18 research outputs found

    100 phylogenies

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    The 100 trees used as phylogenetic hypotheses in this study were subsets of those developed by Jetz et al. (2012) and available through birdtree.org. Several species are represented by more than one record in this dataset, thus phylogeny tips for those taxa were transformed into multichotomies (i.e., polytomies) in each phylogeny. Here, 101 phylogenies are included. Models using the 74th phylogeny failed to converge so an additional phylogeny (i.e., phylogeny 101) was added to complete a set of 100 for the analyses. For all phylogenies the tip labels are coded to match the "record_id" field code in the corresponding dataset

    Phylogenetic hypothesis

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    Phylogeny based on Barker et al. (2004) with additional phylogenetic information from three other sources (Ohlson et al. 2008; Murray et al. 1994; Jonsson & Fjeldsa 2006). Because several sources were used to construct this phylogeny, we used Grafen’s (1989) method of setting branch lengths such that the distance from nodes to tips is equal to the number of taxa in the clade minus one. We initially based species pairs on the work of Bonier et al. (2007), which provided species pairs that differed in their elevation and latitudinal ranges, indicative of differences in tolerances to environmental features. Additional species were added based on these same criteria, but using pairs previously identified by Hu and Cardoso (2009). See the electronic supplementary material of the paper describing these data for full reference details


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    Sample recording of black-headed grosbeak vocalizations


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    Sample recording of mourning dove vocalizations


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    Sample recording of black-chinned hummingbird vocalizations

    Supplementary Table S1 from The comparative evidence for urban species sorting by anthropogenic noise

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    Data for the 365 species common to datasets of Hu & Cardoso (2009) and Sol et al. (2014


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    Sample recording of background noise on a control site at a distance of 100 m from the natural gas wellhead


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    Sample recording of bushtit vocalizations


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    Sample recording of background noise on a treatment site at a distance of 100 m from the compressor exhaust