13 research outputs found

    Rat & phantom MRI data

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    This file contains the raw data (not the k-space, but the reconstructed magnitude and phase data) of the MR measurements

    Bright-field image of MDA-MB-231 cells in culture with internalized iron oxide nanoparticles.

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    <p>Bright-field image of MDA-MB-231 cells in culture with internalized iron oxide nanoparticles.</p

    Results of the SVM-based localization method for the <i>in-vivo</i> study.

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    <p>A: Cross-section of a 3D reconstruction of the rat’s pelvis together with a rendering of the total volume of identified cancer cell aggregates. 500.000 CC531 cells labeled with 30 <i>μ</i>g SPIO were injected in the left rear limb (a), 500.000 R1H cells labeled with 50 <i>μ</i>g SPIO in the right rear limb (b). The injection volume was 50 <i>μ</i>l for both, a and b. B: Cross-section of a rat pelvis. The MR magnitude signal is displayed in grayscale, the <i>Fe</i><sub>2</sub><i>O</i><sub>3</sub> concentration of labeled cells is color-coded. The colorbar applies to A and B.</p

    Overview of the feature extraction workflow from phase (<i>φ</i>-data).

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    <p>Overview of the feature extraction workflow from phase (<i>φ</i>-data).</p

    Overlay of the MRI magnitude data (grayscale) and the results of the SVM-based localization method for an agarose block phantom (color-coded).

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    <p>A: Result of the C-SVC in the medial plane of the block phantom. Voxels classified as <i>containing labeled cells</i> are colored in blue. B: Corresponding iron oxide concentration map. C: 3D concentration map with corner-cut. The colorbar applies to B and C.</p

    Data flow of the localization algorithm.

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    <p>Magnitude (<i>ρ</i>-data) and phase (<i>φ</i>-data) are reconstructed from the raw data, afterwards features characteristic for the presence of iron oxide particles are extracted and analyzed by the support vector machine (SVM). This figure shows the data flow for an agarose block phantom.</p

    Overview of the features extracted from the image data of the <i>in-vivo</i> study.

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    <p>Overview of the features extracted from the image data of the <i>in-vivo</i> study.</p

    Overlay of the MRI magnitude data (grayscale) and SVM results (color-coded).

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    <p>A: Iron oxide concentration map for the training phantom. B: Iron oxide concentration map for the test phantom. The image was registered to the training phantom. C: <i>False positive</i> voxels (<math><mo>=</mo><mo>^</mo></math> voxels that are falsely classified as <i>containing labeled cells</i>) in the test phantom (data from B). D: <i>False negative</i> voxels (<math><mo>=</mo><mo>^</mo></math> voxels that are falsely classified as <i>not containing labeled cells</i>) in the test phantom (data from B).</p

    Mean blood flow (black) and mean flow amplitude (white) measured using flow probes are depicted.

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    <p>The venous graft (AV post OP, n = 19) was exposed to a higher median blood flow and enhanced flow amplitude (cardiac-cycle dependent flow difference) compared to its physiologic flow pattern (femoral vein, n = 26) and also compared to the femoral artery (n = 26). After onset of angiogenesis (AV, day 15, n = 9), the mean blood flow and flow amplitude through the AV loop was significantly decreased and ranged slightly below the regular femoral artery flow pattern. <i>n</i> indicates the number of animals per group. <sup>#</sup><i>P</i><0.01, *<i>P</i><0.001 vs. previous group.</p

    Cxs mRNA expression in venous AV loop grafts after 15 days of hemodynamic stimulation compared to veins that where dissected and reintegrated into the venous limb circulation.

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    <p>RNA expression was normalized to GAPDH and is presented relative to the sham operated group. Compared to the sham operated venous graft which was exposed to physiologic venous flow mRNA expression of Cx43 was substantially enhanced in AV grafted veins. In contrast, the amount of Cx40 mRNA was decreased in AV grafted veins, whereas mRNA expression of Cx37 remained unchanged. <sup>#</sup><i>P</i><0.05 vs. control. n ≥3 animals per group.</p