16 research outputs found

    Guidelines for parents with children suffering from epilepsy

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    Catedra Psihiatrie, Narcologie şi Psihologie medicală, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Children suffering from epilepsy are in need of parental attachment and understanding first of all, especially in the situations when such children cannot be just like their friends because of the problems generated by their medical condition. Teaching them to overcome such problems - with your support – is a part of learning to be independent, to fight for their lives and health, and to understand that this is not epilepsy that rules their lives. Copiii, care suferă de epilepsie, au nevoie de înţelegerea părinţilor, mai ales în situaţii când nu pot fi ca şi prietenii lor din cauza problemelor generate de epilepsie. Ai învăţa să facă faţă unor probleme - cu sprijinul Dvs. - face parte din procesul de însuşire a conceptului de a fi independent, de a învinge boala şi de a recunoaşte că epilepsia nu trebuie să le conducă viaţa

    Понимание сущности суицидального поведения у больных шизофренией

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    Spitalul Clinic de Psihiatrie, or. Chişinău, Catedra Psihiatrie, Narcologie şi Psihologie Medicală, USMF Nicolae TestemiţanuSummary. The paper did a rundown of key concepts that define the behavior of the suicidal and visions of this phenomenon to the mentally ill patients in general and in particular schizophrenics. So are analyzed briefly y the theories that have tempted not only understanding the meaning, as well as providing solutions for attitude and even suicide prevention, emphasizing that the theories of neuro-psycho-biological released during the 20th century are those that have developed arguments in favor of preventing suicide through medication and psychological support step-by-step. Review of biological perspective, the suicidal act can be correlated with changes in two or more transmission systems, namely: the serotonin system, HHC axis hyperactivity, increased involvement of noradrenergic system, other systems (dopaminergic, GABA); neuroanatomic anomalies. The suicidal phenomenon investigations have suggested different scientific approaches, but they have the support of the theory of risk factors, which are elucidated the circumstances that grow consistently the suicide-biological risk factors, existential and protective factors, which can suppress or diminish the effect of risk factors.Резюме. Авторы статьи осуществляют обзор ключевых понятий, которые определяют суицидальное поведение, рассматривают это явление в целом у психически больных и лиц, страдающих шизофренией, в частности. Таким образом, были проанализированы теории, которые не только пытаются понять сложную сущность процесса, но и предлагают решения по предупреждению суицида, подчеркивая, что нейро-психобиологические теории, выдвигаемые на протяжении XX века, выработали медикаментозные методы предотвращения суицида и поэтапную психологическую помощь. С биологической точки зрения, суицидальный поступок может быть связан с изменениями в нескольких системах передачи, таких как: дисфункция серотонинергической системы, гиперактивность гипоталамо-гипофизарной системы, повышенная активность норадренергической системы, вовлечение других систем (дофаминергической, ГАМК), нейроанатомические аномалии. Исследования суицидального феномена предоставили новые научные подходы, которые основываются на теории факторов риска, освещающей последовательно обстоятельства, повышающие потенциал суицида – биологические факторы риска, так и предотвращающие факторы, которые могут подавлять или снижать эффект факторов риска

    Понимание сущности суицидального поведения у больных шизофренией

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie Nicolae TestemiţanuThe paper did a rundown of key concepts that defi ne the behavior of the suicidal and visions of this phenomenon to the mentally ill patients in general and in particular schizophrenics. So are analyzed briefl y the theories that have tempted not only understanding the meaning, as well as providing solutions for attitude and even suicide prevention, emphasizing that the theories of neuro-psycho-biological released during the 20th century are those that have developed arguments in favor of preventing suicide through medication and psychological support step-by-step. Review of biological perspective, the suicidal act can be correlated with changes in two or more transmission systems, namely: the serotonin system, HHC axis hyperactivity, increased involvement of noradrenergic system, other systems (dopaminergic, GABA); neuroanatomic anomalies. The suicidal phenomenon investigations have suggested different scientifi c approaches, but they have the support of the theory of risk factors, which are elucidated the circumstances that grow consistently the suicide-biological risk factors, existential and protective factors, which can suppress or diminish the effect of risk factors.Данная статья осуществляет обзор ключевых понятий, которые определяют суицидальное поведение, рассматривает это явление в целом у психически больных и лиц, страдающих шизофренией, в частности. Таким образом, были проанализированы теории, которые пытаются понять не только сложную сущность процесса, но и предлагают решения по предупреждению суицида, подчеркивая, что нейро-психо-биологические теории, выдвигаемые на протяжении XX века, выработали медикаментозные методы предотвращения суицида и поэтапную психологическую помощь. Анализируя с биологической точки зрения, суицидальный поступок может быть связан с изменениями в нескольких системах передачи, таких как: дисфункция серотонинергической системы, гиперактивность гипоталамо-гипофизарной системы, повышенная активность норадренергической системы, вовлечение других систем (дофаминергической, ГАМК), нейроанатомические аномалии. Исследования суицидального феномена предоставили новые научные подходы, которые основываются на теории факторов риска, освещающей последовательно обстоятельства, повышающие потенциал суицида – биологические факторы риска, так и предотвращающие факторы, которые могут подавлять или снижать эффект факторов риска

    Strategies in therapeutical aproach in females suffering from catamenal epilepsy

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    Catedra Psihiatrie, Narcologie şi Psihologie medicală, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The study conducted on pregnant women with epilepsy demonstrated the need for a more intense monitoring and planning of future pregnancies to decrease the risk of adverse events in both mother and child. This is possible only when there is a stable drug remission (more than three years), no outbreaks of epileptiform EEG recorded not only routinely but also and video EEG. Epileptologists decide upon a gradual AEDs dose reduction in agreement with the patient. In this case pregnancy planning is not recommended before six months after the treatment, as during this period there is an increased risk of recurrence of the seizures. Studiul realizat asupra femeilor gravide ce prezintă epilepsie a demonstrat necesitatea unei monitorizări mai intense şi de a planifica pe viitor sarcinile pentru a micşora riscul de manifestări adverse atât pentru mama cât şi pentru copil. Acest lucru este posibil numai în cazurile în care are loc o remisie stabilă medicamentoasă (mai mult de trei ani), lipsa focarelor epileptiforme înregistrate nu numai EEG de rutină dar şi EEG - video. Epileptologul decide reducerea treptată a dozei de medicamente antiepileptice de comun acord cu pacientul. În acest caz planificarea sarcinii nu este recomandabilă mai devreme de şase luni de la întreruperea tratamentului, deoarece în această perioadă există un risc crescut de reapariţie a crizelor

    Pharmacological treatment of benign epilepsy

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    Catedra Psihiatrie, Narcologie şi Psihologie medicală, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The study investigated the underlying principles of epilepsy treatment in general, the benign one in particular, this being supplied with strict evidence data on the complex treatment and on the clinical development of the disease at its different stages. The rationality of differentiated approach to treating the epilepsy patients, having varions timings of epileptic crises. A different approach may lead to develop tolerance to anticonvulsive treatment, adverse reactions and an increased severity of the disease. The treatment schedule should invariably be an individual one, as well as an etiopathogenic and complex, including dehydration measures and antiphlogistic, desensitizing, nootropic, neuroleptic, and anticonvulsive drugs. Studiul a cercetat principiile de suport ale terapiei epilepsiei în ansamblu și a celor benigne în particular, revenind cu probe în favoarea tratamentului complex bazat pe o evidenţa strictă a particularităţilor structurii paroxismelor şi evoluţiei clinice a afecţiunii atât în debut cât şi în diverse etape ale acesteia. Se accentuează raţionalitatea abordării diferenţiate a tratării bolnavilor de epilepsie cu diversă cronoafinitate pe nictemer a crizelor epileptice. O altă abordare poate conduce lainstalarea toleranţei la tratamentul anticonvulsivant, la apariţia unor fenomene adverse şi la agravarea evoluţiei epilepsiei în genere. Programul curativ trebuie să fie invariabil unul individualizat, etiopatogenetic şi complex, incluzând măsuri deshidratante, roburante, rezolutive, antiflogistice, desensibilizante, nootrope, neuroleptice, vitaminoterapice şi anticonvulsivante

    Отличия между мужчинам и женщинами зарождается в мозгу.

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    The difference between male and female are beginning in brain.Uneori răspunsul la unele întrebări este controversat unor aspecte sociale, fiecare tractează răspunsul satisfăcînd preferințele subiective în moralitate și noțiunile ce determină ce este pozitiv sau negativ în realitate. Reviul dat descrie diferențe și specificul psihoemoțional a femeilor, accentuând investigațiile și sinteza publicată în special de Brizendine dar și a altor autori ce au făcut studii pe tema dată.Отличия между мужчинам и женщинами зарождается в мозгу

    Ordering psychiatric treatment programs milestone in prevention of recurrence of suicide

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    IMSP Spitalul Clinic de Psihiatrie Catedra Psihiatrie, Narcologie şi Psihologie Medicală, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”People with schizophrenia is a special quota among subjects with different types of psycho-physical disabilities and is a real challenge for health and social services authorized to be concerned with ensuring a favourable evolution existential less incisive as the morbid process. There are several factors that can darken the prognosis and increase the risk of suicidal schizophrenic subjects, to which suggest the authors of this study is to guide efforts to psychopharmacological medication and social support. Also how suicidal episode is treated as maintained stable phase of schizophrenia treatment and social means may be subject to coordinated management strategies with general psychiatric, and with consideration of individual variables. Persoanele cu disabilităţi psihice constituie un contingent aparte printre subiecţii cu diferite genuri de handicap psiho - fizic şi reprezintă o adevărată provocare pentru serviciile medicale şi sociale abilitate să se preocupe de asigurarea unui mediu existenţial favorabil evoluţiei cât mai puţin incisive a procesului morbid. Există o serie de factori care pot întuneca prognosticul şi accentua riscul suicidar al subiecţilor schizofreni, spre care, sugerează autorii acestui studiu, urmează să se dirijeze eforturile de medicaţie psihofarmacologică şi de suport social. De altfel modul în care este tratat un episod suicidar şi cum este menţinută faza stabilă a schizofreniei prin mijloace terapeutice şi sociale, poate reprezenta subiectul unei strategii de management psihiatric cu coordonate generale, dar şi cu considerarea unor variabile individuale

    The medico-legal aspects in epilepsy and incidence of twilight states in socially dangerous actions

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    Instituţia Medico – Sanitară Publică, Spitalul Clinic de Psihiatrie al Ministerului Sănătăţii din Republica Moldova Catedra Psihiatrie, Narcologie şi Psihologie Medicală, USMF„Nicolae Testemiţanu”This study is about clinical cases of epileptical patients who had medico - legal manifestations. We tried to highlight the most frequent criminogen risks and harmful factors of these pathologies predisposing patients to social dangerous actions. Also we highlighted the incidence, the proportion of twilight, dysphorical and demential states in the frame of illnesses mentioned above, and their enhanced medico - legal manifestations. Studiul a luat în cercetare cazurile clinice ale pacienţilor cu epilepsie care au ajuns la manifestări cu impact medico-legal şi s-a făcut o încercare de a evidenţia riscul criminogen al celor mai frecvente stări patologice în cadrul acestor maladii şi factorii nocivi, predispozanţi ce condiţionează pericolul social sporit al acestor pacienţi. S-a cercetat de asemenea de a stabili incidenţa, proporţia stărilor crepusculare, disforice şi demenţiale în cadrul maladiilor menţionate care implică manifestări medico-legale sporite

    Тактика действий при суицидальном риске у лиц, страдающих шизофренией

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    IMSP Spitalul Clinic de Psihiatrie, or. Chişinău, USMF Nicolae TestemiţanuThe study has summarized principles of support for suicide risk assessment of persons suffering from schizophrenia, stating that the detection and prevention of suicidal behavior in patients with this disease is as important as the analysis of many aspects of this phenomenon to set up guidelines of anticipation of dramatic events. Thus a careful study will seek existential context of these patients with major potentially destructive circumstances such as lack of support, social isolation, hospitalization, and deterioration of health after a steady period of work before illness occurrence, cases of rejection, low external support or complete lack of it, family stress or instability. In complex or individually, each situation mentioned above may become a risk factor for suicide in patients with schizophrenia.В данном исследовании обобщены принципы оценки суицидального риска у лиц, страдающих шизофренией, подчеркивая, что своевременное выявление и прeдупреждение суицидального поведения у данной категории пациентов также важно, как и анализ многих аспектов этого феномена. Таким образом, тщательное исследование будет искать в экзистенциальном контексте этих больных обстоятельства, имеющие наиболее разрушающий эффект, такиe как: социальная изоляция, госпитализация, ухудшение здоровья после повышенной активности до заболевания, низкая внешняя поддержка или полное её отсутствие, семейный стресс или нестабильность. В комплексе или индивидуально, каждая упомянутая выше ситуация может стать фактором риска суицида у пациентов с шизофренией

    Specific of communication with patients with disabilities

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    This article elucidates some notions of „communication”, as well as communication failures in patients with disabilities. The difference between communicating with female and male patients and how to create the conditions for productive communication was also described. The specificity of communication with psychotic patients was elucidated