86 research outputs found

    Cover of riparian bryophytes

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    Percent cover of riparian bryophytes along eight stream reaches at different elevations from the channel. Physical data and presence of anchor ice is also included

    Biomass of riparian vegetation

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    Biomass of functional groups (forbs, shrubs and grasses) of riparian vegetation. Data were sampled for three years. Included is also pysical data for the different stream reaches

    Temperature and water levels

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    Data from temperature and pressure loggers, both air and water. From eight stream reaches 2011-2013

    Instream vegetation cover

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    Instream bryophyte and algae cover from eight stream reaches. Physical data such as substrate, depth and discharge of the stream reaches is also included in the data set. Information of sampling can be found in the paper

    Ice inventory data

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    Percent cover of surface, suspended and anchor ice along eight stream reaches, 2011-2013

    Cover of vascular plants 2011

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    Percent cover of vascular plant species in the riparian zone and three different elevations from the stream channel. Data from 2011


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    Final Dataset refers to the 94 sites that were finally selected for the study, after grouping adjacent hydrologically similar sites. 94 selected final sites have information on presence/absence of woody riparian specie


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    banker'We didn't always have this Sunday-morning look, though, ' a retired merchant confessed, 'not when we had nineteen bankers sailing out of this [Grand Bank] harbour....'PRINTED ITEM DNE-cit.G. M. Story JAN 1970JH 1/70Used I and SupUsed I and Sup1Used


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    Initial Dataset refers to the 213 sites that were initially available from the rivers in northern Sweden, with information on presence/absence of woody riparian specie

    Predicted species richness in (sub)arctic Europe.

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    <p>a) 2000, b) CGCM2 A2 scenario 2080; species are able to fully utilize their potential future range, c) CGCM2 B2 scenario 2080; species are able to fully utilize their potential future range, d) CGCM2 A2 scenario 2080; species are limited to areas where their current range and potential future range overlap, e) CGCM2 B2 scenario 2080; species are limited to areas where their current range and potential future range overlap. The maps are displayed in the Albers Equal Area projection for Europe. The inset shows the study region in red and the additional zone to include possible colonizers in the study in dark grey.</p
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