32 research outputs found

    DIAN-TU ARGENTINA. A great human story of a small group of people

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    Alzheimer鈥檚 disease is, by far the first, cause of dementia and the more frequent neurodegenerative disease. Considered as a result of multifactorial causes, aging is the main risk factor for the classical form of the disease and because of global aging, a very significant increase in the prevalence is expected in the upcoming decades, especially in countries in development. Several drugs with different targets have been tried so far and, still with no success. Frenzied efforts seeking a new disease-modifying drug are constantly being pursued and innovative models of the clinical trials have emerged. The DIAN initiative studies individuals with known mutations in the deterministic genes of the disease. Autosomal Dominantly Alzheimer Disease (ADAD) showed to be a more predictable model in terms of whom and when will get the disease. This allows testing novel therapeutics agents by choosing the drug according to the biological moment of the disease. But ADAD is also a uniquely human story full of courage and hope. The DIAN trial has started in Argentina and a new anti-tau age has begun as well.La enfermedad de Alzheimer es por mucho, la primera causa de demencia y la enfermedad neurodegenerativa m谩s frecuente. Considerada como resultado de causas multifactoriales, el envejecimiento sigue siendo el principal factor de riesgo en su  forma cl谩sica y debido al envejecimiento global, se espera un aumento muy significativo de la prevalencia en las pr贸ximas d茅cadas, especialmente en los pa铆ses en desarrollo. Hasta ahora se han probado numerosos f谩rmacos con diferentes dianas aunque a煤n sin 茅xito. Constantemente se realizan descomunales estudios en busca de un nuevo f谩rmaco que logre modificar el destino de la enfermedad y as铆 han surgido innovadores modelos de ensayos cl铆nicos. La iniciativa DIAN estudia individuos con mutaciones conocidas en los genes determinantes de la enfermedad. La enfermedad de Alzheimer autos贸mica dominante (ADAD) demostr贸 ser un modelo m谩s predecible en t茅rminos de qui茅n y cu谩ndo contraer谩 la enfermedad. Esto permite probar nuevos agentes terap茅uticos eligiendo el f谩rmaco seg煤n el momento biol贸gico de la enfermedad. Pero ADAD es tambi茅n una historia muy humana llena de coraje y esperanza. El ensayo DIAN ha comenzado en Argentina y tambi茅n ha comenzado una nueva era anti-tau

    Biomarcadores de enfermedad de Alzheimer. D贸nde estamos y hacia d贸nde vamos

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    Biomarcadores de enfermedad de Alzheimer. D贸nde estamos y hacia d贸nde vamos. La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es uno de los mayores flagelos a煤n no resueltos que acompa帽an al aumento de la expectativa de vida. El gran cambio de paradigma en los 煤ltimos a帽os fue consecuencia de descubrir que el dep贸sito amiloideo se presenta hasta 20 a帽os antes, y la degeneraci贸n neurofibrilar hasta 10 a帽os antes, de que aparezca la sintomatolog铆a cl铆nica t铆pica de p茅rdida de memoria. La aparici贸n de los biomarcadores permiti贸 reestructurar el concepto de la EA, intent谩ndose llegar a una definici贸n molecular de la misma casi prescindiendo de la emblem谩tica cl铆nica. Existen distintos tipos de biomarcadores de EA disponibles en nuestro pa铆s. Cada uno nos habla de un proceso y un momento distinto de la enfermedad. Aunque su uso cl铆nico a煤n se encuentra restringido por cuestiones de costos, existen escenarios particulares en donde s铆 se justifica, casi siempre en relaci贸n a presentaciones cl铆nicas at铆picas o de comienzo muy temprano. Sin embargo, hoy en d铆a ya nadie discute que son imprescindibles en investigaciones cl铆nicas sobre EA. La incorporaci贸n de biomarcadores en la pr谩ctica m茅dica ha generado cambios significativos en la intervenci贸n terap茅utica de los pacientes, incluso en un contexto en el que todav铆a no hay medicamentos modificadores de la enfermedad.Alzheimer disease (AD) is one of the major unresolved health burdens accompanying the increase in life expectancy. The great paradigm shift for this disease has resulted from finding amyloid deposition and neurobrillary degeneration 20 years and 10 years, respectively, prior to onset of the typical clinical memory loss symptoms. The advent of AD biomarkers has enabled a molecular definition of AD, making the clinical definition almost dispensable. Various types of AD biomarkers are available in our country. Each biomarker reflects a particular process and stage of the disease. Although costs restrict their use, the biomarker analysis may be justified in certain clinical scenarios, such as an early onset or an atypical presentation of the disease. Today, the usefulness of biomarkers in AD clinical research is beyond question. Furthermore, the introduction of biomarkers into medical practice has led to significant changes in therapeutic interventions, even in the absence of disease-modifying drugs

    Cognitive reserve and A尾I-42 in mild cognitive impairment (Argentina-Alzheimer鈥檚 disease neuroimaging initiative)

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between cognitive reserve and concentration of A尾1-42 in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with mild cognitive impairment, those with Alzheimer鈥檚 disease, and in control subjects. Methods: Thirty-three participants from the Argentina-Alzheimer鈥檚 Disease Neuroimaging Initiative database completed a cognitive battery, the Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire (CRQ), and an Argentinian accentuation reading test (TAP-BA) as a measure of premorbid intelligence, and underwent lumbar puncture for CSF biomarker quantification. Results: The CRQ significantly correlated with TAP-BA, education, and A尾1-42. When considering A尾1-42 levels, significant differences were found in CRQ scores; higher levels of CSF A尾1-42 were associated with higher CRQ scores. Conclusion: Reduced A尾1-42 in CSF is considered as evidence of amyloid deposition in the brain. Previous results suggest that individuals with higher education, higher occupational attainment, and participation in leisure activities (cognitive reserve) have a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer鈥檚 disease. Our results support the notion that enhanced neural activity has a protective role in mild cognitive impairment, as evidenced by higher CSF A尾1-42 levels in individuals with more cognitive reserve.Fil: Harris, Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Suarez, Marcos Fernandez. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Surace, Ezequiel Ignacio. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Chrem Mendez, Patricio Alexis. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Mart铆n, Mar铆a Eugenia. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Clarens, Mar铆a Florencia. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Tapajoz Pereira de Sampaio, Fernanda. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Russo, Mar铆a Julieta. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Campos, Jorge. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Guinjoan, Salvador Mart铆n. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Sevlever, Gustavo. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Allegri, Ricardo Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; Argentin

    El fasc铆culo longitudinal inferior en la afasia progresiva primaria variante sem谩ntica

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    Se presenta un paciente con una afasia progresiva primaria de tipo semantica al cual se le realiz贸 una resonancia magnetica con secuencias de tensor de difusion聽donde se evidencia alteracion funcional a nivel del lobulo temporal izquierdo en las fibras de conducci贸n (fasciculo longitudinal inferior). Se realiza la discusion sobre la importancia de este fasciculo en el sistema semantico.Fil: Chrem Mendez, Patricio Alexis. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Amengual, Alejandra. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Meli, Francisco. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: De Pino, Gabriela. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Sevlever, Gustavo. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: V谩zquez, Silvia. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Allegri, Ricardo Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; Argentin


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    As life expectancy increases, there is a marked increase in the elderly population eager to continue driving. A large proportion of these elderly drive safely, however, patients with mild dementia are high-risk drivers. Objective: to identify the cognitive tests that best predict driving ability in subjects with mild dementia. Methods: 28 drivers with mild dementia and 28 healthy elderly subjects underwent an extensive cognitive assessment (NACC Uniform Data Set Neuropsychological Battery), completed an adapted On Road Driving Test (ORDT) and a Driving Simulator assessment. Results: drivers with mild dementia made more mistakes on the ORDT and had slower responses in the simulator tasks. Cognitive tests correlated strongly with on road and simulator driving performance. Age, the Digit Symbol Modalities Test and Boston Naming Test scores were the variables that best predicted performance on the ORDT and were included in a logistic regression model. Conclusion: the strong correlation between driving performance and performance on specific cognitive tests supports the importance of cognitive assessment as a useful tool for deciding whether patients with mild dementia can drive safely. The algorithm including these three variables could be used as a screening tool for the detection of unsafe driving in elderly subjects with cognitive decline

    Predicting episodic memory performance using different biomarkers: Results from Argentina-Alzheimer鈥檚 disease neuroimaging initiative

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    Purpose: Argentina-Alzheimer鈥檚 Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (Arg-ADNI) is the first ADNI study to be performed in Latin America at a medical center with the appropriate infrastructure. Our objective was to describe baseline characteristics and to examine whether biomarkers related to Alzheimer鈥檚 disease (AD) physiopathology were associated with worse memory performance. Patients and methods: Fifteen controls and 28 mild cognitive impairment and 13 AD dementia subjects were included. For Arg-ADNI, all biomarker parameters and neuropsychological tests of ADNI-II were adopted. Results of positron emission tomography (PET) with fluorodeoxyglucose and11C-Pittsburgh compound-B (PIB-PET) were available from all participants. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarker results were available from 39 subjects. Results: A total of 56 participants were included and underwent baseline evaluation. The three groups were similar with respect to years of education and sex, and they differed in age (F=5.10, P=0.01). Mean scores for the baseline measurements of the neuropsychological evaluation differed significantly among the three groups at P0.1). Baseline amyloid deposition and left hippocampal volume separated the three diagnostic groups and correlated with the memory performance (P<0.001). Conclusion: Cross-sectional analysis of baseline data revealed links between cognition, structural changes, and biomarkers. Follow-up of a larger and more representative cohort, particularly analyzing cerebrospinal fluid and brain biomarkers, will allow better characterization of AD in our country.Fil: Russo, Mar铆a Julieta. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Cohen, Gabriela. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Chrem Mendez, Patricio Alexis. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Campos, Jorge. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Nahas, Federico Exequiel. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Oficina de Coordinaci贸n Administrativa Houssay; ArgentinaFil: Surace, Ezequiel Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Oficina de Coordinaci贸n Administrativa Houssay; Argentina. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Vazquez, Silvia. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Gustafson, Deborah. University of New York; Estados UnidosFil: Guinjoan, Salvador Mart铆n. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Oficina de Coordinaci贸n Administrativa Houssay; Argentina. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Allegri, Ricardo Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Oficina de Coordinaci贸n Administrativa Houssay; Argentina. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; ArgentinaFil: Sevlever, Gustavo. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia; Argentin

    Concordance between 11C-PIB-PET and clinical diagnosis in a memory clinic

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    Introduction: Today, ligands that bind to fibrillar 尾-amyloid are detectable by Positron Emission Tomography (PET) allowing for in vivo visualization for Abeta burden. However, amyloid plaques detection per se does not establish Alzheimer's Disease diagnosis. In this sense, the utility of amyloid imaging to improve clinical diagnosis was settled only for specific clinical scenarios and few studies have assessed amyloid molecular neuroimaging in a broader clinical setting. The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of PiB amyloid findings in different diagnostic syndromes grouped into high and low probability pre- test categories, taking into account pre-test clinical assumption of the presence of AD related pathology. Methods: 144 patients were assigned into categories of high or low pretest probability according to clinical suspicion of AD pathology. The high probability group included: amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), amnestic and other domains MCI, Dementia of Alzheimer's Type (DAT), Posterior Cortical Atrophy (PCA), logopenic Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA), Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and mixed dementia. The low assumption group included: normal controls, non-amnestic MCI, non-logopenic PPA and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). Results: Only normal controls and DAT patients (typical and atypical presentation) were the most consistent across clinical and molecular diagnostics. MCI, non-logopenic PPA and FTD were the syndromic diagnoses that most discrepancies were found. Discussion: This study demonstrates that detecting in vivo amyloid plaques by molecular imaging is considerably frequent in most of the dementia syndromes and shows that there are frequent discordance between molecular diagnosis and clinical assumption.Fil: Chrem Mendez, Patricio Alexis. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Cohen, Gabriela. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Russo, Mar铆a Julieta. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez Suarez, Marcos. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Nahas, Federico Exequiel. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Russo, Griselda. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Wierszylo, Claudio. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Paz, Santiago Rodrigo. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Tabaschi, Leonardo. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Campos, Jorge. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Amengual, Alejandra. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Kremer, Janus. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Guinjoan, Salvador Mart铆n. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Leiguarda, Ram贸n Carlos. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Sevlever, Gustavo. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Vazquez, Silvia Ester. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; ArgentinaFil: Allegri, Ricardo Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Fundaci贸n para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades Neurol贸gicas de la Infancia. Instituto de Investigaciones Neurol贸gicas "Ra煤l Carrea"; Argentin

    Advanced structural brain aging in preclinical autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease

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    BackgroundBrain-predicted age estimates biological age from complex, nonlinear features in neuroimaging scans. The brain age gap (BAG) between predicted and chronological age is elevated in sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD), but is underexplored in autosomal dominant AD (ADAD), in which AD progression is highly predictable with minimal confounding age-related co-pathology.MethodsWe modeled BAG in 257 deeply-phenotyped ADAD mutation-carriers and 179 non-carriers from the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network using minimally-processed structural MRI scans. We then tested whether BAG differed as a function of mutation and cognitive status, or estimated years until symptom onset, and whether it was associated with established markers of amyloid (PiB PET, CSF amyloid-beta-42/40), phosphorylated tau (CSF and plasma pTau-181), neurodegeneration (CSF and plasma neurofilament-light-chain [NfL]), and cognition (global neuropsychological composite and CDR-sum of boxes). We compared BAG to other MRI measures, and examined heterogeneity in BAG as a function of ADAD mutation variants, APOE epsilon 4 carrier status, sex, and education.ResultsAdvanced brain aging was observed in mutation-carriers approximately 7 years before expected symptom onset, in line with other established structural indicators of atrophy. BAG was moderately associated with amyloid PET and strongly associated with pTau-181, NfL, and cognition in mutation-carriers. Mutation variants, sex, and years of education contributed to variability in BAG.ConclusionsWe extend prior work using BAG from sporadic AD to ADAD, noting consistent results. BAG associates well with markers of pTau, neurodegeneration, and cognition, but to a lesser extent, amyloid, in ADAD. BAG may capture similar signal to established MRI measures. However, BAG offers unique benefits in simplicity of data processing and interpretation. Thus, results in this unique ADAD cohort with few age-related confounds suggest that brain aging attributable to AD neuropathology can be accurately quantified from minimally-processed MRI

    Advancements in dementia research, diagnostics and care in Latin America : highlights from the 2023 Alzheimer's association international conference satellite symposium in Mexico City

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    While Latin America (LatAm) is facing an increasing burden of dementia due to the rapid aging of the population, it remains underrepresented in dementia research, diagnostics and care. In 2023, the Alzheimer鈥檚 Association hosted its eighth Satellite Symposium in Mexico, highlighting emerging dementia research, priorities, and challenges within LatAm. A wide range of topics were covered, including epidemiology, social determinants, dementia national plans, risk reduction, genetics, biomarkers, biobanks, and advancements in treatments. Large initiatives in the region including intra-country support showcased their efforts in fostering national and international collaborations; genetic studies unveiled the unique genetic admixture in LatAm; emerging clinical trials discussed ongoing culturally specific interventions; and the urgent need to harmonize practices and studies, improve diagnosis and care and implement affordable biomarkers in the region was highlighted

    DIAN-TU ARGENTINA. Una gran historia humana de un peque帽o grupo de personas

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    Alzheimer鈥檚 disease is, by far the first, cause of dementia and the more frequent neurodegenerative disease. Considered as a result of multifactorial causes, aging is the main risk factor for the classical form of the disease and because of global aging, a very significant increase in the prevalence is expected in the upcoming decades, especially in countries in development. Several drugs with different targets have been tried so far and, still with no success. Frenzied efforts seeking a new disease-modifying drug are constantly being pursued and innovative models of the clinical trials have emerged. The DIAN initiative studies individuals with known mutations in the deterministic genes of the disease. Autosomal Dominantly Alzheimer Disease (ADAD) showed to be a more predictable model in terms of whom and when will get the disease. This allows testing novel therapeutics agents by choosing the drug according to the biological moment of the disease. But ADAD is also a uniquely human story full of courage and hope. The DIAN trial has started in Argentina and a new anti-tau age has begun as well.La enfermedad de Alzheimer es por mucho, la primera causa de demencia y la enfermedad neurodegenerativa m谩s frecuente. Considerada como resultado de causas multifactoriales, el envejecimiento sigue siendo el principal factor de riesgo en su forma cl谩sica y debido al envejecimiento global, se espera un aumento muy significativo de la prevalencia en las pr贸ximas d茅cadas, especialmente en los pa铆ses en desarrollo. Hasta ahora se han probado numerosos f谩rmacos con diferentes dianas aunque a煤n sin 茅xito. Constantemente se realizan descomunales estudios en busca de un nuevo f谩rmaco que logre modificar el destino de la enfermedad y as铆 han surgido innovadores modelos de ensayos cl铆nicos. La iniciativa DIAN estudia individuos con mutaciones conocidas en los genes determinantes de la enfermedad. La enfermedad de Alzheimer autos贸mica dominante (ADAD) demostr贸 ser un modelo m谩s predecible en t茅rminos de qui茅n y cu谩ndo contraer谩 la enfermedad. Esto permite probar nuevos agentes terap茅uticos eligiendo el f谩rmaco seg煤n el momento biol贸gico de la enfermedad. Pero ADAD es tambi茅n una historia muy humana llena de coraje y esperanza. El ensayo DIAN ha comenzado en Argentina y tambi茅n ha comenzado una nueva era anti-tau