1,397 research outputs found

    Some Thoughts on the Posthuman Condition in the ‘Ur-village.’ Reading the Hindi Novel Ādigrām upākhyān by Kuṇāl Siṃh

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    This article stems from the workshop Pensieri nomadi, corpi in movimento. Exploring InFluxes and Cultures in Motion, that took place in Torino on 16th October 2014 with the aim to activate interdisciplinary lines of research, that can useful in investigating and examining the globalized world we live in, as well as create a bridge between research in the academic flied and activism in the territory. The novel Ādigrām upākhyān (The chronicles of Ādigram) by Hindi writer Kuṇāl Siṃh has been food for thought for this paper, as it presents some features that can be analyzed as nomadic thinking and that deal with the posthuman condition in the context of the clash between State Government and local population in West Bengal. The aim of the paper is an illustration of some possible links between the discourses of posthumanism and postcolonialism in the literary context. I will discuss issues of knowledge, democracy, and hi/storytelling addressed in the novel, drawing on VC Seshadri, Shiv Visvanathan, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Donna Haraway, and Rosi Braidotti

    Alla ricerca del “vero uomo”: declinazioni della mascolinità di Narendra Modi

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    This article deals with some issues regarding masculinity in contemporary India, focusing on popular culture, the clothing semiotics, and the media discourse on masculinity, referred to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu nationalist party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Modi has manipulated many figures from the nationalist past in order to build an image of himself as “the real man,” reaffirming the mandate of masculinity in order to lead the nation into the new millennium

    Dūjī na koy: alla mia amica e maestra Pinuccia Caracchi

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    This volume is to wish Pinuccia Caracchi a happy sixty-seventh birthday. My present is the Italian translation of the poem “Dostī” by Harivaṃś Rāy Baccan.

    In adults: 47.2% have periodontitis! How about in orthodontic patients?

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    The occurrence of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease due to dental plaque in adults over 30 years of age was noticed in 47.2% of the 3,742 subjects studied, representing a 64.7 million people population in the 50 states of the U.S. and the District of Columbia. The methods used by the authors were uniquely precise and the results brought us to great insight on the correlation between orthodontic treatment and periodontal health, which is described below.A prevalência de 47,2% da doença periodontal inflamatória crônica induzida pela placa dentobacteriana em adultos\ud com mais de 30 anos foi detectada em 3.742 adultos, que representaram estatisticamente 64,7 milhões de pessoas\ud de 50 estados e do distrito federal dos Estados Unidos da América. O método foi preciso e os resultados induzem\ud a alguns insights quanto à relação entre o tratamento ortodôntico e a saúde dos tecidos periodontais, que foram expostos\ud no texto desse trabalho