772 research outputs found

    Psychological aspects of the alien contact experience

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    Previous research has shown that people reporting contact with aliens, known as “experiencers”, appear to have a different psychological profile compared to control participants. They show higher levels of dissociativity, absorption, paranormal belief and experience, and possibly fantasy proneness. They also appear to show greater susceptibility to false memories as assessed using the Deese/Roediger-McDermott technique. The present study reports an attempt to replicate these previous findings as well as assessing tendency to hallucinate and self-reported incidence of sleep paralysis in a sample of 19 UK-based experiencers and a control sample matched on age and gender. Experiencers were found to show higher levels of dissociativity, absorption, paranormal belief, paranormal experience, self-reported psychic ability, fantasy proneness, tendency to hallucinate, and self-reported incidence of sleep paralysis. No significant differences were found between the groups in terms of susceptibility to false memories. Implications of the results are discussed and suggestions are made for future avenues of research. Santomauroa, Hamiltona, Rachel Foxa, Thalbourne

    Type three secretion system-mediated escape of Burkholderia pseudomallei into the host cytosol is critical for the activation of NFκB.

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    BackgroundBurkholderia pseudomallei is the causative agent of melioidosis, a potentially fatal disease endemic in Southeast Asia and Northern Australia. This Gram-negative pathogen possesses numerous virulence factors including three "injection type" type three secretion systems (T3SSs). B. pseudomallei has been shown to activate NFκB in HEK293T cells in a Toll-like receptor and MyD88 independent manner that requires T3SS gene cluster 3 (T3SS3 or T3SSBsa). However, the mechanism of how T3SS3 contributes to NFκB activation is unknown.ResultsKnown T3SS3 effectors are not responsible for NFκB activation. Furthermore, T3SS3-null mutants are able to activate NFκB almost to the same extent as wildtype bacteria at late time points of infection, corresponding to delayed escape into the cytosol. NFκB activation also occurs when bacteria are delivered directly into the cytosol by photothermal nanoblade injection.ConclusionsT3SS3 does not directly activate NFκB but facilitates bacterial escape into the cytosol where the host is able to sense the presence of the pathogen through cytosolic sensors leading to NFκB activation

    Generation of mice with a conditional Foxp2 null allele

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    Disruptions of the human FOXP2 gene cause problems with articulation of complex speech sounds, accompanied by impairment in many aspects of language ability. The FOXP2/Foxp2 transcription factor is highly similar in humans and mice, and shows a complex conserved expression pattern, with high levels in neuronal subpopulations of the cortex, striatum, thalamus, and cerebellum. In the present study we generated mice in which loxP sites flank exons 12–14 of Foxp2; these exons encode the DNA-binding motif, a key functional domain. We demonstrate that early global Cre-mediated recombination yields a null allele, as shown by loss of the loxP-flanked exons at the RNA level and an absence of Foxp2 protein. Homozygous null mice display severe motor impairment, cerebellar abnormalities and early postnatal lethality, consistent with other Foxp2 mutants. When crossed to transgenic lines expressing Cre protein in a spatially and/or temporally controlled manner, these conditional mice will provide new insights into the contributions of Foxp2 to distinct neural circuits, and allow dissection of roles during development and in the mature brain. genesis 45:440–446, 2007. Published 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Detection of Incipient Pest Infestations on Glasshouse Crops Using Multispectral Imagery and a Common Vegetation Index

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    Research was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of multispectral (conventional color and color infrared) imagery and a common vegetation index (simple ratio) for detecting incipient infestations of spider mites (Tetranychus spp.; Acari: Tetranychidae) and false spider mites (Brevipalpus spp.; Acari: Tenupalpidae) on selected crops under glasshouse conditions. Although damaging infestations of both mite species were associated with intense feeding injury which was readily detectable by visual inspection, subtle levels of foliar damage caused by the two mite species were difficult to detect by visual inspection and were not readily distinguishable from undamaged (healthy) foliage in conventional color (CC) or color infrared (CIR) imagery. In contrast, foliage exhibiting subtle levels of mite feeding injury was readily distinguished from healthy foliage in derivative imagery based on the Simple Ratio (SR), a vegetation index defined as the ratio of near-infrared to red reflectance (700-1100 nm and 600-700 nm, respectively) for each pixel in the imagery. CIR and SR images were shown to be considerably more effective than CC imagery in the initial detection and subsequent monitoring of a spider mite infestation on glasshouse cucumbers which increased from incipient to annihilative levels within a period of approximately six weeks. The rationale for and potential uses of CC, CIR, and derivative imagery based on SR and other vegetative indices for monitoring pest infestations on glasshouse crops are discussed

    Detecting Stress in Glasshouse Plants Using Color Infrared Imagery: A Potential New Application for Remote Sensing

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    English: Studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of color infrared (CIR) film for detecting physiological stress in plants located within glasshouse structures. Spectroradiometer measurements obtained within and outside of a structure constructed of polycarbonate plastic indicated no significant attenuation or disruption of visible and near-infrared radiation entering the structure. CIR photographs of cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus) obtained within the greenhouse were comparable in quality to those obtained outside the structure, and clearly distinguished between foliage of healthy plants and those subjected to a moderate level of nitrogen stress. In CIR imagery of a trifoliate orange tree (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) obtained within a greenhouse constructed of yellow fiberglass panels, leaves damaged by citrus red mites (Panonychus citri [McGregor]) were distinguishable from healthy foliage, and the distribution of damaged leaves on the tree itself was clearly evident. These results suggest that remote sensing techniques which have been used successfully to monitor conventional field crops are readily extendable to the commercial glasshouse environment with certain modifications. Spanish: Se condujeron estudios para evaluar la eficacia de la película infrarroja de color (CIR) para detectar el estrés fisiológico en las plantas situadas dentro de un invernadero. Las mediciones del spectroradiómetro obtenidas dentro y fuera de un invernadero construido con plástico de policarbonato no indicaron ninguna atenuación o interrupción significativa de la radiación visible y del cercano infrarrojo que penetraba al invernadero. Las fotografías con CIR de las plantas de semillero de pepino (Cucumis sativus) obtenidas dentro del invernadero fueron comparables en calidad a aquellas obtenidas fuera de este, y distinguieron claramente entre el follaje de plantas sanas y de aquellas sometidas a un nivel moderado de estrés de nitrógeno. En imágenes de CIR de un naranjo trifoliado (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) obtenidas dentro de un invernadero construido de paneles amarillos de fibra de vidrio, las hojas dañadas por el ácaro rojo de los cítricos (Panonychus citri [McGregor]) se distinguieron del follaje sano, y la distribución de hojas dañadas en el árbol mismo fueron claramente evidentes. Estos resultados sugieren que las técnicas de detección a distancia que se han utilizado con éxito para supervisar campos de cultivo convencionales, también pueden usarse fácilmente, con algunas modificaciones, en cultivos comerciales en invernadero