2,493 research outputs found

    RNase MRP and the RNA processing cascade in the eukaryotic ancestor

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    BACKGROUND: Within eukaryotes there is a complex cascade of RNA-based macromolecules that process other RNA molecules, especially mRNA, tRNA and rRNA. An example is RNase MRP processing ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in ribosome biogenesis. One hypothesis is that this complexity was present early in eukaryotic evolution; an alternative is that an initial simpler network later gained complexity by gene duplication in lineages that led to animals, fungi and plants. Recently there has been a rapid increase in support for the complexity-early theory because the vast majority of these RNA-processing reactions are found throughout eukaryotes, and thus were likely to be present in the last common ancestor of living eukaryotes, herein called the Eukaryotic Ancestor. RESULTS: We present an overview of the RNA processing cascade in the Eukaryotic Ancestor and investigate in particular, RNase MRP which was previously thought to have evolved later in eukaryotes due to its apparent limited distribution in fungi and animals and plants. Recent publications, as well as our own genomic searches, find previously unknown RNase MRP RNAs, indicating that RNase MRP has a wide distribution in eukaryotes. Combining secondary structure and promoter region analysis of RNAs for RNase MRP, along with analysis of the target substrate (rRNA), allows us to discuss this distribution in the light of eukaryotic evolution. CONCLUSION: We conclude that RNase MRP can now be placed in the RNA-processing cascade of the Eukaryotic Ancestor, highlighting the complexity of RNA-processing in early eukaryotes. Promoter analyses of MRP-RNA suggest that regulation of the critical processes of rRNA cleavage can vary, showing that even these key cellular processes (for which we expect high conservation) show some species-specific variability. We present our consensus MRP-RNA secondary structure as a useful model for further searches

    Mathematical modelling for the transmission dynamics of Rift Valley fever virus with human host

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    Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a viral zoonosis spread primarily by mosquitos that primarily affects livestock but has the potential to affect humans. Because of its potential to spread quickly and become an epidemic, it has become a public concern. In this article, the transmission dynamics of RVF with mosquito, livestock and human host using a compartmental model is studied and analyzed. The basic reproduction number R0 is computed using next generation matrix and the disease-free equilibrium state is found to be locally asymptotically stable if R0 1 which implies that rift valley fever could be put under control in a population where the reproduction number is less than 1. The numerical simulations give insightful results to further explore the dynamics of the disease based on the effect of three interventions; efficacy of vaccination, culling of livestock and trapping of mosquitoes introduced in the model

    Theorems on shear-free perfect fluids with their Newtonian analogues

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    In this paper we provide fully covariant proofs of some theorems on shear-free perfect fluids. In particular, we explicitly show that any shear-free perfect fluid with the acceleration proportional to the vorticity vector (including the simpler case of vanishing acceleration) must be either non-expanding or non-rotating. We also show that these results are not necessarily true in the Newtonian case, and present an explicit comparison of shear-free dust in Newtonian and relativistic theories in order to see where and why the differences appear.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX. Submitted to GR

    Stochastic Resonance in Ion Channels Characterized by Information Theory

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    We identify a unifying measure for stochastic resonance (SR) in voltage dependent ion channels which comprises periodic (conventional), aperiodic and nonstationary SR. Within a simplest setting, the gating dynamics is governed by two-state conductance fluctuations, which switch at random time points between two values. The corresponding continuous time point process is analyzed by virtue of information theory. In pursuing this goal we evaluate for our dynamics the tau-information, the mutual information and the rate of information gain. As a main result we find an analytical formula for the rate of information gain that solely involves the probability of the two channel states and their noise averaged rates. For small voltage signals it simplifies to a handy expression. Our findings are applied to study SR in a potassium channel. We find that SR occurs only when the closed state is predominantly dwelled. Upon increasing the probability for the open channel state the application of an extra dose of noise monotonically deteriorates the rate of information gain, i.e., no SR behavior occurs.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    An X-ray Selected Galaxy Cluster at z=1.26

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    We report the discovery of an X-ray luminous galaxy cluster at z=1.26. RXJ0848.9+4452 was selected as an X-ray cluster candidate in the ROSAT Deep Cluster Survey, on the basis of its spatial extent. Deep optical and near-IR imaging have revealed a galaxy overdensity around the peak of the X-ray emission, with a significant excess of red objects with J-K colors typical of elliptical galaxies at z>1. Spectroscopic observations at the Keck II telescope have secured 6 galaxy redshifts in the range 1.257=1.261), within a 35 arcsec radius around the peak X-ray emission. This system lies only 4.2 arcmin away (5.0 h^{-1}_{50} comoving Mpc, q_0=0.5) from the galaxy cluster ClG J0848+4453, which was identified by Stanford et al. (1997) at z=1.273 in a near-IR field galaxy survey, and is also known to be X-ray luminous. Assuming that the X-ray emission is entirely due to hot intra-cluster gas, both these systems have similar rest frame luminosities L_x ~=1x10^{44} ergs/s (0.5-2.0 keV band). In combination with our spectrophotometric data for the entire 30 arcmin^2 field, this suggests the presence of a superstructure, consisting of two collapsed, possibly virialized clusters, the first detected to date at z>1.Comment: To appear in The Astronomical Journal, 24 pages, 8 figures, 1 color jpg plate (fig.7), see http://www.eso.org/~prosati/lynx/plate_fig7.jp

    Upper mantle seismic anisotropy at a strike-slip boundary: South Island, New Zealand

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    New shear wave splitting measurements made from stations onshore and offshore the South Island of New Zealand show a zone of anisotropy 100–200 km wide. Measurements in central South Island and up to approximately 100 km offshore from the west coast yield orientations of the fast quasi-shear wave nearly parallel to relative plate motion, with increased obliquity to this orientation observed farther from shore. On the eastern side of the island, fast orientations rotate counterclockwise to become nearly perpendicular to the orientation of relative plate motion approximately 200 km off the east coast. Uniform delay times between the fast and slow quasi-shear waves of nearly 2.0 s onshore continue to stations approximately 100 km off the west coast, after which they decrease to ~1 s at 200 km. Stations more than ~300 km from the west coast show little to no splitting. East coast stations have delay times around 1 s. Simple strain fields calculated from a thin viscous sheet model (representing distributed lithospheric deformation) with strain rates decreasing exponentially to both the northwest and southeast with e-folding dimensions of 25–35 km (approximately 75% of the deformation within a zone 100–140 km wide) match orientations and amounts of observed splitting. A model of deformation localized in the lithosphere and then spreading out in the asthenosphere also yields predictions consistent with observed splitting if, at depths of 100–130 km below the lithosphere, typical grain sizes are ~ 6–7 mm.New Zealand. Ministry of Research, Science, and TechnologyNational Science Foundation (U.S.). Continental Dynamics Program (Grant EAR-0409564)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Continental Dynamics Program (Grant EAR-0409609)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Continental Dynamics Program (Grant EAR-0409835

    Relating hygroscopicity and composition of organic aerosol particulate matter

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    A hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA) was used to measure the water uptake (hygroscopicity) of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formed during the chemical and photochemical oxidation of several organic precursors in a smog chamber. Electron ionization mass spectra of the non-refractory submicron aerosol were simultaneously determined with an aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS), and correlations between the two different signals were investigated. SOA hygroscopicity was found to strongly correlate with the relative abundance of the ion signal m/z 44 expressed as a fraction of total organic signal (f44). m/z 44 is due mostly to the ion fragment CO2+ for all types of SOA systems studied, and has been previously shown to strongly correlate with organic O/C for ambient and chamber OA. The analysis was also performed on ambient OA from two field experiments at the remote site Jungfraujoch, and the megacity Mexico City, where similar results were found. A simple empirical linear relation between the hygroscopicity of OA at subsaturated RH, as given by the hygroscopic growth factor (GF) or "κorg" parameter, and f44 was determined and is given by κorg=2.2×f44−0.13. This approximation can be further verified and refined as the database for AMS and HTDMA measurements is constantly being expanded around the world. The use of this approximation could introduce an important simplification in the parameterization of hygroscopicity of OA in atmospheric models, since f44 is correlated with the photochemical age of an air mass

    Bounce behaviour in Kantowski-Sachs and Bianchi Cosmologies

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    Many cosmological scenarios envisage either a bounce of the universe at early times, or collapse of matter locally to form a black hole which re-expands into a new expanding universe region. Energy conditions preclude this happening for ordinary matter in general relativistic universes, but scalar or dilatonic fields can violate some of these conditions, and so could possibly provide bounce behaviour. In this paper we show that such bounces cannot occur in Kantowski-Sachs models without violating the {\it reality condition} ϕ˙20\dot{\phi}^2\geq 0. This also holds true for other isotropic spatially homogenous Bianchi models, with the exception of closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker and Bianchi IX models; bounce behaviour violates the {\em weak energy condition} ρ0\rho\geq 0 and ρ+p0\rho+p\geq 0. We turn to the Randall-Sundrum type braneworld scenario for a possible resolution of this problem.Comment: Matches published versio

    Relating hygroscopicity and composition of organic aerosol particulate matter

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    A hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA) was used to measure the water uptake (hygroscopicity) of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formed during the chemical and photochemical oxidation of several organic precursors in a smog chamber. Electron ionization mass spectra of the non-refractory submicron aerosol were simultaneously determined with an aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS), and correlations between the two different signals were investigated. SOA hygroscopicity was found to strongly correlate with the relative abundance of the ion signal m/z 44 expressed as a fraction of total organic signal (f44). m/z 44 is due mostly to the ion fragment CO2+ for all types of SOA systems studied, and has been previously shown to strongly correlate with organic O/C for ambient and chamber OA. The analysis was also performed on ambient OA from two field experiments at the remote site Jungfraujoch, and the megacity Mexico City, where similar results were found. A simple empirical linear relation between the hygroscopicity of OA at subsaturated RH, as given by the hygroscopic growth factor (GF) or "ϰorg" parameter, and f44 was determined and is given by ϰorg = 2.2 × f44 − 0.13. This approximation can be further verified and refined as the database for AMS and HTDMA measurements is constantly being expanded around the world. The use of this approximation could introduce an important simplification in the parameterization of hygroscopicity of OA in atmospheric models, since f44 is correlated with the photochemical age of an air mass