893 research outputs found

    Planetary Nebulae as Probes of Stellar Populations

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    Planetary nebulae (PNe) have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of extragalactic stellar populations. Indeed, in many systems, bright PNe are the only individual objects identifiable from the ground, and, even more often, they are the only stars that are amenable to spectroscopy. We review the ways in which ensembles of PNe can be used to probe the metallicity, age, and history of a stellar population. In particular, we discuss three cases: the weak line spectroscopic regime, where one has knowledge of the line-strengths of faint forbidden lines such as [O III] 4363, a bright-line regime, where only the strongest emission lines are visible, and the photometric regime, where the only information available is the [O III] 5007 luminosity function. We show that each of these cases, when properly calibrated, can provide unique insights into the objects that make up a stellar population.Comment: 8 pages and 4 figures -- A contribution to IAU Symposium #234, "Planetary Nebulae in Our Galaxy and Beyond", Waikoloa, Hawaii, April 3-7, 2006 -- Conference proceedings will be published by Cambridge University Press (eds. M.J. Barlow & R.H. Mendez

    Novae as distance indicators

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    Nova shells are characteristically prolate with equatorial bands and polar caps. Failure to account for the geometry can lead to large errors in expansion parallaxes for individual novae. When simple prescriptions are used for deriving expansion parallaxes from an ensemble of randomly oriented prolate spheroids, the average distance will be too small by factors of 10 to 15 percent. The absolute magnitudes of the novae will be underestimated and the resulting distance scale will be too small by the same factors. If observations of partially resolved nova shells select for large inclinations, the systematic error in the resulting distance scale could easily be 20 to 30 percent. Extinction by dust in the bulge of M31 may broaden and shift the intrinsic distribution of maximum nova magnitudes versus decay rates. We investigated this possibility by projecting Arp's and Rosino's novae onto a composite B - 6200A color map of M31's bulge. Thirty two of the 86 novae projected onto a smooth background with no underlying structure due to the presence of a dust cloud along the line of sight. The distribution of maximum magnitudes versus fade rates for these unreddened novae is indistinguishable from the distribution for the entire set of novae. It is concluded that novae suffer very little extinction from the filamentary and patchy distribution of dust seen in the bulge of M31. Time average B and H alpha nova luminosity functions are potentially powerful new ways to use novae as standard candles. Modern CCD observations and the photographic light curves of M31 novae found during the last 60 years were analyzed to show that these functions are power laws. Consequently, unless the eruption times for novae are known, the data cannot be used to obtain distances

    A catalog of planetary nebula candidates in the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300

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    [OIII]5007 on-band off-band images, obtained with the VLT and FORS2 spectrograph in two zones (center and outskirts) of the spiral galaxy NGC300, are analyzed searching for emission line objects. In particular we search for planetary nebula (PN) candidates to analyze their distribution and luminosity properties, to perform follow-up spectroscopy, and to study the planetary nebula luminosity function, PNLF. In the continuum-subtracted images, a large number of emission line objects were detected. From this sample we selected as PN candidates those objects with stellar appearance and no detectable central star. [OIII]5007 instrumental magnitudes were measured and calibrated by using spectrophotometric data from the follow-up spectroscopy. We identified more than a hundred PN candidates and a number of compact HII regions. The PN sample is the largest one reported for this galaxy so far. For all the objects we present coordinates, instrumental [OIII]5007 magnitudes and apparent nebular [OIII]5007 fluxes and magnitudes. The [OIII]5007 observed luminosity function for PNe (PNLF) was calculated for the whole sample and for the central and outskirts samples. The three PNLF are similar within uncertainties. We fit the empirical PNLF to the observed PNLF for all the samples. From our best fit for the whole sample we derived a maximum value for the apparent magnitudes of m*(5007)=22.019\pm0.022 and we obtained a tentative estimate of the distance modulus m(5007)-M(5007)= 26.29 {+0.12} {-0.22} mag, which agrees well with the recent value derived from Cepheid stars.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, one long table. Accepted by A&

    The Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function: Pieces of the Puzzle

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    Extragalactic surveys in the emission line of [O III] 5007 have provided us with the absolute line strengths of large, homogeneous sets of planetary nebulae. These data have been used to address a host of problems, from the measurement of the extragalactic distance scale, to the study of stellar populations. I review our current understanding of the [O III] planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF), and discuss some of the physical processes that effect its structure. I also describe the features of the H-alpha PNLF, a function that, upon first glance, looks similar to the [O III] PNLF, but which includes a very different set of objects. Finally, I discuss recent measurements of alpha, the number of PNe found in a stellar population, normalized to that population's bolometric luminosity. I show that, contrary to expectations, the values of alpha found in actively star-forming spirals is essentially the same as those measured in late-type elliptical and lenticular systems. I discuss how this result sheds light on the physics of the planetary nebula phenomenon.Comment: 7 pages, including 7 figures; presentation at the workshop on the Legacies of the Macquarie/AAO/Strasbourg H-alpha Planetary Nebula project, accepted for publication in PAS
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