522 research outputs found

    Sustainable development of smallholder crop-livestock farming in developing countries

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    Meeting the growing demand for animal-sourced food, prompted by population growth and increases in average per-capita income in low-income countries, is a major challenge. Yet, it also presents significant potential for agricultural growth, economic development, and reduction of poverty in rural areas. The main constraints to livestock producers taking advantage of growing markets include; lack of forage and feed gaps, communal land tenure, limited access to land and water resources, weak institutions, poor infrastructure and environmental degradation. To improve rural livelihood and food security in smallholder crop-livestock farming systems, concurrent work is required to address issues regarding efficiency of production, risk within systems and development of whole value chain systems. This paper provides a review of several forage basedstudies in tropical and non-tropical dry areas of the developing countries. A central tenet of this paper is that forages have an essential role in agricultural productivity, environmental sustainability and livestock nutrition in smallholder mixed farming systems

    Mitigating Off-Policy Bias in Actor-Critic Methods with One-Step Q-learning: A Novel Correction Approach

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    Compared to on-policy counterparts, off-policy model-free deep reinforcement learning can improve data efficiency by repeatedly using the previously gathered data. However, off-policy learning becomes challenging when the discrepancy between the underlying distributions of the agent's policy and collected data increases. Although the well-studied importance sampling and off-policy policy gradient techniques were proposed to compensate for this discrepancy, they usually require a collection of long trajectories and induce additional problems such as vanishing/exploding gradients or discarding many useful experiences, which eventually increases the computational complexity. Moreover, their generalization to either continuous action domains or policies approximated by deterministic deep neural networks is strictly limited. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a novel policy similarity measure to mitigate the effects of such discrepancy in continuous control. Our method offers an adequate single-step off-policy correction that is applicable to deterministic policy networks. Theoretical and empirical studies demonstrate that it can achieve a "safe" off-policy learning and substantially improve the state-of-the-art by attaining higher returns in fewer steps than the competing methods through an effective schedule of the learning rate in Q-learning and policy optimization

    Pulsed Beam Tests at the SANAEM RFQ Beamline

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    A proton beamline consisting of an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source, two solenoid magnets, two steerer magnets and a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) is developed at the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority's (TAEA) Saraykoy Nuclear Research and Training Center (SNRTC-SANAEM) in Ankara. In Q4 of 2016, the RFQ was installed in the beamline. The high power tests of the RF power supply and the RF transmission line were done successfully. The high power RF conditioning of the RFQ was performed recently. The 13.56 MHz ICP source was tested in two different conditions, CW and pulsed. The characterization of the proton beam was done with ACCTs, Faraday cups and a pepper-pot emittance meter. Beam transverse emittance was measured in between the two solenoids of the LEBT. The measured beam is then reconstructed at the entrance of the RFQ by using computer simulations to determine the optimum solenoid currents for acceptance matching of the beam. This paper will introduce the pulsed beam test results at the SANAEM RFQ beamline. In addition, the high power RF conditioning of the RFQ will be discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings of the International Particle Accelerator Conference 2017 (IPAC'17), May 14-19, 2017, TUPAB015, p. 134

    Effectiveness of the new mandatory mouthguard use and orodental injuries in Dutch field hockey

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    Objectives:Up to 68% of field hockey players have experienced at least one orodental injury in their sport career. Therefore, the Royal Dutch Hockey Association (KNHB) made mouthguard use mandatory for field hockey players during competition and training from August 2015 onwards. This study evaluates the effects of the new regulations on mouthguard use and the occurrence of injuries in Dutch field hockey. Methods:A 35-item online questionnaire about mouthguard use and orodental injuries was sent to 13 field hockey clubs in the Netherlands. Absolute numbers and percentages of mouthguard ownership, mouthguard use, number and type of injuries were assessed. The results were related to comparable data before mandatory mouthguard use. Associations of gender and training frequency with the number of injuries were analysed with logistic regression. Results:In total, 1169 hockey players were included in the study and almost all owned a mouthguard (females:99.6%, males:93.7%), which significantly increased after implementation (p &lt; 0.001). 90.6% of the respondents wore a mouthguard during matches and 70.1% during training. Of the 1169 players, 68(5.8%) experienced at least one orodental injury after the implementation with a total of 100 injuries. Injuries happened more often during matches (63.2%) than during training (36.8%). Lip cuts account for most of the injuries, the number of broken (p = 0.116) and knocked out teeth (p = 0.026) decreased. Conclusion:Although mouthguard use already increased in recent years, the new regulations led to an additional increase and a successful change of attitude towards mouthguard use. Most importantly, the severity of orodental injuries decreased measurable.</p

    Effectiveness of the new mandatory mouthguard use and orodental injuries in Dutch field hockey

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    Objectives:Up to 68% of field hockey players have experienced at least one orodental injury in their sport career. Therefore, the Royal Dutch Hockey Association (KNHB) made mouthguard use mandatory for field hockey players during competition and training from August 2015 onwards. This study evaluates the effects of the new regulations on mouthguard use and the occurrence of injuries in Dutch field hockey. Methods:A 35-item online questionnaire about mouthguard use and orodental injuries was sent to 13 field hockey clubs in the Netherlands. Absolute numbers and percentages of mouthguard ownership, mouthguard use, number and type of injuries were assessed. The results were related to comparable data before mandatory mouthguard use. Associations of gender and training frequency with the number of injuries were analysed with logistic regression. Results:In total, 1169 hockey players were included in the study and almost all owned a mouthguard (females:99.6%, males:93.7%), which significantly increased after implementation (p &lt; 0.001). 90.6% of the respondents wore a mouthguard during matches and 70.1% during training. Of the 1169 players, 68(5.8%) experienced at least one orodental injury after the implementation with a total of 100 injuries. Injuries happened more often during matches (63.2%) than during training (36.8%). Lip cuts account for most of the injuries, the number of broken (p = 0.116) and knocked out teeth (p = 0.026) decreased. Conclusion:Although mouthguard use already increased in recent years, the new regulations led to an additional increase and a successful change of attitude towards mouthguard use. Most importantly, the severity of orodental injuries decreased measurable.</p

    The effects of community interventions on unplanned healthcare use in patients with multimorbidity: a systematic review

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    OBJECTIVES: To summarise the impact of community-based interventions for multimorbid patients on unplanned healthcare use. The prevalence of multimorbidity (co-existence of multiple chronic conditions) is rapidly increasing and affects one-third of the global population. Patients with multimorbidity have complex healthcare needs and greater unplanned healthcare usage. Community-based interventions allow for continued care of patients outside hospitals, but few studies have explored the effects of these interventions on unplanned healthcare usage. DESIGN: A systematic review was conducted. MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO and Cochrane Library online databases were searched. Studies were screened and underwent risk of bias assessment. Data were synthesised using narrative synthesis. SETTING: Community-based interventions. PARTICIPANTS: Patients with multimorbidity. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Unplanned healthcare usage. RESULTS: Thirteen studies, including a total of 6148 participants, were included. All included studies came from high-income settings and had elderly populations. All studies measured emergency department attendances as their primary outcome. Risk of bias was generally low. Most community interventions were multifaceted with emphasis on education, self-monitoring of symptoms and regular follow-ups. Four studies looked at improved care coordination, advance care planning and palliative care. All 13 studies found a decrease in emergency department visits post-intervention with risk reduction ranging from 0 (95% confidencec interval [CI]: -0.37 to 0.37) to 0.735 (95% CI: 0.688-0.785). CONCLUSIONS: Community-based interventions have potential to reduce emergency department visits in patients with multimorbidity. Identification of specific successful components of interventions was challenging given the overlaps between interventions. Policymakers should recognise the importance of community interventions and aim to integrate aspects of these into existing healthcare structures. Future research should investigate the impact of such interventions with broader participant characteristics