11 research outputs found

    An Integration of D-8 Countries with the Focus of Competitiveness, Opulence and Economic Accretion via the Advancement Of SMES: Bangladesh Perspective And Scope of Cooperation

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    Radical transmutation of technology and integrating and interrelationship with the world community facilitated economic proliferation and deplete multitudinous problems encompasses with the SME that is an inevitable and enviable subject matter in the global market for alleviating poverty, engender manifold employment opportunities, evolution of economic standard and exploring apparent resources. D-8 in their recent conglomeration exhibits their necessity to consolidate their strengthen and propitious approach for the purpose of propagation of collaboration and conciliation that indubitably prevailing propinquity and ensuring sustainable economic amelioration.  In Bangladesh, one of the D-8 members, development of SME sectors is an astounding appliance for accomplishing industrialization, attaining millennium development goals such as eradication of extreme poverty, developing a global partnership for development etc. Capital accumulations, business environment, indistinctive framework for SME are the major impediments in Bangladesh. Facilitating cross-border integration, cross national cooperation, cluster or network development, construction of international value chain, Public- private partnership and also to establish congruous strategies and programs within the internal infrastructure may assist to mitigate the predicaments and also comply with the commitment of local government for unremitting growth of SME in Bangladesh. Keywords: SME, D-8, Industrialization, MDG, cross-national cooperation, cluster development, interrelationship, public-private partnership

    Influence of Stakeholders in Developing Green Banking Products in Bangladesh

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    Environmental concern is trying to control the patterns of consumers’ consumption and behavior of manufacturing industries and business enterprises worldwide since climate change issues has been considered as a global challenge. After so many argumentations in the developed countries, it has become an incessant public endearment in the developing countries like Bangladesh, as the level of environmental deterioration has picked up to the mountains. Many measures have been taken into account while adapting to climate changes, but the actions are inconsistent in many cases especially in the financial sector (most appropriately in the banking sector). This study aims to highlight the supreme benefits, encountering challenges, strategic aspects of Green Banking with two major objectives. First one is to caricature the existing scenario of green banking practice in Bangladesh and the other one is to accentuate how individual and also institutional stakeholder forces such as regulatory, managerial or environmental, that can affect the deliberate environmental behavior of banks performing in Bangladesh. The findings suggest that banks should go green and play a pro-active role to take environmental aspects for functional improvements and changing client habits in banking business. Use of appropriate environmental technologies and management systems will not only be useful for environment, but also provide benefits as greater operational efficiencies. After using both descriptive and inferential statistics analysis, this study also advocacy for the necessity of stakeholder’s influences in green banking practice and recommend some indication for Government, the whole banking sector and for the business community

    How Earning Per Share (EPS) affects on share price and firm value

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    This article was published in European Journal of Business and Management [© 2014 European Journal of Business and Management ] and the definite version is available at : http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/EJBM/article/viewFile/13572/13841 The article website is at: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/EJBM/article/view/13572/13841 The journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License.Earnings per Share (EPS) is generally considered most important factor to determine share price and firm value. Literature shows that most of the individual investors take their individual investment decision based on the EPS. This paper attempts to provide empirical evidence on how EPS affect the share price movement. We have collected and analyzed 22 scheduled banks 110 firm year data and found that share price does not move as fast as the EPS move. We also further found that the share price movement depends on micro and macro economic factors on the economy. We suggest that investors must consider other factors as well as EPS in order to invest in the security market.Publishe

    How Earning Per Share (EPS) Affects on Share Price and Firm Value

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    Earnings per Share (EPS) is generally considered most important factor to determine share price and firm value. Literature shows that most of the individual investors take their individual investment decision based on the EPS. This paper attempts to provide empirical evidence on how EPS affect the share price movement. We have collected and analyzed 22 scheduled banks 110 firm year data and found that share price does not move as fast as the EPS move. We also further found that the share price movement depends on micro and macro economic factors on the economy. We suggest that investors must consider other factors as well as EPS in order to invest in the security market

    The development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and challenges of Environmental and Social Reporting in Bangladesh

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    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been recognised as corporation’s strategic tools to response the social obligation and corporation’s sustainability. The meaning and importance of CSR has been changed over time. At the inception, CSR was the obligation to pursue corporation policies and decision based on the desirable objectives and values of the society. But now corporate social responsibility is regarded as corporate sustainability and corporate citizenship. In this paper we have analysed content of 70 (Out of 123) audited corporate annual reports listed in the Dhaka Stock exchange of Bangladeshi companies. Realizing the importance of CSR we have attempted to find out the development of CSR, and formulate a strategic corporate CSR model for Bangladeshi Companies and justified the model compared with the international companies CSR activities. We have also identified the challenges of environmental and social reporting. We found that it is very hard to segregate environmental cost and social audit as they are arisen number of ways. The environment and social audit are not mandatory and should be reported in the notes to the financial statements. Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic CSR Model, Challenges of Environmental costs, Social Reportin

    Disclosure of Corporate Governance in Banking Sector of Bangladesh

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    Securities and Exchange Commission in Bangladesh set some rules about the Corporate Governance in 2006 and advises the listed company to follow those rules to ensure proper Corporate Governance. The main purpose of this study is to know about the disclosure of checklist of Corporate Governance in the banking sector of Bangladesh. Certain analysis was done to conduct this study like- dichotomous and partial compliance to find out the Overall disclosure Index. Chi-square test and cross tabulation are used to find relation between certain variables. Besides, Correlation and regression was performed to analysis those factors that influences the disclosure of Corporate Governance. Annual report of 2011 for 30 banks enlisted under Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) has been used to conduct this study. Certain results like higher proportion of independent directors’ gives higher disclosure of corporate governance and more insider ownership results less corporate governance have been found. Recent scam in banking sector is also the result lack of corporate governance in Bangladesh. This research can be used to minimize that scam in the corporate culture. This study creates values not only to those banks but also to the other stakeholders who are related to this. Investors and creditors decision can be influenced by this study. Keywords:Corporate Governance, Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), Disclosure, Banks etc

    Domestic and International Trade Liberalisation of the Indian Economy: Domestic firms & MNCs response

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    Over the past two decades trade liberalisation has become an important part of many countries development strategies. Winters L. A. (2004) describes trade liberalisation is the elimination of or reduction in the trade rules that prevent free flow of products or services from one country to another. It may contain dismantling of fare for example duties, surcharges, and export subsidies as well as nontariff barriers like licensing regulations, quotas, arbitrary standards etc. With the start of improvements and liberalisation the Indian economy in the month of July, 1991, a new period has emerged for India and its billion plus inhabitants. This era of economic shift has had a remarkable influence on the overall economic growth of almost all the major areas of the economy, and its effects over the last decade cannot be overlooked. Further, it also results the initiation of the actual integration of the Indian economy into the global context. Objective of this paper is to find what has been the response to this challenge from the domestic corporations of India and implications for the MNCs which are seeking opportunities for locating or relocating their subsidiaries over there. Key Words: Trade Liberalisation, Multinational Company (MNC), Domestic Corporations, PESTLE analysis, Global Economic Challenge, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Economic Structure, GDP

    The Austrian and Keynesian business cycle theory and its effectiveness to combat recession-A case study in construction industry in United Kingdom

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    Business cycles are the “ups and downs” in economic activity, defined in terms of periods of expansion or recession. This paper attempted to find out empirical evidence of effectiveness of Austrian and Keynesian theory of business cycle when a country is in recession and how to combat the recession. The study investigates UK economic data from 2003-2013 derived from Trading Economics Website and office of the National Statics UK. This study concludes that in the boom period Keynesian theory is effective as interest rate was low and government spending was high to stimulate demand. In recessionary period it is found that government money supply was very high but production of capital goods was very poor which means Keynesian theory has not been applied. But the recent booming period evidenced that interest rate is low and govt spending high

    Looking Inside the Association Between Information Technology And Banking Performance

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    Technology, undoubtedly, is the key strategic issue in modern banking. Over the past few decades the use of technology for commercial purposes in developed countries has become widespread. Although the use of Information System for commercial purposes or electronic commerce is still in growing stage, the growth of the Information Technology is changing the way of consumer banking. It has been predicted that the majority of the bank customers will soon prefer to manage their banking transactions through technology. This paper will try to establish a relationship between IS and the financial performance indicators of commercial banks in Bangladesh by representing the correlation between IS with profit, assets and equity of these commercial banks using statistical tools. Thus the paper will look into the values of information systems in commercial banking services in Bangladesh. KEYWORDS: It, Profit, Bank, Technology