76 research outputs found

    Observing Volcanoes from the Seafloor in the Central Mediterranean Area

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    The three volcanoes that are the object of this paper show different types of activity that are representative of the large variety of volcanism present in the Central Mediterranean area. Etna and Stromboli are sub-aerial volcanoes, with significant part of their structure under the sea, while the Marsili Seamount is submerged, and its activity is still open to debate. The study of these volcanoes can benefit from multi-parametric observations from the seafloor. Each volcano was studied with a different kind of observation system. Stromboli seismic recordings are acquired by means of a single Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS). From these data, it was possible to identify two different magma chambers at different depths. At Marsili Seamount, gravimetric and seismic signals are recorded by a battery-powered multi-disciplinary observatory (GEOSTAR). Gravimetric variations and seismic Short Duration Events (SDE) confirm the presence of hydrothermal activity. At the Etna observation site, seismic signals, water pressure, magnetic field and acoustic echo intensity are acquired in real-time thanks to a cabled multi-disciplinary observatory (NEMO-SN1 ). This observatory is one of the operative nodes of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO; www.emso-eu.org) research infrastructure. Through a multidisciplinary approach, we speculate about deep Etna sources and follow some significant events, such as volcanic ash diffusion in the seawater

    A comprehensive multiparametric and multilayer approach to study the preparation phase of large earthquakes from ground to space: The case study of the June 15 2019, M7.2 Kermadec Islands (New Zealand) earthquake

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    This work deals with a comprehensive multiparametric and multilayer approach to study earthquake-related processes that occur during the preparation phase of a large earthquake. As a case study, the paper investigates the M7.2 Kermadec Islands (New Zealand) large earthquake that occurred on June 15, 2019 as the result of shallow reverse faulting within the Tonga-Kermadec subduction zone. The analyses focused on seismic (earthquake catalogs), atmospheric (climatological archives) and ionospheric data from ground to space (mainly satellite) in order to disclose the possible Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC). The ionospheric investigations analysed and compared the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver network with in-situ observations from space thanks to both the European Space Agency (ESA) Swarm constellation and the China National Space Administration (CNSA in partnership with Italian Space Agency, ASI) satellite dedicated to search for possible ionospheric disturbances before medium-large earthquakes, i.e. the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES-01). An interesting comparison is made with another subsequent earthquake with comparable magnitude (M7.1) that occurred in Ridgecrest, California (USA) on 6 July of the same year but in a different tectonic context. Both earthquakes showed anomalies in several parameters (e.g. aerosol, skin temperature and some ionospheric quantities) that appeared at almost the same times before each earthquake occurrence, evidencing a chain of processes that collectively point to the moment of the corresponding mainshock. In both cases, it is demonstrated that a comprehensive multiparametric and multilayer analysis is fundamental to better understand the LAIC in the occasion of complex phenomena such as earthquakes.This work was undertaken in the framework of Limadou-Science+ funded by ASI (Italian Space Agency). Part of the funds were also given by Working Earth (Pianeta Dinamico) Project. We thank GeoNet (NZ) for providing TEC data (we also thank Claudio Cesaroni and Luca Spogli for giving suggestions on TEC data analyses) and the Kyoto World Data Center for Geomagnetism (http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/) for providing geomagnetic data indices. ESA is thanked for providing the Swarm satellite data and the CNSA (Chinese National Space Administration) for providing CSES-01 satellite data

    Observing Volcanoes from the Seafloor in the Central Mediterranean Area

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    The three volcanoes that are the object of this paper show different types of activity that are representative of the large variety of volcanism present in the Central Mediterranean area. Etna and Stromboli are sub-aerial volcanoes, with significant part of their structure under the sea, while the Marsili Seamount is submerged, and its activity is still open to debate. The study of these volcanoes can benefit from multi-parametric observations from the seafloor. Each volcano was studied with a different kind of observation system. Stromboli seismic recordings are acquired by means of a single Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS). From these data, it was possible to identify two different magma chambers at different depths. At Marsili Seamount, gravimetric and seismic signals are recorded by a battery-powered multi-disciplinary observatory (GEOSTAR). Gravimetric variations and seismic Short Duration Events (SDE) confirm the presence of hydrothermal activity. At the Etna observation site, seismic signals, water pressure, magnetic field and acoustic echo intensity are acquired in real-time thanks to a cabled multi-disciplinary observatory (NEMO-SN1 ). This observatory is one of the operative nodes of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO; www.emso-eu.org) research infrastructure. Through a multidisciplinary approach, we speculate about deep Etna sources and follow some significant events, such as volcanic ash diffusion in the seawater.Published2983A. Ambiente MarinoJCR Journalrestricte

    Underwater geophysical monitoring for European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatories

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    We present a review of our work on data acquired by GEOSTAR-class (GEophysical and Oceanographic STation for Abyssal Research) observatories deployed at three EMSO (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory; http://www.emso-eu.org) sites in southern European waters where strong geo-hazards are present: the Western Iberian Margin, the Western Ionian Sea, the Marmara Sea, and the Marsili basin in the Tyrrhenian Sea. A procedure for multiparameter data quality control is described. Then we explain why the seafloor is an interesting observation point for geophysical parameters and how it differs from land sites. We consider four interesting geophysical phenomena found at the EMSO sites that are related to geo-hazard. In the first case, we show how unknown seismicity and landslides in the Western Ionian Sea were identified and roughly localised through a single-sensor analysis based on the seismometer. In the second case, we concentrate on the problem of near-coast tsunami generation and describe a Tsunami Early Warning Detection (TEWD) system, tested in the Western Iberian Margin and currently operating in real time at the Western Ionian site. In the third case, we consider two large volcanoes in the central Mediterranean area, Mt. Etna and the Marsili seamount. Signals from the seismometer and gravimeter recorded at the seafloor at 2100 m b.s.l. show various phases of Mt. Etna's 2002–2003 eruption. For the less-known Marsili we illustrate how several indicators coming from different sensors point to hydrothermal activity. A vector magnetometer at the two volcanic sites helps identify the magnetic lithospheric depth. In the fourth and final case, we present a multiparameter analysis which was focused on finding possible correlations between methane seepage and seismic energy release in the Gulf of Izmit (Marmara Sea).Published12–301A. Geomagnetismo e Paleomagnetismo6A. Monitoraggio ambientale, sicurezza e territorioJCR Journalrestricte

    ESONET LIDO Demonstration Mission: the Iberian Margin node.

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    The Gulf of Cadiz is one of two the test sites chosen for the demonstration of the ESONET - LIDO Demonstration Mission (DM) [1], which will establish a first nucleus of regional network of multidisciplinary sea floor observatories. The Gulf of Cadiz is a highly populated area, characterized by tsunamigenic sources, which caused the devastating earthquake and tsunamis that struck Lisbon in 1755. The seismic activity is concentrated along a belt going from this region to the Azores and the main tsunamigenic tectonic sources are located near the coastline. In the framework of the EU - NEAREST project [2] the GEOSTAR deep ocean bottom multi-parametric observatory was deployed for a one year mission off cape Saint Vincent at about 3200 m depth. GEOSTAR was equipped with a set of oceanographic, seismic and geophysical sensors and with a new tsunami detector prototype. In November 2009 the GEOSTAR abyssal station equipped with the tsunami prototype was redeployed at the same site on behalf of NEAREST and ESONET - LIDO DM. The system is able to communicate from the ocean bottom to the land station via an acoustic and satellite link. The abyssal station is designed both for long term geophysical and oceanographic observation and for tsunami early warning purpose. The tsunami detection is performed by two different algorithms: a new real time dedicated tsunami detection algorithm which analyses the water pressure data, and a seismic algorithm which triggers on strong events. Examples of geophysical and oceanographic data acquired by the abyssal station during the one year mission will be shown. The development of a new acoustic antenna equipped with a stand alone and autonomous acquisition system will allow the recording of marine mammals and the evaluation of environmental noise. ReferencesEGUPublishedVienna1.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleope

    ESONET LIDO Demonstration Mission: the East Sicily node

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    Off East Sicily (at 2100 m depth, 25 km off the harbour of Catania) a prototype of a cabled deep-sea observatory (NEMO-SN1) was set up and has been operational in real-time since 2005 (the cabled deep-sea multi-parameter station SN1, equipped with geophysical and environmental sensors and the cabled NEMO-OνDE, equipped with 4 broadband hydrophones). The Western Ionian Sea is one of the node sites for the upcoming European permanent underwater network (EMSO). Within the activities of the EC project ESONET-NoE some demonstration missions have been funded. The LIDO-DM (Listening to the Deep Ocean-Demonstration Mission) is one of these and is re- lated to two sites, East Sicily and Iberian Margin (Gulf of Cadiz), the main aims being geo-hazards monitoring and warning (seismic, tsunami, and volcanic) and bio-acoustics. The LIDO-DM East Sicily installation represents a fur- ther major step within ESONET-NoE, resulting in a fully integrated system for multidisciplinary deep-sea science, capable to transmit and distribute data in real time to the scientific community and to the general public. LIDO-DM East Sicily hosts a large number of sensors aimed at monitoring and studying oceanographic and environmental parameters (by means of CTD, ADCP, 3-C single point current meter, turbidity meter), geophysical phenomena (low frequency hydrophones, accelerometer, gravity meter, vector and scalar magnetometers, seismometer, abso- lute and differential pressure gauges), ocean noise monitoring and identification and tracking of biological acoustic sources in deep sea. The latter will be performed using two tetrahedral arrays of 4 hydrophones, located at a relative distance of about 5 km, and at about 25 km from the shore. The whole system will be connected and powered from shore, by means of the electro-optical cable net installed at the East Sicily Site Infrastructure, and synchronised with GPS. Sensors data sampling is performed underwater and transmitted via optical fibre link, with optimal S/N ratio for all signals. This will also permit real-time data acquisition, analysis and distribution on-shore. Innova- tive electronics for the off-shore data acquisition and transmission systems has been designed, built and tested. A dedicated computing and networking infrastructure for data acquisition, storage and distribution through the internet has been also created. The deployment and connection of the deep sea structures will be performed using the dedicated ROV and Deep Sea Shuttle handling facilities (PEGASO, owned by INGV and INFN). LIDO-DM constitutes the enhancement of the Western Ionian site in view of the EMSO Research Infrastructure.PublishedVienna1.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleope

    NEMO-SN1 (Western Ionian Sea, off Eastern Sicily): Example of architecture of a cabled observatory

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    NEMO-SN1, located in the central Mediterranean Sea, Western Ionian Sea, off Eastern Sicily Island (Southern Italy) at 2100 m water depth, 25 km from the harbour of the city of Catania, is a prototype of a cabled deep-sea multiparameter observatory and the first operating with real-time data transmission in Europe since 2005. NEMO-SN1 is also the first-established node of EMSO (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory, http://emso-eu.org), one of the incoming European large-scale research infrastructure included since 2006 in the Roadmap of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/roadmap.htm), which will specifically address long-term monitoring of environmental processes related to Marine Ecosystems, Climate Change and Geo-hazards. NEMO-SN1 has been deployed and developed over the last decade thanks to Italian resources and to the EC project ESONET-NoE (European Seas Observatory NETwork - Network of Excellence, 2007-2011) that funded the LIDO-DM (Listening to the Deep Ocean - Demonstration Mission) and a technological interoperability test (http://www.esonet-emso.org/esonet-noe/). NEMO-SN1 is performing geophysical and environmental long-term monitoring by acquiring seismological, geomagnetic, gravimetric, accelerometric, physico-oceanographic, hydro-acoustic, bioacoustic measurements specifically related to earthquakes and tsunamis generation and ambient noise characterisation in term of marine mammal sounds, environmental and anthropogenic sources. A further main feature of NEMO-SN1 is to be an important test-site for the construction of KM3NeT (Kilometre-Cube Underwater Neutrino Telescope, http://www.km3net.org/), another large-scale research infrastructure included in the ESFRI Roadmap constituted by a large volume neutrino telescope. The description of the observatory and the most recent data acquired will be presented and framed in the general objectives of EMSO.PublishedTokio, 5-8 April 20114.4. Scenari e mitigazione del rischio ambientale4.6. Oceanografia operativa per la valutazione dei rischi in aree marinerestricte

    A comprehensive multiparametric and multilayer approach to study the preparation phase of large earthquakes from ground to space: The case study of the June 15 2019, M7.2 Kermadec Islands (New Zealand) earthquake

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    This work deals with a comprehensive multiparametric and multilayer approach to study earthquake-related processes that occur during the preparation phase of a large earthquake. As a case study, the paper investigates the M7.2 Kermadec Islands (New Zealand) large earthquake that occurred on June 15, 2019 as the result of shallow reverse faulting within the Tonga-Kermadec subduction zone. The analyses focused on seismic (earthquake catalogs), atmospheric (climatological archives) and ionospheric data from ground to space (mainly satellite) in order to disclose the possible Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC). The ionospheric investigations analysed and compared the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver network with in-situ observations from space thanks to both the European Space Agency (ESA) Swarm constellation and the China National Space Administration (CNSA in partnership with Italian Space Agency, ASI) satellite dedicated to search for possible ionospheric disturbances before medium-large earthquakes, i.e. the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES-01). An interesting comparison is made with another subsequent earthquake with comparable magnitude (M7.1) that occurred in Ridgecrest, California (USA) on 6 July of the same year but in a different tectonic context. Both earthquakes showed anomalies in several parameters (e.g. aerosol, skin temperature and some ionospheric quantities) that appeared at almost the same times before each earthquake occurrence, evidencing a chain of processes that collectively point to the moment of the corresponding mainshock. In both cases, it is demonstrated that a comprehensive multiparametric and multilayer analysis is fundamental to better understand the LAIC in the occasion of complex phenomena such as earthquakes.We would like to thank Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory for providing us with search coil magnetometer spectrograms; CSNA and CEA for providing CSES data; ESA for providing Swarm satellite data and INTERMAGNET for providing the magnetic data from ground observatories. We also thank ISPRA for providing tidegauge data used in this article. Thank for the academic editor and reviewers for improving our manuscript with their comments. Finally, a personal thank you to Gaetano De Luca for sharing his seismological experience in the review phase of the paper.Peer reviewe

    NEMO-SN1 Abyssal Cabled Observatory in the Western Ionian Sea

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    The “NEutrino Mediterranean Observatory - Submarine Network 1” (NEMO-SN1) seafloor observatory is located in the central Mediterranean Sea, Western Ionian Sea, off Eastern Sicily (Southern Italy) at 2100 m water depth, 25 km from the harbour of the city of Catania. It is a prototype of a cabled deep-sea multiparameter observatory and the first one operating with real-time data transmission in Europe since 2005. NEMO-SN1 is also the first-established node of the “European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory” (EMSO, http://www.emso-eu.org), one of the incoming European large-scale research infrastructures included in the Roadmap of the “European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures” (ESFRI, http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/roadmap.htm) since 2006. EMSO will specifically address long-term monitoring of environmental processes related to Marine Ecosystems, Climate Change and Geo-hazards. NEMO-SN1 has been deployed and developed over the last decade thanks to Italian funding and to the EC project “European Seas Observatory NETwork - Network of Excellence” (ESONET-NoE, 2007-2011) that funded the “Listening to the Deep Ocean - Demonstration Mission” (LIDO-DM) and a technological interoperability test (http://www.esonet-emso.org/). NEMOSN1 is performing geophysical and environmental long-term monitoring by acquiring seismological, geomagnetic, gravimetric, accelerometric, physico-oceanographic, hydroacoustic, bio-acoustic measurements. Scientific objectives include studying seismic signals, tsunami generation and warnings, its hydroacoustic precursors, and ambient noise characterisation in terms of marine mammal sounds, environmental and anthropogenic sources. NEMO-SN1 is also an important test-site for the construction of the “Kilometre-Cube Underwater Neutrino Telescope” (KM3NeT, http://www.km3net.org/), another large-scale research infrastructure included in the ESFRI Roadmap based on a large volume neutrino telescope. The description of the observatory and its most recent implementations is presented. On 9th June, 2012 NEMO-SN1 was successfully deployed and is working in real-time.Published358 - 3741.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleJCR Journalrestricte