2\ue2\u80\u9314.7%) was significantly increased compared to healthy dogs (13.3, 12.3\ue2\u80\u9313.7%; P <.05 for both comparisons), but only dogs with severe PH had significantly increased RDW compared to dogs without PH (P <.05). Peak tricuspid regurgitation pressure gradient was significantly associated with increased RDW (rho = 0.263, P =.007). Serum urea concentration, hematocrit, age, and white blood cell number were significantly associated with RDW in the multivariate analysis. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Underlying pathophysiologic processes associated with PH instead of severity of PH are likely responsible for increased RDW in dogs with PH

    A survey on sensor systems used in Italian dairy farms and comparison between performances of similar herds equipped or not equipped with sensors

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    Sensor systems (SS) were developed over the last few decades to help dairy farmers manage their herds. Such systems can provide both data and alerts to several productive, behavioral, and physiological indicators on individual cows. Currently, there is still a lack of knowledge on both the proportion of dairy farms that invested in SS and type of SS installed. Additionally, it is still unclear whether the performances of herds equipped with SS differ from those of similar herds managed without any technological aid. Therefore, the aims of this study were (1) to provide an insight into SS spread among Italian dairy farms and (2) to analyze the performances of similar herds equipped or not equipped with SS. To reach the former goal, a large survey was carried out on 964 dairy farms in the northeast of Italy. Farmers were interviewed by the technicians of the regional breeders association to collect information on the type of SS installed on farms and the main parameters recorded. Overall, 42% of the surveyed farms had at least 1 SS, and most of them (72%) reared more than 50 cows. Sensors for measuring individual cow milk yield were the most prevalent type installed (39% of the surveyed farms), whereas only 15% of farms had SS for estrus detection. More sophisticated parameters, such as rumination, were automatically monitored in less than 5% of the farms. To reach the latter goal of the study, a subset of 100 Holstein dairy farms with similar characteristics was selected: half of them were equipped with SS for monitoring at least individual milk yield and estrus, and the other half were managed without any SS. Average herd productive and reproductive data from official test days over 3 yr were analyzed. The outcomes of the comparison showed that farms with SS had higher mature-equivalent milk production. Further clustering analysis of the same 100 farms partitioned them into 3 clusters based on herd productive and reproductive data. Results of the Chi-squared test showed that the proportion of farms equipped with SS was greater in the cluster with the best performance (e.g., higher milk yield and shorter calving interval). However, the presence of a few farms equipped with SS in the least productive cluster for the same parameters pointed out that although the installation of SS may support farmers in time- and labor-saving or in data recording, it is not a guarantee of better herd performance
