16 research outputs found

    Procedural consequences of having filed an unpaid request for the preparation and delivery of a statement of reasons for a judgment

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    Z艂o偶enie nieop艂aconego wniosku o sporz膮dzenie i dor臋czenie uzasadnienia orzeczenia na podstawie art. 328 搂 4 KPC stanowi wzgl臋dnie bezskuteczn膮 czynno艣膰 procesow膮 strony, niezale偶nie od tego czy strona dokonuje jej samodzielnie, czy te偶 korzysta z zast臋pstwa profesjonalnego pe艂nomocnika procesowego. W艂a艣ciwym rygorem procesowym, kt贸ry powinien by膰 zastosowany w odniesieniu do b艂臋du strony lub jej pe艂nomocnika, polegaj膮cego na nieuiszczeniu op艂aty od tego wniosku, jest odrzucenie wniosku. Rygor w postaci odrzucenia nieop艂aconego wniosku o sporz膮dzenie i dor臋czenie uzasadnienia wyroku mo偶e by膰 zastosowany dopiero po bezskutecznym up艂ywie terminu wyznaczonego przez przewodnicz膮cego do uiszczenia brakuj膮cej op艂aty od wniosk

    A few remarks on the issue of how to satisfy the paulian creditor in bankruptcy proceedings

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    Przedmiot bada艅: W prawie upad艂o艣ciowym brakuje szczeg贸艂owej regulacji sposobu zaspokojenia wierzyciela paulia艅skiego z maj膮tku osoby trzeciej, w razie og艂oszenia jej upad艂o艣ci. Wywo艂uje to kontrowersje w doktrynie prawa upad艂o艣ciowego. Konsekwencj膮 tego niedostatku regulacji ustawowej i braku zgodno艣ci w teorii prawa jest niepewno艣膰 co do pozycji prawnej tego wierzyciela w praktyce post臋powania upad艂o艣ciowego. Cel badawczy: Celem artyku艂u jest ustalenie mo偶liwo艣ci przyj臋cia de lege lata wyniku wyk艂adni przepis贸w prawa upad艂o艣ciowego, kodeksu post臋powania cywilnego oraz kodeksu cywilnego, kt贸ry by艂by zgodny za艂o偶eniami aksjologicznymi prawa post臋powania upad艂o艣ciowego oraz instytucji skargi paulia艅skiej. W przypadku braku takiej mo偶liwo艣ci dalszym celem opracowania jest sformu艂owanie postulatu de lege ferenda pod adresem ustawodawcy, u kt贸rego pod艂o偶a le偶膮 wspomniane za艂o偶enia aksjologiczne. Metoda badawcza: W artykule pos艂u偶ono si臋 metod膮 logiczno-j臋zykowej analizy materia艂u normatywnego, kt贸r膮 uzupe艂niono w niezb臋dnym zakresie o metod臋 historycznopor贸wnawcz膮. Wnioski: W sytuacji sprzeczno艣ci warto艣ci chronionych za pomoc膮 materialnoprawnej instytucji skargi paulia艅skiej oraz le偶膮cych u podstaw post臋powania upad艂o艣ciowego aksjologicznie uzasadnione jest za艂o偶enie, wed艂ug kt贸rego syndyk masy upad艂o艣ci powinien zaspokaja膰 wierzyciela paulia艅skiego z przedmiotu, kt贸ry wszed艂 do maj膮tku upad艂ego na podstawie ubezskutecznionej czynno艣ci z pierwsze艅stwem przed wierzycielami upad艂o艣ciowymi. Bez zmiany ustawodawczej przyj臋cie wyniku wyk艂adni przepis贸w Kodeksu post臋powania cywilnego i Prawa upad艂o艣ciowego, kt贸ry odpowiada艂by tej ocenie aksjologicznej, nie wydaje si臋 mo偶liwe do uzasadnienia. De lege lata wierzyciel paulia艅ski powinien wi臋c uczestniczy膰 w odr臋bnym podziale sumy uzyskanej ze zbycia przedmiotu obj臋tego wyrokiem paulia艅skim. Mniej korzystne dla tego wierzyciela rozwi膮zanie ingerowa艂oby nadmiernie w tre艣膰 prawa wierzyciela paulia艅skiego okre艣lon膮 w art. 532 KC, przez co dochodzi艂oby do wypaczenia jego istoty uregulowanej w prawie materialnym. De lege lata zapewnienie temu wierzycielowi tzw. prawa odr臋bno艣ci trzeba wi臋c uzna膰 za minimalny poziom udzielanej mu w post臋powaniu upad艂o艣ciowym ochrony prawnej.Background: Bankruptcy law lacks detailed provisions of how to satisfy the actio pauliana creditor from the property of a third party in the event of its bankruptcy. This causes controversy in the doctrine of bankruptcy law. The consequence of this deficiency in statutory regulation as well as the lack of consistency in legal theory is the uncertainty of this creditor鈥檚 legal position in the practice of bankruptcy proceedings. Research purpose: The aim of the article is to establish the possibility of accepting de lege lata as a result of interpreting the provisions of bankruptcy law, the Code of Civil Procedure, and the Civil Code consistent with the axiological assumptions of the law of bankruptcy proceedings and the institution of actio pauliana. In the absence of such a possibility, a further goal of the study is to formulate the de lege ferenda postulate to the Legislator on which the axiological assumptions are based. Methods: The article uses the method of logical-linguistic analysis of normative material, which was supplemented to the extent necessary with the historical comparative method. Conclusions: In a situation of a contradiction between the values protected by the substantive legal institution of actio pauliana and the bankruptcy proceedings, it is axiologically justified to assume that the bankruptcy trustee should satisfy the actio pauliana creditor from the property that entered the bankrupt鈥檚 property on the basis of an ineffective act with precedence over bankruptcy creditors. Without a legislative change, adopting a result of interpreting the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure and the Bankruptcy Law corresponding to this axiological assessment does not seem possible to be legally justified. De lege lata, the actio pauliana creditor should therefore participate in a bankruptcy separate distribution of the sum obtained from the disposal of the item covered by the actio pauliana. A solution less favorable to this creditor would excessively interfere with the content of the actio pauliana as defined in Art. 532 of the Civil Code, which would distort its essence regulated in substantive law. De lege lata providing this creditor with the so-called right of separateness, which therefore must be regarded as the minimum level of legal protection granted in bankruptcy proceedings

    Function of a set-off defence in civil and bankruptcy proceedings

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    The function of a set-off in two different types of civil proceedings, i.e. contentious litigation and bankruptcy proceedings, depends on the specifics of the legal protection granted. De lege lata a set-off defense raised by a defendant in a civil process should be considered merely as his defense measure. The change of the function of the set-off defence in the civil trial was not affected by the amendment to the Polish Code of Civil Proceedings of 4 July 2019. In the bankruptcy proceedings, the creditors statement to exercise the right of set-off is functionally linked to the submission of his claim (covered by the set-off plea); therefore, in this case, the enforcement function of the set-off carried out under the applicable insolvency proceedings should be recognized as a prevailing one. In order to assign to the defendants procedural act consisting in raising of a set-off defense in civil process the function of an action of pursuing a claim, a statutory change would be required. De lege lata such function of a set-off should be considered contrary to the inherent characteristic of civil process, which is procedural formalism. There are diverse views on this subject in the doctrine. The author is in favor of a formalized approach, according to which the attributing to the set-off defence the effects of an action of pursuing a claim de lege lata would result in the process being perceived as unpredictable and thus not sufficiently protecting the interests of its parties

    Investigation of the vibration properties of concrete elevated hospital helipads

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    Elevated helipads at hospitals offer the possibility of rapid transport and assistance to persons injured in accidents or severely ill. Such helipads may have a diverse structure and location-depending on the possibilities of the hospital environment, including the vicinity of other buildings. Vibroacoustics Laboratory of the Institute of Aviation performed the measurement of the vibration properties of several helipads of varying degrees of construction. These tests were intended to determine the vibration properties of the helipads as well as the building, as an attempt to access the impact of the vibrations induced during a helicopter's landing and take-off on the construction of the helipad, the building and its equipment. This paper presents the tests and some results of the measurements made with a modal hammer, carried out on two new elevated helipads, built on the building's roofs and an estimation of the impact of the helicopter on its construction at the stage of design and construction of the helipad

    Spectroscopic and theoretical studies of fluorescence effects induced by the ESIPT process in a new derivative 2-Hydroxy-N-(2-phenylethyl)benzamide - Study on the effects of pH and medium polarity changes.

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    The paper presents the results of studies conducted with the use of stationary and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy for the new derivative 2-Hydroxy-N-(2-phenylethyl)benzamide (SAL-3) in aqueous solutions with various concentrations of hydrogen ions as well as in solvent mixtures (i.e. media with changing polarity/polarizability). For the compound selected for the study placed in aqueous solutions with varying concentrations of hydrogen ions, the fluorescence emission spectra revealed a single emission band within most of the pH range, however, at low pH (pH<3) a significant broadening (noticeable effect of dual fluorescence) and shifting of the band was observed. Whereas, for water and polar (protic) solvents, we observed a very interesting phenomenon of dual fluorescence never before reported for this particular group of analogues (with the specific substituent system). Based on the results of the experiments, it was observed that the presented effects may be related both with conformational effects (related to the possible positioning of the-OH group on the side of the carbonyl system, which facilitates the possibility of proton transfer) as well as, most importantly, the effects of excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT-Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer) related in this case with the necessary (new/previously unobserved in published literature) presence of ionic and non-ionic forms of the compound). Both the conducted quantum-mechanical [TD]DFT-Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory) calculations and excited state dipole moment change calculations for the analyzed molecule in solvents with varying pH confirmed the association between the observed fluorescence phenomena and the two aforementioned effects

    Comparison of the Toxicity of Pristine Graphene and Graphene Oxide, Using Four Biological Models

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    There are numerous applications of graphene in biomedicine and they can be classified into several main areas: delivery systems, sensors, tissue engineering and biological agents. The growing biomedical field of applications of graphene and its derivates raises questions regarding their toxicity. We will demonstrate an analysis of the toxicity of two forms of graphene using four various biological models: zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo, duckweed (Lemna minor), human HS-5 cells and bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus). The toxicity of pristine graphene (PG) and graphene oxide (GO) was tested at concentrations of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 碌g/mL. Higher toxicity was noted after administration of high doses of PG and GO in all tested biological models. Hydrophilic GO shows greater toxicity to biological models living in the entire volume of the culture medium (zebrafish, duckweed, S. aureus). PG showed the highest toxicity to adherent cells growing on the bottom of the culture plates鈥攈uman HS-5 cells. The differences in toxicity between the tested graphene materials result from their physicochemical properties and the model used. Dose-dependent toxicity has been demonstrated with both forms of graphene