144 research outputs found

    Stress management interventions among healthcare workers using mindfulness. A systematic review.

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    Background: stress among healthcare professionals has gained more and more attention due to the negative consequences on their and patients’ health. As a result of intense working hours, night shifts, responsibilities of care, and emotional contact with patients, healthcare workers experience stressful conditions. Interventions to prevent and manage their wellbeing are needed, in order to reduce the risks of onset of burnout syndrome. Aim: the aim of this systematic review is to analyze how mindfulness courses can improve mental and physical well-being of healthcare workers. Methods: a literature search was conducted in May 2018 using the databases Medline (PubMed), Scopus and Isi Web of Knowledge. Studies were included if they examined mindfulness interventions as possible solutions to manage stress among healthcare workers. Results: fifty-eight articles met the inclusion criteria: 13 of them were clinical trials; 11 were randomized clinical trials; 12 were systematic reviews; 7 were narrative reviews and 15 were observational studies. The studies included showed effectiveness of mindfulness programs in reducing stress, self-compassion, burnout, anxiety and depression. Significant negative association has been observed between MBSR and stress levels (β: −0.60, 95% CI:−5.95 to −4.04, P< 0.001) and mental exhaustion (β:−0.43, 95% CI:−3.30 −1.86, P< 0.001). Clinical trials focused on psychoeducational interventions highlighted decreased burnout scores in intervention group (SDM: -0.38). Conclusion: courses based on mindfulness showed to be effective in improving healthcare workers’ well-being, increasing their quality of life and the productivity outcomes. The evidence derived from this systematic review suggests that these interventions should be included within the work organization in order to be viable tools for promoting self-care and quality of care

    Functional assessment of cancer therapy questionnaire for breast cancer (FACT-B+4): Italian version validation

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    BACKGROUND: Improvements in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment led to an increased incidence of survivors' rate. The healthcare system has to face new problems related not only to the treatment of the disease, but also to the management of the quality of life after the diagnosis. The aim of this study was to validate the Italian version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Breast (FACT-B+4) questionnaire and to evaluate its reliability. METHODS: The questionnaire was administered twice, with an interval of three days between each administration, to a cohort of women of the Breast Surgical Unit, PoliclincoUmberto I. Cronbach's alpha was used as a measure of the internal consistency of the Italian version. RESULTS: The Italian version of the tool was administered to 55 subjects. The Cronbach's alpha for most scores registered values >0.7, both at baseline and at the follow-up analysis, therefore the subscale showed good internal consistency. CONCLUSIONS: The Italian version of FACT-B+4 demonstrated acceptable reliability properties in the Breast Unit patients. The use of this questionnaire seemed to be effective and in line with the results derived from the English and Spanishversions. Internal consistency and validity had similar performance results

    Use of Neem oil and Hypericum perforatum for treatment of calcinosis-related skin ulcers in systemic sclerosis

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    Objective: This study evaluated Neem oil and Hypericum perforatum (Holoil®) for treatment of scleroderma skin ulcers related to calcinosis (SU-calc). Procedure: We retrospectively analyzed 21 consecutive systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients with a total of 33 SU-calcs treated daily with Holoil® cream compared with a control group of 20 patients with 26 SU-calcs. Holoil® was directly applied to skin lesions, while the control group received only standard medication. Results: Application of Holoil® either resulted in crushing and complete resolution of calcium deposits or facilitated sharp excision of calcinosis during wound care sessions in 27/33 cases (81.8%). Complete healing of SU-calc occurred in 15/33 (45%) of cases within a time period of 40.1 ± 16.3 (mean ± SD) days, while 18/33 (55%) of lesions improved in terms of size, erythema, fibrin and calcium deposits. Patients reported a reduction of pain (mean numeric rating scale 7.3 ± 1.9 at baseline versus 2.9 ± 1.4 at follow-up) The control group had longer healing times and a higher percentage of infections. Conclusions: The efficacy of local treatment with neem oil and Hypericum perforatum suggest that Holoil® could be a promising tool in the management of SSc SU-calc

    3D CT scan for perioperative identification of anatomical variations of lungs

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate anatomical lung variations and vascular patterns using volumetric 3D computed tomography (CT) representations. Methods & results: We considered 24 major thoracic surgery performed in our ward. In these, we discovered some interesting anatomical variations of the main pulmonary fissures. These findings were not visible on the plain x-ray or during routine examination of a preoperative CT scan. After re-examination of 3D CT scan reconstruction the anatomical variations were detected. Discussion: General thoracic surgeons must familiarize themselves with anatomical variations in lungs. 3D images may aid the general thoracic surgeon in performing safer surgeries. Conclusion: 3D CT scan should be performed before surgery if possible

    THU0600 a case of systemic sclerosis complicated by renal crisis: potential etiopathogenetic role of cytomegalovirus and treatment

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    Background: Scleroderma renal crisis (SRC) is a rare complication of systemic sclerosis (SSc), which can be triggered by viruses, such as Cytomegalovirus (CMV). SRC presents as a new-onset accelerated-phase hypertension with/without rapidly progressive renal failure. Objectives: Here we describe the case of a patient developing SSc complicated by the appearance of SRC after a recent episode of acute Cytomegalovirus infection. Methods: A 66-year-old male was referred to our Scleroderma Unit in March 2019. He presented with widespread skin rash, exertional dyspnoea and peripheral oedemas. He reported a myocarditis due to CMV occurred in October 2018. Antibodies anti-CMV IgM were detected in his serum. The patient developed a progressive cutaneous involvement characterized by diffuse oedema, sclerosis and melanoderma. Subsequently, Raynaud’s phenomenon, puffy hands and pitting scars

    Analisi dei fattori di rischio dell'ipoparatiroidismo transitorio e definitivo nei pazienti sottoposti a tiroidectomia

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    Obiettivi. Con questa revisione della letteratura ci proponiamo di valutare quali sono i fattori che possono essere valutati nei pazienti da sottoporre a tiroidectomia ai fini di una migliore gestione preoperatoria e post-operatoria dell\u2019ipoparatiroidismo transitorio e definitivo. Discussione. L\u2019ipoparatiroidismo transitorio \ue8 una complicanza potenzialmente grave che include una vasta gamma di segni e sintomi che permane solo per poche settimane dopo l\u2019intervento chirurgico. L\u2019ipoparatiroidismo definitivo si verifica quando \ue8 necessario un trattamento medico per un periodo maggiore di 12 mesi. I fattori di rischio che ne possono influenzare l\u2019insorgenza in seguito ad interventi di tiroidectomia sono molteplici: biochimici preoperatori e post opera- tori, il sesso femminile, la malattia di Graves e le malattie neoplastiche della tiroide, l\u2019abilit\ue0 del chirurgo e la tecnica chirurgica utilizzata. Il trattamento medico prevede la somministrazione di calcio, vitamina D e talvolta magnesio. Conclusioni: Anche se i fattori biologici e biochimici legati al paziente ricoprono una certa importanza nella correlazione con l\u2019ipoparatiroidismo, riteniamo che i fattori causali pi\uf9 importanti sono da correlare alle variabili intraoperatorie come l\u2019esperienza del chirurgo e la tecnica utilizzata che deve mirare alla visualizzazione e al rispetto in situ delle paratiroidi.Aims. This review evaluates those main risk factors that can affect patients undergoing thyroidectomy, to reach a better pre- and post-operative management of transient and permanent hypoparathyroidism. Discussion. The transient hypoparathyroidism is a potentially severe complication of thyroidectomy, including a wide range of signs and symptoms that persists for a few weeks. The definitive hypoparathyroidism occurs when a medical treatment is necessary over 12 months. Risk factors that may influence the onset of this condition after thyroidectomy include: pre- and post-operative biochemical factors, such as serum calcium levels, vitamin D blood concentrations and intact PTH. Other involved factors could be summarized as follow: female sex, Graves' or thyroid neoplastic diseases, surgeon's dexterity and surgical technique. The medical treatment includes the administration of calcium, vitamin D and magnesium sometimes. Conclusions. Although biological and biochemical factors could be related to iatrogenic hypoparathyroidism, the surgeon's experience and the used surgical technique still maintain a crucial role in the aetiology of this important complication

    Towards elimination of measles and rubella in Italy. Progress and challenges

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    Introduction In the WHO European Region, endemic transmission of measles and rubella had been interrupted by 37 and 42 of the 53 member states (MSs), respectively, by 2018. Sixteen MSs are still endemic for measles, 11 for rubella and nine for both diseases, the latter including Italy. Elimination is documented by each country’s National Verification Committee (NVC) through an annual status update (ASU). Objective By analysing data used to produce the ASUs, we aimed to describe the advances made by Italy towards elimination of measles and rubella. Moreover, we propose a set of major interventions that could facilitate the elimination process. Methods A total of 28 indicators were identified within the six core sections of the ASU form and these were evaluated for the period 2013–2018. These indicators relate to the incidence of measles/rubella; epidemiological investigation of cases; investigation of outbreaks; performance of the surveillance system; population immunity levels; and implementation of supplemental immunization activities (SIAs). Results From 2013 to 2018, epidemiological and laboratory analyses of measles cases in Italy improved substantially, allowing timely investigation in 2017 and 2018 of most outbreak and sporadic cases and identification of the majority of genotypic variants. Moreover, since 2017, vaccination coverage has increased significantly. Despite these improvements, several areas of concern emerged, prompting the following recommendations: i) improve outbreak monitoring; ii) strengthen the MoRoNet network; iii) increase the number of SIAs; iv) reinforce vaccination services; v) maintain regional monitoring; vi) design effective communication strategies; vii) foster the role of general practitioners and family paediatricians. Conclusions The review of national ASUs is a crucial step to provide the NVC with useful insights into the elimination process and to guide the development of targeted interventions. Against this background, the seven recommendations proposed by the NVC have been shared with the Italian Ministry of Health and the Technical Advisory Group on measles and rubella elimination and have been incorporated into the new Italian Elimination Plan 2019–2023 as a technical aid to facilitate the achievement of disease elimination goals


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    Background: Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) is a rare and life-threatening connective tissue disease with multiple organ impairment. Cardio-pulmonary involvement is common: pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension (PH), and electrical disorders are the most serious complications and causes of increased mortality. Objectives: We evaluated features related with the onset and development of PH in a cohort of SSc patients. We further studied ecocardiographic abnormalities, by means of 2D-speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) with specific reference to the right ventricular strain measure (RV-strain). Methods: We analyzed data from 50 SSc patients (pts) referred to our University-based Rheumatology Centre and SSc Unit from January 2007 to June 2019 (F/M 45/5; lc/dcSSc 45/5; mean age 59.20±14.357 years; mean disease duration 12.08±8.75 years). All pts underwent general and cardio-pulmonary


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    Aims: chronic groin pain caused by an occult hernia can be a difficult clinical diagnosis and may require additional investiga- tive modalities. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the accuracy of ultrasound in diagnosing occult hernia in patients with recurrent inguinal pain and a negative clinical examination. Patients and methods: over a period of three years, a total of 76 patients were referred for ultrasound examination with clini- cally suspected occult inguinal hernia. Patients with positive US scans were offered surgery, while those with negative US findings were offered further imaging or other diagnostic tests. The ultrasound examination of the inguinal region was conducted using a 5- 10 MHz linear probe. The scan was performed with the patient in the supine and erect positions, in a relaxed state, as well as during coughing and during a Valsalva manoeuvre. Results: overall, ultrasound diagnosed 31 inguinal hernias and all 31 patients with positive scans underwent surgery. Surgery confirmed the ultrasound diagnosis in 30 patients, having only 1/31 no hernia at operation (100% ultrasound sensitivity and 96.9% specificity). Patients undergoing surgery showed complete symptom resolution at a three-month follow-up. Conclusions: this study confirms that ultrasound is capable of accurately diagnosing groin hernia and this may justify its use in patients with chronic groin pain due to a suspected occult herni


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    Aims: chronic groin pain caused by an occult hernia can be a difficult clinical diagnosis and may require additional investiga- tive modalities. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the accuracy of ultrasound in diagnosing occult hernia in patients with recurrent inguinal pain and a negative clinical examination. Patients and methods: over a period of three years, a total of 76 patients were referred for ultrasound examination with clini- cally suspected occult inguinal hernia. Patients with positive US scans were offered surgery, while those with negative US findings were offered further imaging or other diagnostic tests. The ultrasound examination of the inguinal region was conducted using a 5- 10 MHz linear probe. The scan was performed with the patient in the supine and erect positions, in a relaxed state, as well as during coughing and during a Valsalva manoeuvre. Results: overall, ultrasound diagnosed 31 inguinal hernias and all 31 patients with positive scans underwent surgery. Surgery confirmed the ultrasound diagnosis in 30 patients, having only 1/31 no hernia at operation (100% ultrasound sensitivity and 96.9% specificity). Patients undergoing surgery showed complete symptom resolution at a three-month follow-up. Conclusions: this study confirms that ultrasound is capable of accurately diagnosing groin hernia and this may justify its use in patients with chronic groin pain due to a suspected occult herni
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