28 research outputs found

    Underground Measurements of Nuclear Reaction Cross-Sections Relevant to AGB Stars

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    none14noneAnanna, Chemseddine; Barile, Francesco; Boeltzig, Axel; Bruno, Carlo Giulio; Cavanna, Francesca; Ciani, Giovanni Francesco; Compagnucci, Alessandro; Csedreki, Laszlo; Depalo, Rosanna; Ferraro, Federico; Masha, Eliana; Piatti, Denise; Rapagnani, David; Skowronski, JakubAnanna, Chemseddine; Barile, Francesco; Boeltzig, Axel; Bruno, Carlo Giulio; Cavanna, Francesca; Ciani, Giovanni Francesco; Compagnucci, Alessandro; Csedreki, Laszlo; Depalo, Rosanna; Ferraro, Federico; Masha, Eliana; Piatti, Denise; Rapagnani, David; Skowronski, Jaku

    Arrhythmic risk prediction in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy: external validation of the arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy risk calculator

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    Aims Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) causes ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) and sudden cardiac death (SCD). In 2019, a risk prediction model that estimates the 5-year risk of incident VAs in ARVC was developed (ARVCrisk.com). This study aimed to externally validate this prediction model in a large international multicentre cohort and to compare its performance with the risk factor approach recommended for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) use by published guidelines and expert consensus.Methods and results In a retrospective cohort of 429 individuals from 29 centres in North America and Europe, 103 (24%) experienced sustained VA during a median follow-up of 5.02 (2.05-7.90) years following diagnosis of ARVC. External validation yielded good discrimination [C-index of 0.70 (95% confidence interval-CI 0.65-0.75)] and calibration slope of 1.01 (95% CI 0.99-1.03). Compared with the three published consensus-based decision algorithms for ICD use in ARVC (Heart Rhythm Society consensus on arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, International Task Force consensus statement on the treatment of ARVC, and American Heart Association guidelines for VA and SCD), the risk calculator performed better with a superior net clinical benefit below risk threshold of 35%.Conclusion Using a large independent cohort of patients, this study shows that the ARVC risk model provides good prognostic information and outperforms other published decision algorithms for ICD use. These findings support the use of the model to facilitate shared decision making regarding ICD implantation in the primary prevention of SCD in ARVC

    Implantable cardioverter defibrillator use in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in North America and Europe

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    Background and aims: Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) are critical for preventing sudden cardiac death (SCD) in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). This study aims to identify cross-continental differences in utilization of primary prevention ICDs and survival free from sustained ventricular arrhythmia (VA) in ARVC. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of ARVC patients without prior VA enrolled in clinical registries from 11 countries throughout Europe and North America. Patients were classified according to whether they received treatment in North America or Europe and were further stratified by baseline predicted VA risk into low- (25%/5 years) groups. Differences in ICD implantation and survival free from sustained VA events (including appropriate ICD therapy) were assessed. Results: One thousand ninety-eight patients were followed for a median of 5.1 years; 554 (50.5%) received a primary prevention ICD, and 286 (26.0%) experienced a first VA event. After adjusting for baseline risk factors, North Americans were more than three times as likely to receive ICDs {hazard ratio (HR) 3.1 [95% confidence interval (CI) 2.5, 3.8]} but had only mildly increased risk for incident sustained VA [HR 1.4 (95% CI 1.1, 1.8)]. North Americans without ICDs were at higher risk for incident sustained VA [HR 2.1 (95% CI 1.3, 3.4)] than Europeans. Conclusions: North American ARVC patients were substantially more likely than Europeans to receive primary prevention ICDs across all arrhythmic risk strata. A lower rate of ICD implantation in Europe was not associated with a higher rate of VA events in those without ICDs

    Implantable cardioverter defibrillator use in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in North America and Europe

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) are critical for preventing sudden cardiac death (SCD) in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). This study aims to identify cross-continental differences in utilization of primary prevention ICDs and survival free from sustained ventricular arrhythmia (VA) in ARVC. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of ARVC patients without prior VA enrolled in clinical registries from 11 countries throughout Europe and North America. Patients were classified according to whether they received treatment in North America or Europe and were further stratified by baseline predicted VA risk into low- (25%/5 years) groups. Differences in ICD implantation and survival free from sustained VA events (including appropriate ICD therapy) were assessed. RESULTS: One thousand ninety-eight patients were followed for a median of 5.1 years; 554 (50.5%) received a primary prevention ICD, and 286 (26.0%) experienced a first VA event. After adjusting for baseline risk factors, North Americans were more than three times as likely to receive ICDs {hazard ratio (HR) 3.1 [95% confidence interval (CI) 2.5, 3.8]} but had only mildly increased risk for incident sustained VA [HR 1.4 (95% CI 1.1, 1.8)]. North Americans without ICDs were at higher risk for incident sustained VA [HR 2.1 (95% CI 1.3, 3.4)] than Europeans. CONCLUSIONS: North American ARVC patients were substantially more likely than Europeans to receive primary prevention ICDs across all arrhythmic risk strata. A lower rate of ICD implantation in Europe was not associated with a higher rate of VA events in those without ICDs

    Study of the 20Ne(p,gamma)21Na reaction at astrophysical energies

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    The 20Ne(p,gamma)21Na is the first reaction of the NeNa cycle and having the slowest reaction rate it controls the speed of the entire cycle. The rate of the 20Ne(p,gamma)21Na reaction, depending on the temperature, is dominated by the high energy tail of a sub-threshold state at E_R = -6.7 keV, a direct capture component and a narrow resonance at E_R = 366 keV. In the next months LUNA at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, will study the resonance and measure the cross section below 400 keV. The experimental approach and the study of the reaction using Monte Carlo simulation will be presented

    Development of Boosted decision trees for the energy reconstruction of the Inverse Beta Decay events in JUNO

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    Modern experiments requires complicate algorithms to extract data for physical analysis. The boosted decision trees techniques, having received a considerable boost during the last years, are becoming a useful tool for addressing many tasks of data processing and provide in some cases better performance than traditional methods. The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), a next generation experiment under construction in South of China, has been designed to measure the neutrino mass hierarchy. Moreover, thanks to its large active mass, JUNO will be able to observe neutrinos coming from different sources: solar neutrinos, atmospheric neutrinos, geo-neutrinos and neutrinos produced by the explosion of supernovae. The core of the experiment is made of 20 kton Liquid Scintillator whose scintillation light is seen by almost 20000 large size (20") photo-multipliers with high quantum efficiency, and by \num{25000} small size (3") photo-multipliers. The raw data will have to be further processed to reconstruct the proper observables and for this task boosted decision trees will be adopted for neutrino energy reconstruction. The techniques are very powerful and allow to discriminate in an efficient way signal from background. Gli esperimenti moderni necessitano di complicati algoritmi per estrarre i dati necessari all'analisi fisica. Le tecniche che applicano i boosted decision trees, considerato il notevole incremento prestazionale degli ultimi anni, possono svolgere diversi compiti nell'analisi dati e garantiscono in certi casi migliori performance dei metodi tradizionali. JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory), un esperimento della nuova generazione in costruzione nel sud della Cina, è stato progettato per misurare la gerarchia di massa dei neutrini. Inoltre, grazie alle sue notevoli dimensioni, JUNO sarà in grado di osservare i neutrini provenienti da diverse sorgenti: neutrini solari, geo-neutrini e neutrini prodotti dalle esplosioni delle supernove. Al centro dell'esperimento risiedono \num{20000} tonnellate di scintillatore liquido, gli eventi sono rivelati da quasi 20000 fotomoltiplicatori di grandi dimensioni (20") dalla elevata efficienza, e da \num{25000} fotomoltiplicatori di piccole dimensioni (3"). I dati grezzi provenienti dai rivelatori necessitano di essere processati per ricostruire gli osservabili fisici e per questo compito saranno utilizzati i boosted decision trees, nello specifico nella ricostruzione dell'energia. Queste tecniche permettono di discriminare il segnale dal rumore in modo efficiente

    Use of Digital and 3D Visualisation Technology in Planning for Woodland Expansion. EGU2020-1243

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    Forests and woodlands offer many benefits to people. They can provide timber and food, store carbon to help deal with the effects of climate change, decrease flooding and soil erosion, and provide recreation for people and habitat for a multitude of species we care to conserve. Scottish forests cover roughly 19% of the country. The Scottish government has the ambition to add several thousand hectares a year over the next decades, to support the rural economy, the environment, and communities. It is important that a substantial proportion of the expansion is made up by native trees and shrub species due to better habitat for wildlife.These challenges were explored with a case study of virtual forest landscape from Cairngorms National Park (CNP) which was used to test preferences for scenarios of future woodland expansion. Spatial Multi-criteria Analysis (sMCA) has been applied to decide where to plant new forests and woodlands, recognizing a range of land-use objectives while acknowledging concerns about possible conflicts with other uses of the land. The tools used in the development and implementation of the 3D model were PC and Mobile based, and enable the incorporation of interactive functionality for manipulating features. Model inputs comprise 5m DTM, 25cm Aerial Imagery, 3D Tree Species, GIS layers of Current Forest and Woodland Expansion inside CNP. Afforestation animation has been attached in Google My Maps. This is through setting different keyframes by storyboard camera path animation around the area of CNP. Stereo panorama has been applied to selection of woodland expansion scenarios (e.g. Broadleaved potential corridors, Conifer potential corridors), which is viewed with mobile technology and Virtual Reality (VR) equipment.The 3D model with simulation of woodland expansion was used at the event of 2019 Royal Highland Show and European Forest Institute Annual Conference 2019. Audience feedback suggested the enhancement of user interaction through VR has potential implications for the planning of future woodland to increase the effectiveness of their use and contribution to wider sustainable ecosystems

    The Intra-urban Location Rationale(s) of Knowledge-creating Services: Two Italian Case-studies

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    Recently, a debate has developed within the economic geography about agglomeration economies, which ensues from the transition from industrial to the knowledgedriven economy and from a deterministic to an evolutionary approach. While it is recognized that agglomeration economies are more important than location economies in the new context, their nature is being still questioned, especially between New Economic Geography and Evolutionary Economic Geography. This paper aims at contributing to that debate through novel or barely explored epistemological and methodological approaches. Our results, while confirming the importance of agglomeration economies, shed new light on the role of location economies especially at the intra-urban scale


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    Recently, a debate has developed within the economic geography about agglomeration economies, which ensues from the transition from industrial to the knowledgedriven economy and from a deterministic to an evolutionary approach. While it is recognized that agglomeration economies are more important than location economies in the new context, their nature is being still questioned, especially between New Economic Geography and Evolutionary Economic Geography. This paper aims at contributing to that debate through novel or barely explored epistemological and methodological approaches. Our results, while confirming the importance of agglomeration economies, shed new light on the role of location economies especially at the intra-urban scale