154 research outputs found

    Golden Rain : Nocturne

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    Two Altered Endings—Dickens and Bulwer Lytton

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    Exploring meaningful experiences of black women with HIV: a qualitative study of relational care practices and spirituality

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    Black women living with HIV share a common history of oppression and marginalization as people of African descent, as women, and as individuals living with HIV. The purpose of this study is to explore meaningful and health-giving relationships of Black women living with HIV in Massachusetts, a largely marginalized and invisible group of people, and to discover the relational experiences that they identify as contributing to their psychological and spiritual well-being. The method includes a literature review of therapeutic approaches drawn from medical science, psychology, and Black feminism. The medical literature in nursing and community health care reveals the value of holistic approaches to care for Black women with HIV, especially care that affirms the women’s strengths and internal resources, including spiritual life. The psychotherapeutic and Black feminist/womanist literature reveals the value of attending to Black women’s experience and trusted relationships. The research method of this dissertation also includes a qualitative study with seventeen self-identified Black women who are HIV-positive, with varied religious and spiritual beliefs, from the Boston area, using semi-structured interviews to elicit their experiences. Drawing on principles of grounded theory and an ethogenic approach to analysis, the results reveal that participants value relationships that offer institutional support and intimate support. Such relationships that offer institutional support are: relationship with support groups facilitated by health clinic staff; relationship with trustworthy, accessible, skilled medical caregivers; and relationship with medication and medication providers. The relationships that offer intimate support are: relationship with comfortable spaces and special people, like homes and family members; relationship with self; and relationship with divinity, named in diverse ways. The study concludes with the recommendation that community leaders, medical professionals, and psychotherapists improve their expertise in relational care, especially the forms of care that Black women living with HIV name as meaningful to their psychological and spiritual wellbeing

    Gay As A Lark : Idyl

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    Autumn Thoughts : Reverie

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    Chemical records of environmental pollution in ombrotrophic peat bogs

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    Human activity has affected metal emissions to the atmosphere on a global scale for several thousand years, resulting in widespread contamination of the environment with toxic heavy metals such as Pb and Hg, thereby threatening both human and environmental health. In recent years ombrotrophic peat bogs have been used to study the changing rates and sources of atmospheric metal deposition, as they receive all their water and nutrients from the atmosphere by dry and wet deposition alone. Cores from such bogs have proved especially useful as archives of atmospheric Pb deposition as Pb is essentially immobile in ombrotrophic peat. The work described in this thesis is primarily concerned with the use of ombrotrophic peat bogs to investigate environmental contamination in Scotland during pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial (i.e. ca. post-1970 A.D.) times. Cores were collected from ombrotrophic peat bogs at four different geographical locations (Carsegowan Moss, SW; Flanders Moss, W Central; The Red Moss of Balerno, E Central; Turclossie Moss, NE) in Scotland. Air-dried peat samples were dry-ashed and dissolved using microwave-assisted HF IHN03 digestion. Elemental concentrations (e.g. AI, As, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Ti, V, Y, Zn and Zr) and Pb isotope ratios (e.g. 206PbP07Pb) were determined using ICP-OES and ICP-MS as appropriate. For Hg determination, samples were digested with HN03/H2S04 and then analysed by CV AAS. Certified reference materials (e.g. Ombrotrophic Peat (NIMT/UOE/FM001), Canadian Peat (1878 P), Bush Branches and Leaves (DC73349), Peach Leaves (GBW 08501) and Coal (BCR CRM No. 40 and NBS SRM 1635) were used for quality control purposes. The distribution and behaviour of the potentially toxic trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Sb, Se, V and Zn) and of major elements (Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, P and S) within the four ombrotrophic peat bogs was investigated and there was strong evidence that Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, S, Se and Zn were mobile in ombrotrophic peat, while As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg (at least during industrial and post-industrial periods), Ni, Sb and V, like Pb, were essentially immobile in ombrotrophic peat. Deposition records of conservative lithogenic elements (e.g. concentrations of AI, Sc, Ti, Y and Zr) that occur predominantly in soil dust were also investigated and the chosen conservative elements Sc, Ti and Zr were used in calculations to estimate anthropogenic enrichments of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb and V in peat bog profiles. 210Pb- and 14C- dated peat cores were used to reconstruct historical records of atmospheric anthropogenic As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb and V deposition (since the pre-Roman (i.e. to ca. 380 B.C.)/Roman period) and atmospheric Hg deposition (since the onset of the industrial period) across Scotland. For Pb, on the basis of Pb isotopic composition (e.g. 206PbP Pb), clear indications of contamination during the preRoman/Roman and Mediaeval periods were attributed to the mining and smelting of Pb ores (from Britain and elsewhere in Europe). During the industrial and post-industrial periods, variations in the relative importance of contributions of anthropogenic Pb from different sources were apparent. From ca. the early 17th century A.D. at three of the peat bog sites, the mining and smelting of indigenous Scottish Pb ores, until the early 20th century A.D., were found to be the most important sources of anthropogenic Pb deposition. In contrast, at the most southerly site (Carsegowan Moss), influences from the use of both British Ph ores and imported Australian Ph ores (in more southern parts of Britain) since the late 19th century A.D. were evident. At each of the sites, the increasing importance of Australian-Ph-influenced car-exhaust emissions from the 1930s to late 1990s A.D., along with significant contributions from coal combustion (until the late 1960s A.D.) was evident. For Sb, in general, similarities between the major trends in the concentration profiles of anthropogenic Sb and Ph suggested common sources of these two elements. Perturbations in the anthropogenic Sb/Pb ratios since ca. 1800 A.D., however, were attributed to temporal variations in the relative importance of atmospheric emissions from different sources such as Ph ore mining/smelting, coal combustion and, in recent decades, automobile-related use of compounds of Ph (in leaded petrol) and of Sb (in brake linings). For Hg, in general, during the industrial and post-industrial periods, coal combustion and waste incineration, respectively, were likely to be the most important sources of Hg. For As, clear indications of contamination during the Mediaeval period were probably attributable to the mining and smelting of Ph and Cu ores, and for As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and V, during the industrial and post-industrial periods, a variety of sources (e.g. metallurgical activities, coal and oil combustion, use of phosphate fertilisers and waste incineration) were important to varying extents. Also, in recent years, atmospheric Cu emissions from automobile-related use of compounds of Cu (in motor oil, brake linings and tyres) may have been important. Inter-site and inter-elemental comparison of records of atmospheric metal deposition across Scotland indicated that, in general, atmospheric As, Cr, Hg, Ph and Sb deposition was greatest during the industrial period (between the late 1880s and late 1960s A.D.) and atmospheric Cd, Co, Cu, Ni and V deposition was greatest during the industrial and post-industrial periods (between ca. 1900 and the early 2000s A.D.), although increases in As, Co, Cr, Hg, Ph and Sb deposition were earliest (during the late 19th and early 20th century A.D.) at the most southerly site (Carsegowan Moss). During the industrial and post-industrial periods, levels of As, Ph and Cd contamination were generally highest in the south of Scotland, Cu, Co and Sb in south and central Scotland, and Cr, Ni and V in central Scotland. Overall, the existence of a south to north As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Ph, Sb and V pollution gradient in Scotland was evident

    A microanalytical study of iron, aluminium and organic matter relationships in soils with contrasting hydrological regimes

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    It is recognised that interactions between mineral oxides and soil organic matter (SOM) are an important factor in the stabilisation of soil organic carbon (SOC). The nature of these interactions is particularly complex in gleyed soils that experience periodic waterlogging and changeable redox conditions. This study explores the complex patterns of iron (Fe) (hydr)oxides and SOM in three soils with contrasting hydrological regimes (Gleysol, Stagnosol and Cambisol). Micromorphological examination of undisturbed soil thin sections was teamed with SEM-EDS analysis and sequential dissolution of Fe pedofeatures to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in SOM stabilisation by mineral oxides. All soils contained a diverse range of particulate SOM forms and Fe pedofeatures; the degree of impregnation of the Fe pedofeatures was found to increase with depth and a strong correlation between the presence of SOM and Fe pedofeatures was found to exist through all soils. Weakly crystalline Fe (hydr)oxides were found in association with partially degraded tissue residues and amorphous fine organic matter (OM). Strongly crystalline Fe (hydr)oxides were found in all impregnative Fe pedofeatures and high Fe/C ratios suggested precipitative processes rather than sorption dominate SOC sequestration in these features. In addition, at the core of some strongly impregnated Fe nodules, occluded well preserved organic tissues were identified. The study highlights the range of processes and complexity involved in SOC sequestration over mm to cm scales and untangling this complexity is vital to understanding and modelling terrestrial C fluxes. Whilst the methods used here are not without their complications, the value of micro-scale studies of undisturbed soil thin sections is clearly demonstrated

    Inorganic nitrogen and glucose additions alter the short-term formation efficiency of mineral associated organic matter carbon

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    Carbon within mineral associated organic matter (MAOM) is an important persistent form of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, processes driving the retention of new labile C in MAOM are not fully understood. We investigated the effects of glucose and ammonium nitrate (AN) addition on the short-term (72 h) retention of applied 13C-glucose within MAOM. We found an interactive effect of AN addition with the glucose addition rate. Higher rates of glucose addition resulted in proportionally less glucose-C retained, indicating lower MAOM-C formation efficiency. Addition of AN only altered the proportional retention of glucose where glucose was applied at the lowest rate. In this instance glucose-13C recovery increased with AN addition. However, after 72 h there was no treatment difference in total MAOM-C, indicating that any changes in formation efficiency as a result of AN and glucose additions, did not result in differences in total MAOM-C in the short-term. Whether and how this affects the medium and longer-term dynamics of MAOM-C requires further investigation

    Inorganic nitrogen and glucose additions alter the short-term formation efficiency of mineral associated organic matter carbon

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    Carbon within mineral associated organic matter (MAOM) is an important persistent form of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, processes driving the retention of new labile C in MAOM are not fully understood. We investigated the effects of glucose and ammonium nitrate (AN) addition on the short-term (72 h) retention of applied 13C-glucose within MAOM. We found an interactive effect of AN addition with the glucose addition rate. Higher rates of glucose addition resulted in proportionally less glucose-C retained, indicating lower MAOM-C formation efficiency. Addition of AN only altered the proportional retention of glucose where glucose was applied at the lowest rate. In this instance glucose-13C recovery increased with AN addition. However, after 72 h there was no treatment difference in total MAOM-C, indicating that any changes in formation efficiency as a result of AN and glucose additions, did not result in differences in total MAOM-C in the short-term. Whether and how this affects the medium and longer-term dynamics of MAOM-C requires further investigation
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