104 research outputs found

    Tertulias para personas mayores

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    Hace unos anos propusimos realizar un trabajo de grupo can personas que estaban en edad de jubilarse. Elobjetivo era dar informacion sabre diversas actividades alternativas y acoger la crisis que para algunas personas significaba el hecho de la jubilacion en sus vidas. Pronto nos dimas cuenta que la informacion par si sola tenia poca capacidad de dinamizacion. Constatabamos al mismo tiempo que, ademas del tema laboral, las personas que asistian al primer grupo tenian tambien otras preocupaciones que iban ocupando progresivamente el tiempo dedicado al coloquio. La salud, la disminucion de los ingresos, las relaciones familiares y las actividades de ocio eran los temas mas frecuentes..

    Experiencias de soporte grupal a cuidadores familiares

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    La experiencia de Soporte Grupal a Cuidadores Familiares que se viene desarrollando des de un Centra de Servicios Sociales, tiene des de el punta de vista del objeto de trabajo dos palos de atencion. Par una parte la atencion a la persona enferma. En el grupo se praporciona en este sentido: informacion sabre las enfermedades concretas y tambien sabre el praceso de envejecimiento; consejo sabre tecnicas y actitudes acerca del cuidado del enfermo Ccomidas, curas, higiene, mantenimiento de habitos, entre otras); y orienta cion sabre recursos institucionales publicos y privados de atencion al enfermo. Par liltimo se ofrecen los servicios de los que dispone el Centra, consistentes en que una Trabajadora Familiar ayuda al cuidador a 10 sustituye, dos veces a la semana, dos horas..

    Factores de riesgo psicosocial y personalidad premórbida en enfermos con demencia: un estudio de casos y controles

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    Objetivos: Explorar los factores de riesgo no-biológicos para las demencias, plantear probables perfiles de riesgo para la enfermedad de Alzheimer y sugerir elementos para un posible desarrollo de intervenciones preventivas. Metodología: Se administró un cuestionario sobre eventos vitales y factores de personalidad, elaborado específicamente, a un grupo de enfermos (108 personas con demencia) y un grupo control (49 personas mayores sin demencia), identificando las diferencias significativas con un nivel alfa de 0.05 para todas las pruebas estadísticas. Resultados: Como probables factores de riesgo para la enfermedad de Alzheimer señalar: 1) Aspectos psíquicos: mayor número de trastornos psíquicos familiares graves y mayor respuesta psicosomática personal; 2) Aspectos familiares: mayor número de muertes precoces del padre y estilo educativo más dominante; 3) Educación y trabajo: menor nivel educativo y menor cualificación en el trabajo; 4) Eventos vitales: mayor problemática familiar; 5) Factores de personalidad según el criterio de los cinco grandes: Energía (Evitación, dependencia general y de relación e inhibición), Afabilidad (Introversión), Estabilidad emocional (Afectación, pesimismo e impulsividad), Apertura mental (Indiferencia y rigidez). Conclusiones: Destacar la relevancia del porcentaje de muertes precoces del padre y el déficit de personalidad en el factor I (Energía): Imitación, evitación y dependencia. Como posibles medidas de prevención se sugieren intervenciones que potencien la autonomía personal, la capacidad de afrontamiento y la relación social. Palabras clave: Alzheimer, Demencia, Factores de riesgo, Personalidad premórbida, Psicosocia

    Subjetivación y vinculación en el proceso de envejecimiento

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    Subjectivation and linking are two processes essential to good aging. This article examines these theoretical concepts within the framework of un intervention project conducted with the aged. This took the forn of a group dynamics study entitled "Social gatherings among the elderly", via which these processes were activated. Subjectivation is the ability of the "subject" to symbolize, depict and construct the process of aging, via the internalization of these attitudes. Linking is understood as the capacity to establish relationships with new or everyday "objects", thus avoiding a narcissistic regression. These two attitudes are necessary to good aging, their absence predisposes, to a certain extent, a pathological aging process.Subjetivación y vinculación son dos conceptos que hacen referencia a dos procesos indispensables para realizar un buen envejecimiento. El articulo desarrolla estos conceptos teóricos, en el marco de un proyecto de intervención con ancianos: un trabajo de grupo llamado "Tertulias para personas mayores", a través del cual se activan estos procesos. La subjetivación, la relacionamos con la capacidad de "sujeto" para simbolizar, representar y elaborar el proceso de envejecimiento, a través de una necesaria interioridad. La vinculación, la relacionamos con la capacidad de establecer relaciones con nuevos o cotidianos "objetos", previniendo la regresión narcisista. Dos actitudes necesarias para tener un envejecimiento normal, cuyo fracaso o insuficiencia, precipitará, en alguna medida, hacia el envejecimiento patológico

    Risk factors and premorbid personality in Alzheimer disease: preliminary study. (R)

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    This article summarizes the main studies of the risk factors predisposing to Alzheimer's. It prioritizes psychosocial factors, especially those referring to premorbid personality. The most important psychosocial risk factors are low level of schooling and restricted social activity and relations. Hagnell et al. (1992), Bauer et al. (1995) and Malinchoc et al. (1997) are among the leading studies of the theme of premorbid personality. The need for protection and guidance, dependence on others, restricted social or interpersonal relations and introversion are the major elements of risk that these studies identify. This article is a preliminary study that forms part of an ongoing research project. The factors that appear in the studies mentioned above are related to the project's working hypothesis, formulated in 1995-96, of the risk profiles in the premorbid personality of Alzheimer sufferers. This hypothesis situates these profiles in the field of the emotions and interpersonal relations: fragile personal identity, and ego support via a symbiotic relationship with another person

    Factores de riesgo y personalidad premórbida en la enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    La magnitud y trascendencia social de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y las grandes incógnitas sobre su etiología, mecanismos bio-fisiológicos implicados, factores de riesgo, etc... han fomentado numerosas investigaciones, entre las cuales ha predominado el enfoque médico-biológico. El interés por conocer los problemas metabólicos de la proteína amiloide a nivel neuronal, el papel de los neurotransmisores a nivel de sinapsis, o más recientemente los estudios sobre las implicaciones genéticas en la transmisión hereditaria, han ocupando y siguen ocupando a la mayoría de los investigadores biólogos, neurólogos, genetistas, etc

    Subjetivación y vinculación en el proceso de envejecimiento

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    Subjectivation and linking are two processes essential to good aging. This article examines these theoretical concepts within the framework of un intervention project conducted with the aged. This took the forn of a group dynamics study entitled "Social gatherings among the elderly", via which these processes were activated. Subjectivation is the ability of the "subject" to symbolize, depict and construct the process of aging, via the internalization of these attitudes. Linking is understood as the capacity to establish relationships with new or everyday "objects", thus avoiding a narcissistic regression. These two attitudes are necessary to good aging, their absence predisposes, to a certain extent, a pathological aging process.Subjetivación y vinculación son dos conceptos que hacen referencia a dos procesos indispensables para realizar un buen envejecimiento. El articulo desarrolla estos conceptos teóricos, en el marco de un proyecto de intervención con ancianos: un trabajo de grupo llamado "Tertulias para personas mayores", a través del cual se activan estos procesos. La subjetivación, la relacionamos con la capacidad de "sujeto" para simbolizar, representar y elaborar el proceso de envejecimiento, a través de una necesaria interioridad. La vinculación, la relacionamos con la capacidad de establecer relaciones con nuevos o cotidianos "objetos", previniendo la regresión narcisista. Dos actitudes necesarias para tener un envejecimiento normal, cuyo fracaso o insuficiencia, precipitará, en alguna medida, hacia el envejecimiento patológico

    Cognition and its association with the factors of the EURO-D: Suffering and Motivation. Findings from SHARE Wave 6

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    Objective The aims of this study were (1) to analyse the relationship between cognition and clinical and sociodemographic variables, (2) to explore the relationship between cognitive tests and factors of EURO‐D depression scale (Suffering and Motivation), and (3) to determine the relevance of cognition with respect to clinical and sociodemographic variables in the scores of the EURO‐D factors. Method: About 63 755 participants in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) Wave 6 (2015) were included. Instruments are as follows: the SHARE study, the EURO‐D scale, and cognitive tests. Bivariate, correlation, and multiple linear regression analyses were performed. Results: In the regression analysis with cognition, the variables associated with poor cognition were higher age (β = .29), lower educational level (β = −.26), economic difficulties (β = .17), and depression (β = .10). The correlation between cognition and EURO‐D factors was weak in Suffering (r = −0.139) and moderate in Motivation (r = −0.382). In the regression analysis with the EURO‐D, loneliness, poor self‐perceived physical health, female gender, and low cognition were associated with higher depression levels. The main differences in the predictor variables of each factor were cognition (Motivation = −0.248, P < .001; Suffering = 0.002, P = .648) and the female sex (Motivation = 0.015, P < .001, Suffering = 0.175, P < .001). Conclusions: In the EURO‐D depression scale, poor cognition was associated with higher scores in the Motivation factor only, while the female gender presented higher scores in the Suffering facto

    Quality of life in people aged 65+ in Europe: associated factors and models of social welfare analysis of data from the SHARE project (Wave 5)

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    Purpose To analyse the clinical, sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors that influence perceived quality of life (QoL) in a community sample of 33,241 people aged 65+, and to examine the relationship with models of social welfare in Europe. Methods Cross-sectional study of data from Wave 5 (2013) of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Instruments: sociodemographic data, CASP-12 (QoL), EURO-D (depression), indicators of life expectancy and suicide (WHO), and economic indicators (World Bank). Statistical analysis: bivariate and multilevel. Results In the multilevel analysis, greater satisfaction in life, less depression, sufficient income, better subjective health, physical activity, an absence of functional impairment, younger age and participation in activities were associated with better QoL in all countries. More education was only associated with higher QoL in Eastern European and Mediterranean countries, and only in the latter was caring for grandchildren also related to better QoL. Socioeconomic indicators were better and QoL scores higher (mean = 38.5 ± 5.8) in countries that had a social democratic (Nordic cluster) or corporatist model (Continental cluster) of social welfare, as compared with Eastern European and Mediterranean countries, which were characterized by poorer socioeconomic conditions, more limited social welfare provision and lower QoL scores (mean = 33.5 ± 6.4). Conclusions Perceived quality of life scores are consistent with the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of participants, as well as with the socioeconomic indicators and models of social welfare of the countries in which they live

    Factor structure of depressive symptoms using the EURO-D scale in the over-50s in Europe. Findings from the SHARE project

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    Objectives: The aims of this study are: to analyze the factor structure of the EURO-D depression scale; to explore the variables associated with depressive symptoms in the total sample and in the EURO-D factors; and to compare the presence of depressive symptoms and the factor distribution in 15 European countries. Method: 62,182 participants in Wave 5 (2013) of the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) were included. Instruments: The SHARE study and the EURO-D scale. Factor, bivariate and multilevel analyses were performed. Results: Higher levels of depressive symptoms were associated with a poorer self-perception of physical health (η2 = 0.22) and economic difficulties (η2 = 0.07). Factor analysis of the EURO-D identified two factors: Suffering and Motivation. Higher levels of depressive symptoms were associated with female gender and younger age (≤ 60) in the Suffering factor, and with less activity and exercise, older age (≥ 71), widowhood and lower educational level in the Motivation factor. Poorer self-perception of physical health and economic difficulties were associated with higher depressive symptomatology in both factors. Conclusions: Poorer self-perception of physical health, female gender, economic difficulties, widowhood, lower levels of activity and exercise and lower educational level were associated with higher depressive symptomatology. In the countries of southern Europe, the Motivation factor predominated